Read specific portions of an excel file based on string values in MATLAB - matlab

I have an excel file and I need to read it based on string values in the 4th column. I have written the following but it does not work properly:
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('Coordinates','Centerville');
for i = 3:size(raw,1)
tf = strcmp(char(raw{i,4}),char(raw{i-1,4}));
if tf == 0
ctr = ctr+1;
data=zeros(1,10); % 10 corresponds to the number of columns I want to read (herein, columns 'J' to 'S')
for j = 1:length(zn)
for i=3:size(raw,1)
if tf==1
It gives me a "15129x10x22 double" thing and when I try to open it I get the message "Cannot display summaries of variables with more than 524288 elements". It might be obvious but what I am trying to get as the output is 'N = length(zn)' number of matrices which represent the data for different strings in the 4th column (so I probably need a struct; I just don't know how to make it work). Any ideas on how I could fix this? Thanks!

Did not test it, but this should help you get going:
EDIT: corrected wrong indexing into raw vector. Also, depending on the format you might want to restrict also the rows of the raw matrix. From your question, I assume something like selector = raw(3:end,4); and data = raw(3:end,10:19); should be correct.
[~,~,raw] = xlsread('Coordinates','Centerville');
selector = raw(:,4);
data = raw(:,10:19);
[selector,~,grpidx] = unique(selector);
nGrp = numel(selector);
out = cell(nGrp,1);
for i=1:nGrp
idx = grpidx==i;
out{i} = cell2mat(data(idx,:));
out is the output variable. The key here is the variable grpidx that is an output of the unique function and allows you to trace back the unique values to their position in the original vector. Note that unique as I used it may change the order of the string values. If that is an issue for you, use the setOrderparameter of the unique function and set it to 'stable'


How to load a sequence of image files using a for loop in MATLAB?

I am beginner in MATLAB. I would like to load 200 image files (size 192x192) in a specific folder by using a for loop.
The image names are '1.png', '2.png', '3.png' and so on.
My code is as below.
list = dir('C:/preds/*.png');
N = size(list,1);
sum_image = zeros(192,192,200);
for i = 1:N
sum_image(:,:,i) = imread('C:/preds/i.png');
Which part should I change ?
I would probably do it like the code below:
You are currently getting the list of filenames then not really doing much with it. Iterating over the list is safer otherwise if there is a missing number you could have issues. Also, the sort maybe unnecessary depending if you image numbering is zero-padded so they come out in the correct order ... but better safe than sorry. One other small change initializing the array to size N instead of hard-coding 200. This will make it more flexible.
searchDir = 'C:\preds\';
list = dir([searchDir '*.png']);
nameList = {}; %Get array of names
imNum = str2double(strrep(nameList,'.png','')); %Get image number
[~,idx] = sort(imNum); %sort it
nameList = nameList(idx);
N = numel(nameList);
sum_image = zeros(192,192,N);
for i=1:N
sum_image(:,:,i) = imread(fullfile(searchDir,nameList{i}));
I would suggest changing the line within the loop to the following:
sum_image(:,:,i) = imread(['C:/preds/', num2str(i), '.png']);
MATLAB treats the i in your string as a character and not the variable i. The above line of code builds your string piece by piece.
If this isn't a homework problem, the right answer to this question is don't write this as a for loop. Use an imageDatastore:
ds = imageDatastore('C:/preds/');
sumImageCellArray = readall(ds);
sumImage = cat(3,sumImageCellArray{:});

Take string from cell array for name of variable in matlab workspace

I have a large amount of .csv files from my experiments (200+) and previously I have been reading them in seperately and also for later steps in my data handling this is tedious work.
co_15 = csvread('CO_15K.csv',5,0);
co_25 = csvread('CO_25K.csv',5,0);
co2_15 = csvread('CO2_15K.csv',5,0);
co2_80 = csvread('CO2_80K.csv',5,0);
h2o_15 = csvread('H2O_15K.csv',1,0);
So I want to make a cell at the beginning of my code looking like this and then a for loop that just reads them automatically.
input = {'co_15' 5;'co_25' 5;...
'co2_15' 5; 'co2_80' 5;...
'h2o_15' 1; 'h2o_140' 1;...
'methanol_15' 5;'methanol_120' 5;'methanol_140' 5;...
'ethanol_15' 5;'ethanol_80' 1;'ethanol_140' 5;...
'co2_ethanol_15' 5 ;'co2_ethanol_80' 5;...
'h2o_ethanol_15' 1 ;'h2o_ethanol_140' 1;...
'methanol_ethanol_15' 5;'methanol_ethanol_120' 5;'methanol_ethanol_140' 5};
for n = 1:size(input,1)
input{n,1} = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
The cell in this code is 19 rows and 2 columns, the rows are all the files and the columns will contain the parameters to handle the data. Now the problem I can't find a solution for is that my first column is a string name and I want that string name to be the name of the variable where csvread writes its data to but the way I set it up now it just overwrites the string in the first column of the cell with the csv data. To be extra clear I want my matlab workspace to have variables with string names in the first column containing the data of my csv files. How do I solve this?
You don't actually want to do this. Even the Mathworks will tell you not to do this. If you are trying to use variable names to keep track of related data like this, there is always a better data structure to hold your data.
One way would be to have a cell array
data = cell(size(input(:,1)));
for n = 1:size(input,1)
data{n} = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
Another good option is to use a struct. You could have a single struct with dynamic field names that correspond to your data.
data = struct();
for n = 1:size(input,1)
data.(input{n,1}) = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
Or actually create an array of structs and hold both the name and the data within the struct.
for n = 1:size(input, 1)
data(n).name = input{n,1};
data(n).data = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
If you absolutly insist on doing this (again, it's is very much not recommended), then you could do it using eval:
for n = 1:size(input, 1)
data = csvread(strcat(input{n,1},'k.csv'),input{n,2},0);
eval([input{n, 1}, '= data;']);

Save a string, double and table Matlab

I have a loop which runs 100 times. In each iteration there is a string, double and a table assigned, and in the next iteration new values are assigned for them. What I want to do is to accumulate these values and after the loop finishes save the total result as result.mat using the matlab save function. I've tried putting them in cell-array but its not working so far, so if anyone could please advise how this can be done.
This is what I did:
But it gives this error Coversion to Cell from Table is not possible. So I've tried converting TableA to array of Doubles using table2array but I still get this Coversion to Cell from Double is not possible
I think using a structure would be a good way to store your data, since they are of different types and you can assign it meaningful field names for easy reference.
For example, let's call the structure Results. You can initialize it like so.
Results = struct('StringData',[],'TableData',[],'DoubleData',[])
Since you know its dimensions, you can even do this:
N = 100;
Results(N).StringData = [];
Results(N).TableData = [];
Results(N).DoubleData = [];
This automatically create a 1xN structure with 3 fields.
Then in your loop you can assign each field with its associated data like so:
for k = 1:N
Results(k).StringData = String(k);
Results(k).TableData = Table(k);
Results(k).DoubleData = Double(k);
where String(k), Table(k) and Double(k) are just generic names for your actual data.
When you're done with the loop you can access any type of data using a single index and the right field name.
In order to save a .mat file, use something like this:
save SomeFileName.mat Results
Which you can load into the workspace as you would with any .mat file:
S = load('SomeFileName.mat')
R = S.Results
Hope that helps!

Using a string to refer to a structure array - matlab

I am trying to take the averages of a pretty large set of data, so i have created a function to do exactly that.
The data is stored in some,column)
there are 4 struct1 and each of these have between 20 and 30 sub-struct2
the data that I want to average is always stored in column 7 and I want to output the average of each,column) into a 2xN array/double (column 1 of this output is a reference to each sub-struct2 column 2 is the average)
The omly problem is, I can't find a way (lots and lots of reading) to point at each structure properly. I am using a string to refer to the structures, but I get error Attempt to reference field of non-structure array. So clearly it doesn't like this. Here is what I used. (excuse the inelegence)
function [avrg] = Takemean(prefix,numslits)
% place holder arrays
avs = [];
slits = [];
% iterate over the sub-struct (struct2)
for currslit=1:numslits
dataname = sprintf('%s_slit_%02d',prefix,currslit);
% slap the average and slit ID on the end
avs(end+1) = mean(,7));
slits(end+1) = currslit;
% transpose the arrays
avs = avs';
slits = slits';
avrg = cat(2,slits,avs); % slap them together
It falls over at this line avs(end+1) = mean(,7); because as you can see, prefix and dataname are strings. So, after hunting around I tried making these strings variables with genvarname() still no luck!
I have spent hours on what should have been 5min of coding. :'(
Edit: Oh prefix is a string e.g. 'Hs' and the structure of the structures (lol) is e.g. where XX is e.g. 01,02,...27
Edit: If I just run mean(,7)) it works fine... but then I cant iterate over all of the _slit_XX
If you simply want to iterate over the fields with the name pattern <something>_slit_<something>, you need neither the prefix string nor numslits for this. Pass the actual structure to your function, extract the desired fields and then itereate them:
function avrg = Takemean(s)
%// Extract only the "_slit_" fields
names = fieldnames(s);
names = names(~cellfun('isempty', strfind(names, '_slit_')));
%// Iterate over fields and calculate means
avrg = zeros(numel(names), 2);
for k = 1:numel(names)
avrg(k, :) = [k, mean(s.(names{k}).data(:, 7))];
This method uses dynamic field referencing to access fields in structs using strings.
First of all, think twice before you use string construction to access variables.
If you really really need it, here is how it can be used:
s1 = 'a';
s2 = 'b';
eval([s1 '.' s2])
In your case probably something like: rand(3,7);
avs = [];
dataname = 'Hs_slit_01';
prefix = 'Hs';
eval(['avs(end+1) = mean(' prefix '.' dataname '.data(:,7))'])

creating variables from structures in matlab

I have the following example which expresses the type of problem that I'm trying to solve:
clear all
textdata = {'DateTime','St','uSt','Ln','W'};
data = rand(365,4);
Final = struct('data',data,'textdata',{textdata})
clear textdata data
From this, contains values which correspond to the headings in Final.textdata excluding the first ('DateTime') thus,1) corresponds to the heading 'St'... and so on. What I'm trying to do is to create a variable in the workspace for each of these vectors. So, I would have a variable for St, uSt, Ln, and W in the workspace with the corresponding values given in
How could this be done?
Will this solve your problem:
for ii=2:length( textdata )
Let me know if I misunderstood.
The direct answer to your question is to use the assignin function, like so (edit: just like macduff suggested 10 minutes ago):
%Starting with a Final structure containing the data, like this
Final.textdata = {'DateTime','St','uSt','Ln','W'}; = rand(365,4);
for ix = 1:4
However, I strongly discourage using dynamic variable names to encode data like this. Code that starts this way usually ends up as spaghetti code full of long string concatenations and eval statements. Better is to use a structure, like this
for ix = 1:4
dataValues(Final.textdata{ix+1}) =,ix);
Or, to get the same result in a single line:
dataValues = cell2struct(num2cell(,1), Final.textdata(2:end),2)