How to upgrade OroCommerce 3.1 to 4.1 - upgrade

I'm upgrading an OroCommerce installation from version 3.1.17 to 4.1.1.
I've upgraded php to 7.3.15 and I'm going through the upgrade instructions in a VM.
When I run the command sudo php bin/console oro:platform:update --env=prod --force I get this message:
In OroEntityExtendBundle.php line 121:
In ContainerBuilder.php line 1032:
You have requested a non-existent service "mail".
Any ideas? Thanks

Please follow the to see all the changes that the customization can be affected with.
Here is the related paragraph:
Due to the updated version of symfony/swiftmailer-bundle parameter
mailer_transport: mail is not supported anymore. Using old transport
will cause such an exception
Unable to replace alias
“swiftmailer.mailer.default.transport.real” with actual definition
“mail”. You have requested a non-existent service “mail”.
Please use
mailer_transport: sendmail instead or another available swiftmailer
transport type.

I just found my answer at
The problem was I copied the parameters from my previous installation and the mail transport is not up to date.


Cannot start the application. TypeError: Cannot read property 'definition' of undefined at getFieldsJsonSchemaFor

I'm getting an extremely weird error when trying to npm start my loopback application. I literally did nothing to the code and then this all of a sudden started to happen
Cannot start the application. TypeError: Cannot read property
'definition' of undefined
at getFieldsJsonSchemaFor (/Users/vikramkhemlani/Desktop/loopback/node_modules/#loopback/repository-json-schema/dist/filter-json-schema.js:101:64)
I have the same exact code in another file (which i actually created a git repo from using this repo) but this one is throwing this error for some reason
I went through the same issue.
Apparently there are caches which need to clean up before starting the application. (Expired caches also appear in openapi before I get into this issue)
The project needs to be clean and re-install packages by following:
npm run clean
npm install
I have the same problem.
However, I solved it when I tried the following.
delete node_modules directory.
npm install.
Hello from the LoopBack team 👋
This may be a bug in LoopBack introduced by recent changes. Please create a small application reproducing the problem (see our Bug reporting instructions) and open a new GitHub issue in

apostrophe cms version 2.65.0 giving error on running project

I am upgrading the apostrophe version from 2.62.0 to 2.65.0. While upgrading I have added the mongo driver-3 into setting also still running the project, I am getting the error :
(node:116248) Warning: a promise was created in a handler at project/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:167:37 but was not returned from it, see xxxx
Thanks for the help in advance!
This is only a warning. bluebird thinks we might be unintentionally ending a promise chain, but it is intentional and nothing is wrong. It was addressed in Apostrophe 2.68.0 according to bluebird's instructions for silencing it where appropriate, so update to the latest with npm update and it will stop.

Magento2 error: We're sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email

I am getting below error in magento 2 local system:
We're sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email.
It is not showing me the sample data installed in catalog. Please help me out to get solution of this problem.
Rakesh Kumar
The first thing you need to do is go to your .htaccess file. Uncomment
SetEnv MAGE_MODE developer
The error message is 90% of the time misleading and most likely you have an xml parsing issue. Either way turning on the developer environment and clearing the cache will pull the error.
Without seeing your error log it'd be hard to give an exact diagnosis. Some users will say sendmail will fix this error but generally this is because the error is trying to be emailed to you and that is because you are not in the correct developing environment to debug the issue. This could be because you are in default or production mode which is not ideal for fixing issue.
The sendmail module is meant to allow a site to operate and if any issues do occur with the site then the developer can be notified and hopefully the error hasn't caused a full site rendering issue. This way a site can still operate unbeknown to users and the issue can be resolved by a qualified developer behind the scenes.
This error is quite misleading. In my case an error in MySql query was causing this.
You should enable developer mode the get the exact error.
php ./bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
In My case issue get solved by giving permissions to directory pub/media/catalog/product/
Enable developer mode using command line php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
Clear cache using command line php bin/magento cache:flush
Reload the frontend page
After reloading the page the message will change to
Error filtering template: Unable to write file into directory \C:/xampp/htdocs/Magento/pub/media/catalog/product\cache\f073062f50e48eb0f0998593e568d857/m/b. Access forbidden.
Follow this link to fix Magento 2: Unable to write file into directory. Access forbidden
Clear cache
Reload the frontend page again
If you see another message after enabling developer mode you can search for it
In my case it was missing php-gd extension on my machine.
This was on my exception log (magento_root/var/log/exception.log):
main.CRITICAL: exception 'Exception' with message 'Required PHP extension 'gd' was not loaded.' in /var/www/html/magento2/vendor/magento/framework/Image/Adapter/Gd2.php:620
Solved by installing php-gd library on my Ubuntu machine with the following command:
sudo apt-get install php-gd
If you want to install for php5.6 then you may run:
sudo apt-get install php5.6-gd
This can be for any error occurred in the page. The notice is different. The notice is given when system tries to send error email to administrator and failed while in Production mode.
For actual error one should enable developer mode and enable display error in app/bootstrap.php and checking error logs. It can be any error like php or mysql.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Please check your /var/log/exception.log
This is issue raised because your product does not upload. so check your database or upload your sample database again .Let me know what error in exception.log

