How to use multiple concepts per text gen component in Jetbrains MPS 2017.1? - code-generation

I created a simple DSL in JetBrains MPS for an automation task at hand. The DSL allows defining information objects which in turn shall be used for code generation. I am able to generate my models - but I am struggling to find a way to assign an additional text gen component to the same language concept, i.e. what I am trying to achieve is:
information object to db model (python)
information object to db access layer methods (python)
information object to protobuf message
I feel that I got a wrong understanding on how to use this. Any ideas on how to achieve different outputs for the same language concept?

MPS will only allow you to have single textgen definition per concept.
The MPS way to do what you want to do is to do this before textgen with a model to model transformation.
Define additional concept for your three objects you want to create. Their content is basically the same as in the root concept that you already have. Theses concept will only be used to define your textgen. So next define the textgen for theses concepts.
Now you still need to create instances of these because of course you don't want the user to specify theses information multiple times. To do this you need to define a generator. Generators are used for model to model transformations in MPS.
By default your language should already have a generator. In the generator is a mapping configuration main. In there you create a root mapping for each of the of the three new concepts you created. Each of this rules has as the input concept the one that the user specifies and as a template one of the new concepts. You can create a new template by pressing alt + enter in the editor and choose the concept you want to create. Make sure you set keep input root to true instead of default.
Inside the template you specify a COPY_SRC to copy all of the contents from the input to the output.
What then happens during generation is that MPS will create three new concepts out of the one that the user created in the original model and after the executes the textgen for all of them. This also allows you to create different files for each root.
I think the DEMO 1 project shows some of the things you will need for this.

You may want to consider the plaintextgen plugin:


Deploy Knowledge Studio dictionary pre-annotator to Natural Language Understanding

I'm getting started with Knowledge Studio and Natural Language Understanding.
I'm able to deploy a machine-learning model toNatural Language Understanding and use the API to query it.
I would know if there's a way to deploy only the pre-annotator.
I read from Knowledge Studio's documentation that
You can deploy or export a machine-learning annotator. A dictionary pre-annotator can only be used to pre-annotate documents within Watson Knowledge Studio.
Does exist a workaround to create a model that simply does the job of the pre-annotator, i.e. use dictionaries to find entities instead of the machine-learning model?
Does exist a workaround to create a model that simply does the job of the pre-annotator, i.e. use dictionaries to find entities instead of the machine-learning model?
You may need to explain this better in what you need.
WKS allows you to pre-annotate documents with dictionaries you upload. Once you have created a ML model, you can alternatively use that to annotate your training documents, and then manually correct. As you continue the amount of manual work will reduce after each model iteration.
The assumption is that you are creating a model with a reasonable amount of examples. In your model results, you will want the mention/relations to be outside or close to outside the gray area of the report.
The other interpretation of your request I took was you want to create a dictionary based model only. This is possible using the "Rule-Based Model" functionality. You would have to create the parsing rules but you just map what you want to find to the dictionary/rule.
Using this in production though is still limited. You should get a warning when you deploy these kinds of models.
It's slightly better than just a keyword search as you can map items to parts of speech.
The last point. The purpose of WKS is to create a machine learning model which will do the work in discovering new terms you haven't seen before. With the rule based engine it can only find what you explicitly tell it to find.
If all you want is just dictionary entries, then you can create a very simple string comparison solution, but you lose the linguistic features.

OPC-UA server with multiple nodes using eclipse milo

I am building a OPC-UA server using eclipse milo. What are the different ways to provide multiple nodes for a subscription service? Can I define a custom data object having properties of basic data types, for this? How?
I want to have a service which serves data of different data types (Integer, Double, Boolean etc.) as it's output. Each of the values should be named different not single name like array output with single name for all of the values. For this purpose is there a way to define a custom data object class with attributes of different types? Is this possible in OPC to have a custom data object type as output of a service?
Conceptually, adding Nodes with each of the different DataTypes you're asking about is no different than creating a folder node and adding nodes to that.
The ExampleNamespace in the milo-examples project shows you how to do that.
If you truly want to use an instance of a custom ObjectType rather than an instance of FolderType then there's a bit of bookkeeping work you'll need to do.
Create an instance of ObjectTypeNode to describe your new type.
For each property/member it will have, create a new VariableNode with that configured with the DataType you want, then add a HasComponent or HasProperty reference from your ObjectTypeNode to this VariableNode. (These Nodes are what the spec calls InstanceDeclarations)
Add your ObjectTypeNode to the address space as a subtype of BaseObjectTypeNode.
Then, when you created your original ObjectNode, you'd specify the type definition as being your newly created ObjectTypeNode rather than, say, a FolderType.
You can get a better idea about how all this works in Part 3 and 5 of the spec or by using a client like UaExpert to inspect some of the pre-existing ObjectTypes in the server, such as ServerType.
Edit: There's now an example of how to do this here. If this seems a bit bulky... you're right. Typically ObjectTypes and VariableTypes are designed in a modelling tool and imported via a NodeSet XML file, but that's outside the scope of things right now...

When using Virtual Documents how can a template be used with different report parameters?

