VS Code Extension for Loading Source Code - visual-studio-code

I am interested in extending VS Code to load/edit/save project code, files, etc from a place other than the file system. For example, let's say I wanted to store my project in a database. I have looked at the extension API docs but didn't see anything obvious. Is there an API for extending VS Code in this way?

After some looking around it seems like you need to look at the "Workspace" section of the official API docs:
The rootPath variable takes a string argument, but there's nothing saying that it needs to be a file path so perhaps there's some wiggle room there.
That being said the createFileSystemWatcher() method appears to be set up to work with an actual file system. So even if you can get VSC to find files from somewhere like a database - you probably can't use any of the events that update the UI on changing a file.


What is the vscode command to open a file in preview

I wrote an extension for vscode. After installation the extension folder contains documentation in a markdown file. I want to provide a command that loads this file into the preview pane so it displays rendered with images and hyperlinks etc.
You can do this sort of thing interactively:
and I have the full path to the markdown file, so now all I need is details of the command that implements this context menu item.
Web search does not produce complete or usable results.
After cloning the VS Code repo and trawling through the source I discovered the markdown.showPreview and associated commands.
To give credit where due, Lex Li reported the corresponding package.json entry in a comment while I was looking.
Without parameters this previews the content of the active editor, but as I said in a comment, it supports an optional Uri parameter and the code looks like this:
let pathToManual = path.join(context.extensionPath, "manual.md");
let uriManual: vscode.Uri = vscode.Uri.file(pathToManual);
vscode.commands.executeCommand('markdown.showPreview', uriManual);
For information on constructing workspace relative paths see the answer from Mark. The joinPath method he uses requires a base path as a Uri which is conveniently available for the workspace but not for the extension path.
If you need information on things like showing preview to one side then given the dearth of documentation I recommend cloning the repo and searching it for "markdown.showPreview", then exploring nearby code. If you fold the methods it gets easier to survey your options.
vscode.commands.executeCommand("markdown.showPreview", vscode.Uri.joinPath(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri,'test.md'));
Your fileName there at the end of course. And that assumed you are in the first or only root of a workspace. You might be able to simplify it using:
vscode.Uri.path(<path to file)
instead of the joinPath that I used.

how to access the text of vscode breadcrumb from extension

I am trying to write an extension to copy the text / path shown in vscode breadcrumb (marked in blue in picture). But I am unable to find any vscode api to read that. Any help with that?
I am guessing that you have problem getting the JSON property key path from root to your desired property key, I have recently run into this problem as well with my translations JSON files.
I wrote my own extension for vs code to get the path from root the child. Please give it a try and let me know if it solved your problem.
Click here! check it out and download.
P.S: I didn't publish this in market place yet, since I have test runs to do. But this is a completely functional version.

Powershell import encoded module

I am writing a script with a lot of modules but I don't really want the user to see my source code so I figured to encode everything in base64 since the user won't be able to decode it even if it is that basic.
I tried to somehow add an encoded module but no luck.
So my question is -
Is it possible to import a base64 encoded module to the main script file?
If you have any better solutions to hide source code please share, I would be more than happy to try them out.
P.S. I tried to find some info on making a .dll files but found out I would have to rewrite the script in C#. (if I didn't missed anything)
Also I tried to put all modules into one encoded file, but then the file gets too big and Powershell is not able to process it anymore.
You've got two options, which can be combined if you would like to be extremely sure that no one will be able to access your code, making your code into an exe was already mentioned, there are several projects to do this but This one is nice as it is wholly contained within PS. The other, imo better, method is to use an obfuscator, which will take your code and replace variable names with nonsense strings and make other changes to make your code very difficult to read, it's still possible to work out your code but generally not worth the effort, you can find a working one Here. But I do have to add that obfuscating your code really goes against the powershell ethos and I recommend against doing it unless you have some sort of requirement too being passed down from management. And please note that this NOT an acceptable method of obscuring code that includes passwords, api keys, or any other information that needs to be secured as all of those are quite easy to extract from code that has been obfuscated this way.
You could change your ps1 to an exe file by using
You'd still be able to get at the code if you tried, but it would prevent a casual look.
Why do you want to hide the modules?

How to check the file is download on button click using code first api

I am using code first api for UI Automation.
I want to check whether file is downloaded or not on button click.
I am able to find the button and click is working fine .
i dont know how to check the file is downloaded or not.
I am new to this technology. sorry if it is a basic question.
Thanks in advance.
Coded UI does not have any built-in facility for checking that a download completed and actually downloaded a file. However, Coded UI tests can use the full facilities of the language they are written in plus the .Net libraries.
In the Coded UI test method, at the place where you expect the download to have been completed, add some code to check the properties of the file that should have been created. For example: its existence, its creation and/or modification date and time, its size. Use the normal file IO operations to perform the checks. Microsoft provide details on How to do basic file I/O in Visual C#.
After performing the checks it may be beneficial to delete the file, to reduce wasted disc space.

iPhone MoveMe Example - trouble with DisplayStrings

I'm starting to play a bit with iPhone applications and I downloaded the MoveMe example from the apple web page.
I managed to run the app, however I do not get the strings displayed. I noticed that the DisplayStrings.strings file, although it exists in the app folder, does not appear as one of the resources.
I tried adding it as a resource, but then after compiling I get an error saying "copystrings failed with exit code 1". I cannot find anything online regarding what the origin of this problem is...
The file itself is in utf16 (big endian), and contains simply a list of strings separated by new lines.
Any ideas?
I was having the same problem and as a workaround I renamed DisplayStrings.strings to DisplayStrings.data and added it as a resource. I then modified init in PlacardView.m to use the new filename. This made Xcode happy.
I fixed this by adding the DisplayStrings.strings file as a resource. However, when you do this it defaults the type to 'text.plist.strings' which is incorrect, since the file is just text. So, right click on the DisplayStrings.strings file in resources and change the type to 'text'. This solved the problem for me.