How to create Checklist Windows beside any wizard - eclipse-rcp

I have wizard having 7 pages. I would like to show check list something like when we install any Windows os ,it shows some check list that currently you are on this process and you still have more process to finish it. So something i would like to show from first page that you still have 6 more process so wait till that time and i can show checkbox and tick it. Please help me out how can i show such tracker ?


NetLogo 6.2.2 BehaviorSpace not letting us select file to save results or run

A student in my class is unable to get BehaviorSpace to work on his machine. We are able to design and save experiment. When we click on run the dialog box for Run options opens and we select Table output. Then the problem arises. After clicking Ok it goes right back to the BehaviorSpace dialog, rather than asking us where to save the results and running the experiment. If we click on Run again, we go back to Run options and so on. I have never seen this before. If you have any ideas, please let us know.
He is using a 2020 MacBook Air running macOS Monterey 12.0.1.
Sincerely, Dale S. Rothman

JasperServer Ignores Always Prompt

I just upgraded our JasperServer to 7.8.0. All of our reports have the Always prompt checkbox checked under input controls.
In the old version (5.something) the reports are prompting in page like they are supposed to. Meaning that when a report is loaded the user has to give parameters and click the apply button.
The new server loads the report first. Sometimes when using default values our reports will be hundreds of pages and take forever if they ever do load. Just to have the wrong information and give the user a prompt for parameters. I have set the Display mode to every possible option as well as checking and unchecking Always prompt.
Has anyone else had an issue with 7.8.0 ignoring Always prompt?
How can I make it so that the report will prompt first?
Change display mode of prompt to pop up window from in page or any of the others.
*Not a very good solution but it allows users to use the reports. Unfortunately this is a bug with JRS 7.8 but has beef fixed in pro. Hopefully they will fix this in 7.9.

Powershell Popup Message with timer

Hello my programming gods...
I'm trying to create a popup message with timer with powershell to include with SCCM scripts. This popup will be called if a program needing update is detected.
What I want is something like this that I found on the net:
1- I want to be able to put a banner in the popup window.
2- The name of the program to be updated
3- Show a timer
4- When the timer is expired or the next button is pressed, the script would continue and installed the update.
I began thinkering with this tutorial:
So far the timer works but everything is pretty barebone. Am I on the right track? How would you go about it? Also, the popup window don't go to the foreground... Dunno what Im doing wrong.
I am not a programmer and I'm trying to do this as a favor for someone. I just don't really know how I should go about it. Maybe powershell is not the good tool for this?
It looks like you are looking for a tool such as below:
PS-App-Deployment Toolkit provides a set of functions to perform common application deployment tasks etc.
I use this myself for handy deployments to users within my workplace through SCCM.
See the above links for instructions and detail.

Are there more explicit commands/toolbars and feedback for Eclipse for Android?

I'm new to Eclipse. I may need a better understanding or a plugin that would provide me with features described below. While doing some Android development, and I while making changes to my code at one point Eclipse warned me that this emulator doesn't support hot-swapping and if I want to disconnect. I'm used to see status in either the toolbar or in some log from Visual Studio. Is there a way to see this feedback in Eclipse?
My problem is that there are quite much implicit stuff in eclipse I would like get feedback of and control, like whether I'm
connected or not to a device,
if I'm attached to a process on it or not with debugger,
some kind of build log with a timestamp so I know it happened,
the automatic uninstalling and installing of the project on the device
which project is "active" ("featured") in "Run" and "Debug" buttons/configurations
Is there a plugin that can give me explicit commands over these automatic features? Like a toolbar or command. What I would expect of this tool:
be able to indicate the current status (eg. currently connected or not)
gives me control to eg. connect
gives me control to eg. disconnect
Preferably on a toolbar, as I know some of these are available as menu commands.
Furthermore I tried to configure my toolbar by Window menu -> Customize perspective..., but pin-pointing the features I want made my Eclipse put empty space up for the buttons I disabled, and next time I got to the same config screen it got the checkboxes wrong and displayed some stuff active what was actually disabled.

Does install4j provide a *Completely* unattended auto update?

We are currently evaluating install4j and things are going pretty well, however I have a question about auto-update.
Currently I see options and documentation around 3 options for auto-update and the third one (no version check) seems
to be the closest to what we need. However it sounds as though it still prompts the user to actually start the download/install. Is there
any way to get around this? We are targeting our software as a service on many windows boxes in a server room, so there isn't a user
to click continue for that last step. I believe we can roll our own service to monitor for upgrades that will do a command line
install with an answers file to prevent prompting, but I'd love to know if I missed something that would allow me to utilize
install4j's auto-update.
When you go to Installer->Screens & Actions, click on the "Add" button and choose "Add application", you can choose from a number of pre-defined templates. However, they are just templates and after adding them you can change them completely.
If the updater should be automatic but still show a progress dialog, you can just set the "Default execution mode" property of the updater application to "Unattended mode with progress dialog". In that case, no screens will be shown at all.