No console output on Eclipse with Fortran - eclipse

all. I'm writing a relatively simple program that iterates through a list of data and returns the peak values for a school project.
Here's the code so far:
program Fortran_Project_1
implicit none
integer::cnt,cnt1, i
integer:: peaks=5
real, dimension(360):: time,impulse
real, allocatable :: impulselist(:)
integer, dimension(360)::interval
print *, clean
open (unit=1,file=clean)
do cnt1=1,4
read (1,*) header
end do
do cnt=1,443
read(1,*) interval(cnt),time(cnt),impulse(cnt)
end do
print *, 'Choose amount of peaks to find'
read *, peaks
deallocate (impulselist)
allocate (impulselist(peaks))
do i = 1, cnt
if (impulse(i)>impulse(i+1) .and. impulse(i)>impulse(i-1)) then
peaks = peaks - 1
impulselist(peaks) = impulse(i)
end if
if (peaks < 1) then
end if
end do
close (1)
print *, impulselist
end program Fortran_Project_1
Anyways, when running this and inputting the amount of peaks the user wants to find, the console is totally blank. It prints the clean variable and the query but that's all. What should I do?
Thank you
EDIT: Console output:
Choose amount of peaks to find

It is strange that you say that nothing happens. You should get an error message.
Array impulselist is not allocated and you are calling deallocate(impulselist). That is not allowed and should be diagnosed by the compiler and it should complain when the code is running.

I figured it out. There was an issue with list dimensions. Here's the updated code that works perfectly.
program Fortran_Project_1
implicit none
real, dimension(1000):: time,impulse
real, allocatable :: impulselist(:),timelist(:)
integer, dimension(1000)::interval
clean='C:\Users\Buraaq Alrawi\Desktop\Fortran_Project_1\ir_clean.txt'
print *, clean
print *, 'Choose amount of peaks to find'
read *, peaks
allocate (impulselist(peaks))
open (unit=1,file=clean,action='read')
do cnt1=1,4
read (1,*) header
end do
do cnt=1,501
read(1,*) interval(cnt),time(cnt),impulse(cnt)
end do
do i = 1, cnt
if (impulse(i)>impulse(i+1) .and. impulse(i)>impulse(i-1)) then
impulselist(count1) = impulse(i)
timelist(count1) = time(i)
count1 = count1 + 1
end if
if (count1 > peaks) then
end if
end do
close (1)
100 format(A28,X,1000F10.2)
200 format(A28,X,1000F10.4)
300 format(A23,F10.2,F10.4)
write (*,100) 'The peak times are(seconds):', timelist
write (*,200) 'The peak impulse values are:', impulselist
write (*,300) 'The settled values are:',time(501),impulse(501)
end program Fortran_Project_1
Thanks everybody


MATLAB : read data file in real time

I have an application, A, that writes to a File.
I want to use MATLAB to read N lines in realtime from this file.
My question is related to this stack post: How to plot real time data from text file in MATLAB
The author of one of the answers, mentions the following approach:
You can't plot using hard real time conditions, thus it can always happen that matlab misses a 10ms timeslot. You have to use option 2 to get all data.
To get started: Write a function which only reads the new data which was written since last call. To achieve this, do not close the file handle. It stores the position.
As such, here is my code:
myfile_fid=fopen(filePath, 'rt')
waitForFileToHaveData(filePath, 10);
for readingIdx = 1:10
My waitForFileToHaveData function, is defined as follows:
function waitForFileToHaveData(filePath, desired_length)
if (getNumLinesOfFile(filePath) < desired_length)
disp('###### not enough data in the file');
waitForFileToHaveData(filePath, desired_length);
function num = getNumLinesOfFile(file_to_read)
[status, result] = system( ['wc -l ', file_to_read] );
scanCell = textscan(result,'%u %s');
num = scanCell{1} - 2;
num = 0;
When I get into the for loop, myfile_fid evaluates to 3, while fgetl(myfile_fid) evaluates to -1. If I print out the results of getNumLinesOfFile(filePath), I see 20. The odd part is that if I wait, say for the file to have 40 lines, and execute the code above, I do not get the error. I tried to look at the documentation to see why fgetl returns back -1, but I cannot seem to find it in 2018b MATLAB documentation. There is mention that the myfile_fid can return a -1, but that is only if the file cannot be opened. However, at runtime, myfile_id evaluates to 3.
Using MATLAB, is it possible to read N number of lines since last read in a file that is being written to by another application?
fgetl returns -1 when fileID reaches the end-of-file marker, See Matlab fgetl documentation. This means that if the first result from fgetl is -1 then the file is empty.
I'm not sure why you are getting -1 if getNumLinesOfFile returns 20, check the code carefully if you are reading the same file. Maybe the file has changed?
I wrote here MATLAB code that checks if 10 new lines were added and and then gets them with fgetl:
myfile_fid = fopen(filePath, 'rt');
newLines = 10;
linesRead = 0;
while(waitForFileToHaveData(filePath, linesRead + newLines))
linesRead = linesRead + newLines;
for readingIdx = 1:newLines
line = fgetl(myfile_fid)
I updated the waitForFileToHaveData function to return 1:
function ready = waitForFileToHaveData(filePath, desired_length)
while (getNumLinesOfFile(filePath) < desired_length)
disp('###### not enough data in the file');
ready = 1;
If the file had exactly 10 lines with no end-line marker at line 10, and you read them, then another 10 lines were added, fileID now points to the end-line of line 10 and the first line fgetl will return is the end-line at line 10, but since fgetl removes the end-line, it returns an empty array.
Side note:
the function waitForFileToHaveData uses recursion which is inefficient. You can easily use a while loop.

