How to check a specific kubernetes pod is up or not in Grafana metrics - kubernetes

I am creating a grafana dashboard to show metrices.
Is there any keyword which i can use in my query to check my service is running or not.
I am using prometheus to retrive data from my api for the metrics creation.

You can create a query like so
That will give you the count of how many containers are running with that name


check if grafana agent operator is up and running

I have a grafana agent operator and I was trying to create some metrics to monitor if it's up.
If I had a simple grafana agent process I would just use something along the lines of absent(up{instance=""} == 1 but with the Grafana Agent operator the components are dynamic.
I don't see issues with monitoring the metrics part. For example, if the grafana-agent-0 stateful set for metrics goes down and a new pod is built the name would be the same.
But for logs, the Grafana Agent operator runs a pod (daemon set) for every node with a different name each time.
In the log case if a pod grafana-agent-log-vsq5r goes down or a new node is added to the cluster I would have a new pod to monitor with a different name which would create some problems in being able to monitor the changes in the cluster. Anyone that already had this issue or that knows some good way of tackling the issue?
I would like to suggest using Labels in Grafana Alerting

HorizontalPodAutoscaler: Is the published documentation for deploying the custom metrics stackdriver adapter in GKE complete and correct?

Google publishes a tutorial for using custom metrics to drive the HorizontalPodAutoscaler here, and this tutorial contains instructions for:
Using a Kubernetes manifest to deploy the custom metrics adapter into a custom-metrics namespace.
Deploying a dummy application to generate metrics.
Configuring the HPA to use custom metrics.
We are deploying into a default cluster without any special VPC rules, and we have roughly followed the tutorial's guidance, with a few exceptions:
We're using Helm v2, and rather than grant cluster admin role to Tiller, we have granted all of the necessary cluster roles and role bindings to allow the custom-metrics-adapter-deploying Kubernetes manifest to work. We see no issues there; at least the custom metrics adapter spins up and runs.
We have defined some custom metrics that are based upon data extracted from a jsonPayload in Stackdriver logs.
We have deployed a minute-by-minute CronJob that reads the above metrics and publishes a derived metric, which is the value we want to use to drive the autoscaler. The CronJob is working, and we can see the metric in the derived metric, on a per-Pod basis, in the log metric explorer:
We're configuring the HPA to scale based on the average of the derived metric across all of the pods belonging to a stateful set (The HPA has a metrics entry with type Pods). However, the HPA is unable to read our derived metric. We see this error message:
failed to get object metric value: unable to get metric xxx_scaling_metric: no metrics returned from custom metrics API
We were seeing DNS errors, but these were apparently false alarms, perhaps in the log while the cluster was spinning up.
We restarted the Stackdriver metrics adapter with the command line option --v=5 to get some more verbose debugging. We see log entries like these:
I0123 20:23:08.069406 1 wrap.go:47] GET /apis/ (56.16652ms) 200 [kubectl/v1.13.11 (darwin/amd64) kubernetes/2e298c7]
I0123 20:23:12.997569 1 translator.go:570] Metric 'xxx_scaling_metric' not found for pod 'xxx-0'
I0123 20:23:12.997775 1 wrap.go:47] GET /apis/ (98.101205ms) 200 [kube-controller-manager/v1.13.11 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/56d8986/system:serviceaccount:kube-system:horizontal-pod-autoscaler]
So it looks to us as if the HPA is making the right query for pods-based custom metrics. If we ask the custom metrics API what data it has, and filter with jq to our metric of interest, we see:
"metadata: {"selfLink":"/apis/"},
That the items array is empty is troubling. Again, we can see data in the metrics explorer, so we're left to wonder if our CronJob app that publishes our scaling metric is supplying the right fields in order for the data to be saved in Stackdriver or exposed through the metrics adapter.
For what it's worth the resource.labels map for the time series that we're publishing in our CronJob looks like:
{'cluster_name': 'test-gke',
'zone': 'us-central1-f',
'project_id': 'my-project-1234',
'container_name': '',
'instance_id': '1234567890123456789',
'pod_id': 'xxx-0',
'namespace_id': 'default'}
We finally solved this. Our CronJob that's publishing the derived metric we want to use is getting its raw data from two other metrics that are extracted from Stackdriver logs, and calculating a new value that it publishes back to Stackdriver.
We were using the resource labels that we saw from those metrics when publishing our derived metric. The POD_ID resource label value in the "input" Stackdriver metrics we are reading is the name of the pod. However, the stackdriver custom metrics adapter at is enumerating pods in a namespace and asking stackdriver for data associated with pods' UIDs, not their names. (Read the adapter's source code to figure this out...)
So our CronJob now builds a map of pod names to pod UIDs (which requires it to have RBAC pod list and get roles), and publishes the derived metric we use for HPA with the POD_ID set to the pod's UID instead of its name.
The reason that published examples of custom metrics for HPA (like this) work is that they use the Downward API to get a pod's UID, and provide that value as "POD_ID". In retrospect, that should have been obvious, if we had looked at how the "dummy" metrics exporters got their pod id values, but there are certainly examples (as in Stackdriver logging metrics) where POD_ID ends up being a name and not a UID.

How to use latency of a service deployed on Kubernetes to Scale the deployment?

I have a simple spring boot application deployed on Kubernetes on GCP. The service is exposed to an external IP address. I am load testing this application using JMeter. It is just a http GET request which returns True or False.
I want to get the latency metrics with time to feed it to HorizontalPodAutoscaler to implement custom auto-scaler. How do I implement this?
Since you mentioned Custom Auto Scaler. I would suggest this simple solution which makes use of some of tools which you already might have.
First Part: Is to Create a service or cron or any time-based trigger which will on a regular interval make requests to your deployed application. This application will then store the resultant metrics to persistence storage or file or Database etc.
For example, if you use a simple Apache Benchmark CLI tool(you can also use Jmeter or any other load testing tool which generates structured o/p), You will get a detailed result for a single query. Use this link to get around the result for your reference.
Second Part Is that this same script can also trigger another event which will check for the latency or response time limit configured as per your requirement. If the response time is above the configured value scale if it is below scale down.
The logic for scaling down can be more trivial, But I will leave that to you.
Now for actually scaling the deployment, you can use the Kubernetes API. You can refer to the official doc or this answer for details. Here's a simple flow diagram.
There are two ways to auto scale with custom metrics:
1.You can export a custom metric from every Pod in the Deployment and target the average value per Pod.
2.You can export a custom metric from a single Pod outside of the Deployment and target the total value.
So follow these-
1. To grant GKE objects access to metrics stored in Stackdriver, you need to deploy the Custom Metrics Stackdriver Adapter. To run Custom Metrics Adapter, you must grant your user the ability to create required authorization roles by running the following command:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --user "$(gcloud config get-value account)"
To deploy adapter-
kubectl create -f
You can export your metrics to Stackdriver either directly from your application, or by exposing them in Prometheus format and adding the Prometheus-to-Stackdriver adapter to your Pod's containers.
You can view the exported metrics from the Metrics Explorer by searching for custom/[METRIC_NAME]
Your metric needs to meet the following requirements:
Metric kind must be GAUGE
Metric type can be either DOUBLE or INT64
Metric name must start with prefix, followed by a simple name
Resource type must be "gke_container"
Resource labels must include:
pod_id set to Pod UID, which can be obtained via the Downward API
container_name = ""
project_id, zone, cluster_name, which can be obtained by your application from the metadata server. To get values, you can use Google Cloud's compute metadata client.
namespace_id, instance_id, which can be set to any value.
3.Once you have exported metrics to Stackdriver, you can deploy a HPA to scale your Deployment based on the metrics.
Vie this on GitHub for additional codes

Fetching Stackdriver Monitoring TimeSeries data for a pod running on a k8s cluster on GKE using the REST API

