Set up robo3t to connect to mongodb - mongodb

I'm new to mongodb, and learning as i'm going. In my new team there isn't much documentation so i'm filling in gaps myself
There is mongodb set up that i finally managed to resolce access issues to and connect to with mongodb command line via the connection string below. (And based on my understanding, the community version of mongodb does not support this, i needed to use some server enterprise version which thankfully was free)
While i have minimum access to db now, it is quite a hassle to work with just the command line
--authenticationMechanism=GSSAPI --authenticationDatabase=$external --username "" --password "pAssw0rd!" -ssl --sslCAFile C:\files\ca.pem
I have Robo3T - 1.3 but no matter how many times i try to apply above connection string into the robo3t connection window, i keep getting various errors.
Part of me is worried that i need to use the enterprise version of robo3t (which isn't free)
Can anyone give some advice?


How to transfer a database from MongoDB Compass to MongoDB Atlas

I have an existing database for a discord bot in MongoDB Compass v1.28.1 I want to transfer all the data in the database to mongodb atlas because of its more extensive functionality and to not have to wait for compass to take ages to load each time I open it. However when I follow the steps to connect that are provided in Atlas, the pop-up that's supposed to appear when I copy a path to the clipboard doesn't appear, and nothing happens. I tried to connect through my app in VSCode, the same way I did for Compass, using mongoose. Still no collections are loading or any data being stored. I have made my schemas etc. which work perfectly fine in Compass...
Migration to Atlas is documented at
To save you some reads, you have to options - export/import and mongodump/mongorestore.
I would recommend to try export/import first. It's built into Compass and must be simpler to use considering limited experience with mongo. It's UI oriented so just follow the click-through guide in the documentation.
Unfortunately it has some limitations related to data type conversion from BSON to JSON and may be a bit tedious if you have large number of collections.
In this case you will need to follow CLI mongodump/mongorestore way #barrypicker suggested in the comments. Both commands are available in cmd and PowerShell consoles.
First you backup your local database
mongodump --uri="mongodb://username:password#localhost:27017/discordbot"
username and password are the ones you use in compass to connect to the source database.
It will create dump directory with all collections you have.
Then you have to upload the backup to Atlas:
mongorestore --uri="mongodb+srv://" dump/
username and password are the ones you use to connect to atlas cluster, listed in the "Security/Database Access" section.
You can get the exact subdomains for the --uri part from Atlas. In the dashboard click "Connect" button for the cluster you want to connect to, then choose "shell" as the connection method in the connection pop-up:

Connect to Database directly via Mongo Compass

Via shell, I can directly connect to mongo database with this string
mongo --ssl host1,host2:port/MyDataBase...
And I land directly on the MyDataBase.
Is there a similar way to do it in Compass? I get connected to whole server and I can see all the other databases. I just want to connect to MyDataBase.
I am using the lattest version of Compass, so it may differ from your current version.
It is important the you are in the network of the server, or use a VPN connection, otherwise, it does not work.
Step 1
Step 2
Please,let me know if that works!

mongodb tables disappereared somehow

I am using mongodb 3.2.11 in Ubuntu Zesty 17.04 and I am connecting from Nodejs 4.6 to mongodb in HTTPS, the database server is bound to its own address ( and I have created a user besides admin for read/write to the database.
Although, most of my tables were certainly dropped somehow, only users (empty) and sessions table were left.
I grepped my logs for "drop" with grep -r "drop" and got no results. Despite I am using very recent versions of the software and made some security measures they don't seem enough. At this time I don't need to recover the data, but I wanted to know what else should I be looking at?
Try to use "show collections" in the mongo shell in ubuntu and see if the collections are shown after doing "use dbnamehere".

mongorestore from MongoDB to DocumentDB

I am trying to run mongorestore.exe from a DB dump files of collections into DocumentDB database. I have experience with MongoDB and Azure but not much with DocumentDB.
I am getting an error
error parsing command line options: unknown option "ssl"
if I use the command from this tutorial.
I have locally installed MongoDB Community Server, "Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit and later, with SSL support x64" of the latest stable version - 3.2.4.
It looks like the the --ssl command might not be available since the version 3 (link).
However SSL is enforced by DocumentDB.
Any idea how to migrate an existing database from MongoDB to DocumentDB?The DB is quite large (~GB), hence mongoimport would take too long, we need to user mongorestore, I believe.
Updated, command example:
mongorestore.exe --host -u myhost123 -p somepassword== --db myhost123 --ssl --sslAllowInvalidCertificates
gives me this error:
error parsing command line options: unknown option "ssl"
If I remove the two ssl options (--ssl --sslAllowInvalidCertificates) I get back an error which kind of makes sense as SSL is enforced on Azure DocumentDB:
Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
According to your description, I installed MongoDB Community Server Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit and later, with SSL support x64 -3.4.3 and followed this official tutorial about importing data to API for MongoDB with mongorestore. After some trials, I could restore my local file generated by mongodump to my Azure DocumentDB (MongoDB API) as follows:
Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
I also encountered this error, and found that it was caused by IP Access Control,
my current IP is not included as the allowed list of client IP addresses. You could find more details about DocumentDB firewall here.

Mongo vs Mongoid - why can 1 connect and the other not?

I have a rails-app which uses both mongoid and mongo. I use mongoid for my own models, and I use mongo because I have ruote with a ruote-mon storage.
In production however; I get
Mongo::ConnectionFailure: Failed to connect to a master node at localhost:27017
when I try to connect to the ruote storage. Even when I just do
Steps I have taken so far to try to resolve this:
I have made my mongodb an explicit master by setting master = true in /etc/mongod.conf
There are no $ENV variables set that could intervene with (double checked)
I have tried to connect using => true) - same error
I have restarted my mongo database several times (w/o success).
I have checked my firewall settings and I can connect to localhost:27017 with telnet (as said, the mongoid documents can be fetched and stored w/o issue)
I am out of my wits... Any suggestions?
The reason this happened is because we were sending queries with meta operators ($query, $orderby, etc...) for the ismaster command during a connect. This command's output is used to determine whether you are connected to a primary or not and would fail because very old versions of mongodb don't support the use of meta operators.
This fix will be in version 1.8.2 of the gem but I strongly encourage anyone who is still running pre-1.8 versions of mongodb to upgrade. 2.0 is the current legacy release as of the time of this post and even 1.8 is no longer widely supported.
As jmettraux mentioned you can find more details about this on the MongoDB project Jira under Ruby-525
please look at:
Should be fixed by the 1.8.2 mongo gem.