MATLAB: How to automatically abort failed unit test

I am wondering how I can make a unit test to automatically stop, once an error in the system under test (sut) occurs?
Let's assume, the unit test runs some 1,000 different input combinations, and is supposed to verify that the results are equal to the expectations. Now, let's further assume there is a simple syntax error in sut, which causes an error. In this case I would like the unit test to automatically stop and invoke the tear down method.
Is that possible?
I am borrowing a MATLAB example from their help site ( in order to show more clearly what I mean:
Here you can see the test class:
classdef TestCarpet < matlab.unittest.TestCase
properties (TestParameter)
type = {'single','double','uint16'};
level = struct('small', 2,'medium', 4, 'large', 6);
side = struct('small', 9, 'medium', 81,'large', 729);
methods (Test)
function testRemainPixels(testCase, level)
% expected number pixels equal to 1
expPixelCount = 8^level;
% actual number pixels equal to 1
actPixels = find(sierpinski(level));
function testClass(testCase, type, level)
sierpinski(level,type), type)
function testDefaultL1Output(testCase)
exp = single([1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1]);
testCase.verifyEqual(sierpinski(1), exp)
methods (Test, ParameterCombination='sequential')
function testNumel(testCase, level, side)
import matlab.unittest.constraints.HasElementCount
Here's the system under test:
function carpet = sierpinski(nLevels,classname)
if nargin == 1
classname = 'single';
% original line: mSize = 3^nLevels;
mSize = "That's clearly wrong here";
carpet = ones(mSize,classname);
cutCarpet(1,1,mSize,nLevels) % begin recursion
function cutCarpet(x,y,s,cL)
if cL
ss = s/3; % define subsize
for lx = 0:2
for ly = 0:2
if lx == 1 && ly == 1
% remove center square
carpet(x+ss:x+2*ss-1,y+ss:y+2*ss-1) = 0;
% recurse
cutCarpet(x + lx*ss, y + ly*ss, ss, cL-1)
I changed the definition of mSize to a string to produce an error. Now, if I run the tests, all tests will result in an error. I am wondering if it is possible to stop the tests as soon as possible, i.e. after the occurence of the first error?
The problem that I see is that the test code won't even reach the last line of testRemainPixels (testCase.verifyNumElements(actPixels,expPixelCount)). A fatalAssert does not help at this point, right?
Assuming you are using the test framework built into MATLAB, take a look at the types of qualifications, in particular the bulleted list at the top of this page:
If you want to stop the entire testing session you can use fatal assertions. If you want other tests to continue you can use assertions. If you want to skip all the test methods (and parameterizations) in a single file you can use an assertion in TestClassSetup or just add a basic "smoke" level exercise step of the code in TestClassSetup and if it errors it will behave like an assertion.
Hope that helps.

A Subscript Must be Between 1 and the Size of the Array

i am receiving "A Subscript Must be Between 1 and the Size of the Array" for below code in crytal report. Please help!
'To Use Multiline if Basic Syntax was used
Shared Cust_Ids() As Number
Shared Page_No() As Number
Shared Cust_Ids2() As Number
Shared Page_No2() As Number
Local m As Number
Local i As Number
Local j As Number
Local Cnt As Number
For i=1 To Cnt
If i <=1000 Then
If Cust_Ids(i) - {CL_Index_Page_ttx.Customer_ID} = 0 Then
m = Page_No(i)
End If
If Cust_Ids2(j) - {CL_Index_Page_ttx.Customer_ID} = 0 Then
m = Page_No2(j)
End If
End If
Next i
It looks like you may have the same problem as this question.
When assigning variables, use := instead of =, and see if that solves your problem.

