Delayed response to slash command with Mojolicious in Perl - perl

I am trying to create a slack application in Perl with mojolicious and I am having the following use case:
Slack sends a request to my API from a slash command and needs a response in a 3 seconds timeframe. However, Slack also gives me the opportunity to send up to 5 more responses in a 30 minute timeframe but still needs an initial response in 3 seconds (it just sends a "late_response_url" in the initial call back so that I could POST something to that url later on). In my case I would like to send an initial response to slack to inform the user that the operation is "running" and after a while send the actual outcome of my slow function to Slack.
Currently, I can do this by spawning a second process using fork() and using one process to respond imidiately as Slack dictates and the second to do the rest of the work and respond later on.
I am trying to do this with Mojolicious' subprocesses to avoid using fork(). However I can't find a way to get this to work....
a sample code of what I am already doing with fork is like this:
sub withpath
my $c = shift;
my $user = $c->param('user_name');
my $response_body = {
response_type => "ephemeral",
text => "Running for $user:",
attachments => [
{ text => 'analyze' },
my $pid = fork();
if($pid != 0){
$c->render( json => $response_body );
$output = do_time_consuming_things()
$response_body = {
response_type => "in-channel",
text => "Result for $user:",
attachments => [
{ text => $output },
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $tx = $ua->post(
{ Accept => '*/*' },
json => $response_body,
if( my $res = $tx->success )
print "\n success \n";
my $err = $tx->error;
print "$err->{code} response: $err->{message}\n" if $err->{code};
print "Connection error: $err->{message}\n";
So the problem is that no matter how I tried I couldn't replicate the exact same code with Mojolicious' subproccesses. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Actually I just found a solution to my problem!
So here is my solution:
my $c = shift; #receive request
my $user = $c->param('user_name'); #get parameters
my $response_url = $c->param('response_url');
my $text = $c->param('text');
my $response_body = { #create the imidiate response that Slack is waiting for
response_type => "ephemeral",
text => "Running for $user:",
attachments => [
{ text => 'analyze' },
my $subprocess = Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess->new; #create the subprocesses
sub {do_time_consuming_things($user,$response_url,$text)}, #this callback is the
#actuall subprocess that will run in background and contains the POST request
#from my "fork" code (with the output) that should send a late response to Slack
sub {# this is a dummy subprocess doing nothing as this is needed by Mojo.
my ($subprocess, $err, #results) = #_;
say $err if $err;
say "\n\nok\n\n";
#and here is the actual imidiate response outside of the subprocesses in order
#to avoid making the server wait for the subprocess to finish before responding!
$c->render( json => $response_body );
So I actually simply had to put my code of do_time_consuming_things in the first callback (in order for it to run as a subprocess) and use the second callback (that is actually linked to the parent process) as a dummy one and keep my "imidiate" response in the main body of the whole function instead of putting it inside one of the subprocesses. See code comments for more information!


Why would hot deploy of Hypnotoad rerun old http requests?

