Update GitHub Build Status from local jenkins server - github

I was wondering if there is a way to have a Build Status ticker on my GitHub Repository's readme file, if the JENKINS SERVER IS RUNNING ON A LOCAL MACHINE?

Since the JENKINS Embeddable+Build+Status+Plugin requires to have a public url, you can instead use only the GitHub plugin.
See "Show current state of Jenkins build on GitHub repo": since issue 19775, it should be able to use the GitHub API to directly set the build status.


GitHub webhook repo is unable to trigger jenkins pipeline

Our Company used to self-host GitLab for source-code management and configured webhook on gitlab to trigger all the project pipelines on jenkins. Initially, the gitlab url was 'https://git.fulcrumdigital.com' and later for an upgraded version, they changed url to 'https://autobuild.fulcrumdigital.com'
Recently, we migrated to 'github.com' and created an organization. The source codes for various projects are found under this organization, which is private. Now, when I try to configure webhooks for these projects, I see that they deliver as intended to jenkins, but jenkins doesn't trigger the respective project's build. Instead, it gives out a message as shown below.
jenkins-github webhook error
I don't find any info regarding this webhook on global configuration page.
Here is a snapshot of jenkins logs
jenkins logs
I don't face this webhook issue for newly created pipeline-projects on jenkins. I face this issue for older pipeline-projects that already had their webhook configured earlier for gitlab.
Help me to resolve this issue and make jenkins trigger build from github webhook for older pipeline-projects.
Did you try force regenerating the webhooks?
Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System > GitHub plugin > Advance > Re-registers hooks for all jobs.
I had this problem myself. The first thing you want to do is go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System scroll down to the GitHub section and click on "Advanced". You will see this:
It's important to have access to your Jenkins log (I'm running Jenkins with Docker). When I clicked on Re-register hooks for all jobs, I got the following error:
In my case, the error mentioned something with my access token. So, I checked my Github personal access token and it turned out, I need to turn on Read and Write for Webhook:
Now, go back to Jenkins and click on Re-register hooks for all jobs again, and on the next push, the build was automatically triggered.

GitHub Pages Automation

I'm using GitHub Pages feature to host documentation. I'm working on a CI/CD process to automate the build so that when the source for the documentation is updated it automatically rebuilds the content and deploys to GitHub Pages.
So far, using AWS CodeBuild, I've implemented the following:
Pulls down source from GitHub Repo
Uses MkDocs to build and deploy to the special gh-pages branch using the "mkdocs gh-deploy" command.
This is done with command lines in the CodeBuild Buildspec. The reason I'm using commands is that I want to use GitHub Deploy Keys opposed to creating user account (used as a machine account) that my team would need to manage.
I have it all working except what triggers the build. If the process was using a user account to authenticate then I can use AWS CodePipeline which creates a Webhook within the GitHub repo, and then notifications are sent via the Webhook to say that the master branch was updated, which would trigger a new build.
I'd like to implement a similar process but using the GitHub repo's Deploy Key. Any suggestions?

Github Pull Request is not triggering TeamCity

My TeamCity CI has the plugin GitHub Commit Hooks provided by Jetbrains to detect new pull requests and trigger a run. I've installed this plugin and configured it clicking here:
After that, the web hook is created on GitHub but the address is 0000:8111 which is wrong. So I change to the correct DNS and redeliver the request.
It seems to work, the server returns 202 with the message Scheduled checking for changes for 2 VCS roots. (Server time: 20180615T122359.142+0100) but the trigger is not working.
After a while another problem happens, the server starts rejecting the requests and GitHub returns this:
No stored auth data (secret key) found for public key "72WE45221-19fe-433b-9265-66b2168EW6c". Seems hook created not by this TeamCity server. Reinstall hook via TeamCity UI.
TeamCity version: 2017.2.4 (build 51228)
GitHub Commit Hooks version: 62
What I can do to solve this issue? Is there any issue with my DNS?
Now I am able to trigger the build by commits and solved the secret key issue. But pull requests are not triggering the CI.
To solve the secret key issue, you need to change the Server URL on Global Settings.
A bit of a workaround, but have you tried using a VCS trigger to detect and build pull requests rather than a commit hook? This works the same as any other VCS check in trigger, so if your current configuration is already detecting VCS changes from Github it should be more straightforward to setup.
Pull requests on Github are automatically referenced using the following pattern +:refs/pull/*/head so with a VCS branch specification you can have a TeamCity build project that's dedicated to building pull requests.
See https://blog.jetbrains.com/teamcity/2013/02/automatically-building-pull-requests-from-github-with-teamcity/
I had a similar issue; the solution is to change the TC installation's settings so it's aware of its correct URL, and then re-adding the webhook through the plugin. The setting in question is Administration > Server Administration > Global Settings > Server Url:

sonar jenkins github integration

In reference with the post
jenkins + sonar + github integration
What setting is required in sonarqube? Does Sonar and Jenkins reside on the same box? How will Sonarqube be able to communicate with github? I am able to get the pull request triggering the Jenkins Job which is calling the sonar analysis, but the sonar comments are not getting added back to github. I am able to add the Jenkins build status but not the sonar analysis . Can someone point to the right direction
SonarQube don't need to communicate with GitHub.
Jenkins have a plugin "Git-Plugin" used to connect with it, you only have to paste the repository url there.
Jenkins have a plugin "SonarQube Plugin" used to call sonarQube, this will return a status after sonnar analysis.
Then you can create another task in Jenkins to makes changes in GitHub according to the status.