'Undefined function or variable' in Matlab

Here is my code:
function [im,sindx,end1]=alln(im,i,j,secret,sindx,end1)
neigh= [im(i-1,j) im(i+1,j) im(i,j-1) im(i,j+1) im(i-1,j-1) im(i+1,j-1) im(i-1,j+1) im(i+1,j+1)];
minpix = min (neigh)
maxpix = max (neigh)
if minpix < p < maxpix
lowlim = minpix+1;
highlim = maxpix-1;
range = highlim-lowlim+1;
if sindx+nbits-1>slen
for k=1:nbits
b = bin2dec(bin);
newvalue1 = abs (minpix + b);
newvalue2 = abs (maxpix - b);
if abs(p-newvalue1)<= abs(p-newvalue2)
im(i,j) = newvalue1;
im(i,j) = newvalue2;
My main program calls this function. When I run the program, I get the following error message:
??? Undefined function or variable "bin".
Error in ==> alln at 34
b = bin2dec(bin);
I know there are many experts for whom this is not a problem at all. I am new to MATLAB. Please guys, show me the way, which type of modification in the code can overcome this problem?
First of all, are there some lines missing from the file? Perhaps you've stripped some comments from the top? Because the error message says that
b = bin2dec(bin);
is line 34, but it's line 22 in the code you present.
OK, that aside...
The error message says that 'bin' isn't defined, but I see that it's being set on the line...
That suggests to me that THAT line isn't being run.
I see that that bin = ... line is inside of a 'for' loop, so I suspect that the for loop is run zero times, meaning that 'bin' never gets defined. What is nbits? Is it 1, or perhaps less than 1? THAT would prevent the loop from running at all.
Try removing the semicolon from the end of the
line and run your code again.
Leaving off the semicolon will force the value of nbits to be printed in the Command Window. I bet you'll find that it's 1 or less. If that's the case, then start looking at HOW nbits is calculated, and I bet you'll find the problem.
At what input arguments to the function alln, are you getting the error?
Lets suppose that nbits is 0, then the following loop will not run:
for k=1:nbits
So, bin will be undefined. So, the error happens. This is one of the cases where the error can happen. There are many such possible cases.

How can I read a simple txt file in Matlab in the fortran way (i.e. I want to keep reading after the newline)

I have to read the simple text file I write on the end of this post (it is just a sctructured grid). In fortran it is so easy to do this, you just have to do:
read(fileunit,*) mc,nc
do j = 1, nc
read (fileunit, *) dummy, dummy, (xcor(j,i), i=1,mc)
is there an equivalent function in matlab that reads element by element and keeps reading after the newline like in fortran? I could not find it, all the function as fscanf, textscan etc read line by line and then i have to parse each line. Here is the file. thanks for any help A.
Gridfile version 8.675.44
8 3
eta= 1 0.00000000000000000E+00 1.50000000000000000E+02
4.50000000000000000E+02 6.00000000000000000E+02
4.50000000000000000E+02 6.00000000000000000E+02
4.50000000000000000E+02 6.00000000000000000E+02
eta= 2 0.00000000000000000E+00 1.50000000000000000E+02
3.00000000000000000E+02 4.50000000000000000E+02
7.50000000000000000E+02 9.00000000000000000E+02
4.50000000000000000E+02 6.00000000000000000E+02
eta= 3 0.00000000000000000E+00 1.50000000000000000E+02
3.00000000000000000E+02 4.50000000000000000E+02
7.50000000000000000E+02 9.00000000000000000E+02
4.50000000000000000E+02 6.00000000000000000E+02
There are many ways to do this, but perhaps you will like the way fscanf works, as in this example. After the file is opened by something like fin = fopen('gridfile.txt') and the header swallowed, you can use fscanf(f, 'x= %d'), and then fscanf(f, '%f'), which will read the entire block. fscanf does not stop at the end of a line if not instructed to do so. Taken together, a solution could look like
fin = fopen('gridfile.txt');
% read data counts
cnt = fscanf(fin, '%d %d', 2);
mc = cnt(1);
nc = cnt(2);
xcor = zeros(nc, mc);
% read blocks of data
for j = 1 : nc
fscanf(fin, '%s %s', 2);
xcor(j, :) = fscanf(fin, '%f', mc)';
fscanf keeps matching the format specifier as long as possible, and returns only when no further consecutive matches can be found. The above examples uses this in two places. First, to extract the dimensionality cnt, in your example (8, 3), and second, to read eight consecutive floating point values per record.