Correct syntax for newline in Github Bio - github

Here is an example on my github profile -
I want to change this -
Silver Bullet in Issue KILLING.____
Master Mind to create Issues.______
My strongest language is Python not English.
I want to have newline instead of blanks.
like this -
Silver Bullet in Issue KILLING.
Master Mind to create Issues.
My strongest language is Python not English.
I have checked Bitbucket Bio is nowhere related to Github Bio.

Maybe they don't allow us to do it via the normal way, But It is possible to do of course. We can use the auto newline rule for the words which are too long for appending to the current line, for our need. All we need to do is putting other Unicode Spaces instead of normal space. And normal space between lines, for using newline rule against forbidden newline rule.
And if you want a free line, because of the character limitations, you can use the longer one;
" " instead of " "      (Try selecting spaces between quotes with your mouse)
Also this trick allows me create unnecessary spaces in the Stack Overflow too, like above, in the quote box.
Here is the result:
I have tried other answers, html ways, but no, they handle html tricks of course.
Note: This causes a bad look in the list view and the profile overview tooltip:
Maybe that is why it is not allowed but I hope they will fix this in the future.

As told to me by github support there is no way !, see here -
According to Github Support

I just did it by simply copying and pasting the character corresponding to this codepoint | | as many time as needed in order to align the text the way I wanted.
This is the procedure I followed: at the end of each line I pressed Enter, then I filled the new line with 7 instances of the character mentioned above; then I pressed Enter again and started the new line with its text.

This question is a little stale, but I found it before I solved this myself, so I thought I'd drop my solution.
The bio doesn't appear to honor markdown, but neither does it accept HTML entities or elements. I worked around this with non-breaking characters to create long "words" similar to how you've used "_".
You can see in my bio that I needed a " " and a "‑" to format mine. The long word will pop to the next line. If you have a real short line, you can extend it with a lot of non-breaking spaces, but this probably isn't necessary. Since you cannot enter " " you need to use copy/paste or ALT codes (not looked up, but someone might add these for you). Those are the real characters above, so you can take them from this answer.

Refer: How to create newline in Github Bio
Just use   in HTML editor mode to new line is OK, This is my GitHub Bio


Escape newline in source

There's a huge wiki page in our dokuwiki I have the pleasure of having to edit, the problem is that most of it is a giant table.
I know you can insert a newline into the result without writing a newline in the markup (which would be interpreted as a paragraph change), but all I want to do is put line breaks in the source and not have it affect the wiki page at all (so it's easier for editors to read, like an html table I suppose, where literal newlines are ignored).
So is there some syntax available to escape a newline in dokuwiki, not unlike \ for bash or ^ for DOS?
What you ask is afaik not possible in the dokuwiki core.
One alternative would be the edittable-plugin. It lets you edit your table within an actual table-editor. However the current version is somewhat flaky in very wide tables. Should that be an issue for you, then you could try an older version from June 2015.

Is there a "n/a" symbol in unicode?

Is there an unicode symbol for "n/a"? There are some fractions like ½, but a n/a symbol seems to be missing.
If there is none, what would be the most appropriate unicode symbol to use for n/a in a website (which should be contained in common fonts, to avoid needing a webfont)?
Looking at the Unicode code charts, I do not see a single N/A symbol. I do, however, see ⁿ (U+207F) and ₐ (U+2090), which you could separate with / (U+002F) eg: ⁿ/ₐ, or ̷ (U+0337), eg: ⁿ̷ₐ, or ̸ (U+0338), eg: ⁿ̸ₐ. Probably not what you are hoping for, though. And I don't know if "common" fonts implement them, either.
For future reference, the fastest way I know to answer questions like the OP's when I have them myself is to go to, because of the way it works: there's a search bar at the top, and you just type a string and it will return any and all unicode characters containing that string (this is also a great way to discover new and useful symbols). So in the OP's case, he could proceed like this:
first try entering "not" (without the quotes) in the search field
visually scan through the results... doing so would not reveal a "not
applicable" character in this case
try again but this time entering "applic" in the search field
again, doing so would not turn up anything along the lines of what he's
looking for
At that point he would be reasonably confident the current Unicode standard does not have a "n/a" symbol.
If you use Firefox you can define a keyword like "uni" to search that site from the URL bar, meaning any time the browser is open and regardless of what page or site is currently showing, you could do this:
hit [F6]... this moves the cursor to the URL bar at the top
type something like "uni applic" and hit [Enter]... this brings up the website with the search results for "applic" already
For the above to work you would need to define your keyword ("uni" or wtv you prefer) to point to location
There's a Negative Acknowlege icon...
␕ symbol for negative acknowledge 022025 9237 0x2415 ␕
Found by searching negative on the Unicode Lookup site.
I'm not a fan, and for my purposes have just gone with __N/A__ (Markdown..)
I see lots of answers going head-on at the "Not Applicable" abbreviation, without exploring what a symbol is. A quick search for the equivalent phrase "out of scope" brings up a couple of variations on the No symbol: ⃠ – this seems to fit the bill (and since I was looking for a way to represent inapplicability, I'll be using it in my technical document).
Per the Wikipedia article, the Unicode codepoint U+20E0 is a combining character, so it is superimposed on the preceding character; e.g. ! ⃠ overlays an exclamation point. To get it to appear isolated, use a non-breaking space
If you don't want to bother with the combining symbol, the article mentions there's also an emoji U+1F6AB 🚫 but it's typically going to be colored red, or won't render!
There's actually a single character that could be repurposed for this: the "Square Na" character ㎁ (U+3381), which is used to represent the nanoampere in fullwidth (CJK) scripts.
What about the "SYMBOL FOR NULL" ␀ (U+2400)?

