My configuration as below:
OS: MacOSX Sierra v10.12
Emacs: GNU Emacs 25.2.
AucTex: auctex-11.90.0
TexLive: 2016
Skim: Version 1.4.28 (102)
I use below emacs configuration:
;; AucTeX
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)
(setq-default TeX-master nil)
(setq TeX-PDF-mode nil)
(setq preview-image-type (quote dvipng))
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda ()
'("latexmk" "latexmk -pdf %s" TeX-run-TeX nil t
:help "Run latexmk on file")
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "<S-s-mouse-1>") #'TeX-view)))
(dolist (dir '("/Applications/"))
(add-to-list 'exec-path dir))
(setq TeX-view-program-list
'(("" "open -a %o")
("Skim" "open -a %o")
("displayline" "displayline -g -b %n %o %b")
("open" "open %o"))
'((output-dvi "open")
(output-pdf "Skim")
(output-html "open")))
I can use C-c C-c to compile my tex file. and use C-c C-v to launch preview (Skim).
the Skim will popup as a application, I wish it can be embbed into emacs as another window, just like DocView behavior. Is it possible to do that or my config is not good?
When Skim lanuched, the opened file is test.dvi, but I wish it's test.pdf.
When press C-c C-c first time, it will popup LaTex select window, after confirmed and press C-c C-c again, it will popup View select window and need to confirm view command then I see the document. Can I make everything as default so no need to select again and again? (C-c C-c, compile; C-c C-c again, preview).
Change (setq TeX-PDF-mode nil) to (setq TeX-PDF-mode t) will get pdf output.
Add below configuration to remove the compile prompt:
(setq TeX-command-force "LaTeX")
(setq TeX-clean-confirm t)
Skim sounds like not support side-by-side view with emacs. but use DocView instead. Add below config to get better image quality:
(setq doc-view-resolution 600)
I like to use terminal tools and the one of them is 'magit' - awesome Git client implemented as an Emacs package. I use it to control Git projects. I have a script which automatically start emacs at computer boot (this same me a time with routine work). But also I'm looking for a way to run emacs in magit-status mode (without manual executing M-x magit-status... each time). Emacs provide a possibility to configure it's environment in init configuration file. To make emacs run magit at boot I created special magit.el file and run emacs from command line
$ emacs -q --load ~/.emacs.d/magit.el
Unfortunately I unable to switch emacs in magic-status-mode - something wrong with init file. Emacs remains in lisp-interaction-mode after boot. The content of init file is below:
;; disable welcome screen at launch
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
(setq visible-bell t)
; Disable tabs indent
(setq-default c-basic-offset 4
tab-width 4
indent-tabs-mode nil)
(global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char)
;; Makes *scratch* empty.
(setq initial-scratch-message "")
;; Removes *scratch* from buffer after the mode has been set.
(defun remove-scratch-buffer ()
(if (get-buffer "*scratch*")
(kill-buffer "*scratch*")))
;(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'remove-scratch-buffer)
;; Removes *messages* from the buffer.
;(setq-default message-log-max nil)
;(kill-buffer "*Messages*")
;; Removes *Completions* from buffer after you've opened a file.
;(add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook
; '(lambda ()
; (let ((buffer "*Completions*"))
; (and (get-buffer buffer)
; (kill-buffer buffer)))))
;; Don't show *Buffer list* when opening multiple files at the same time.
(setq inhibit-startup-buffer-menu t)
;; Show only one active window when opening multiple files at the same time.
;(add-hook 'window-setup-hook 'delete-other-windows)
;; Tell emacs where is your personal elisp lib dir (magit)
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/")
(load "git") ;; best not to include the ending “.el” or “.elc”
;; activate installed packages
(setq-default major-mode 'magit-status-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'magit-status-mode)
(if after-init-time
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'magit-status-mode))
Try this:
(call-interactively 'magit-status)
Instead of all of this:
(setq-default major-mode 'magit-status-mode)
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'magit-status-mode)
(if after-init-time
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'magit-status-mode))
Using after-init-hook would make sense in an init file, but with -q you're explicitly not using an init file (using --load is not the same thing), and that hook has already run by the time your custom magit.el file is loaded, so nothing you add to the hook at that stage will ever be processed.
