How I can copy my local PostgreSQL database to Heroku for SpringBoot app - postgresql

I have deployed my SpringBoot app to Heroku. Now I would like to copy my local PostgreSQL to Heroku.
I have found some information on
However I don't understand enough about the using of file db.changelog-master.yaml.
Could anyone give me details about the simplest solutions to copy the database?

Create a valid dump of your local postgres database and host it somewhere publicly available. Now you will be able to restore this entire dataset (schema and records) with pg:backups:restore as shown here. The sole caveat here is that the target database must be completely empty for this to work. You can empty a Heroku postgres database with heroku pg:reset.
If you cannot take the approach listed above then you can run pg_restore directly from your local instance, provided your local version of Postgres is >= the target version of Postgres. This also applies to creating the dumpfile and is a requirement because pg utilities are not guaranteed to be forward compatible. Documentation for pg_restore is here.


Accessing Postgresql Database on Heroku After doing git push heroku

Please I need your help.
I have a Django app that is running on heroku.
The Django app initially uses an sqlite3 database.
The local and the remote versions of the app worked fine.
I could access the sqlite3 database on my local machine. However, I have no idea, e.g. an interface, through which I could access the database version that is running on heroku.
Then, I changed the database to Postgresql.
The local version of the database worked fine with the application, as I could see the data being written into the local posgresql whenever I have a need to check the data in the database.
However, I need to be able to see how data is being written into the remote postgresql.
When I try to connect to the database on postgresql, I get an error as shown in the snapshot below.
Please, how can I connect to the database on heroku and see my database.
I am currently using a free heroku account. I hope that is also not a problem?
enter image description here

Copy data from Postgres DB (GCP Project A) to another Postgres DB (GCP Project B)

I would be happy to get your help / feedback re data load.
Load source data from a Postgres database, which is located in GCP project A to another Postgres database, which is located in GCP project B.
Get a connection (I have an IAM account with sufficient rights to run a COPY TO / COPY FROM command) to the Postgres DB in GCP Project A and copy the table either to a CSV or create a dump that can be used in order to be inserted to another Postgres DB in GCP Project B.
How do I connect to the database (e.g. if I create a key, where shall I store the json keyfile and would that approach even be feasible?) with this IAM email account?
Other ways I've researched were to use psycopg2 (thus I could use the function cursor.copy_expert (which doesn’t need any superuser right or Postgres user credentials and copy the data), but I didn’t succeed in connecting to the database with psycopg2 due to challenges with cloud proxy.
Another idea was to use pg_dump or gcloud sql export csv.
I would be curious if some of you were facing a similar challenge and how did you solve it and what might be the best way/practice
You can have a try out database migration service. You can set up a continuous migration configuration and use Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL.
Hello after a lot of searching I've come to these solutions:
If you have continuous copy, you need to use the database migration service, check this documentation.
If you have one shot copy:
you can restore your instance, see the bottom page of this documentation
you can create a bucket and backup your instance on it, then import it from the other project

Database transfer from Heroku to Digital Ocean

I'm currently in the process of switching my cloud server from Heroku to Digital Ocean. However is there a way to migrate the database from the heroku server to the digital ocean one? I use postgresql for my database
I hope you already got a solution, but in case you didn’t, I’ll provide a simple guide on how I did it. I am going to assume that you have already created a postgres database on digitalocean. Also you need navigate to your project directory and log in to heroku using the heroku cli. And, you need to have postgresql installed or a psql client. Installing postgresql would do it as it comes with psql.
Step 1: Create a backup and download the backup from heroku postgres
heroku pg:backups:capture --app <app_name>
heroku pg:backups:download --app <app_name>
The first command will create a backup of your database and the second command will download it to your current directory, its a .dump file. If you would like to read more, here is an article.
Step 2: Connect to your remote (digital ocean’s) database using psql
Before you can do this, you need to go and add your machine you are connecting from to the list of database’s list of trusted sources, If you don’t, you’ll get a Connection Timed Out error. That’s because the database’s firewall doesn’t allow you to connect to the database from your local machine or resource (for security reasons).
Step 3: Import the Database
pg_restore -d "postgresql://<database_username>:<database_password>#<host>:<port>/<database>?sslmode=require" --jobs 4 -c "/path/to/dump_file.dump"
This will import your database from your dump file. Just substitute the variables will your connection parameters that you get from your dashboard. If you would like to read more, here is another article for this step.
Another thing to make clear is, sometimes, you will see some harmless error messages when running this command, but it will push through anyway. To learn more about pg_restore read this article.
And that’s it, your database has been migrated. Now, can you confirm it worked?, well, as for me, I used pgAdmin to connect to the remote database and I saw the tables and data as expected.
Hope this helps anyone with the same problem :)

How to salvage data from Heroku Postgres

we are using Heroku Postgres with Ruby on Rails 3.2.
A few days before, we deleted important data by mistake using 'heroku run db:load' with misconfigured data.yml, that is, drop tables and the recreate tables with almost no data.
Backup data is only available 2 weeeks before, so we lost data of 2 weeks.
So We need to recover not by PG Backup/pg_dump but by postgresql's system data files.
I think, the only way to recover data is to restore data from xlog or archive file, but of course we don't have permission to be Super User/Replication Role to copy postgres database on heroku (or Amazon EC2) to local server.
Is there anyone who confronted such a case and resolved the problem?
Your only option is the backups provided by the PgBackups service (if you had that running). If not, Heroku support might have more options available.
At a minimum, you will have some data loss, but you can guarantee you won't do it again ;)

How do I connect to my heroku shared database for postgresql?

I have pulled the SHARED_DATABASE_URL from heroku config
SHARED_DATABASE_URL => postgres://
I am using pgAdmin to try to connect to it but it keeps on timing out. Do I need to specify a port? What am i missing?
You can use this command to connect to psql.
heroku pg:psql
If you are happy to change to postgres 9.1 you can use the newly launched development database, which permits connections via normal postgres tools. Read more at
You cannot access the shared database using psql, pgadmin, etc.
Heroku offers you the choice of running on a shared or dedicated database package. The shared plan is suitable for development and staging applications. It runs Postgres 8.3. The dedicated plans are suitable for production scale applications. In addition, the dedicated databases offer a number of advantages, including direct access (via psql or any native postgres library), stored procedures, and Postgres 9 support.[source]