mongorestore from MongoDB to DocumentDB - mongodb

I am trying to run mongorestore.exe from a DB dump files of collections into DocumentDB database. I have experience with MongoDB and Azure but not much with DocumentDB.
I am getting an error
error parsing command line options: unknown option "ssl"
if I use the command from this tutorial.
I have locally installed MongoDB Community Server, "Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit and later, with SSL support x64" of the latest stable version - 3.2.4.
It looks like the the --ssl command might not be available since the version 3 (link).
However SSL is enforced by DocumentDB.
Any idea how to migrate an existing database from MongoDB to DocumentDB?The DB is quite large (~GB), hence mongoimport would take too long, we need to user mongorestore, I believe.
Updated, command example:
mongorestore.exe --host -u myhost123 -p somepassword== --db myhost123 --ssl --sslAllowInvalidCertificates
gives me this error:
error parsing command line options: unknown option "ssl"
If I remove the two ssl options (--ssl --sslAllowInvalidCertificates) I get back an error which kind of makes sense as SSL is enforced on Azure DocumentDB:
Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers

According to your description, I installed MongoDB Community Server Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit and later, with SSL support x64 -3.4.3 and followed this official tutorial about importing data to API for MongoDB with mongorestore. After some trials, I could restore my local file generated by mongodump to my Azure DocumentDB (MongoDB API) as follows:
Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
I also encountered this error, and found that it was caused by IP Access Control,
my current IP is not included as the allowed list of client IP addresses. You could find more details about DocumentDB firewall here.


Set up robo3t to connect to mongodb

I'm new to mongodb, and learning as i'm going. In my new team there isn't much documentation so i'm filling in gaps myself
There is mongodb set up that i finally managed to resolce access issues to and connect to with mongodb command line via the connection string below. (And based on my understanding, the community version of mongodb does not support this, i needed to use some server enterprise version which thankfully was free)
While i have minimum access to db now, it is quite a hassle to work with just the command line
--authenticationMechanism=GSSAPI --authenticationDatabase=$external --username "" --password "pAssw0rd!" -ssl --sslCAFile C:\files\ca.pem
I have Robo3T - 1.3 but no matter how many times i try to apply above connection string into the robo3t connection window, i keep getting various errors.
Part of me is worried that i need to use the enterprise version of robo3t (which isn't free)
Can anyone give some advice?

Mongodump spontaneously failed: "error dumping metadata"

My remote mongodump backup script worked for months until today. I'm suddenly getting this error:
Failed: error dumping metadata: error converting index (<nil>): conversion of BSON value '2' of type 'bson.Decimal128' not supported
mongodump does not work on my remote backup server. However, when I run mongodump on the server when my production database lives, it works. But both servers use the exact same version of mongodump:
mongodump version: r3.4.1
git version: 5e103c4f5583e2566a45d740225dc250baacfbd7
Go version: go1.7
os: linux
arch: amd64
compiler: gc
The only place I've found any reference to this error is a Chinese blog ( However, their problem was that they were using an old version of mongo.
Does anyone know what went wrong or how to fix this?
Solved. The versions of mongodump on the production server and the backup server were the same. However, my script was executing mongodump on the jump server that connects the backup server to the production server. And the jump server had an out of date version of mongo. I don't know why it failed yesterday after running for months. But it worked after updating mongo tools.

Mongodb connecting to a database with old data when connecting through mongo --host

I have a instance running mongodb. I have used a config file while starting the database using mongod -f mongod.conf. I can connect to this mongodb instance from my application server instance. Recently, due to a software upgrade I had to restart the system. After that, I have been facing the following issue:
When I connect to the mongodb instance using mongo from the database instance(locally), it connects me to the proper database with the latest data. But, when I try to connect it from application server instance using mongo --host "ip_address", it is connecting to the same database but it showing the data which is some days old. I needed to know what the issue is and how will I be able to fetch the latest data which is residing in the database from the application server instance.

mongodump assertion 17369

When running a mongodump command, I get the following error:
assertion: 17369 Backing up users and roles is only supported for clusters with auth schema versions 1 or 3, found: 5
Any suggestions on how to address? MongoDB v2.8
Your version of mongodump might be to old. Running a v2.6 client with a v2.8+ server (with the new auth scheme) will give this error.
In my case I was running MongoDB v3.0 on the server, trying to make a dump with MongoDB v2.6 client. After upgrading mongodb-org-tools to v3.0 on my laptop, the problem went away.

connecting to remote mongo db server and running clone

I am migrating from server OLD at the old hosting company to server NEW at the new hosting company.
I want to run the clone command so I clone the mongoDB from OLD to NEW.
For OLD:
The public ip address is:
The machine login user name is: admin, and the password is password
What is the right way to do this?
So far I can't even log into the server OLD
So far I have tried the following command prompts on NEW:
mongo -u admin -p password
mongo remote-ip: -u admin -p password
That don't work
I also tried this from mongo shell:
db.CopyDatabase('OldDb', 'NewDb', '', 'admin', 'password')
and I get: the "could not connect to server" error message
Aside from firewall considerations in order to copy data between MongoDB servers, db.copyDatabase() (aka the copydb command) has a number of important usage caveats including:
copydb does not produce point-in-time snapshots of the source database; writing data to the source or destination database during the copy process will result in divergent data sets
copydb does not lock the destination server during its operation, so the copy will occasionally yield to allow other operations to complete.
There is also a known issue that copydb may not work with the role-based privileges in MongoDB 2.4 if you have authentication enabled (see SERVER-8213, which was recently fixed in the 2.5.x development releases).
A much better approach to migrating your data would be to restore from a normal backup using mongodump/mongorestore or file system snapshots. The Backup & Recovery section of the MongoDB manual has tutorials covering procedures for different deployment types.