The nutshell:
When I do a hot deployment of Hypnotoad sometimes the new server immediately processes a slew of HTTP requests that were already handled by the previous server.
If a response has been rendered but the thread is still doing some processing does Mojo/Hypnotoad retain the request until the processing has stopped? Do I need to tell the server that the HTTP request is resolved?
The long version:
I have a Mojolicious::Lite app running under Hypnotoad.
The app's function is to accept HTTP requests from another service.
We are processing jobs that progress through a series of states.
At each job state change the app is notified with an HTTP request.
This is a busy little script - recieving more than 1000 req/hour.
The scripts job is to manipulate some data .. doing DB updates, editng files, sending mail.
In an effort to keep things moving along, when it recieves the HTTP request it sanity checks the data it recieved. If the data looks good it sends a 200 response to the caller immediately and then continues on to do the more time consuming tasks. (I'm guessing this is the underlying cause)
When I hot deploy - by rerunning the start script (which runs 'localperl/bin/hypnotoad $RELDIR/etc/bki/') - some requests that were already handled are sent to the new server and reprocessed.
Why are these old transactions still being held by the original server? Many have been long since completed!
Does the need to tell Mojolicious that the request is done before it goes off and messes with data?
(I considered $c->finish() but that is just for sockets?)
How does Hypnotoad decide what requests should be passed to it's replacement server?
Here is some psuedo code with what I'm doing:
get '/jobStateChange/:jobId/:jobState/:jobCause' => sub {
my $c =shift;
my $jobId = $c->stash("jobId");
return $c->render(text => "invalid jobId: $jobId", status => 400) unless $jobId=~/^\d+$/;
my $jobState = $c->stash("jobState");
return $c->render(text => "invalid jobState: $jobState", status => 400) unless $jobState=~/^\d+$/;
my $jobCause = $c->stash("jobCause");
return $c->render(text => "invalid jobCause: $jobCause", status => 400) unless $jobCause=~/^\d+$/;
my $jobLocation = $c->req->param('jobLocation');
if ($jobLocation){ $jobLocation = $ENV{'DATADIR'} . "/jobs/" . $jobLocation; }
unless ( $jobLocation && -d $jobLocation ){
app->log->debug("determining jobLocation because passed job jobLocation isn't useable");
$jobLocation = getJobLocation($jobId);
$c->stash("jobLocation", $jobLocation);
# TODO - more validation? would BKI lie to us?
return if $c->tx->res->code && 400 == $c->tx->res->code; # return if we rendered an error above
# tell BKI we're all set ASAP
$c->render(text => 'ok');
handleJobStatusUpdate($c, $jobId, $jobState, $jobCause, $jobLocation);
sub handleJobStatusUpdate{
my ($c, $jobId, $jobState, $jobCause, $jobLocation) = #_;
app->log->info("job $jobId, state $jobState, cause $jobCause, loc $jobLocation");
# set the job states in jobs
app->work_db->do($sql, undef, #params);
if ($jobState == $SOME_JOB_STATE) {
... do stuff ...
... uses $c->stash to hold data used by other functions
if ($jobState == $OTHER_JOB_STATE) {
... do stuff ...
... uses $c->stash to hold data used by other functions
Your request will not be complete until the request handler returns. This little app, for example, will take 5 seconds to output "test":
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/test' => sub { $_[0]->render( text => "test" ); sleep 5 };
The workaround for your app would be to run handleJobStatusUpdate in a background process.
get '/jobStateChange/:jobId/:jobState/:jobCause' => sub {
my $c =shift;
my $jobId = $c->stash("jobId");
my $jobState = $c->stash("jobState");
my $jobCause = $c->stash("jobCause");
my $jobLocation = $c->req->param('jobLocation');
$c->render(text => 'ok');
if (fork() == 0) {
handleJobStatusUpdate($c, $jobId, $jobState, $jobCause, $jobLocation);

How do I do a chunked transfer-encoding upload with WWW:Mechanize?

I'm attempting to use a particular web service, and I can successfully perform the upload with the following command:
curl -X POST --header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" -d #Downloads/file.pdf https://some.webservice/upload
I get back a json response indicate success.
However, I'm unable to figure out how to do the same with WWW::Mechanize.
$mech->post("https://" . $server . "/upload", Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data', Content => [upID => $upid, name => $dlfile, userID => 0, userK => 0, file_0 => [$dlfile]]);
This receives a similar json response with a big fat error message in it.
Do I need to explicitly set the Transfer-Encoding header first? Is there some other trick to it? Google's not shedding much light on this, Perlmonks neither, and the documentation's a little obtuse.
You can do it using HTTP::Request::StreamingUpload
my $starttime = time();
my $req = HTTP::Request::StreamingUpload->new(
POST => $url,
path => $file,
headers => HTTP::Headers->new(
'Transfer-Encoding' => 'chunked'
my $gen = $req->content;
die unless ref($gen) eq "CODE";
my $total = 0;
$req->content(sub {
my $chunk = &$gen();
$total += length($chunk);
print "\r$total / $size bytes ("
. int($total/$size*100)
. "%) sent, "
. int($total/1000/(time()-$starttime+1))
. " k / sec ";
return $chunk;
my $resp = $ua->request($req);
print "\n";
unless ($resp->is_success) {
die "Failed uploading the file: ", $resp->status_line;
my $con = $resp->content;
return $con;
Do you really need WWW::Mechanize? It is a subclass of LWP::UserAgent with additional functionality that gives browser-like functionality like filling in and submitting forms, clicking links, a page history with a "back" operation etc. If you don't need all of that then you may as well use LWP::UserAgent directly
Either way, the post method is inherited unchanged from LWP::UserAgent, and it's fine to use it directly as you have done
The way to send a chunked POST is to set the Content to a reference to a subroutine. The subroutine must return the next chunk of data each time it is called, and finally ann empty string or undef when there is no more to send
Is the data supposed to be a JSON string?
It's easiest to write a factory subroutine that returns a closure, like this
sub make_callback {
my ($data) = shift;
sub { substr($data, 0, 512, "") }
Then you can call post like this
my $payload = to_json(...);
Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data',
Content => make_callback($payload)
Please be aware that all of this is untested

