Generate and Copy WSDL error in NetBeans 8.2 - netbeans

When I click generate and copy WSDL it returns error like this:
ant -f H:\\Projects\\NetBeansProjects\\wsCiscoCallBack\\nbproject\\build-
impl.xml wsgen-CiscoCallBack
Compiling 3 source files to H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\web\WEB-INF\classes
JAX-WS RI 2.2.11-b150120.1832
command line: **wsgen"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\jre\bin\java.exe" -d H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\generated-sources\jax-ws -Xendorsed -keep -s H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\generated-sources\jax-ws -verbose -classpath "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\lib\tools.jar;H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\web\WEB-INF\classes;C:\Program Files\glassfish-4.1.1\glassfish\modules\webservices-osgi.jar;C:\Program Files\glassfish-4.1.1\glassfish\modules\endorsed\webservices-api-osgi.jar;C:\Program Files\glassfish-4.1.1\glassfish\modules\jaxb-osgi.jar;C:\Program Files\glassfish-4.1.1\glassfish\modules\endorsed\jaxb-api.jar" -wsdl -r H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\build\generated-sources\jax-ws\resources ws.CiscoCallBack**
H:\Projects\NetBeansProjects\wsCiscoCallBack\nbproject\jaxws-build.xml:26: Error starting wsgen: class
I've read NetBeans forums and they said something like this:
For Netbeans 8.2 and Windows 7, the default ant settings for Netbeans
are incorrect; if you check the error, you will find that wsgen"C....
are not seperated. A space should be between those two i.e. wsgen
"C..... So either fix the ant settings or copy the command and correct
it before running it again.
I understood that i should add space between them. But how can i add this space in NetBeans 8.2? Please anyone can help me. I'm struggling with it almost four hours.

You got to open your operative system prompt and change directory to your JDK/bin folder, unless you added the JDK/bin path to system path.
Then on Netbeans copy all the row with wsgen wrong path.
Back on the prompt and paste the wrong row, add the space between wsgen and "C:... , then go to the end of the code you pasted and press ENTER.
If all is OK wsdl and xsd files will be added at your project inside Netbeans.


Build Rule project(ODM) with the Build Command Line

I am trying to find a way to build Ruleapp.jar from command line and going through this link, and found a command.
java -jar Build_Command_Line_executable_archive -config configuration_file
Trying to figure out what "Build_Command_Line_executable_archive" is and from where I can get this jar to execute the above command
The "Build_Command_Line_executable_archive" is a jar file that comes with ODM. You should be able to find it with the other ODM installation files. On my computer, this file is at:
Note: In v8.9.1, there is a defect in the build command tool that causes the RuleApp archive that is generated to include the file "META-INF/archive.xml" that contains 'resuri' instead of 'reslib'. You have to manually edit this file in the RuleApp archive to fix it or write a script to do it for you.

Less Compiling Doesn't work for me in Netbeans 8.1 beta

I want to start using the option to compile my less files from within an html5 project in netbeans 8.1 (Windows 7). However it doesn't work for me.
1 . I npm installed less from the command line with -g option flag.
I opened up the tools...options...html/js menu and placed the path in the less path input box. I hit apply and then ok.
I made a change to my less file and hit the run button and it shows that it compiled in the output dialog box.
Message shown:
"C:\Users\Larry\AppData\Roaming\npm\lessc.cmd" "--source-map"
"--source-map-rootpath=../less" ""
"C:\Users\Larry\Desktop\interface\public_html\css\style.css" Done.
I have tried exiting netbeans and then loading it back up but it will still not work. I have even tried loading a new project with a different less file and it still doesn't work.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
It must have been something with the beta release of Netbeans 8.1. I downloaded and installed the production release of Netbeans 8.1. I then had to re add the path to the lessc.cmd file as described in step 2 of my question(step below).
I opened up the tools...options...html/js menu and placed the path in
the less path input box. I hit apply and then ok.
I then placed my less file with the same name as my css file in a folder named less in the root directory of my project. Now when I save or run my project the changes are reflected in my css file.
Note: Make sure you have a folder named css and less in your projects root directory and place the respective css and less files with the same name in the appropriate folders.
MyProject(root directory folder)
| |
less(Folder) css(Folder)
| |
style.less style.css