Typo3 4.7.0 update breaks my FE login?

I've updated my Typo3 from 4.5.5 to 4.7.0 and I get several deprecated errors:
ERROR: Content Element type "login" has no rendering definition!
call to undefined error in t3lib_div::view_array
fail to include class.t3lib_htmlmail.php
The install tool gives me "typo3/ext/ directory not writable" but I've the correct right. I've even allow all?????
When I select a CType Element in the BE it give me this warning: PHP Warning
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/typo3_src-4.7.0/t3lib/l10n/parser/class.t3lib_l10n_parser_llphp.php line 95
The solution for 2. is to use the new class t3lib_utility_debug but what is with the other errors?
Edit: 1.
Edit 2: The solution for the missing class t3lib_htmlmail is to include another class t3lib_mail_message: require_once(PATH_t3lib .'mail/class.t3lib_mail_message.php');
You solved allready: install system extension "felogin"
you solved allready: use t3lib_utility_debug
check where the error is from. Often it is helpfull to search for that file in typo3conf/temp_*.
You could check your filesystem, if your webserver is allowed to write to typo3/ext/. I guess, it is not. But you do not need to. Usually you install extensions to typo3conf/ext/.
Update your language files via the extension manager.
Well, i know it is to late now, but for all others wo think about an update: just activate the deprecation log in the isntall toll and fix that problems first!
Updating from 4.5.X to 4.7.x broke my felogin as well. The reason was that there has been a local extension installation that has been of higher priority than the system one. So if you suffer the same update issue, check for an local installation of felogin in "typo3conf/ext" - and delete it in case it is there. This solved my problem!

NuGet - Installing Individual Packages reporting "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."

When using a local NuGet server, whenever I try to install an individual package from that server, all I get is this error: "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."
The packages are all there in the filesystem and the feed itself sees all the packages appropriately. I can even browse the package directly!
What am I missing?
I did just upgrade from NuGet server 1.4 to 1.5, but I've seen this happen before. Touching the package files used to help, but that does not appear to be the case now.
EDIT: Actually, I hadn't seen that exact error before...I've seen this one, intermittently, that touching the package tended to fix.
On Windows Server 2008, I was having the same issue. I switched the Application Pool from "ASP.NET v4.0 Classic" to "ASP.NET v4.0". The install-package command worked fine after the change.
EDIT: In case the link ever dies...I am hosting my NuGet server in IIS6, which wasn't set up to properly handle extensionless URLs. And since the semantics of downloading individual packages changed from a direct file link to an extensionless route, I started getting 404s. Adding the wildcard mapping described in the article fixed it instantly.
I've been trying to figure this for a couple of hours...
Checked the IIS logs and discovered that URLScan was blocking the route:
GET /Rejected-By-UrlScan ~/api/v2/package/
URLScan doesn't accept any route not starting with '/'. The best I could do was to remove the URLScan from the list of ISAPI filters for the website in the IIS Manager.
I was having the same issue on Windows Server 2008.
Problem was in my own package MyPackage.nupkg that I saved without version.
MyPackage was visible in PackageManager but it was getting 404 error on install.
I saved it with name MyPackage.1.0.0.nupkg (1.0.0 is current version) and problem was fixed.
I had the same problem, srv 2008 R2. Changed the application pool to Integrated from Classic and all works fine now.
My problem was same as image above. I could go to the site on url
but not
http://localhost:3407/api/v2/package/{package name}/
I encountered this error while trying to download Signal-R after update Nuget, however it was just that I had not checked the "Allow Nuget to download missing packages during build" option in package manager settings. Once that was that set it all worked fine again.
It could be this as well -
You are trying to refer to a url like : http://yourdomain/application/nuget/packages
Then you should change it to :
This is a common mistake.