Note that you don't want to call magit-status-mode at all. That's not a major mode you would ever be expected to invoke manually, as you would never want that mode for any buffer other than the one created by the magit-status command.
When I launch an ipython process in an emacs buffer, it prints trash text to the buffer:
The ipython buffer does this every time I launch it, every time I evaluate code in another buffer, every time I evaluate code in that buffer. Ipython never does this from the bash CLI, In [1]:
Where could I look to change this behavior to a more sensible and terse prompt, such as what ipython does in bash?
This is in emacs 24.5.1 inside tmux 2.0 with python 2.7.6, ipython 5.1.0, python-mode version 6.2.1, running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Here's every line in my .emacs file that even mentions python:
; (require 'python-settings)
; (require 'ein)
(setq py-install-directory "~/.emacs.d/python-mode")
(add-to-list 'load-path py-install-directory)
(require 'python-mode)
(setq python-shell-interpreter "~/anaconda2/bin/python"
python-shell-interpreter-args "-i console --matplotlib")
(setq-default py-shell-name "ipython")
(setq-default py-which-bufname "IPython")
; use the wx backend, for both mayavi and matplotlib
(setq py-python-command-args
'("--gui=wx" "--pylab=wx" "-colors" "Linux"))
;; responsible for the annoying window rearrangement behavior after every code execution? Nope.
(setq py-force-py-shell-name-p t)
; switch to the interpreter after executing code
(setq py-shell-switch-buffers-on-execute-p nil)
(setq py-switch-buffers-on-execute-p nil)
(setq py-shell-local-path "/home/ftamborello/anaconda2/bin/python"
py-use-local-default t)
; don't split windows
(setq py-split-window-on-execute-p nil)
; try to automagically figure out indentation
(setq py-smart-indentation t)
; enable flycheck syntax support
; (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode)
what Thomas K suggests is the actual solution, just edit your init.el file and paste the following:
(setq python-shell-interpreter "ipython3"
python-shell-interpreter-args "-i --simple-prompt")
I'm trying to use the Edinburgh Concurrency Workbench ( with Emacs under Windows. I have placed the file cwb.el under C:\emacs\emacs-22.3\emacs-stuff. My .emacs file is located at C:\emacs and has the following content:
(setq load-path ; Look in my own library first.
(cons (expand-file-name "C:\emacs\emacs-22.3\emacsstuff")
(autoload 'cwb "cwb" "Run a CWB process." t)
(autoload 'cwb-file-mode "cwb" "Major mode for editing CWB source." t)
(add-hook 'cwb-load-hook
(lambda ()
(setq cwb-program-name "cwb7")))) ;; only necessary if your v7 isn't
;; called cwb
Yet, when I enter "M-x cwb", I get "Cannot open load file: cwb".
I tried to follow the instruction here:
In Emacs Lisp strings, backslash is an escape character, similar to C, so "C:\emacs\emacs-22.3\emacsstuff" ends up being "C:^[macs^[macs-22.3^[macsstuff". (You can try it with either M-: or M-x ielm.)
You can either write the path with forward slashes instead ("C:/emacs/emacs-22.3/emacsstuff") or use double backslashes ("C:\\emacs\\emacs-22.3\\emacsstuff").
I am trying to make shortcuts for portable emacs linking to a portable LaTeX compiler and R for Sweave, but I know very little about the language used in .emacs (this is Lisp?)
Currently I am using fullpath-relative-to-current-file obtained from Link to get the path to .emacs (which is in USBDRIVE/Documents), then get the relative path to the compiler and call it on buffer-file-name which is the full path and filename including extension of the extension:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c s")
(lambda ()
(cond ((string-equal (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)) "tex")
(shell-command (concat (fullpath-relative-to-current-file "../PortableApps/miktex/miktex/bin/pdflatex ") buffer-file-name)))
(cond ((string-equal (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)) "Rnw")
(shell-command (concat (fullpath-relative-to-current-file "../PortableApps/R/R-2.14.1/bin/R CMD Sweave ") buffer-file-name " --pdf")))
This allows me to use C-c s to run LaTeX on a tex file and Sweave on an Rnw file. Now I would like to include calls to bibtex, but for that I need the filename and path of the tex file without extension. How can I do that?
