How to check the file is download on button click using code first api - code-first

I am using code first api for UI Automation.
I want to check whether file is downloaded or not on button click.
I am able to find the button and click is working fine .
i dont know how to check the file is downloaded or not.
I am new to this technology. sorry if it is a basic question.
Thanks in advance.

Coded UI does not have any built-in facility for checking that a download completed and actually downloaded a file. However, Coded UI tests can use the full facilities of the language they are written in plus the .Net libraries.
In the Coded UI test method, at the place where you expect the download to have been completed, add some code to check the properties of the file that should have been created. For example: its existence, its creation and/or modification date and time, its size. Use the normal file IO operations to perform the checks. Microsoft provide details on How to do basic file I/O in Visual C#.
After performing the checks it may be beneficial to delete the file, to reduce wasted disc space.


How to get serverside file uploading progress in Perfect

I'm trying to create a web page using Perfect(, Where users will browse and upload files. Can anyone tell me how can I get the progress of file upload?
Refer above link and Do as-usual concept following in HTML-JS-PHP or HTML-JS-JSP or other programming
In other words
you can receive response status in percentage from server-side and display it to client or put loder while uploading the file
Thank you
Before an official solution released from PerfectlySoft Inc. for this feature request, you could try splitting the file into small pieces and upload them one by one, then merge them back to the server - since there is no such an industrial standard to apply, all other web servers either provide different solutions or simply stay away from it.

File Uploading in Sakai

I want to know if there is a 'right' way to make file uploads through custom tools.
I've seen the guide and it seens ok, but It stops with the file in memory with no further info. I can built a random file upload code but I want to make it Sakai-friendly (Using ContentHosting and Resources service?)
Any hints?
The link you provided for the first part is a good example of how to get the upload initially processed. Going through RequestFilter will get your files validated, but you can use whatever method you want to upload it.
For the second part, I'd look at the ContentHosting webservice (createContentItem) for an example of how to add a file from a byte[] in memory after you've uploaded it.
These methods in ContentHostingService also accept InputStream as a parameter as of 2.7 (KNL-325), so you don't have to store the entire file in memory and can stream it as you're uploading, which you should do if the files are of any reasonable size.

How to present static file results that are generated at different time to client in play 2?

I am writing a web service using play 2.0 in scala.
After getting client's configuration parameters, then the web service will take a while to generate some files. (Note: some files can be short, some other files can take long).
I figured out how to get client's configurations and trigger my computation,
now I need to present the generated files to client side at the end of the session.
So questions are:
How to present the files to client?
I'm thinking about returning a static folder link to client, so that they can go into the folder to
see further what files are there, and so when clicking on the files, the details of the files can be shown, either jpg or text.
But how?
How to not to block client during the generation of the files?
For example, client can still click on the files that are available at that moment.
Then here comes the third question:
How to let the client side know that the long-time computation file is available and listed in the folder?
I'm pretty new to web application, thanks for any suggestion, advice, or little examples are greatly appreciated too!
I would create a web interface to show the created files to your clients and create a background job to for the long computation process. You can create a wait page where a javascript check if the file is created.

Show license agreement before download

I have to solve the following task for our university homepage:
Whenever a pdf is requested the user has to accept a license, which pops up.
On Agree the download starts. If not, no download is possible.
I searched through the extensions but did not find any extension doing the job. Maybe you know one...
So I tried to implement my own extension. Taking the strengths of securelinks (Allows access control to files from a configurable directory ... presents a license acceptation prior to download) and naw_securedl ("Secure Download": Apply TYPO3 access rights to ALL file assets (PDFs, TGZs or JPGs etc. - configurable) - protect them from direct access.) I wanted to combine both extensions to have one that:
whenever a pdf file is requested (naw_securedl)
a license is shown and in case of ACCEPT a redirect to the file happens (securelinks).
This task sounds very easy, since I only have to combine both tasks. Anyway, I failed.
How do you solve this problem?
Do you know some extension doing the job?
Is anyone interested in a cooperation in which we try to create an extension thats doing the job?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Assuming that all donwloads are stored in one folder, I'd recommend writing your own little extension that replaces every link with a link to an intermediate site, like this:
On the accept license page, users need to check the accept license checkbox, then click a submit button, which leads them to the download page, still carrying the GET parameter:
If not all files are in the same folder, you can replace slashes in the file path with other characters (they need to work in the URL). Or you might need a database table that indexes the files, so you can use IDs for the download files:
If you don't know at all how to write TYPO3 extensions, consider using individual php/html files out of the TYPO3 context.

Is there a way to run a script on iOS?

I need to define a processing rule for web data in iOS and thought it would be a good idea to pull the processing rule as a script file from my server and execute it on the iOS device, since the web API I'm interacting with might change URLs or response syntax and I need to be able to fix such issues fast and cannot rely on pushing an update (takes forever).
I wanted to do it with a small JS file that is pulled from my server every once and a while, but unfortunately iOS doesn't include the JavaScriptCore framework.
Are there other options?
Apple developer agreement will not let you run a downloaded, interpreted script, on the device.
Your best bet is probably downloading a data structure (potentially in JSON format) and parse that and take some predefined actions in your client code based on that, rather than trying to execute the downloaded code directly.
You can let a UIWebView run a Javascript snippet, or you could use another scripting language like LUA (don't forget to add LUA for this). The real problem is: You are not allowed to download code from a webserver or somewhere else. Everything must either be already on the device, or calculated at runtime.
Depending on the information that you want, you could use an XML file that includes the new URLs and parse it, but I don't know if this fits your need.
You can compile JavaScriptCore into your app, evidently, and have it approved by Apple. However, as Mehrdad notes, any scripts run in the app must already be in the app at the time the app is reviewed.