Obtain buffer file name without extension in .emacs - emacs

I am trying to make shortcuts for portable emacs linking to a portable LaTeX compiler and R for Sweave, but I know very little about the language used in .emacs (this is Lisp?)
Currently I am using fullpath-relative-to-current-file obtained from Link to get the path to .emacs (which is in USBDRIVE/Documents), then get the relative path to the compiler and call it on buffer-file-name which is the full path and filename including extension of the extension:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c s")
(lambda ()
(cond ((string-equal (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)) "tex")
(shell-command (concat (fullpath-relative-to-current-file "../PortableApps/miktex/miktex/bin/pdflatex ") buffer-file-name)))
(cond ((string-equal (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name)) "Rnw")
(shell-command (concat (fullpath-relative-to-current-file "../PortableApps/R/R-2.14.1/bin/R CMD Sweave ") buffer-file-name " --pdf")))
This allows me to use C-c s to run LaTeX on a tex file and Sweave on an Rnw file. Now I would like to include calls to bibtex, but for that I need the filename and path of the tex file without extension. How can I do that?

Try file-name-sans-extension. For more details, read the File Name Components section of the manual.


Emacs and CWB under Windows

I'm trying to use the Edinburgh Concurrency Workbench (http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/perdita/cwb/) with Emacs under Windows. I have placed the file cwb.el under C:\emacs\emacs-22.3\emacs-stuff. My .emacs file is located at C:\emacs and has the following content:
(setq load-path ; Look in my own library first.
(cons (expand-file-name "C:\emacs\emacs-22.3\emacsstuff")
(autoload 'cwb "cwb" "Run a CWB process." t)
(autoload 'cwb-file-mode "cwb" "Major mode for editing CWB source." t)
(add-hook 'cwb-load-hook
(lambda ()
(setq cwb-program-name "cwb7")))) ;; only necessary if your v7 isn't
;; called cwb
Yet, when I enter "M-x cwb", I get "Cannot open load file: cwb".
I tried to follow the instruction here: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/perdita/cwb/doc/emacs.html.
In Emacs Lisp strings, backslash is an escape character, similar to C, so "C:\emacs\emacs-22.3\emacsstuff" ends up being "C:^[macs^[macs-22.3^[macsstuff". (You can try it with either M-: or M-x ielm.)
You can either write the path with forward slashes instead ("C:/emacs/emacs-22.3/emacsstuff") or use double backslashes ("C:\\emacs\\emacs-22.3\\emacsstuff").

One-shot command to knit and latexmk under Emacs + AUCtex

I want to knit AND latexmk Knitr documents using one AUCtex command.
I don't know how to code in lisp, and web search didn't turn up anything like this.
I have something close. The extension of the file needs to be changed for latexmk.
Any help will be appreciated.
Following line is for my .emacs file.
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda () (push '
("KnitrLaTeX" "Rscript -e \"library(knitr)\; knit('%s')\" && latexmk -pdf %s"
TeX-run-TeX nil t :help "Run knitr and latexmk on file")
When I run C-c C-c (KnitrLaTeX), emacs runs the following command:
Running `KnitrLaTeX' on `slides.Rnw' with ``Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('slides.Rnw')" && latexmk -pdf slides.Rnw''
Which is wrong. It should read "... && latexmk -pdf slides.tex"
Thanks in advance.
It appears that you are having trouble with how the second usage of %s is being interpreted at the tail end of your compile command -- i.e., you want the second usage of %s to mean slides.tex instead of slides.Rnw.
Although I am not familiar with knit, I am familiar with creating custom variables for use with AUCTeX. Set forth below are some examples of how to create custom variables and add them to the TeX-expand-list.
Rather than of using %s for a second time (i.e., at the tail end of your compilation command), perhaps consider using %(tex-file-name) instead. This assumes that your *.tex file is open in the buffer with focus when you begin your compilation command -- i.e., the full file name will be inserted into your compilation command.
If you have a file with a different extension that is open in the buffer with focus when you run your compilation command, and if you want the base name to be the same (but with a different extension), then you would do something similar to the example of %(pdf-file-name) -- i.e., remove whatever extension is there and replace it with the new one.
(eval-after-load "tex" '(progn
(add-to-list 'TeX-expand-list '("%(tex-file-name)" (lambda ()
(concat "\"" (buffer-file-name) "\""))))
(add-to-list 'TeX-expand-list '("%(pdf-file-name)" (lambda ()
"\"" (car (split-string (buffer-file-name) "\\.tex"))
".pdf" "\""))))
(add-to-list 'TeX-expand-list '("%(line-number)" (lambda ()
(format "%d" (line-number-at-pos))))) ))

Going root when writing to file/saving file?