Less verbose debug screen in Catalyst?

in my stage server I would like to activate the debug so the clients can find errors for themselves before the app goes to the production server.
BUT I only want the first part of the message, not the Request, or the Session Data.
For example: Couldn't render template "templates/home.tt2: file error - templates/inc/heater: not found".
The message is enough for me and for my client to see that the "header" call is misspelled.
The Request has a lot of irrelevant information for the client, but also has A LOT of internal developing information that should be hidden all the time!!
What you want is to override Catalyst's dump_these method. This returns a list of things to display on Catalyst's error debugging page.
The default implementation looks like:
sub dump_these {
my $c = shift;
[ Request => $c->req ],
[ Response => $c->res ],
[ Stash => $c->stash ],
[ Config => $c->config ];
but you can make it more restrictive, for example
sub dump_these {
my $c = shift;
return [ Apology => "We're sorry that you encountered a problem" ],
[ Response => substr($c->res->body, 0, 512) ];
You would define dump_these in your app's main module -- the one where you use Catalyst.
I had a similar problem that I solved by overriding the Catalyst method log_request_parameters.
Something like this (as #mob said, put it in your main module):
sub log_request_parameters {
my $c = shift;
my %all_params = #_;
my $copy = Clone::clone(\%all_params); # don't change the 'real' request params
# Then, do anything you want to only print what matters to you,
# for example, to hide some POST parameters:
my $body = $copy->{body} || {};
foreach my $key (keys %$body) {
$body->{$key} = '****' if $key =~ /password/;
return $c->SUPER::log_request_parameters( %$copy );
But you could also simply return at the beginning, if you don't want any GET/POST parameters displayed.
Well, I didn't think of the more obvious solution, in your case: you could simply set your log level to something higher than debug, which would prevent these debug logs from being displayed, but would keep the error logs:
# (or a similar condition to check you are not on the production server)
if ( !__PACKAGE__->config->{dev} ) {
__PACKAGE__->log->levels( 'warn', 'error', 'fatal' ) if ref __PACKAGE__->log;

Perl: How can i test for a URL ( https ) accepting GET requests using "login" parameter