How to trigger a Jenkins 2.0 Pipeline job from a GitHub pull request

It looks like the GitHubPullRequestBuilder is not compatible with Jenkins v2.0 pipeline jobs.
How do you configure a pipeline job to be triggered from a GitHub pull request event?
The documentation on this topic is sparse and I cannot find any examples of this. Or is it better to create a web-hook in GitHub to trigger the pipeline job on the PR event?
I had similar issue. Here’s what worked for me
Jenkins ver. 2+ (I was using Jenkins 2.60)
Github (or Githhub
enterprise) account
Your github and Jenkins must be able to talk to
each other.
On Github
create a github Personal Access Token (PAT) with relevant rights.
For your repo, create a webhook with
URL as YourJenkinsURL/github-webhook/
Choose ‘Let me select individual events’ and check ‘Pull Request’
Add a Jenkinsfile to the root folder of your repo. For testing purpose you could put content as a basic hello world like below
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World ...'
On Jenkins
Install GitHub Pull Request Builder plugin. (You also need “Github” plugin but that should normally be installed as part of Jenkins ver 2+)
Jenkins – Credentials
Add github Personal Access Token (PAT) as a ‘secret text’ credential.
Add github username-password as ‘username-password’ credential.
Manage Jenkins – Configure System
Github – Github Servers : This is part of the Github plugin. Add a github server. ‘API URL’ It will default to https://api.github.com. If you are using enterprise github, replace with enterprise github url followed by /api/v3. For credential select the PAT option. Test the connection. ‘Manage Hooks’ is checked.
GitHub Pull Request Builder : for ‘GitHub Server API URL’ use same url as specified in Github Server section. Leave ‘Shared Secret’ blank. For credentials use ‘username-password’ credential. Test credentials to ensure its working. In my settings, ‘Auto-manage webhooks’ was checked.
Pipeline Job
Create a new item using ‘Pipeline’ option. Note: This is the vanilla Pipeline job, not Multibranch Pipeline.
General Section: Check ‘Github Project’ – Project URL : Enter your github repo url
Build Triggers: Check ‘GitHub Pull Request Builder’
For ‘GitHub API credentials’ select option you set for GitHub pull request builder in ‘Manage Jenkins – Configure System’ screen
For admin list: add your username
Check Use github hooks for build triggering
Select ‘Pipeline Script from SCM’. Note this assumes that the root folder of your repo will contain a ‘Jenkinsfile’
SCM: Select ‘Git’
Repositories – enter repo detail. For credentials use ‘username-password’ based credentials.
Click Advanced and add refspec as +refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*
Branch – should be ${sha1}
Script Path: defaulted to Jenkinsfile, leave as is.
Lightweight Checkout - Uncheck this (https://github.com/jenkinsci/ghprb-plugin/issues/507)
That’s it. You are all set. Creating a PR on master branch of your repo should now trigger your Jenkins Pipeline job
Some observations
Redelivering the webhook payload of a PR from github does not trigger the pipeline but opening a new PR or even re-opening a closed PR on github, triggers the pipeline job
In Pipeline Job Configuration, if you choose “Pipeline Script” and paste your pipeline script in there, the job doesn't trigger !!!
The flow in a nutshell can go like this:
You create your pipeline as code and save it in a file called Jenkinsfile at the root dir of your project. That code should describe how your project will get built. See here for examples: https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/examples/
Then you should create a new "Multibranch Pipeline Project" item in your Jenkins. You should set this up so as to scan your repo of step 1.
Now whenever you get a new PR branch opened on your step 1 repo, the branch will be checked-out and will get built according to the Jenkinsfile instructions included with it. You can set up more conditions on what gets built and when if you want to.
"Multibranch Pipeline Project" example documentation: https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline-as-code/ (scroll down to Multibranch Pipeline Projects)
Keep in mind that getting the plugin to build a PR after commending on the PR does not work. There is a discussion analyzing this here: https://github.com/jenkinsci/gitlab-plugin/issues/298 There are workarounds (also described in that discussion) but they are quite messy to set up.
The most straightforward way to use Pipeline with GitHub pull requests is to put the script into your repository under the name Jenkinsfile and then install the GitHub Branch Source plugin. Documentation
Follow the Below Steps for Triggering Jenkins Job Automatically on Pull request generated on GitHub
Create a web hook on GitHub i.e. http:///generic-
Content Type :application/json
Select Pull Request as event Now github Configuration Part is done.
Jenkins Job Configuration
Download Generic Webhook Trigger in Jenkins
Git Hub Configuration On Jenkins
Git Hub Configuration
7.Select Generic Webhook Trigger on jenkins
8.Generic Webhook Trigger Configuration on Jenkinsand follow step 9
9.After doing step 7 Jenkins job will get trigger on PullRequest
10.Step 8 required to get information from Pull request Payload
11.Branch configuration inside Generic Webhook Trigger to get Branch details from Pull Request