How can I have an association fetch an existing record? - factory-bot

I'd like to write a factory for a blog post, that doesn't create a new user record for every post, but rather pick a random user from those that already exist. How would I do this?

You could randomly order your table, take a record and assign it to your Post. Bear in mind that there is definitely a cleaner way to do this, but here's one that works, obviously assuming your users are already in your test database.
user = User.order("RANDOM()").take #PostgreSQL
user = User.order("RAND()").take #MySQL
post = create(:post, user: user)


Check for existing value inside of Firebase Realtime Database

Hello, I have a problem I created a Registration form and im trying to check if there is any user which have a certain username inside the Firebase Db. I tried to get the reference of all the users.
var users = Database.database().reference("users")
But I don't know how I could check if there is any user with a specified username.
You'll want to use a query for that. Something like:
let query = users.queryOrdered(byChild: "username").equalTo("two")
Then execute the query and check whether the result snapshot exists.
Note though that you won't be able to guarantee uniqueness in this way. If multiple users perform the check at the same time, they may both end up claiming the same user name.
To guarantee a unique user name, you will need to store the user names as the key - as keys are by definition unique within their parent node. For more on this, see some of these top search results and possibly also from here.

Ordering Firebase posts Chronologically Swift

I have added posts to firebase and I am wondering how I can pull the posts chronologically based on when the user has posted them.
My Database is set up like below
The first node after comments is the User ID and then the posts are underneath that. Obviously, these posts are in order, however if a new user posts something in between "posting" and "another 1" ,for example, how would I pull that so it shows up in between.
Is there a way to remove the autoID and just use the userID as a key? The problem I am running into is the previous post is overwritten then.
I am accepting the answer as it is the most thorough. What I did to solve my problem was just create the unique key as the first node and then use the UID as a child and the comment as a child. Then I pull the unique key's as they are in order and find the comment associated with the uid.
The other answers all have merit but a more complete solution includes timestamping the post and denormalizing your data so it can be queried (assuming it would be queried at some point). In Firebase, flatter is better.
title: "Posts And Posting"
msg: "I think there should be more posts about posting"
by_uid: "uid_0"
timestamp: "20171030105500"
inv_timestamp: "-20171030105500"
uid_time: "uid_0_ 20171030105500"
uid_inv_time: "uid_0_-20171030105500"
for_post: "post_0"
text: "Yeah, posts about posting are informative"
by_uid: "uid_1"
timestamp: "20171030105700"
inv_timestamp: "-20171030105700"
uid_time: "uid_1_20171030105700"
uid_inv_time: "uid_1_-20171030105700"
for_post: "post_0"
text: "Noooo mooooore posts, please"
by_uid: "uid_2"
timestamp: "20171030110300"
inv_timestamp: "-20171030110300"
uid_time: "uid_2_20171030110300"
uid_inv_time: "uid_2_-20171030110300"
With this structure we can
get posts and their comments and order them ascending or descending
query for all posts within the last week
all comments or posts made by a user
all comments or posts made by a user within a date range (tricky, huh)
I threw a couple of other key: value pairs in there to round it out a bit: compound values, query-ing ascending and descending, timestamp.
You can not use the userID as key value instead of the autoID, because the key must be unique, thats why Firebase just updates the value and does not add another one with the same key. Normally Firebase nodes are ordered chronologically by default, so if you pull the values, those should be in the right order. However if you wanna make sure about that, you can add a timestamp value and set a server timestamp. After pulling the data you can order it by that timestamp (I think there is actually a timestamp saved automatically by firebase that you can access somehow, but you need to look that up in the documentation). If I got it right, in order to accomplish what you want, you need to change the structure of your database. For example you could maybe use the autoID but save the userID you wanted to use as key as a value if you need that. Hope I got your idea right, if not just be more precise and I will try to help.
Firebase keys are chronological by default - it's built into their key generation algorithm. I think you need to restructure/rethink your data.
Your POSTS database should (possibly) have the comments listed with each post, and then you can duplicate on the user record if needed for faster retrieval if they need to be accessed by user. So something like:
- post (unique key)
- title (text)
- date (timestamp)
- comments
- comment (unique key)
- text (text)
- user_id (user key)
- date (timestamp)
When you pull the comments, you shouldn't be pulling them from a bunch of different users. That could result it a lot of queries and a ton of load time. Instead, the comments could be added (chronologically of course) to the post object itself, and also to the user if you want to keep a reference there. Unlike in MySQL, NoSQL databases can have quite a bit of this data duplication.

