Having issue while creating custom dashboard in Grafana( data-source is Prometheus) - kubernetes

I have setup Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring my kubernetes cluster and everything works fine. Then I have created custom dashboard in Grafana for my application.The metrics available in Prometheus is as follows and i have added the same in grafana as metrics:
sum(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="test", pod_name="my-app-65c7d6576b-5pgjq", container_name!="POD"}[1m])) by (container_name)
The issue is, my application is running as pod in kubernetes,so when the pod is deleted or recreated, then the name of the pod will change and it will be different than the pod name specified in the above metrics "my-app-65c7d6576b-5pgjq". So the data for the above metrics will not work anymore. and I have to add new metrics again in Grafana. Please let me know How can I overcome this situation.

Answer was provided by manu thankachan:
I have done it. Made some change in the query as follow:
container_name="my-app", container_name!="POD"}[1m])) by

If pod is created directly(not a part of deployment) then only pod name is same as we mentioned.
If pod is part of Deployment the it will have unique string from replicaset and also ends with random 5 characters to maintain unique name.
So always try to use container_name label or if your Kubernetes version is > v1.16.0 then use container label


Grafana consolidate pod metrics

I have a Kubernetes Pod which serves metrics for prometheus.
Once in a while I update the release and thus the pod gets restarted.
Prometheus safes the metrics but labels it according to the new pod name:
this is by prometheus' design, so its ok.
but if I display this data with grafana, Im getting this (the pods ahve been redeployed twice):
So for example the metric "Registered Users" now has 3 different colors because the source from it comes from 3 diffferent pods
I have some options. Maybe disregard the pod name in prometheus, but I consider that bad practise because I dont want to lose data.
So I think I have to consolidate this in grafana. But how I can I tell Grafana that I want to merge all data with container-name api-gateway-narkuma and disregard the label pods?
You can do something like
max(users) without (instance, pod)

How to configure an Ingress to access all pods from a DaemonSet?

I'm using hardware-dependents pods; in my K8s, I instantiate my pods with a DaemonSet.
Now I want to access those pods with an URL like https://domain/{pod-hostname}/
My use case is a bit more tedious than this one. my pods' names are not predefined.
Moreover, I also need a REST entry point to list my pod's name or hostname.
I publish a Docker Image to solve my issue: urielch/dyn-ingress
My YAML configuration is in the Docker doc.
This Container add label on each pod, then use this label to create a service per pod, and then update an existing Ingress to reach each node with a path //
feel free to test it.
the source code is here

check if grafana agent operator is up and running

I have a grafana agent operator and I was trying to create some metrics to monitor if it's up.
If I had a simple grafana agent process I would just use something along the lines of absent(up{instance=""} == 1 but with the Grafana Agent operator the components are dynamic.
I don't see issues with monitoring the metrics part. For example, if the grafana-agent-0 stateful set for metrics goes down and a new pod is built the name would be the same.
But for logs, the Grafana Agent operator runs a pod (daemon set) for every node with a different name each time.
In the log case if a pod grafana-agent-log-vsq5r goes down or a new node is added to the cluster I would have a new pod to monitor with a different name which would create some problems in being able to monitor the changes in the cluster. Anyone that already had this issue or that knows some good way of tackling the issue?
I would like to suggest using Labels in Grafana Alerting

grafana variable still catch old metrics info

i use grafana+prometheus monitor k8s pod,when my pod is removed ,i clean all metrics belongs to the removed pod,but still can see in grafana
for example ,i defined a variable named node ,the query express is " {instance=~"(.+)", job="node status"} ",it can catch all metrics ,and i use regex expression '/instance="([^"]+):9100"/' to match the ip of each monitor target ,when i click node label on dashboard,it display all target ip , and when one of these targets is removed ,i use http api provide by prometheus to clean all metrics belongs to this target,but when i click node label ,it still display the removed target ip ,why? and how i can delete this ip?
It seems that Prometheus targets are not updated, even so that some of the pods are evicted. You can check it in Prometheus http://yourprometheus/targets page.
Does Prometheus run inside of the K8s cluster?

Kubernetes adding the name of the pod as a label

I need to add the name of a kubernetes pod as a label to that pod when I create a pod using a replication controller. Is there a way to do that or should I do a patch once the pod is created?
There is no way to auto-promote the pod name into a label. You'll have to do that manually. Sorry.
Depending on what you're trying to do, a headless service may work for you:
Specify spec.clusterIP=None
DNS is ten configured to return multiple A records (addresses) for the Service name, which point directly to the Pods backing the Service.
Otherwise, you may want to follow progress on the PetSet proposal: