GitHub webhook repo is unable to trigger jenkins pipeline - github

Our Company used to self-host GitLab for source-code management and configured webhook on gitlab to trigger all the project pipelines on jenkins. Initially, the gitlab url was '' and later for an upgraded version, they changed url to ''
Recently, we migrated to '' and created an organization. The source codes for various projects are found under this organization, which is private. Now, when I try to configure webhooks for these projects, I see that they deliver as intended to jenkins, but jenkins doesn't trigger the respective project's build. Instead, it gives out a message as shown below.
jenkins-github webhook error
I don't find any info regarding this webhook on global configuration page.
Here is a snapshot of jenkins logs
jenkins logs
I don't face this webhook issue for newly created pipeline-projects on jenkins. I face this issue for older pipeline-projects that already had their webhook configured earlier for gitlab.
Help me to resolve this issue and make jenkins trigger build from github webhook for older pipeline-projects.

Did you try force regenerating the webhooks?
Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System > GitHub plugin > Advance > Re-registers hooks for all jobs.

I had this problem myself. The first thing you want to do is go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System scroll down to the GitHub section and click on "Advanced". You will see this:
It's important to have access to your Jenkins log (I'm running Jenkins with Docker). When I clicked on Re-register hooks for all jobs, I got the following error:
In my case, the error mentioned something with my access token. So, I checked my Github personal access token and it turned out, I need to turn on Read and Write for Webhook:
Now, go back to Jenkins and click on Re-register hooks for all jobs again, and on the next push, the build was automatically triggered.


Github Pull Request is not triggering TeamCity

My TeamCity CI has the plugin GitHub Commit Hooks provided by Jetbrains to detect new pull requests and trigger a run. I've installed this plugin and configured it clicking here:
After that, the web hook is created on GitHub but the address is 0000:8111 which is wrong. So I change to the correct DNS and redeliver the request.
It seems to work, the server returns 202 with the message Scheduled checking for changes for 2 VCS roots. (Server time: 20180615T122359.142+0100) but the trigger is not working.
After a while another problem happens, the server starts rejecting the requests and GitHub returns this:
No stored auth data (secret key) found for public key "72WE45221-19fe-433b-9265-66b2168EW6c". Seems hook created not by this TeamCity server. Reinstall hook via TeamCity UI.
TeamCity version: 2017.2.4 (build 51228)
GitHub Commit Hooks version: 62
What I can do to solve this issue? Is there any issue with my DNS?
Now I am able to trigger the build by commits and solved the secret key issue. But pull requests are not triggering the CI.
To solve the secret key issue, you need to change the Server URL on Global Settings.
A bit of a workaround, but have you tried using a VCS trigger to detect and build pull requests rather than a commit hook? This works the same as any other VCS check in trigger, so if your current configuration is already detecting VCS changes from Github it should be more straightforward to setup.
Pull requests on Github are automatically referenced using the following pattern +:refs/pull/*/head so with a VCS branch specification you can have a TeamCity build project that's dedicated to building pull requests.
I had a similar issue; the solution is to change the TC installation's settings so it's aware of its correct URL, and then re-adding the webhook through the plugin. The setting in question is Administration > Server Administration > Global Settings > Server Url:

Update GitHub Build Status from local jenkins server

I was wondering if there is a way to have a Build Status ticker on my GitHub Repository's readme file, if the JENKINS SERVER IS RUNNING ON A LOCAL MACHINE?
Since the JENKINS Embeddable+Build+Status+Plugin requires to have a public url, you can instead use only the GitHub plugin.
See "Show current state of Jenkins build on GitHub repo": since issue 19775, it should be able to use the GitHub API to directly set the build status.

Trigger Visual Studio Team Services build for a GitHub Pull Request

How do you get VSTS to build when a PR is created in GitHub? I've tried several triggers in the VSTS build like refs/pull/*/merge and refs/pull/*/head. I have a build working when a commit is made to the master branch, but I can't get a build to trigger when a PR is created.
I get the following when a PR is created.
Also, the webhook history shows that a message was successfully posted to VSTS, but the build never starts.
The official Microsoft VSTS GitHub Integration extension now supports this directly.
I think it's the trigger. Try what's described in this blog post.
There is not an easy way to enable this today for PRs. It is on the VSTS feature backlog that we want to address soon.
The way to make it work today would be to do something like: add a webhook to call your own custom service endpoint. Within your service endpoint, you could then call into VSTS to queue a build, and the build would need a step to post success/fail back to GitHub.
In your custom service endpoint, you would need to make sure the user is authorized as a contributor on the GitHub repo.
On the new VSTS UI you can find it in Build Edit -> Triggers:

Jenkins github plugin returns error 400 "Hook should contain event type"