I have a CGI server side script that accepts GET and POST, with login parameters.
I want to test it to make sure it is not vulnerable. So the plan is to use Perl LWP, and send login parameters in GET and POST, and compare the results. the interface has been changed, so that only in POST we can send user-name and password in session cookies ( not sure if that is a great idea ) , so how do i test it ? Here is what i have so far:
use LWP;
print "This is libwww-perl-$LWP::VERSION\n";
# Create a user agent object
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("MyApp/0.1 ");
# Create a request
#my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => '');
#my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => '');
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => ' HTTP/1.1');
# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
my $res = $ua->request($req);
# Check the outcome of the response
if ($res->is_success) {
print $res->content;
#print $res->code;
#print $res->message;
else {
print $res->status_line, "\n";
This is not going to do it, since it does not have the session cookie stuff. But might be a good start though. Is this the right way to test the GET and POST ?
Here is what was implemented in the cgi:
#cr_login for POST && login for GET -- leave GET param as it used to be.
if ($m eq 'GET' && defined($req->param('login'))) {
$msg = 'parameter "login" is invalid for this request type.';
+ my $seclog = $event_logging_directory . '/invalid_request.log';
+ open(S, ">>$seclog") or die $!;
+ my $logmsg = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",Today_and_Now())
+ . "|mode:" . $req->param('mode')
+ . "|login:" . $req->param('login')
+ . "|remote_addr:" . $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}
+ . "|$msg\n";
+ print S $logmsg;
and :
POST request to n-cu.cgi should use parameter "cr_login". If the parameter "login" is passed in a post request, it should throw error and return to login screen.
GET request to n-cu.cgi should use the parameter "login". If the parameter "cr_login" is passed in a post request, it should throw error and return to login screen.
so here is how we do it:
Keep the session cookie and context alive :
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive => 10);
$browser->cookie_jar( {} );
#$browser->ssl_opts({ verify_hostname => 0 });
and later: print the response
print "Cookies:\n", Dumper($browser->cookie_jar()), "\n\n";
my $content = $response->as_string;
print "$content\n";
Sending password in a cookie? Nope.
Disallow GET for /login.
POST username and password to /login, over SSL.
In CGI, the GET/POST is indicated via the REQUEST_METHOD environment variable.
You cannot stop determined people from issuing a GET request to your server, but you can refuse to process it like so (untested code - you have to fill in details):
# issue a redirect to a suitable error page, then return.
my $q = CGI->new();
my $user = $q->params('username');
my $password = $q->params('password');
my $encrypted_password = my_password_encryptor($password);
unless ( can_log_in($user, $encrypted_password) ) {
# issue an error message - redirect&return or fall-through...
else {
Most people do not roll their own authentication or session handling. They mostly use one from CPAN, or one included with the larger app framework. If you're doing CGI, you can use CGI::Session.
You might give CGI::Application and/or its offspring a look. Those authors have already solved a bunch of the problems that you're encountering.

How do I make 25 requests at a time with HTTP::Async in Perl?

I'm doing a lot of HTTP requests and I chose HTTP::Async to do the job. I've over 1000 requests to make, and if I simply do the following (see code below), a lot of requests time out by the time they get processed because it can take tens of minutes before processing gets to them:
for my $url (#urls) {
$async->add(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url));
while (my $resp = $async->wait_for_next_response) {
# use $resp
So I decided to do 25 requests per time, but I can't think of a way to express it in code.
I tried the following:
while (1) {
for (1..25) {
my $url = shift #urls;
if (!defined($url)) {
last L25;
$async->add(HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url));
while (my $resp = $async->wait_for_next_response) {
# use $resp
This however doesn't work well as because it's too slow now. Now it waits until all 25 requests have been processed until it adds another 25. So if it has 2 requests left, it does nothing. I've to wait for all requests to be processed to add the next batch of 25.
How could I improve this logic to make $async do something while I process records, but also make sure they don't time out.
You're close, you just need to combine the two approaches! :-)
Untested, so think of it as pseudo code. In particular I am not sure if total_count is the right method to use, the documentation doesn't say. You could also just have an $active_requests counter that you ++ when adding a request and -- when you get a response.
while (1) {
# if there aren't already 25 requests "active", then add more
while (#urls and $async->total_count < 25) {
my $url = shift #urls;
$async->add( ... );
# deal with any finished requests right away, we wait for a
# second just so we don't spin in the main loop too fast.
while (my $response = $async->wait_for_next_response(1)) {
# use $response
# finish the main loop when there's no more work
last unless ($async->total_count or #urls);
If you can't call wait_for_next_response fast enough because you're in the middle of executing other code, the simplest solution is to make the code interruptable by moving it to a separate thread of execution. But if you're going to start using threads, why use HTTP::Async?
use threads;
use Thread::Queue::Any 1.03;
use constant NUM_WORKERS => 25;
my $req_q = Thread::Queue::Any->new();
my $res_q = Thread::Queue::Any->new();
my #workers;
for (1..NUM_WORKERS) {
push #workers, async {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
while (my $req = $req_q->dequeue()) {
$res_q->enqueue( $ua->request($req) );
for my $url (#urls) {
$req_q->enqueue( HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ) );
$req_q->enqueue(undef) for #workers;
for (1..#urls) {
my $res = $res_q->dequeue();
$_->join() for #workers;