I'm using a virtual document structure generated by a script to create a document from EA, and I'm trying to use the same template fragment several times with different elements and different headings.
For example, I have an element which describes the input data to one program, and the output data to another program, so I can't really store the information in the element I'm documenting.
Where it is the input, I want one heading (and similar references within the template), and where it is output I want different values for the headings.
I've tried using the ReportTitle tagged value in the individual <model document> element, but this appears to be ignored and only the <report package> value is used throughout (which makes me wonder why they are there in the first place).
While I could create multiple templates all referring to the same fragment and hard-code the different headings, but that is messy, and as I already have fragments within fragments so it could result in a lot of almost identical templates and fragments. Variables that I can set for each <model document> would be much preferable.
Has anyone got a better approach than this? Thanks!
I don't think there's an easy solution.
If there is a way to determine based on the element, package, or diagram ID whether you should use one title or the other then you could use a script or SQL fragment to return the correct title.
If that is not the case I guess the only possibility is to hardcode the different titles in your templates.
In order to avoid too much duplication you could create a template with only the title and use that on a model document. Since you are generating the modeldocuments by a script anyway that doesn't cost any user time.

How to "flow" tagged values in Enterprise Architect from one instance to another

My questions is about bringing a concept to reality through technical availability of EA.
I am looking for a way to connect instances at an object diagram through which I can transfer tagged values. Let me explain the background of the project.
Purpose is to first have Stereotypes for specific roles in the system, such as "Calculation", "Transmission", "Decision", "Qualification", "Abstraction" etc.
Each of these stereotypes have specific tagged values suitable for their purpose.
Then I am creating instances from these stereotypes, eg. "MotorTorque:Calculation" and "LimitedTorque:Abstraction"
Each of these instances have a common tagged value, "criticality", boolean and I want this tagged value to progress from "MotorTorque:Calculation" to "LimitedTorque:Abstraction" through an output port > some sort of flow > input port kind of way.
Questions are:
1- Is this approach technically achievable in EA? If so what would be the correct way to do it?
2- The purpose is to have this "connection" readable in XMI export of the diagram which I will be using as an input for another purpose.
I have created an MDG Technology for my project with stereotypes and tagged values, however, I am having difficulty achieving this "connection", this "flow" of values.
Thank you for your time.
What you are asking for is not directly achievable. However, many ways lead to Rome.
One way would be to <<trace>> connect those objects to a Status class (or what ever you like to name it) and have this carry the "shared TV".
Another way is (by far more complex) to use an add-in. You would anyway need ways to create groups which share the TV. From your current explanation I can't see what that might be. Maybe the instantiating class of those instances? If so, you make a script that propagates a TV setting from ist current to all other linked instances. I'm not sure if the add-in events fire when a TV is changes (I do have some doubts here). If needed I could look that up.
What you propose is partially feasible.
There is a tagged value inheritance chain in EA, in which tagged values are inherited down the generalization chain, and from a classifier to its instances. In the GUI, inherited tagged values are shown separately from the instance's own ones, and in the API they are accessed using the Element.TaggedValuesEx property. Inherited tagged values can also be overridden.
Since the correct way to create a port (or part/property) is to make it an instance of a component, a port will inherit any tagged values from that component. So if your Calculation stereotype applies to component, ports which are instances of Calculation components will inherit the MotorTorque tagged value.
However, there is no way to "flow" tagged values from one port to another. If you want such a function, you'll have to implement it yourself with an Add-In.
Regarding XMI, first you must understand that an XMI export is based on a package, not a diagram. The XMI format itself is extensible, which means that different tool vendors create their own extensions which are typically not publicly documented. Crucially, diagram layouts are part of these non-standardized extensions. In EA's case, the image data is some sort of UU-encoded bitmap which you won't be able to extract any useful information from.
Elements' tagged values are included in an XMI export, but again, the EA extensions are not publicly documented. In other words, you can import EA:s XMI format in another program, but you will need to reverse-engineer the format. Not impossible, but it's probably better to either write your own specialized export function, or export via CSV. Note, however, that CSV export cannot be automated -- there's no call for it in the API.

Generating sub-systems based on user input (MATLAB/SimMechanics)

The user in this webinar;
can create new levels of links for the scissor lift by copy pasting the sub systems.
I was wondering if there was any way the number of subsystems and the joints could be automated via user input.
i.e a gui which allows the user to input the number of levels in the scissor lift and that number of levels (subsystems) is generated in SimMechanics.
If someone could provide a solution I could adapt it to the problem I'm trying to solve.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, you can automate it, as long as you know what susbsytems and what joints you want to add. The functions of interest are:
add_block(path_to_your_subsystem,path_to_destination_subsystem) (I assume your susbsystem is stored in a library). You probably want to specify the 'Position` parameter so that all blocks don't end up on top of each other. It will take some experimenting to find coordinates that work for your model and that are parameterised based on the number of susbystems to add.
add_line(path_to_subsystem_of_interest,path_to_output_port,path_to_input_port). You'll need to know which port you want to connect to which and figure out how many times you need to do this based on the number of subsystems to add. Simscape and SimMechanics are a special type of ports, and you need to refer to them correctly otherwise it won't work, see Programatically connect two subsystems for more details (note: this is undocumented as far as I know and is therefore likely to change in a future release).
So in short, yes it's possible (I've done it in the past), but it's by no means easy. See this blog for a very simple introduction.