How to passing realmid in Disconnect URL in Quickbooks online - intuit

We have an integration with Quickbooks online (QBO) Now, we would like to implement "Disconnect URL". We read QBO documentation and forum but could not find a proper instruction to implement "Disconnect URL"
Our app is not in the AppStore. The user connect to QBO from our website. Our question is how to pass the qbo company realmid in the disconnect url so our app know who wants to disconnect from our app? Will the disconnect url be similar to"realmid"
Appreciate any help/suggestion!

By including ?realmId={realmId} at the end of disconnect url prevents us from updating the Disconnect URL.
I tried the suggestion described here, to supply the encoded value ?realmId=%7BrealmId%7D which returns %7BrealmId%7D as a realmID.
But just appending ?realmId= to disconnect url it works.

Include ?realmId={realmId} at the end of your disconnect url and the value will be replaced on the fly with the realmId.


Parse Firebase Dynamic Link for Password Reset IOS

My issue is that I’m trying to parse my deep link for information to then change a users password. When I send the password reset email I included the users email address within the deep link parameter, however is there a specific way to parse this using FDL library once the link is opened in app? For security purposes there must be a way to verify the generated action code in the deep link to verify the link is legitimate aswell? I know that the fire base docs touch on this for web applications, but it doesn’t go into specifics for IOS.

Sabe REST API of Passenger Name Record NOT OPEN

The below the page did not open, please let me know the REST API of "create passenger name record". I tried to open the page several days, it always failed.
I know SOAP API of "create passenger name record", What I want is REST API.
Uh oh. You don’t have access to see this page. Try logging in to see if that does the trick. If that doesn't work and you think you should have access to this page, send us a note. NOTE: if you are a current customer who just registered, it can take us up to 24 hours to set up your account to see the resources. If this is an urgent request please contact us through the site.
Please Sign In or Register.
Error Page as signed in - Image Capture
Which browser are you using?
I tryed it in different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, etc..) and in all of them I get a notice to sign in or register to access this page.
Obviously you're not signed in. Have you tried creating and or signing in?

Adding Google smart lock to a website only

Google Smart Lock on a website
I just visited Pinterest and it has a cool feature. Somehow when I visit the site Chrome can "see" that I have an account. And instead of passively waiting it informs me pro-actively: you do have an account here: would you like to login with 1 click? yes/No
Question: I see a lot of json code examples for apps. But how can we proactively add this to a website that a user has a stored uname/passwd for?
thanks, Sean
Here's an article describing how to add Smart Lock sign-in to your website:
Basically, add a bit of code to the (https) website like this (you can try it in the JavaScript console:
password: true, // `true` to obtain password credentials
}).then(function(cred) {
// continuation which submits the credential and signs the user in
Here is a complete sample website:
Once the user has used this credential or you have saved it with, then in the future, it can retrieved automatically (without a user click).
For more information about this, check out this talk from Google I/O (details on the credential management API start at about 8 minutes).

Firebase Email Verification

I'm quite a noobie at Firebase. I'm asking for a sort of step by step guide to setup email verification.
Currently, my app uses basic email password login. I want users to be verified so I'm hiding content based on a user's emailVerified property. I'm calling the .sendEmailVerification() and it sends to the current user's email but, whenever I click the link in the email it says the link has expired or someone has used it, this also doesn't change the property. I suspect it has something to do with the api manager. I currently have my website hosted to the built-in Firebase hosting URL.
Based on this link in the docs (which refers to a similar function but not the exact one):
p.s. I can't find anything regarding this exact function in the docs.
I think I need some sort of listener at the link of the email or on my website?
Thanks in advance, any answers are appreciated.
there could be an issue with your browser api key. You may have some referrer restrictions on it. This could cause the misleading error (code expired or used) to occur. Either fix that issue or generate a new one in the Google console.

Sending a username/password to URL and returning an ID number

I have to send some login credentials to our server, which will validate them and send a customer ID back. Actually it displays the customer ID on the screen if you visit the URL from a browser. I have written the part the fabricates the URL, but I don;t know how to make such a request and then return that Customer ID into a string in my iphone app.
An example URL to a test account is:
Any pointer in the right direction is greatly appreciated!
Take a look at URL Loading System Programming Guide in the iOS developer library.