My objective is to fetch the time series of a metric for a pod running on a kubernetes cluster on GKE using the Stackdriver TimeSeries REST API.
I have ensured that Stackdriver monitoring and logging are enabled on the kubernetes cluster.
Currently, I am able to fetch the time series of all the resources available in a cluster using the following filter:
metric.type="" AND resource.labels.cluster_name="<MY_CLUSTER_NAME>"
In order to fetch the time series of a given pod id, I am using the following filter:
metric.type="" AND resource.labels.cluster_name="<MY_CLUSTER_NAME>" AND resource.labels.pod_id="<POD_ID>"
This filter returns an HTTP 200 OK with an empty response body. I have found the pod ID from the metadata.uid field received in the response of the following kubectl command:
kubectl get deploy -n default <SERVICE_NAME> -o yaml
However, when I use the Pod ID of a background container spawned by GKE/Stackdriver, I do get the time series values.
Since I am able to see Stackdriver metrics of my pod on the GKE UI, I believe I should also get the metric values using the REST API.
My doubts/questions are:
Am I fetching the Pod ID of my pod correctly using kubectl?
Could there be some issue with my cluster setup/service deployment due to which I'm unable to fetch the metrics?
Is there some other way in which I can get the time series of my pod using the REST APIs?
I wouldn't rely on kubectl get deploy for pod ids. I would get them with something like kubectl -n default get pods | grep <prefix-for-your-pod> | awk '{print $1}'
I don't think so, but the best way to find out is opening a support ticket with GCP if you have any doubts.
Not that I'm aware of, Stackdriver is the monitoring solution in GCP. Again, you can check with GCP support. There are other tools that you can use to get metrics from Kubernetes like Prometheus. There are multiple guides on the web on how to set it up with Grafana on k8s. This is one for example.
Hope it helps!
Am I fetching the Pod ID of my pod correctly using kubectl?
You could use JSONpath as output with kubectl, in this case iterating over the Pods and fetching the and metadata.uid fields:
kubectl get pods -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\t"}{.metadata.uid}{"\n"}{end}'
which will output something like this:
nginx-65899c769f-2j775 d4fr5t6-bc2f-11e8-81e8-42010a84011f
nginx2-77b5c9d48c-7qlps 4f5gh6r-bc37-11e8-81e8-42010a84011f
Could there be some issue with my cluster setup/service deployment due to which I'm unable to fetch the metrics?
As #Rico mentioned in his answer, contacting the GCP support could be a way forward if you don't get further with the troubleshooting, see below.
Is there some other way in which I can get the time series of my pod using the REST APIs?
You could use the APIs Explorer or the Metrics Explorer from within the Stackdriver portal. There's some good troubleshooting tips here with a link to the APIs Explorer. In the Stackdriver Metrics Explorer it's fairly easy to reassemble the filter you've used using dropdown lists to choose e.g. a particular pod_id.
Taken from the Troubleshooting the Monitoring guide (linked above) regarding an empty HTTP 200 response on filtered queries:
If your API call returns status code 200 and an empty response, there
are several possibilities:
If your call uses a filter, then the filter might not have matched anything. The filter match is case-sensitive. To resolve filter
problems, start by specifying only one filter component, such as
metric.type, and see if you get results. Add the other filter
components one-by-one.
If you are working with a custom metric, you might not have specified the project where your custom metric is defined.*
I found this link when reading through the documentation of the Monitoring API. That link will get you to the APIs Explorer with some pre-filled fields, change these accordingly and add your own filter.
I have not tested more using the REST API at the moment but hopefully this could get you forward.

Having issue while creating custom dashboard in Grafana( data-source is Prometheus)

I have setup Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring my kubernetes cluster and everything works fine. Then I have created custom dashboard in Grafana for my application.The metrics available in Prometheus is as follows and i have added the same in grafana as metrics:
sum(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="test", pod_name="my-app-65c7d6576b-5pgjq", container_name!="POD"}[1m])) by (container_name)
The issue is, my application is running as pod in kubernetes,so when the pod is deleted or recreated, then the name of the pod will change and it will be different than the pod name specified in the above metrics "my-app-65c7d6576b-5pgjq". So the data for the above metrics will not work anymore. and I have to add new metrics again in Grafana. Please let me know How can I overcome this situation.
Answer was provided by manu thankachan:
I have done it. Made some change in the query as follow:
container_name="my-app", container_name!="POD"}[1m])) by
If pod is created directly(not a part of deployment) then only pod name is same as we mentioned.
If pod is part of Deployment the it will have unique string from replicaset and also ends with random 5 characters to maintain unique name.
So always try to use container_name label or if your Kubernetes version is > v1.16.0 then use container label