How do you display a section of plain text in GitHub markdown?

I'm having a hard time finding any real answer to this (really simple?) question on Google, and I'm starting to worry that there is no solution.
I am learning GitHub markdown. I would like to show some example code that contains fake email address like But GitHub insists on auto-linking this text. I also have a large chunk of text that has many special characters.
Is there a way to escape blocks or sections so that no special characters are processed, and no auto-links are generated?
Wrap the block in backticks:
You can wrap such text in pre tags.
<pre>Text I want left alone#donotlinkme.example</pre>
I just tested this out on github.
This is all part of the kramdown syntax. The last link shows every GitHub markdown trick.
So this will work also:

Japanese characters in a latex \section{} cause an error

I am working on getting Japanese documents created with latex. I have installed the latest version of texlive-2008 which includes CJK.
In my document I have the following:
\title{[Japanese Characters here 1]}
\section{[Japanese Characters here 2]}
[Japanese Characters here 3]
In the above code there are 3 locations Japanese characters are used.
1 + 3 work fine whereas 2, which contains Japanese characters in a \section{} fails with the following error.
! Argument of \#sect has an extra }.
After some research it turns out this error manifests when you’ve put a fragile command inside a moving argument. A moving argument because section can be moved to a contents page for example.
Does anyone know how to get this to work and why latex thinks Japanese characters are "fragile".
Sorry to post this as an answer rather than a comment to your answer; I don't have enough rep yet to comment. (EDIT: Now I have enough rep to comment, but I'm not sorry anymore. Thanks Will.)
Your solution of replacing
\section{[Japanese Text]}
\section{\texorpdfstring{[Japanese Text]}{}}
suggests that you're using the hyperref package. When you use the hyperref package, any sort of not-totally-boring text (e.g. math) within \section causes a problem because \section is having trouble generating pdf bookmarks. \texorpdfstring allows you to specify how you want the section title to appear in the pdf bookmark. For example, I might write
\section{Calculation of \texorpdfstring{$H_2(\mathcal{X})$}{H\_2(X)}}
if I want the section title to be "Calculation of $H_2(\mathcal{X})$" but I want the pdf bookmark to be "Calculation of H_2(X)".
You should probably use xetex/xelatex, as it has been created to support unicode. The change is sometimes not easy for already existing documents, though. (xelatex should be included in texlive, it is just different executable to call -- this is how it is done in Debian).
I have managed to get this working now!
Using Latex and CJK as before.
\section{[Japanese Text]}
was replaced with
\section{\texorpdfstring{[Japanese Text]}{}}
Now the contents pages and section titles work and update fine.

What made many of the coding websites converting standard " into non standard ”?

This question is about standard double quote " and non-standard double quote “ & ”
Yesterday when I searched for some sample facebook serverfbml codes, and came upon to this
okay so it has got what I want, so I copied the code to my project and run it... bah... lots of errors
Why? Because the site turned the standard double quote " inside his script into “ or ” ,
or single quote from ' into ’
This is not the first time I faced this problem when copying codes from the Internet, and I believe many of the code writers haven't expected that the site turned their single/double quotes into strange ones.
Any explanation to this strange phenomenon ?
edited: I notice the title converted my " into “ & ” too... let me edit it... oh and I failed
At least in the title or in the text, it looks much better to have typographic double quotes (i.e. is more pleasant to the eye). Coding sites should not do this for actual code, i.e. in StackOverflow code that is indented by four spaces. If a double quote in text is converted to typographic, it's fine.
This gets really worse when you paste typographic quotes into a console that tries to display the character and falls back to a standard quote, because the console font does not have a typographic quote. Because then it looks like it's a standard one, but it isn't. Not much you can do about it, other than use a code display plugin on your website that does not change code.
The problem is in the underlying blog engine. Wordpress does that by default, and there is AFAIK no way to turn it off (Without changing the code). Given the fact that there are only relatively few really great blog engines, there may not always be a choice to switch to something "better".
Also in the same category: Fancy dashes, aka. turning - into –
the source shows that the quote char is sometimes ”
that's the quote that is the good looking quote which will cause problem in a program.
i think either the WordPress text editor or storage/retrieval converted the ordinary quote into that one.
You can use the replace function in your program editor to replace those characters.