Setting lazy static variable first initializes then assigns? - swift

I realize that static variables are implicitly lazy, which is really great. Doing the below will not create the instance until it's first called:
static var test = Test()
However, assigning a new instance to the static variable initializes the original, then assigns the new instance which is troubling for me:
SomeType.test = AnotherTest() //Initializes Test then AnotherTest type
To give more context on what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to setup a pure Swift dependency injection using this article. It's not working so well when swapping the types out in my unit tests because the original type always gets initialized when assigning the mock type.
Here's a more fuller, playground sample:
protocol MyProtocol { }
class MyClass: MyProtocol {
init() { print("MyClass.init") }
struct MyMap {
static var prop1: MyProtocol = MyClass()
protocol MyInject {
extension MyInject {
var prop1: MyProtocol { return MyMap.prop1 }
class MyMock: MyProtocol {
init() { print("MyMock.init") }
// Swapping types underneath first initializes
// original type, then mock type :(
MyMap.prop1 = MyMock()
prints: MyClass.init
prints: MyMock.init
How can I make MyMap.prop1 = MyMock() not first initialize the original MyClass first?

You need lazy loading. Try this:
struct MyMap {
private static var _prop1: MyProtocol?
static var prop1: MyProtocol {
get { return _prop1 ?? MyClass() }
set(value) { _prop1 = value }
Or this:
struct MyMap {
private static var _prop1: MyProtocol?
static var prop1: MyProtocol {
get {
if _prop1 == nil {
_prop1 = MyClass()
return _prop1!
set(value) { _prop1 = value }


How can I get a specific struct type returned?

I want to initialize the struct by receiving the "struct type"(?) by a specific logic as below.
As I abstracted the return value of the struct into MyProtocol had a declaration of init(), which seems a little awkward.
I'm not sure I can do this.
I'd like to get an undecided struct type returned, what should I do?
Is this for the best?
For your information, Opaque Type is not available because it needs to support iOS 13 or earlier.
protocol MyProtocol {
init() // Is this for the best?
struct AAA: MyProtocol {
var numberAAA: Int // Sample variable.
init() {
print("init AAA")
numberAAA = 100
struct BBB: MyProtocol {
var numberBBB: Int // Sample variable.
init() {
print("init BBB")
numberBBB = 200
class MyClass {
func mainLogic() {
let myStruct = randomStruct()
myStruct.init() // This is the reason init () declared in the MyProtocol.
func randomStruct() -> MyProtocol.Type {
if Bool.random() {
return AAA.self
} else {
return BBB.self
init() as a protocol requirement seems odd. No one is stopping you to do this and compiler should allow this, however I would consider making protocol based on some other requirement rather than just init().
Here's an attempt to do so -
protocol NumberOperation {
var number: Int { get set }
mutating func perform()
struct Incrementer: NumberOperation {
var number: Int
mutating func perform() {
number += 1
struct Decrementer: NumberOperation {
var number: Int
mutating func perform() {
number -= 1
struct Record<O: NumberOperation> {
public var operation: O
mutating func perform() {
class MyClass {
func mainLogic() {
var record = getRecord(type: Incrementer.self)
func getRecord<O: NumberOperation>(type: O.Type) -> Record<O> {
if type == Incrementer.self {
return Record(operation: Incrementer(number: 1) as! O)
return Record(operation: Decrementer(number: 10) as! O)
This introduces a container type Record that holds/wraps our type based on the same protocol conformation. This does the same what you were doing, probably is easier to read/understand.

