Sensu mailer ignores check occurrences settings - sensu

Hi the sensu mailer handler started recently to send alerts after only 1 occurrence. no matter how occurrences i put in the check config file.
do you know how can i address this issue?

The problem was that one of the gem dependencies were updated.
the solution:
we needed to downgrade the sensu-plugin to 1.4.4
in later versions of sensu-plugin the default filter that responsible to check the event occurrence vs the check configuration is obsolete.


CodeLite 16.0.0 Autocomplete Isn't Working

Hi all I've just started using CodeLite Version 16.0.0 . I was told by an instructor to set up autocomplete so that it should pop up after typing the first three letters. However, multiple times on this first program that the autocomplete list should have popped up failed to do so. In the included image, you'll see at the top that I was trying to get autocomplete to populate a list with iostream as one of the entries and that the list didn't show up after the first three letters were entered. Can anyone help me get this working correctly? I'm using CodeLite Version 16.0.0 on Windows 11. Thanks for all assistance!
This looks like an old version of CodeLite.
so you should:
(Important) Upgrade to the latest 16.4.0 from here
Windows system are always trickier to setup, so make sure you have a working MSYS environment as described here
Last step: make sure that the Language Server Plugin is configured properly
Build your project -> code completion should be working for you now

How to upgrade OroCommerce 3.1 to 4.1

I'm upgrading an OroCommerce installation from version 3.1.17 to 4.1.1.
I've upgraded php to 7.3.15 and I'm going through the upgrade instructions in a VM.
When I run the command sudo php bin/console oro:platform:update --env=prod --force I get this message:
In OroEntityExtendBundle.php line 121:
In ContainerBuilder.php line 1032:
You have requested a non-existent service "mail".
Any ideas? Thanks
Please follow the to see all the changes that the customization can be affected with.
Here is the related paragraph:
Due to the updated version of symfony/swiftmailer-bundle parameter
mailer_transport: mail is not supported anymore. Using old transport
will cause such an exception
Unable to replace alias
“swiftmailer.mailer.default.transport.real” with actual definition
“mail”. You have requested a non-existent service “mail”.
Please use
mailer_transport: sendmail instead or another available swiftmailer
transport type.
I just found my answer at
The problem was I copied the parameters from my previous installation and the mail transport is not up to date.

How can I get back access to the backend of TYPO3 when fluidpages are causing an error on backend and frontend?

I got to work on a Typo3 page and I have to say I'm at the very beginning if it comes to TYPO3.
So I wanted to fix a bug and updated the plugin "fluidpages" from version 4.1.0 (I guess) to 4.3. That cause the "Oops, an error occurred!" in the backend and frontend, so I dont have access from that side. I still have the FTP login for the website. The version of TYPO3 is 8.7.18.
The errorcode I get is that one:
Could not analyse class:
"FluidTYPO3\Flux\Configuration\ConfigurationManager" maybe not loaded
or no autoloader?
Class FluidTYPO3\Flux\Configuration\ConfigurationManager does not exist
So does anyone know what I need to do?
From my research I think I need to update another plugins to make it back to work? And can I update them just by uploading them through FTP?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: After I tried to get the old version of the plugin running, I'm getting this error code from the log file:
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 22:59:56 +0100 [ALERT] request="fec23f8baf6dc" component="TYPO3.CMS.Frontend.ContentObject.Exception.ProductionExceptionHandler": Oops, an error occurred! Code: 2020021722595594039a4d - {"exception":"TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Exception: The default controller for extension \"Flux\" and plugin \"Page\" can not be determined. Please check for TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin() in your ext_localconf.php.
You can enter the Install Tool via and start with Check for broken extensions. If that doesn't yield the extension in question, you can always manually change the PackageStates.php file and remove the extension you want to unload. Afterwards you should flush all caches through the Install Tool.
In the long term you should consider a few things:
Use a local development environment which mirrors your production environment. You can safely perform all steps without any risk here before deploying.
Use a deployment strategy/tool which allows for rollbacks. This allows you to quickly revert to a working version of your instance in case all other checks have failed. A simple but flexible solution is Deployer, you'll need SSH for this though.
Have you tried dumping autoload from Install Tool? Generally, it would help for the class not loaded problem. Otherwise, you may want to check the log at typo3/temp/var/log/ and find the errors in code.

How can I overwrite an unmanaged solution when using deploying a CRM package?

Using a powershell script to deploy a CRM Package works well, but I am running into some unexpected behavior.
The package has 1 unmanaged solution that it uploads. It works perfectly if the solution does not exist on the target CRM organization. However, if the solution does already exist on the organization and I try to deploy it again with some changes, it will not work. The changes are not uploaded and I do not get any errors.
If I change the version number in the solution (from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2, for example) then uploading it works as expected.
I would rather not change the version every time though, and since manually uploading an unmanaged solution with the same version number works perfectly I would expect the script to be able to do it as well.
I tried using the CRM Package Deployer method of importing a package to see if it would work as I expect or if it would show any error messages.
It's messages show:
Skipping solution MySolution. Version 0.0.2 of the solution is already loaded.
So it appears that if a solution with the same name and version number exists in the organization then it will be skipped entirely. This is sort of unfortunate.
It seems I'll have to implement a workaround. I see two options:
The DeployPackage script deletes the solution in the target CRM organization (if it exists) before attempting to upload.
My ExportSolution script changes the version number every time it runs.

Redmine plugin install (RedmineCRM Finance) results in 503

So my problem is that for some some reason installation of some plugins kills my bitnami redmine "permanently" (thin_redmine and thin_redmine2 stops after like 5 seconds).
The plugin which most recently did this is Finance Plugin from RedmineCRM. Version should be okay.
Method I used (note that I added :migrate in the second line compared to their website (Is this the problem?)):
bundle install --without development test
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_finance RAILS_ENV=production
Am I missing or wrongly doing something? (Please note that I'm not really an expert in this field so I mainly go after how to-s.)
Are there anymore prerequirements for this (besides a very basic working redmine) e.g. I did not set up e-mail notifications, can stuff like this cause the problem?
Unfreez the gemfile. It solved the problem.