How to find the job which abended on X SchedTime in TWS(In command line) - scheduled-tasks

I want the jobs which are abended before 11 day from today(SchedTime) in TWS
Like I use
conman ss ###+state=abend to know the jobs in abended status
But now I want the job which are in abeded status from last 11 days in current plan in TWS

you can do something like
+started=0000 5/21/2017,2359 5/31/2017
this will show job started from May 21st at 00:00 to May 31st at 23:59


Schedule Builds not adhering to CRON in Foundry

Schedule has been set to update this table between 14th to 25th of every month Mon-Fri. Although, the build got triggered recently on 12th of August which shouldn't happen according to the specified CRON.
The culprit seems to be a limitation of the cron expression, outside of Foundry - specifically this part:
The day of a command's execution can be specified by two fields — day of month, and day of week. If both fields are restricted (i.e., aren't *), the command will be run when either field matches the current time. For example, ``30 4 1,15 * 5'' would cause a command to be run at 4:30 am on the 1st and 15th of each month, plus every Friday.
So the cron schedule 30 8 14-25 * 1-5 will run between the 14th and 25th of the month and every Monday through Friday. (See for example (*_1-5).)
The generated description for it is not accurate, unfortunately we don't have much control over it as we use a library to turn the cron expressions into human readable expressions.

SAP Business Objects - Calculating services activity across months

I have a requirement to calculate a persons total activity, for each month that they have activity. I'll give a couple of examples to demonstrate my needs:
Client A - Service starts 15th April and ends 5th June. They are scheduled to receive 7 hours per week of activity.
Client B - Service Starts 15th April and ends 20th April. They are scheduled to receive 14 hours per week.
Given the above I would want a table that shows the following:
April Hrs
May Hrs
June Hrs
Client A
Client B
Total Activity
Currently we are having to calculate each month individually and stack up the table with each months data. Is there a way to generate this calculation across months, taking into account the start dates, end dates, and commissioned hours activity per week and calculate the actual received activity in each month?
Thanks in advance!

Quartz - schedule jobs every two Weeks regardless of the start time

What is the cron expression for the following schedule :
Monday and Tuesday at 8:00 am, every 2 weeks.
Can we define "Every 3 weeks" regardless of the the start time ? (I don't care if it's every 3 weeks starting from the first week of the month or year, I want to run it for 5 years and literally every 3 weeks)
You can't find a cron expression that meets your schedule.
For example this howto states, that:
You need a SimpleTrigger or CalendarIntervalTrigger to schedule
biweekly fire points.
I think you need two Simple Triggers to define a schedule like "Monday and Tuesday at 8:00 am every 2 weeks", namely one biweekly trigger for each monday, and just like that one biweekly trigger for each tuesday.
Similarly you could tackle the "Every 3 weeks" problem.

Cron Expression for dynamic schedule

I am looking for a Cron Expression that will schedule in different time in different weekdays. I'm not sure if that is possible or not.
I searched and found that Cron can schedule "At 8:00am every Monday through Friday" or "At 1:30am every last Friday of the month".
But is it possible to get cron expression that will schedule like, say :
10:00 AM every Monday
12:00 AM every Tuesday
02:00 PM every Wednesday
04:00 PM every Thursday
06:00 AM every Friday
I'm new to Cron Expression, and through google, I could not find whether it is possible.
My query is :
Is it possible to create cron expression like that?
If possible, then can you provide sample expression for that? along with some tutorial to know how to create them.
No, you need to write a different cron expression for each time-day(s) combination.
Ubuntu has a nice tutorial about cron. To run something at 10:00 AM every Monday:
# Min Hr Day Month Weekday Command
00 10 * * 1 touch /tmp/cron_has_run
Note that weekdays are counted from zero, so 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc.

Confused with dates and days in cron jobs

I am having trouble understanding how dates and days work together in a cron job.
Say I have the following command:
0 23 5 1 3 COMMAND
This translates to 23:00, on 5th of January, on Wednesday.
The problem is, that January 5th is a Sunday. How exactly will this command work out? Is the command going to be executed for both January 5th AND for every Wednesday on the month January? Or will it execute just the '5 1' bit?
I am really sorry if it is a really basic question and possibly stupid but to me it really does not make any sense.
Thank you in advance!
Commands are executed by cron when the minute, hour, and month of year fields match the current time, and at least one of the two day fields (day of month, or day of week) match
Ref: Man Page