At my company we have a Github Enterprise instance keeping all of our source in line, and Jenkins servers to do continuous integration. I'm using the Jenkins github plugin on Jenkins, and installing a service on Github to call MYJENKINS/github-webhook.
I would see the POSTs arriving from github on the jenkins server, but nothing would happen. The access log reports a 400 error being returned to github.
To find out what was being returned, I put tcpdump on the port. I now see that Jenkins is returning "Error 400 Hook should contain event type". It returns that for all repository events.
I can probably capture the github POST payload with tcpdump, but haven't done that yet.
My only guess at the moment is that our Github Enterprise installation is an earlier version than what is expected by the Jenkins github plug-in.
Update: As an experiment, on Github, I changed the call from a Service ("Jenkins github plugin") to a Webhook, but using the same URL MY_JENKINS/github-webhook/. THAT succeeds, is parsed successfully by the github plugin, and triggers the jobs that are watching a project/branch.
Github Enterprise should have webhook functionality built-in, so I'm a little unsure what you mean when you say you're installing a service on Github.
You can set up new webhooks by going to the following tab: >> Settings >> Webhooks & services
Here is a screenshot:
The other place to check is the settings in Jenkins, to make sure that it is set up to work with Github.
Jenkins >> Manage Jenkins >> Configure System >> Find: GitHub Plugin Configuration
In here, you need to provide your credentials for Github as well as the Github api url:
(You might be able to leave the 'Custom Github API URL' unchecked, but I haven't had good success with that.)
Here is a screenshot:
The 'Credentials' would be an access token from Github.
Github >> Personal settings >> Personal access tokens
It's been a while since I've done setup like this, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about anything.

GitHub Organization Repo + Jenkins (GitHub Plugin) integration

I have an organization on GitHub with private repositories. I also have Jenkins set up running on port 8080 on a server, with the GitHub plugin installed. I've created an account on GitHub for my jenkins user, which resides in the owners group.
I'm trying to trigger a job on jenkins when a change is pushed to my development branch (or master branch, neither seem to be working).
When I look at the GitHub Hook Logs in Jenkins, it says that Polling has not run yet. When I go to "Manage Jenkins", the GitHub plugin says my account is Verified when I test it.
Any insight on how to configure this? I have multiple repositories I'd like to work with, so deploy keys don't seem like the solution to me.
As Craig Ringer mentions in his answer, you can select Grant READ permissions for /github-webhook in "Configure Jenkins" under the GitHub plugin settings, allowing the webhook to be called without authentication.
Another update: Webhooks are now (Dec. 2014) available for organization: see WebHooks API for orgs.
Note: the issue 4 of the hudson-github-plugin was about:
Last GitHub Push
Polling has not run yet.
And the conclusion was:
Nevermind, the only missing piece was a permission checkbox for the github user which ain't documented anywhere on the internet.
So is this a permission issue regarding your Jenkins users?
The article "Set up Jenkins-CI on Ubuntu for painless Rails3 app CI testing" includes the following process:
To restrict the CI system and give access to your Team members to use or see the build logs, first you’ve to create an account.
Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System,
Check the Enable Security checkbox
Under Security Realm, choose Jenkins's own user database
Check the Allow users to sign up checkbox
Under Authorization, choose Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy
Add first user with the name admin and another with GitHub (Note: the username for Admin access has to be admin) For GitHub named user, just choose the Overall Read only permission. We’ll use this user later with the GitHub hook.
Note: The admin and GitHub user that we’ve added in the above step does not create the User. Then you’ve to create a real user with that same name. Ya, I know, its a bit weird with Jenkins UI.
Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Users > Create User. Create both admin and GitHub users.
Hooking with the Github web-hooks
Now to run the build automagically when new commit or branch gets pushed onto Github, we have to setup the repository.
Got to the hooks page for your repository. e.g.<username>/<project_name>/admin/hooks
Under AVAILABLE SERVICE HOOKS > Post-Receive URLs, add
The github:github is the user that we’d created earlier.
Then we have to verify Jenkins with Github. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System and under GitHub Web Hook, add your Github username and password and click the Test Credential button to authorize once with Github.
It looks like the accepted answer is no longer necessary with the current version of the GitHub plugin. You can instead check Grant READ permissions for /github-webhook in "Configure Jenkins" under the GitHub plugin settings, allowing the webhook to be called without authentication.
As explained in the help on this option that's quite safe, and frankly no worse than having a user named "github" with password "github" anyway.
There are two ways to achieve automatic builds on Jenkins. What you choose depends on whether GitHub can call the Jenkins server URL you provide. This may not be the case if you are running Jenkins behind a firewall.
If GitHub can reach that URL you can set up the service hook on your repo there.
If not you can set up Jenkins to poll periodically.
You may set up both, but one solution is enough to get it working. I would always go for the first if feasible as it saves resources CPU and traffic wise.
Either way you need the GitHub plugin for Jenkins.
Hope that helps a bit.