Try file-name-sans-extension. For more details, read the File Name Components section of the manual.
I'm working with GNU Emacs 23.3 (9.0) on Mac OS X 10.7.2. I would like to use synctex to jump between .tex and .pdf files. Although there are many different approaches on the web, none worked properly (I tried 8 different approaches...). I finally ended up with the rather simple approach described here:
So my .emacs contains:
'(LaTeX-command "latex -synctex=1")
(require 'tex-site)
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(add-to-list 'TeX-output-view-style
'("^pdf$" "."
"/Applications/ -b %n %o %b")))
Of course, I also set up Skim (Preferences -> Sync -> checked "Check for file changes" and chose Preset: Emacs with command emacsclient and arguments --no-wait +%line "%file")
As you can see, I included the -b option to displayline. I can call displayline from the terminal and it opens the .pdf and displays the corresponding line with a yellow/highlighted bar. Still, nothing is displayed on the current line if I compile the document with latexmk -pvc -pdf from a shell within
Question 1: How can I get this to work/How can I display the current line?
Question 2: Is it possible to have a "proper" forward search by clicking the .tex and jumping to the corresponding line in the .pdf document? How can I "click" in emacs? The standard CMD + shift + click does not work in emacs.
I also tried approaches using...
(setq TeX-source-correlate-method 'synctex)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'TeX-source-correlate-mode)
... but nothing changes.
I can CMD + shift + click in the .pdf and jump to the .tex, so that works.
The only directions which I haven't looked into are:
is this a latexmk problem? Most likely not, since latexmk explicitly displays pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 so synctex is recognized
is it a wrong skim preference setting? Maybe I have to adjust the arguments to emacsclient there (?)
Indeed latexmk is the problem. I finally figured out the following settings:
;; make latexmk available via C-c C-c
;; Note: SyncTeX is setup via ~/.latexmkrc (see below)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda ()
'("latexmk" "latexmk -pdf %s" TeX-run-TeX nil t
:help "Run latexmk on file")
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook '(lambda () (setq TeX-command-default "latexmk")))
;; use Skim as default pdf viewer
;; Skim's displayline is used for forward search (from .tex to .pdf)
;; option -b highlights the current line; option -g opens Skim in the background
(setq TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "PDF Viewer")))
(setq TeX-view-program-list
'(("PDF Viewer" "/Applications/ -b -g %n %o %b")))
(server-start); start emacs in server mode so that skim can talk to it
$pdflatex = 'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -synctex=1 %O %S';
$pdf_previewer = 'open -a skim';
$clean_ext = 'bbl rel %R-blx.bib %R.synctex.gz';
This perfectly allows to compile with latexmk as default on C-c C-c and C-c C-v opens Skim at the current line which is nicely highlighted. With CMD + shift + click in the .pdf, one can then jump back to the corresponding paragraph in the .tex file (thanks to server-start).
To enable the clicking feature of the sync, I added:
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
(lambda () (local-set-key (kbd "<S-s-mouse-1>") #'TeX-view))
to my .emacs file.
NOTE: make sure that you are in PDF mode (use (setq TeX-PDF-mode t)).
When you press C-c C-v (which runs TeX-view) it should open Skim with the bar on the current line. This is what you set up with the TeX-output-view-style. You can't get that behaviour from latexmk -pvc since it doesn't know which line you are on. All latexmk knows is that the file changed. In order to do a forward search you need to run TeX-view.
You can bind CMD + shift + click to run TeX-view by adding
(define-key LaTeX-mode-map [M-S-mouse-1] 'TeX-view)
or possibly
(define-key LaTeX-mode-map [s-S-mouse-1] 'TeX-view)
to your TeX-mode-hook. It depends on your settings which you need, but can find out by pressing C-h C-k and then CMD+shift+click. Of course adding both shouldn't cause a problem.