type A requires that type B be a class type swift 4

the following code gives me a compile error
'WeakReference' requires that 'ServiceDelegate' be a class type
protocol ServiceDelegate: AnyObject {
func doIt()
class SomeClass() {
// compile error occurs in this line
private var observers = [WeakReference<ServiceDelegate>]()
WeakReference code:
final class WeakReference<T: AnyObject> {
private(set) weak var value: T?
init(value: T?) {
self.value = value
How can I fix this error? Delegate should be declared correctly as per this site.
What I have tried so far:
Changing the delegate protocol conformance from AnyObject to
class does not solve the problem.
Try the above code in a clean playground.
You can't have a WeakReference<ServiceDelegate>. ServiceDelegate itself is not an AnyObject, it just requires that anything that conforms to it be an AnyObject.
You would need to make SomeClass generic and use the generic type as the type for the WeakReference:
class SomeClass<T: ServiceDelegate> {
private var observers = [WeakReference<T>]()
If the generic on SomeClass is too constricting and you want to be able to have instances of multiple unrelated classes as observers then I would do it by abandoning the generic parameter on WeakReference:
final class WeakServiceDelegate {
private(set) weak var value: ServiceDelegate?
init(value: ServiceDelegate?) {
self.value = value
class SomeClass {
private var observers = [WeakServiceDelegate]()
Alternatively you could make WeakReference conditionally conform to ServiceDelegate:
extension WeakReference: ServiceDelegate where T: ServiceDelegate {
func doIt() {
And then use an array of ServiceDelegate in SomeClass:
class SomeClass {
private var observers = [ServiceDelegate]()
func addObserver<T: ServiceDelegate>(_ observer: T) {
observers.append(WeakReference(value: observer))
As you see, ServiceDelegate is a protocol, not a class type.
Even if all types which can conform to ServiceDelegate are class types, ServiceDelegate itself is not a class type. It is the fact of the pure Swift protocols currently.
Try #obc, Objective-C protocols are a bit different:
#objc protocol ServiceDelegate {
func doIt()
You may want to exclude Objective-C something and to make some pure Swift classes conform to ServiceDelegate, but I cannot find other ways around.
The problem is that WeakReference<ServiceDelegate> is wrong at line
private var observers = [WeakReference<ServiceDelegate>]()
You have to use a concrete class instead of protocol inside <>
You have two possible solutions:
Create a concrete class and use it:
class ServiceClass: ServiceDelegate {
private var observers = [WeakReference<ServiceClass>]()
Or use a protocol. I mean this:
final class WeakReference<T: AnyObject> {
private(set) weak var value: T?
init(value: T?) {
self.value = value
protocol SomeContainer: AnyObject { }
extension WeakReference: SomeContainer { }
and use this way:
private var observers = [SomeContainer]()
Using this way:
class SomeClass<T: ServiceDelegate> {
private var observers = [WeakReference<T>]()
You just move the problem to another part of the code.
I had similar problem and ended up keeping generic WeakReference, but removing type constraint:
struct WeakReference<T> {
private weak var storage: AnyObject?
var value: T? {
get { return { $0 as! T } }
set {
storage = { $0 as AnyObject }
init(value: T?) {
self.value = value
This works for classes, Objective-C protocols and Swift protocols:
protocol P: class {}
#objc protocol Q {}
class Z: P, Q {}
var z = Z()
var rz = WeakReference<Z>(value: z)
var rp = WeakReference<P>(value: z)
var rq = WeakReference<Q>(value: z)
assert(rz.value === z)
assert(rp.value === z)
assert(rq.value === z)
z = Z()
assert(rz.value === nil)
assert(rp.value === nil)
assert(rq.value === nil)
Unfortunately it compiles for other things too:
protocol R {}
struct S: R {}
var rr = WeakReference<R>(value: S())
print("rr =", rr.value as Any) // nil
var rs = WeakReference<S>(value: S())
print("rs =", rs.value as Any) // nil
In Swift anything can be casted to AnyObject, but for value types that means boxing - new instance is allocated and immediately lost, so it always produces nil.
This can be used to implement an assertion that casting to AnyObject preserves identity:
struct WeakReference<T> {
private weak var storage: AnyObject?
var value: T? {
get { return { $0 as! T } }
set {
storage = {
let asObject = $0 as AnyObject
assert(asObject === $0 as AnyObject)
return asObject
init(value: T?) {
self.value = value
Alternative approach would be to use to validate kind of T.self.
create plain protocol
public protocol AnyWeakValue {
var anyValue: Any? { get }
inherit associatedtype protocol from AnyWeakValue
public protocol WeakValue: AnyWeakValue {
associatedtype ValueType
var value: ValueType? { get }
extension WeakValue {
public var anyValue: Any? { return value }
create class Weak inherit WeakValue
open class Weak<Value: AnyObject>: WeakValue {
public init(value: Value?) { self.value = value }
open private(set) weak var value: Value?
using example
private var _delegates: [AnyWeakValue] = []
public var delegates: [SomeProtocol] {
return _delegates.compactMap({$0.anyValue as? SomeProtocol})
public func register<Delegate>(_ delegate: Delegate) where Delegate: SomeProtocol {
let weak: Weak<Delegate> = Weak.init(value: delegate)

Why is the subclass type not available when an instance property is initialized by a static member?

When the following code is run, the self inside of defaultModuleName is ReactViewController when one would expect it to be FooViewController. Why?
class ReactViewController: UIViewController {
var moduleName: String = defaultModuleName
static var defaultModuleName: String {
let t = String(reflecting: self) // Also tried NSStringFromClass
guard let s = t.split(separator: ".").last else { return "" }
guard let r = s.range(of: "ViewController") else { return "" }
return String(s.prefix(upTo: r.lowerBound))
class FooViewController: ReactViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
print(moduleName); // Prints "React"
This is pretty interesting; it appears that the self available in a property initialiser is merely the type that the property is defined in, rather than the dynamic type of the instance being constructed.
A more minimal example would be:
class C {
static var foo: String { return "\(self)" }
let bar = foo // the implicit 'self' in the call to 'foo' is always C.
class D : C {}
print(D().bar) // C
In the property initialiser for bar, the implicit self is C.self, not D.self; despite the fact that we're constructing a D instance. So that's what the call to foo sees as self.
This also prevents class member overrides from being called from property initialisers:
class C {
class var foo: String { return "C" }
let bar = foo
class D : C {
override class var foo: String { return "D" }
print(D().bar) // C
Therefore I regard this as a bug, and have filed a report here.
Until fixed, a simple solution is to use a lazy property instead, as now self is the actual instance (upon the property being accessed for the first time), which we get can get the dynamic type of with type(of: self).
For example:
class C {
static var foo: String { return "\(self)" }
// private(set) as the property was a 'let' in the previous example.
lazy private(set) var bar = type(of: self).foo
class D : C {}
print(D().bar) // D
Applied to your example:
class ReactViewController : UIViewController {
lazy var moduleName = type(of: self).defaultModuleName
static var defaultModuleName: String {
let t = String(reflecting: self) // Also tried NSStringFromClass
guard let s = t.split(separator: ".").last else { return "" }
guard let r = s.range(of: "ViewController") else { return "" }
return String(s.prefix(upTo: r.lowerBound))
class FooViewController : ReactViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
print(moduleName) // Prints "Foo"
You just need to pass self instead of type(of: self), and use the String(describing:) initializer.
class ClassA {
static var className: String {
return String(describing: self)
class ClassB: ClassA { }
print(ClassB.className) // prints "ClassB"
EDIT: clarification on the var moduleName: String = defaultModuleName update. Suppose I add this line to the above example (same idea):
class ClassA {
// This is a property of ClassA -> it gets implicitly initialized
// when ClassA does -> it uses ClassA.className for its value
var instanceClassName = className
static var className: String {
return String(describing: self)
class ClassB: ClassA { }
print(ClassB().instanceClassName) // prints "ClassA"
This new instanceClassName is not static, so it is an instance property on ClassA. It is therefore initialized when ClassA is initialized (not when ClassB is initialized). Ergo, a property being set within ClassA, using a reference to className, will print out ClassA.

observe changes to array of structs

How do you observe additions/deletions to an array of structs?
If it were an array of classes, you could make the array dynamic and use KVO.
With structs you run into problems with #objc or #objcMembers in iOS 11
Do you control the definition of the array? If so, you can add a didSet observer:
var array: [MyStruct] {
didSet {
// do something with array and/or oldValue
This will be called every time the array or one of its elements is mutated.
Ole is right. FWIW Here's how I tested it
struct MyStruct : CustomStringConvertible {
var thing = "thing"
init(_ s:String) {
print("struct \(#function)")
thing = s
var description:String {
get {
return "\(thing)"
class Foo {
var a:[MyStruct] {
didSet {
print("didSet: a was set \(a)")
init() {
print("class \(#function)")
a = [MyStruct("from Init")]
func blammo() {
print("new a \(a)")
let foo = Foo()

Generic class with generic delegate. How can I distinguish which object's delegate is executing the callback?

MyClass is a generic class which has a generic delegate.
AClass contains two iVar instances of MyClass and also implements MyClassDelegate.
Where AClass implements MyClassDelegate, how can I distinguish which object is calling into the interface? With non-generic classes, == is acceptable.
Please see the comments and error messages at the bottom of this code snippet.
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func myClass<T>(_ myClass: MyClass<T>, valueDidChange value: T)
class MyClass<T: Comparable> {
private var _value: T
var value: T {
set {
delegate?.myClass(self, valueDidChange: newValue)
get {
return _value
var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
init(value: T) {
_value = value
class AClass {
private var thing1 = MyClass(value: Int(10))
private var thing2 = MyClass(value: Int(100))
private var thing3 = MyClass(value: TimeInterval(10))
private var thing4 = MyClass(value: TimeInterval(100))
init() {
thing1.delegate = self
thing2.delegate = self
thing3.delegate = self
thing4.delegate = self
extension AClass: MyClassDelegate {
func myClass<T>(_ myClass: MyClass<T>, valueDidChange value: T) {
// This fails to complile
// Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'MyClass<T>' and 'MyClass<Int>'
if myClass == thing1 {
// Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'MyClass<T>' and 'MyClass<TimeInterval>' (aka 'MyClass<Double>')
else if myClass == thing3 {
Restrict the T type in your protocol method signature func myClass<T>(...) to be Comparable. Since you restricted it only in one particular extension of that protocol, the method in AClass can take any kind of T, not just Comparable ones.
I tried and tried but couldn't configure the generic delegate in a manner where I could compare callers.
I read the answer from NRitH, but couldn't get the compiler to accept the syntax. Perhaps there is a way to do this, but I went a different route with success.
I gave up on the protocol/delegate technique and ended up using a callback closure. Instead of defining a delegate in MyClass and implementing that delegate in AClass, I defined a callback closure in MyClass in implemented that in AClass like so:
class MyClass<T: Comparable>: Equatable {
var valueChanged: ((_ clazz: MyClass) -> Void)?
private var _value: T
var value: T {
set {
_value = newValue
get {
return _value
init(value: T) {
_value = value
static public func ==(lhs: MyClass<T>, rhs: MyClass<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
class AClass {
fileprivate var thing1: MyClass<Int> = MyClass(value: 10)
fileprivate var thing2: MyClass<Int> = MyClass(value: 100)
fileprivate var thing3: MyClass<TimeInterval> = MyClass(value: 10)
fileprivate var thing4: MyClass<TimeInterval> = MyClass(value: 100)
init() {
thing1.valueChanged = { (thing) in
// You can compare here, but you already know which object is callling back
if thing == self.thing1 {
thing2.valueChanged = { (thing) in
print("Thing2 changed: \(thing.value)")