Netbeans, phpdocumentor, and custom phpdoc.dist.xml by project

I am using Netbeans 8.0.2 and phpdocumentor 2.8.2 on a windows 7 platform.
I would like to use custom phpdoc.dist.xml config files by project so I can specify framework directories and etc. to exclude from the generated doc. I also want to keep my Netbeans PHPDOC plugin config as generic as possible, without specific output directories, ignore options, config path parameters, etc., so on, so that that the config will apply to all my projects.
The phpdoc.dist.xml file works great. The doc generated is exactly what I want.
The problem or feature, and it seems to be a phpdocumentor one as it also applies from plain command line, is that the phpdoc.bat command (without a specific config parm) has to be run from the same root directory as the phpdoc.dist.xml file, or it ignores it. No problem if I'm using command line as I can change into that directory first, but I would like to use Netbeans. I have searched on this extensively and cannot find an answer.
I considered whether to modify the phpdocumentor files to insert cd /D path/to/myproject/dir to change the directory using some Netbeans variable to represent myproject/dir, but I could not find the right place in the code or the variable to use. Plus, then I'm supporting a custom mod to phpdocumentor.
I did find these directions for a PHPStorm setup, where the author specified a PHPStorm variable for the --config command line option to point to his custom phpdoc.dist.xml.
If I could do the same in Netbeans like maybe "${BASE_DIR}/phpdoc.dist.xml" it would be great, but so far I haven't hit on anything Netbeans will recognize/pay attention to in the PhpDoc script: box.
I have also tried writing a wrapper .bat file to capture my own command line variable %1 and do the directory change to that before calling phpdoc.bat, but Netbeans throws and error and says that's not a valid .bat file. I cannot find any phpdocumentor parameter to configure by specific Netbeans project but the output directory. And I would prefer not to be defining a bunch of projects on subdirectories in Netbeans, just to address phpdocumentor.
Now I am out of ideas. Can anyone point me to a solution?

OpenERP 7 development environment: web module not found

I setup an Ubuntu environment and used bzr to get the 3 trunks: addons, server, web
Everything works and the server starts fine.
I then loaded the project in Eclipse and tried to run openerp-server. I got this error (module web: module not found). I then copied the entries (addons_path) in the openerp-server.conf from /etc/ to the conf file in server/install folder. I also created a copy of this file and pasted in server folder, in the hopes that eclipse would pick it up.
But I am still getting the same error. Three questions please:
Which conf file should I add this path for eclipse to use? Where does this file reside?
If I must use a command line switch to specify the web/addons path then how do I do that in eclipse?
There used to be a file with a lot of different variable such as pg_path, rpc, etc. Is that file still around? Maybe that is where I need to make this entry?
I had to add a "-c /etc/openerp-server.conf" argument. Right click on the openerp-server file, launch the properties window, select Run/Debug Settings, select the only launch configuration available, edit, select the arguments tab.
I added them manually to eclipse run configurations > arguments.
--db_host = {host}
--db_port = {port}
--db_user = {user}
--db_password = {password}
--addons = ../addons,../server/addons

Program "make" not found in PATH

I'm having the Program "make" not found in PATH error in eclipse. I checked the path variable which is:
%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\;
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd
The PATH starts with the folder which contains make (I checked and make.exe is in there), but eclipse still goes Program "make" not found in PATH.
I have tried changing the path and restarting several times but nothing seems to change.
You may try altering toolchain in case if for some reason you can't use gcc. Open Properties for your project (by right clicking on your project name in the Project Explorer), then C/C++ Build > Tool Chain Editor. You can change the current builder there from GNU Make Builder to CDT Internal Builder or whatever compatible you have.
Are you trying to run "Hello world" for the first time? Please make sure you choose proper toolchain. For Windows you have to choose MinGW GCC.
To make MinGW GCC compiler as default or change you original project with error "Program “make” not found in PATH" or "launch failed binary not found eclipse c++" when you trying to run program simply go to
Windows >> Preferences >> C\C++ Build >> Tool Chain Editor >> Change Current toolchain to MinGW GCC
In MinGW, I had to install the following things:
Basic Setup -> mingw32-base
Basic Setup -> mingw32-gcc-g++
Basic Setup -> msys-base
And in Eclipse, go to
Windows -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Build -> Environment
And set the following environment variables (with "Append variables to native environment" option set):
PATH C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin
Click "Apply" and then "OK".
This worked for me, as far as I can tell.
If you are using MinGw, rename the mingw32-make.exe to make.exe in the folder " C:\MinGW\bin " or wherever minGw is installed in your system.
Just to clarify the details that Adel's linked eclipse forum covers, here's how I solved this (on OS X):
Note: for me, even though my personal environment (i.e. if in bash, echo $PATH) had /Developer/usr/bin in it, I still had to add it to Eclipse's Environment variables:
Go to Eclipse Preferences -> C/C++ -> Build -> Environment -> Add.. -> "${PATH}:/Developer/usr/bin"
In the case of some other OS, just use the right path where make exists.
If you are using MinGW toolchain for CDT, make.exe is found at C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin
(or search the make.exe in MinGW folder.)
Add this path in eclipse
Make sure you have installed 'make' tool through Cygwin's installer.
If you are using GNU MCU Eclipse on Windows, make sure Windows Build Tools are installed, then check the installation path and fill the "Global Build Tools Path" inside Eclipse Window/Preferences... :
Probably there are some files inside C:\cygwin\bin called xxxxxmake.exe, try renaming it to make.exe
I had the same problem.
Initially I had setup Eclipse CDT with Cygwing & was working smoothly. One day there happened a problem due to which I had to reset windows. After that when I opened Eclipse I started facing the issue described above. This is how I solved it.
First I searched that in the error the PATH variable value is same as the PATH variable of windows ( just by manual comparison of both two values ). I found that to be same. Now I realized that it is a PATH problem.
Then started looking for Cygwin whether it is there or not? It was there. I located & found that it exists in
C:\cygwin64\bin>dir ma*
Volume in drive C is Windows8_OS
Volume Serial Number is 042E-11B5
Directory of C:\cygwin64\bin
16-05-2015 18:34 10,259 mag.exe
13-08-2013 04:57 384 mailmail
11-04-2015 02:56 4,252 make-emacs-shortcut
15-02-2015 23:25 194,579 make.exe
04-05-2015 21:36 40,979 makeconv.exe
29-07-2013 11:57 29,203 makedepend.exe
16-05-2015 18:34 79,891 makeindex.exe
16-05-2015 18:34 34,323 makejvf.exe
07-05-2015 03:04 310 mako-render
18-04-2015 02:07 92,179 man.exe
18-04-2015 02:07 113,683 mandb.exe
13-08-2013 04:57 286 manhole
18-04-2015 02:07 29,203 manpath.exe
24-10-2014 13:31 274,461 mate-terminal.exe
24-10-2014 13:31 1,366 mate-terminal.wrapper
15 File(s) 905,358 bytes
0 Dir(s) 373,012,271,104 bytes free
Then I simply went ahead & updated the PATH variable to include this path & restarted eclipse.
The code compiles & debugging (GDB ) is working nicely.
Hope this helps.
Go to Project> Properties> C/C++ Build> Environment. You will see three fields, choose PATH. See if the folder containing make.exe is appended to the path or not. Sometimes the change to the System PATH variable (made from My Computer> Properties> Advanced System Settings...) is NOT reflected in Eclipse. This solved the problem for me, hope it helps you too!
Additional hint: If you have multiple projects with different toolchains open, check the build console header for the failing project's path.
I've just spent half an hour trying to fix a build that showed this error because another project with hopelessly outdated toolchain settings was open in the same workbench. Closing the other project re-enabled the build.
I also faced this problem but solved it by installing QT and extract the omnet5.6 folder in C: