error when sending email using Dancer2::Plugin::Email; - perl

I am sending email using Dancer2 via the Dancer2::Plugin::Email package. The main code that I have for this is:
sub sendEmail {
my ($params,$email_address,$template) = #_;
my $text = '';
my $tt = Template->new({
INCLUDE_PATH => config->{views},
OUTPUT => \$text
}) || die "$Template::ERROR\n";
my $out = $tt->process($template,$params);
my $email = email {
from => XXXXX,
to => $email_address,
subject => XXXXX,
body => $text,
'Content-Type' => 'text/html'
where I have hidden a couple of the fields. I have gotten the following error:
Route exception: open body: Invalid argument at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1/MIME/ line 1878. in
/usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1/Dancer2/Core/ l. 1454
It is not occurring all of the time and I haven't been able to find a consistent piece of code that always fails.
I have set the host parameter of the mail server that I am using in the configuration as explained here: Simple tests show it works, but I get sporadic errors that I can't track down.


Delayed response to slash command with Mojolicious in Perl

I am trying to create a slack application in Perl with mojolicious and I am having the following use case:
Slack sends a request to my API from a slash command and needs a response in a 3 seconds timeframe. However, Slack also gives me the opportunity to send up to 5 more responses in a 30 minute timeframe but still needs an initial response in 3 seconds (it just sends a "late_response_url" in the initial call back so that I could POST something to that url later on). In my case I would like to send an initial response to slack to inform the user that the operation is "running" and after a while send the actual outcome of my slow function to Slack.
Currently, I can do this by spawning a second process using fork() and using one process to respond imidiately as Slack dictates and the second to do the rest of the work and respond later on.
I am trying to do this with Mojolicious' subprocesses to avoid using fork(). However I can't find a way to get this to work....
a sample code of what I am already doing with fork is like this:
sub withpath
my $c = shift;
my $user = $c->param('user_name');
my $response_body = {
response_type => "ephemeral",
text => "Running for $user:",
attachments => [
{ text => 'analyze' },
my $pid = fork();
if($pid != 0){
$c->render( json => $response_body );
$output = do_time_consuming_things()
$response_body = {
response_type => "in-channel",
text => "Result for $user:",
attachments => [
{ text => $output },
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $tx = $ua->post(
{ Accept => '*/*' },
json => $response_body,
if( my $res = $tx->success )
print "\n success \n";
my $err = $tx->error;
print "$err->{code} response: $err->{message}\n" if $err->{code};
print "Connection error: $err->{message}\n";
So the problem is that no matter how I tried I couldn't replicate the exact same code with Mojolicious' subproccesses. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
Actually I just found a solution to my problem!
So here is my solution:
my $c = shift; #receive request
my $user = $c->param('user_name'); #get parameters
my $response_url = $c->param('response_url');
my $text = $c->param('text');
my $response_body = { #create the imidiate response that Slack is waiting for
response_type => "ephemeral",
text => "Running for $user:",
attachments => [
{ text => 'analyze' },
my $subprocess = Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess->new; #create the subprocesses
sub {do_time_consuming_things($user,$response_url,$text)}, #this callback is the
#actuall subprocess that will run in background and contains the POST request
#from my "fork" code (with the output) that should send a late response to Slack
sub {# this is a dummy subprocess doing nothing as this is needed by Mojo.
my ($subprocess, $err, #results) = #_;
say $err if $err;
say "\n\nok\n\n";
#and here is the actual imidiate response outside of the subprocesses in order
#to avoid making the server wait for the subprocess to finish before responding!
$c->render( json => $response_body );
So I actually simply had to put my code of do_time_consuming_things in the first callback (in order for it to run as a subprocess) and use the second callback (that is actually linked to the parent process) as a dummy one and keep my "imidiate" response in the main body of the whole function instead of putting it inside one of the subprocesses. See code comments for more information!

How to loop through subarrays of a SOAP::Lite response in Perl?

I have a Perl script that is successfully getting a response from my ShoreTel Phone server. The server provides information on what calls are currently connected for the extension entered. However I am having issues looping through the sub arrays to get more than one response when there are multiple items. In this case I want to get each of the caller IDs that is currently connected.
My SOAP:LITE request is successfully pulling data from the server using the following code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use SOAP::Lite;
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
my $myWebService = SOAP::Lite
-> uri('')
-> proxy('http://10.1.##.##:8070/ShoreTelWebSDK/WebService')
-> on_action(sub {sprintf '%s/ShoreTelWebService/%s', $_[0], $_[1]});
my $query = new CGI;
my $ip = $query->remote_host; # IP address of remote party...use later as unique identifier
my $myClientID = $query->param('MyClientID'); # Possible client ID from previous script passed into us.
my $extnNr = $query->param('MyExtn'); # Has to be at least an extension number so we know who to status.
my $url = CGI::url(-path_info=>1); # What is my URL?
# There should be an extension number given, else what would we status.
if (defined($refreshNr) && defined($extnNr) && ($extnNr ne '') && ($refreshNr ne ''))
# If there is a client ID defined, use it...otherwise registering and getting a client ID
# is the first thing we need to do when using our web service.
unless (defined($myClientID))
# To use our service, we need to register ourselves as a client...use remote IP address
# as a unique name for association to this session.
my $regClientResult = $myWebService->RegisterClient(SOAP::Data->name('clientName' => $ip));
if ($regClientResult->fault)
print '<p>FAULT', $myClientID->faultcode, ', ', $myClientID->faultstring;
# Retrieve client ID which we will be using for subsequent communication.
$myClientID = $regClientResult->valueof('//RegisterClientResponse/RegisterClientResult/');
if (defined($myClientID))
# Use our web service to open the line. This is necessary to get a line ID.
# print '<br>Client ID ', $myClientID, ' has been registered.<br>';
my $openResult = $myWebService->OpenLine(SOAP::Data->name('clientHandle' => $myClientID), SOAP::Data->name('lineAddress' => $extnNr));
my $lineID = $openResult->valueof('//OpenLineResponse/OpenLineResult/lineID/');
my $lineType = $openResult->valueof('//OpenLineResponse/OpenLineResult/lineType/');
my $lineName = $openResult->valueof('//OpenLineResponse/OpenLineResult/lineName/');
my $lineState = $openResult->valueof('//OpenLineResponse/OpenLineResult/lineState/');
# Call GetActiveCalls to see if anything is going on with this line.
my $result = $myWebService->GetActiveCalls(SOAP::Data->name('clientHandle' => $myClientID), SOAP::Data->name('lineID' => $lineID));
my $callID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callID/');
if ($callID ne '')
# print '<br>Call ID is ', $callID;
my $isExternal = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/isExternal/');
my $isInbound = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/isInbound/');
my $callReason = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callReason/');
my $connectedID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/connectedID/');
my $connectedIDName = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/connectedIDName/');
my $callerID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/');
my $callerIDName = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerIDName/');
my $calledID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/calledID/');
my $calledIDName = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/calledIDName/');
my $callState = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callState/');
my $callStateDetail = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callStateDetail/');
# Print call information.
print <<EndOfCallInfo;
print <<EndOfCallInfo2;
But I am only able to access the first result in the multidimensional array.
I have tried looping through the results using
for my $t ($result->result({ShoreTelCallStateInfo}{callInfo}')) {
print $t->{callerID} . "\n";}
But I am getting absolutely no results. It appears that the the loop is not even entered.
The following code I have works fine, but only pulls the first caller ID, in this case 1955.
my $callerID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/');
What can I do to make my loop work?
So that you can see what I am receiving from the server I have included the response from the SOAP Server using DUMP :
$VAR1 = { 'ShoreTelCallStateInfo' => [
{ 'callStateDetail' => 'Active',
'callState' => 'OnHold',
'callInfo' =>
{ 'callerIDName' => 'Joel LASTNAME',
'callID' => '69105', 'lineID' => '3947',
'connectedIDName' => 'VM-Forward',
'calledID' => '2105',
'callerID' => '1955',
'isInbound' => 'false',
'calledIDName' => 'VM-Forward',
'callReason' => 'None',
'callUniqueID' => '1369702515',
'connectedID' => '2105',
'isExternal' => 'false',
'callGUID' => '{00030000-66C2-537E-3FD8-0010492377D9}'
{ 'callStateDetail' => 'Active',
'callState' => 'Connected',
'callInfo' =>
{ 'callerIDName' => 'LASTNAME Joel ',
'callID' => '71649',
'lineID' => '3947',
'connectedIDName' => 'LASTNAME Joel ',
'calledID' => '1955',
'callerID' => '+1385#######',
'isInbound' => 'true',
'calledIDName' => 'Joel LASTNAME',
'callReason' => 'None',
'callUniqueID' => '1117287558',
'connectedID' => '+1385#######',
'isExternal' => 'true',
'callGUID' => '{00030000-66C5-537E-3FD8-0010492377D9}'
Just a guess...
The following code I have works fine, but only pulls the first caller
ID, in this case 1955.
my $callerID = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/');
What can I do to make my loop work?
SOAP::Lite docs say:
Returns the value of a (previously) matched node. It accepts a node
path. In this case, it returns the value of matched node, but does not
change the current node. Suitable when you want to match a node and
then navigate through node children:
$som->match('/Envelope/Body/[1]'); # match method
$som->valueof('[1]'); # result
$som->valueof('[2]'); # first out parameter (if present)
The returned value depends on the context. In a scalar context it will
return the first element from matched nodeset. In an array context it
will return all matched elements.
Does this give the behavior you expect? It imposes list context on the valueof method.
for my $callerID ($result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/')) {
# do something with each callerID
my #callerIDs = $result->valueof('//GetActiveCallsResponse/GetActiveCallsResult/ShoreTelCallStateInfo/callInfo/callerID/');