MS Access 2010, Data to 2 tables from 1 form with duplicate check before entry on form 2

I've done some small projects in Access before, and I'm having an issue wrapping my head around something a bit more complicated.
I'm setting up a database to track boats. (I'll spare you the story of why.) I have two main tables: Table A is all of the information on the individual boats, table B is all of the owner's information. For ease of use on the users, I need to create a form that mimics the hand written form people filled out that the user needs to enter into the database.
This seems simple enough, and if I was using a simple DB as I have in the past, I wouldn't be here looking for help. BUT, since the form has the boat and owner information, I need the form to always enter the boat information into Table A, but when the owner information is entered, I need to check Table B to see if the person is already in the table, and if they're not, add the owner information to Table B, and associate the two records, OR if the check shows the owner information is already in Table B, I need it to associate the new boat information being put into the form, and thus being put into table A with the owner information that is already in table B so I don't wind up with duplicate data.
This probably sounds more complicated when I explain it than it actually is, but since I'm stuck with the handwritten form that's already created, I'm trying to make this as simple as I can on the end user. Basically, since one person can own more than one boat, I need it to check before adding new user info, and get the boat info to either associate with the new owner entry, or the one that already exists if that's the case.
Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.
Make the entry form unbound.
Check the owner data against your existing table.
Then if the owner does not yet exist add both an owner record and a boat record, otherwise just add the boat record with the existing owner ID.

perl dbi submit checkbox values

I have a form with checkboxes and I need to know what the best way to submit them to the database is. I have the following table setup:
roles users user_roles
----- ----- ----------
id id user_id
I have a page where you can edit a user and assign them different roles via checkbox, then those checkboxes are saved in the user_roles table. Since editing a user's roles can involve either deleting rows or adding rows, this is how I currently handle it:
my $form_vals = (1=>1,2=>2); #submitted by user
my $db_vals = (3=>3); #gotten out of db
So I have these two hashes and I will compare the keys in $form_vals with the keys in $db_vals, then I see that I have two extra values that are not present in the database so I add them. And vice versa I find which values are no longer selected on the form by comparing the keys in $db_vals with the keys in $form_vals and then I delete those rows from the database. My question is, does anyone know of a better/easier way to do this? It's never really seemed obvious to me how to handle checkboxes and I'd like to know what best practice is. Thanks!
I wouldn't say that this has much to do with check boxes per se.
Basically what you have is two array of arrays, [ (uid, rid), (uid, rid) ], and you want to make array1 (the one in your database) a copy of array2 (the user input from the checkboxes). You could have a multi select or a comma separated string, and the case would be the same. You have a user id, and you want that user to have only the roles supplied.
Two ways to achieve that would be to either
Put both arrays in one hash each, do foreach key on the submitted, if not present in the database one do insert. Then do the same for the database hash and delete those not present in the submitted hash
Delete everything from the member_role table and insert what's submitted.
You really have to know everything in the database and everything submitted and check twice if you don't want to delete everything and do a fresh insert. You can of course make a function doing this for you, hiding the ugliness a bit. Think about how you'd do if it was just two arrays and no database was around.

How do you store and display if a user has voted or not on something?

I'm working on a voting site and I'm wondering how I should handle votes.
For example on SO when you vote for a question (or answer) your vote is stored, and each time I go back on the page I can see that I already voted for this question because the up/down button are colored.
How do you do that? I mean I've several ideas but I'm wondering if it won't be an heavy load for the database.
Here is my ideas:
Write an helper which will check for every question if a voted has been casted
That's means that the number of queries will depends on the number of items displayed on the page (usually ~20)
Loop on my items get the ids and for each page write a query which will returns if a vote has been casted or NULL
Looks ok because only one query doesn't matter how much items on the page but may be break some MVC/Domain Model design, dunno.
When User log in (or a guest for whom an anonymous user is created) retrieve all votes, store them in session, if a new vote is casted, just add it to the session.
Looks nice because no queries is needed at all except the first one, however, this one and, depending on the number of votes casted (maybe a bunch for each user) can increase the size of the session for each users and potentially make the authentification slow.
How do you do? Any other ideas?
For eg : Lets assume you have a table to store votes and the user who cast it.
Lets assume you keep votes in user_votes when a vote is cast with a table structure something like the below one.
id of type int autoincrement
user_id type int, Foreign key representing users table
question_id type of int, Foreign key representing questions table
Now as the user will be logged in , when you are doing a fetch for the questions do a left join with the user_id in the user_votes table.
Something like
SELECT, q.question,
FROM questions AS q
LEFT JOIN user_votes AS uv ON
uv.question_id = AND
uv.user_id = <logged_in_user_id>
WHERE <Your criteria>
From the view you can check whether the id is present. If so mark voted, else not.
You may need to change your fields of the questions table and all. I am assuming you store questions in questions table and users in user table so and so. All having the primary key id .
You could use a combination of your suggested strategies.
Retrieve all the votes made by the logged in user for recent/active questions only and store them in the session.
You then have the ones that are more likely to be needed while still reducing the amount you need to store in the session.
In the less likely event that you need other results, query for just those as and when you need to.
This strategy will reduce the amount you need to store in the session and also reduce the number of calls you make to your database.
Just based on the information than you've given so far, I would take the second approach: get the IDs of all the items on the page, and then do a single query to get all the user's votes for that list of item IDs. Then pass the collection of the user's item votes to your view, so it can render items differently when the user has voted for that item.
The other two approaches seem like they would tend to be less efficient, if I understood you correctly. Using a view helper to initiate an individual query for each item to check if the user has voted on it could lead to a lot of unnecessary queries. And preloading all the user's voting history at login seems to add unnecessary overhead, getting data that isn't always needed and adding the burden of keeping it up to date for the duration of the session.