Is it possible to open a file(in root location) as non-root user in Emacs, edit it and then when its time to save provide the password so the Emacs can get write to the file? Better still provide different buffers with different user privileges?
I know of Tramp but couldn't get my head around it.
Here's how I do it:
(require 'tramp)
(defun sudired ()
(dired "/sudo::/"))
You'll get a dired buffer where you have root privileges.
Any subsequent directory or file that you open from here will be with root.
Any other dired buffers will not be affected.
Update: I now use sudo-edit (available on Melpa or at https://github.com/nflath/sudo-edit), which has the header warning and is more robust than this function.
This is what I use. You can open a file (even one that doesn't exist yet) or directory as a normal user, and run this function to get root privileges.
(defun find-alternative-file-with-sudo ()
(let ((bname (expand-file-name (or buffer-file-name
(pt (point)))
(setq bname (or (file-remote-p bname 'localname)
(concat "/sudo::" bname)))
(cl-flet ((server-buffer-done
(buffer &optional for-killing)
(find-alternate-file bname))
(goto-char pt)))
I also have this, which makes a big red banner across the top of the buffer telling me it's opened as root.
(defface find-file-root-header-face
'((t (:foreground "white" :background "red3")))
"*Face use to display header-lines for files opened as root.")
(defun find-file-root-header-warning ()
"*Display a warning in header line of the current buffer.
This function is suitable to add to `find-file-hook'."
(when (string-equal
(file-remote-p (or buffer-file-name default-directory) 'user)
(let* ((warning "WARNING: EDITING FILE AS ROOT!")
(space (+ 6 (- (window-width) (length warning))))
(bracket (make-string (/ space 2) ?-))
(warning (concat bracket warning bracket)))
(setq header-line-format
(propertize warning 'face 'find-file-root-header-face)))))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'find-file-root-header-warning)
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'find-file-root-header-warning)
You don't need any special functions for this, it's built-in to Emacs (at least it is for version 24).
To open a file as root:
C-x C-f to open the find-file dialog in the minibuffer.
Then prepend /su::/ to the file path:
You'll be prompted for the root password. After that, you can open the file as if you are root. The rest of your buffers will be unaffected. However, if you open another file from the same buffer, you'll automatically be opening it as root.
I wanted to have a way to open root files too, so I came up with this function that replaced build in find-file, now I have this in my .emacs:
(defun test (&rest args)
(eq (apply 'call-process "test" nil (current-buffer) nil args) 0)))
(defun have-permission (filename)
;; only bash expand ~ with home directory
(let ((expanded (replace-regexp-in-string "~"
(concat "/home/" (user-real-login-name))
(if (not (file-exists-p expanded))
(let ((directory (file-name-directory expanded)))
(and (test "-r" directory) (test "-x" directory) (test "-w" directory)))
(and (test "-r" expanded) (test "-w" expanded)))))
(defun find-every-file (filename &optional wildcards)
"Open file use sudo:: if user have no permissions to open the file"
(find-file-read-args "Find All Files: "
(find-file (if (have-permission filename)
;; you can replace that with /su:: if you don't have sudo access
(concat "/sudo::" (file-truename filename)))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-f") 'find-every-file)
It also work if you try to open non existing file or non existing file in directory you don't have write permissions.
you can combine it with #jpkotta warning popup.

Org-agenda-files replaces directories with explicit filenames

I have a directory tasks/ in org-agenda-files variable. When i add a file to org-agenda-files variable through C-c [ command (org-agenda-file-to-front), the directory path is replaced by paths of the files, that are currently in that directory. It is bad, because when i add some files to tasks/ later on, they will not contribute to my agenda.
Is there some way to avoid this, or i'm stuck with manually adding files and directories to org-agenda-files?
This problem is acknowledged at Org Mode - Organize Your Life In Plain Text!
Emacs version:
Org-mode version: 7.8.09
You could define a command that just adds a file to org-agenda-files without calling org-agenda-files-to-front, and then rebing that to C-c [. For example:
(defun my-org-agenda-file-to-front ()
(setq org-agenda-files (append org-agenda-files (list (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))))
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c [") `my-org-agenda-file-to-front)

change .emacs file's location

I am working on windows xp
I stored emacs in usb
I want to carry the .emacs file as well as binary files
what I tried are
(setenv “HOME” (format "%s" (getenv "emacspath")))
(setenv “HOME” (format "%s/" (getenv "emacspath")))
It seems works if I eval-expression in emacs
After setenv, I could notice setting env is works well by (getenv "home")
but I put the (setenv "home" (format "%s/" (getenv "emacspath")))
in "site-start.el" file in "site-lisp" folder, starting emacs says "Symbol's value as variable is void: "HOME"
Any ideas?
An easier way - just create a batch file on your USB drive where you can set all env variables you need. Then start emacs.exe from the batch.
For example if you want to run SBCL add the following lines to your batch
rem SBCL_HOME is required for SBCL
set SBCL_HOME=%utils%\Lisp\sbcl\1.0.29
set SBCL_RUN=%SBCL_HOME%\sbcl.exe
set SBCL_OPTIONS=--noinform
How about using default.el either as a symlink or as a simple elisp pinter to your file:
(load-file "/path/to/usb/.emacs")
Add following code to a file (e.g. c:/.emacs).
;; This function must be at begin
(defun zxy-relocate-dotemacs ()
"Relocate .emacs file"
(let (print-level print-length)
(insert (format "(load-file \"%s\")" load-file-name))
(if (file-exists-p "~/.emacs")
(message "[zxy] Don't need relocate .emacs file!")
(message "[zxy] Relocate .emacs file.")
(write-file "~/.emacs"))))))
;; Your configuration here
Open emacs and M-x load-file c:/.emacs.
Then it will relocate .emacs to c:/.emacs.
I use this when I copy my emacs to a new computer.
More information please visit my blog abuot emacs.