Perl mechanize script no form defined

I'm getting an error No form defined at at line 33 which is the second set_fields method. Other times I get an Error POSTing Internal Server Error at line 39 , which corresponds to the last click_button line.
I'm not really sure what's going on, and why it's saying no form defined? The first half of the code which includes the first click_button method works fine and saves the correct page, but when I try set_fields for the second time, it errors out.
Anyone familiar with the Mechanize package realize what's going on here?
use Data::Dumper;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET);
use WWW::Mechanize;
#Prepopulated information
my $types_ = "";
my $dept_ = "";
my $group_ = "";
#Create new WWW::Mechanize object
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( 'ssl_opts' => { 'verify_hostname' => 0 } );
my $url = "http://f2prbrequest";
#Fetch URL or Die Tryin'
$mech ->get($url);
$fname = "user";
$pswd = "password";
#Login to ClearQuest form using credentials
USER => $fname
,PASSWORD => $pswd
name => 'Submit'
#Set fields and actually fill out ClearQuest Form
types => $types_
,dept => $dept_
,group => $group_
name => 'submit1'

MIME::Lite error attaching file perl

500 Internal server error when attaching a file, but not when sending without attachment.
use MIME::Lite;
$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
From =>'',
To =>'',
Subject =>'A message with 2 parts...',
CC => '',
Type =>'TEXT',
Data =>'Thank you for your interest in'
### If I comment out the following attachment code the email sends OK, otherwise i get 500 internal server error
Type =>'image/gif',
Path =>'/images/tree.gif',
Filename =>'tree.gif',
Disposition => 'attachment'
)or die "error attaching file\n";
Just a suggestion and a few things I can recommend for this also. Applying this method will allow you to split your text/html parts and attachments to include, so you can send a message with multi attributes if you would like.
use strict;
use warnings;
use MIME::Lite;
my $msg = MIME::Lite->new(
To => '',
From => '',
Subject => 'A message with 2 parts...',
Type => 'multipart/alternative',
# Make my text part
my $txt = MIME::Lite->new(
Type => "text/plain",
Data => 'Thank you for your interest in',
# Make my html part
my $html = MIME::Lite->new(
Type => 'multipart/related',
# Here you can attach what html tags you would like to include.
Type => 'text/html',
Data => "<b>my html is here</b>",
Type => 'image/gif',
Id => 'tree.gif',
Path => "../images/tree.gif",
my $data = $msg->as_string;
Also I seen where you were using die for error handling, no need to do that here.
The error ended up being in that the URI has to be written relative to the script.
So I had to change /images/tree.gif

