Is it always necessary to restart streams after a Kafka broker outage/failover - apache-kafka

We are using Kafka streams ( api to consume events from topic. But whenever there is a Kafka Broker outage/failover, we need to restart all Kafka streamers to recover from following error:
"Connection to node 39366 could not be established. Broker may not be available."
Just wondering if it is really required for streamers to do streams close and restart? Why streamers are not able recover from this issue automatically? Or are we missing any configuration in client/Broker?
Now we are planning to introduce code changes to handle all stream exception and trigger an automated restart of streams. But am really worried if that is the right way to handle this scenario.
If you think in a real world use case where hundreds of clients connected to brokers and restarting each of them, its not making any sense.


How to manage Flink application when Kafka broker is unavailable?

I have a Flink application running in production which writes data to a Kafka topic owned by an external vendor.
We were notified by the vendor that they would be migrating their cluster and hence there will be downtime where the Kafka brokers will not be available.
My question is, what will happen to the Flink application data when the topic is not available to write data into? Can I allow my Flink application to continue running or should I stop it and wait for the brokers to be up and running?
The task will fail if it can't connect to the Kafka Sink. What it does after failing will depend on your Task Failure Recovery strategy.
If you don't want to keep an eye on when Kafka will be available again, a fixed-delay with infinite retries and a long delay or an exponential-delay strategy may be your best option to not overload your infrastructure too much with unnecessary restarts.

Prevent data loss while upgrading Kafka with a single broker

I have a Kafka server which runs on a single node. There is only 1 node because it's a test server. But even for a test server, I need to be sure that no data loss will occur while upgrade is in process.
I upgrade Kafka as:
Stop Kafka, Zookeeper, Kafka Connect and Schema Registry.
Upgrade all the components.
Start upgraded services.
Data loss may occur in the first step, where kafka is not running. I guess you can do a rolling update (?) with multiple brokers to prevent data loss but in my case it is not possible. How can I do something similar with a single broker? Is it possible? If not, what is the best approach for upgrading?
I have to say, obviously, you are always vulnerable to data losses if you are using only one node.
If you can't have more nodes you have the only choice:
Stop producing;
Stop consuming;
Enable parameter controlled.shutdown.enable - this will ensure that your broker saved offset in case of a shutdown.
I guess the first 2 steps are quite tricky.
Unfortunately, there is not much to play with - Kafka was not designed to be fault-tolerant with only one node.
The process of a rolling upgrade is still the same for a single broker.
Existing data during the upgrade shouldn't be lost.
Obviously, if producers are still running, all their requests will be denied while the broker is down, thus why you not only need multiple brokers to prevent data-loss, but a balanced cluster (with unclean leader election disabled) where your restart cycles don't completely take a set of topics offline.

Can we write our own consumers to push Ignite data
Regarding the above issue, this is not yet implemented/fixed.
Alternatively, in the Sink Connector place, can we write our own consumers which listen to Kafka queue for cache events? Where those consumers will check those events and execute on the specified cluster for DC replication.
Since Ignite is Open Source, it might be easier to fix it yourself than to write your own consumer from scratch.
Having said that, there's nothing "special" about the Kafka adapter. It's entirely possible to write an application that reads from Kafka and sends puts or removes to an Ignite cluster.

How to add health check for topics in KafkaStreams api

I have a critical Kafka application that needs to be up and running all the time. The source topics are created by debezium kafka connect for mysql binlog. Unfortunately, many things can go wrong with this setup. A lot of times debezium connectors fail and need to be restarted, so does my apps then (because without throwing any exception it just hangs up and stops consuming). My manual way of testing and discovering the failure is checking kibana log, then consume the suspicious topic through terminal. I can mimic this in code but obviously no way the best practice. I wonder if there is the ability in KafkaStream api that allows me to do such health check, and check other parts of kafka cluster?
Another point that bothers me is if I can keep the stream alive and rejoin the topics when connectors are up again.
You can check the Kafka Streams State to see if it is rebalancing/running, which would indicate healthy operations. Although, if no data is getting into the Topology, I would assume there would be no errors happening, so you need to then lookup the health of your upstream dependencies.
Overall, sounds like you might want to invest some time into using monitoring tools like Consul or Sensu which can run local service health checks and send out alerts when services go down. Or at the very least Elasticseach alerting
As far as Kafka health checking goes, you can do that in several ways
Is the broker and zookeeper process running? (SSH to the node, check processes)
Is the broker and zookeeper ports open? (use Socket connection)
Are there important JMX metrics you can track? (Metricbeat)
Can you find an active Controller broker (use AdminClient#describeCluster)
Are there a required minimum number of brokers you would like to respond as part of the Controller metadata (which can be obtained from AdminClient)
Are the topics that you use having the proper configuration? (retention, min-isr, replication-factor, partition count, etc)? (again, use AdminClient)

Kafka: What happens when the entire Kafka Cluster is down?

We're testing out the Producer and Consumer using Kafka. A few questions:
What happens when all the brokers are down and they're not responding at all?
Does the Producer need to keep pinging the Kafka brokers to know when it is back up online? Or is there a more elegant way for the Producer application to know?
How does Zookeeper help in all this? What if the ZK is down as well?
If one or more brokers are down, the producer will re-try for a certain period of time (based on the settings). And during this time one or more of the consumers will not be able to read anything until the respective brokers are up.
But if the cluster is down for a longer period than your total re-try period, then probably you need to find a way to resend those failed messages again.
This is the one scenario where Kafka Mirroring(MirrorMaker tool) comes into picture.
Producer will fail because cluster will be unavailable, this means they will get a non retriable error from kafka client implementation and depending on your client process, message will buffer on the local send queue of your application.
I'm sure that if zookeeper is down your system will not work anymore. This is one of the weakness of Kafka, he need zookeeper to work.