Connecting keeps closing?

so i'm having a problem trying to automatically login to a internal website. I'm able to send a post request but in the response I always get the Header Connection: close. I've tried to pass is through the post request but it still seems to respond with Connection: close. I want to be able to navigate through the website so I need the Connection: keep-alive so that i can send more request. Could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? here's the code:
use strict; use warnings;
#Sign into cfxint Unix something...
use Net::Telnet;
# Create a new instance of Net::Telnet,
my $telnetCon = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10,
Prompt => '/bash\$ $/') or die "Could not make connection.";
my $hostname = 'cfxint';
# Connect to the host of the users choice
$telnetCon->open(Host => $hostname,
Port => 23) or die "Could not connect to $hostname.";
use WWW::Mechanize;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(cookie_jar => {});
sub login_cxfint {
#get username and password from user
my $CXusername = '';
my $CXpassword = '';
# Recreate the login
# Wait for the login: message and then enter the username
$telnetCon->waitfor(match => '/login:/i');
# this method adds a \n to the end of the username, it mimics hitting the enter key after entering your username
# does the same as the previous command but for the password
#Wait for the login successful message
sub login_alfresco{
my $ALusername = '';
my $ALpassword = '';
my $res = $mech->res;
my $idfaces = '';
my $ff = $res->content;
if($ff =~ /id="javax.faces.ViewState" value="(.*?)"/){
$idfaces = $1;
else {
print "javax.faces /Regex error?\n";
print $idfaces, "\n";
#Send the get request for Alfresco
'loginForm:rediretURL' =>,
'loginForm:user-name' => $ALusername,
'loginForm:user-password' => $ALpassword,
'loginForm:submit' => 'Login',
'loginForm_SUBMIT' => '1',
'loginForm:_idcl' => ,
'loginForm:_link_hidden_' => ,
'javax.faces.ViewState' => $idfaces], **'Connection' =>'keep-alive'**);
$res = $mech->res;
open ALF, ">Alfresco.html";
print ALF $mech->response->as_string;
my $ff = $res->content;
if($ff =~ /id="javax.faces.ViewState" value="(.*?)"/){
$idfaces = $1;
else {
print "javax.faces /Regex error?\n";
print $idfaces, "\n";
$mech->post('', [
'browse:serach:_option' => '0',
'browse:search' => ,
'browse:spaces-pages' => '20',
'browse:content-pages' => '50',
'browse_SUBMIT' => '1',
'id' => ,
'browse:modelist' => '',
'browse:spacesList:sort' => ,
'browse:_idJsp7' => ,
'browse:sidebar-body:navigator' => ,
'browse:contentRichList:sort' => ,
'browse:act' => 'browse:logout',
'outcome' => 'logout',
'browse:panel' => ,
'javax.faces.ViewState' => $idfaces,])
You can enable keep-alive by using a connection cache:
use LWP::ConnCache;
All that header means is that the connection will be closed upon completion of the request, instead of being kept open for possible further requests. This is perfectly normal and should not interfere with sending the request.
EDIT: If you're sending a Connection:Keep-Alive and the server is still responding with Connection:Close, then the server configuration needs to be changed. The default for HTTP/1.1 is persistent connections, so the server must explicitly be configured to send Connection:Close. See Section 8 of RFC2616.