DigitalOcean blockstorage using for Kubernetes Volume - kubernetes

I have a K8S cluster running on DigitalOcean. I have a Postgresql database running there and I want to create a volume using the DigitalOcean BlockStorage to be used by the Postgresql pod as volume. Is there any examples on how to do that?
If it's not possible to use DigitalOcean blockstorage then how do most companies run their persistence storage for databases?

No official support yet. You can try the example from someone in this github issue:
Update: I finished writing a volume plugin for digitalocean. Attach/detach is working on my cluster. Looking for anyone willing to
test this on their k8s digitalocean cluster. My branch is
You can use the following spec in your pod yml:
- name: k8s-demo
image: yourimage
- mountPath: /myvol
name: myvolume
- containerPort: 3000
- name: myvolume
volumeID: mykubvolume
fsType: ext4 Where mykubvolume is the volume created in DigitalOcean in the same region.
You will need to add create a config file:
[Global] apikey = do-api-key region = your-region and add these
parameters to your kubernetes processes: --cloud-provider=digitalocean
I'm still waiting for an issue in the godo driver to be resolved,
before I can submit a PR (digitalocean/godo#102)

I found this link here about flexvolumes This mentions how you can customize to load vendor volumes. There is also a script on how to do this at script

A Container Storage Interface (CSI) Driver for DigitalOcean Block Storage.
Have tested with statefulset MySql, working fine


Share local directory with Kind Kubernetes Cluster using hostpath

I want to share my non-empty local directory with kind cluster.
Based on answer here: How to reference a local volume in Kind (kubernetes in docker)
I tried few variations of the following:
Kind Cluster yaml:
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- hostPath: /Users/xyz/documents/k8_automation/data/manual/
containerPath: /host_manual
- containerPort: 30000
hostPort: 10000
Pod yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: manual
serviceAccountName: manual-sa
- name: tools
image: tools:latest
imagePullPolicy: Never
- bash
tty: true
- mountPath: /home/jenkins/agent/data
name: data
- name: data
path: /host_manual
type: Directory
I see that the directory /home/jenkins/agent/data does exist when the pod gets created. However, the folder is empty.
kinds documentation here:
It should be the case that whatever is in the local machine at hostpath (/Users/xyz/documents/k8_automation/data/manual/) in extraMounts in the cluster yaml be available to the node at containerPath (/host_manual), which then gets mounted at container volume mounthPath (/home/jenkins/agent/data).
I should add that even if I change the hostPath in the cluster yaml file to a non-existent folder, the empty "data" folder still gets mounted in the container, so I think it's the connection from my local to kind cluster that's the issue.
Why am I not getting the contents of /Users/xyz/documents/k8_automation/data/manual/ with it's many files also available at /home/jenkins/agent/data in the container?
How can I fix this?
Any alternatives if there is no fix?
Turns out these yaml configuration was just fine.
The reason the directory was not showing up in the container was related with docker settings. And because "kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”", it matters.
It seems docker restricts resource sharing and allows only specific directories to be bind mounted into Docker containers by default. Once I added the specific directory I wanted to show up in the container to the list of directories under Preferences -> Resources -> File sharing, it worked!

Methods of Verifying Kubernetes Configuration

I've been working on a small side project to try and learn Kubernetes. I have a relatively simple cluster with two services, an ingress, and working on adding a Redis database now. I'm hosting this cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), but using Minikube to run the cluster locally and try everything out before I commit any changes and push them to the prod environment in GKE.
During this project, I have noticed that GKE seems to have some slight differences in how it wants the configuration vs what works in Minikube. I've seen this previously with ingresses and now with persistent volumes.
For example, to run Redis with a persistent volume in GKE, I can use:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: chatter-db-deployment
app: chatter
replicas: 1
app: chatter-db-service
app: chatter-db-service
- name: master
image: redis
args: [
"--save", "3600", "1", "300", "100", "60", "10000",
"--appendonly", "yes",
- containerPort: 6379
- name: chatter-db-storage
mountPath: /data/
- name: chatter-db-storage
pdName: chatter-db-disk
fsType: ext4
The gcePersistentDisk section at the end refers to a disk I created using gcloud compute disks create. However, this simply won't work in Minikube as I can't create disks that way.
Instead, I need to use:
- name: chatter-db-storage
claimName: chatter-db-claim
I also need to include separate configuration for a PeristentVolume and a PersistentVolumeClaim.
I can easily get something working in either Minikube OR GKE, but I'm not sure what is the best means of getting a config which works for both. Ideally, I want to have a single k8s.yaml file which deploys this app, and kubectl apply -f k8s.yaml should work for both environments, allowing me to test locally with Minikube and then push to GKE when I'm satisfied.
I understand that there are differences between the two environments and that will probably leak into the config to some extent, but there must be an effective means of verifying a config before pushing it? What are the best practices for testing a config? My questions mainly come down to:
Is it feasible to have a single Kubernetes config which can work for both GKE and Minikube?
If not, is it feasible to have a mostly shared Kubernetes config, which overrides the GKE and Minikube specific pieces?
How do existing projects solve this particular problem?
Is the best method to simply make a separate dev cluster in GKE and test on that, rather than bothering with Minikube at all?
Yes, you have found some parts of Kubernetes configuration that was not perfect from the beginning. But there are newer solutions.
Storage abstraction
The idea in newer Kubernetes releases is that your application configuration is a Deployment with Volumes that refers to PersistentVolumeClaim for a StorageClass.
While StorageClass and PersistentVolume belongs more to the infrastructure configuration.
See Configure a Pod to Use a PersistentVolume for Storage on how to configure a Persistent Volume for Minikube. For GKE you configure a Persistent Volume with GCEPersistentDisk or if you want to deploy your app to AWS you may use a Persistent Volume for AWSElasticBlockStore.
Ingress and Service abstraction
Service with type LoadBalancer and NodePort in combination with Ingress does not work the same way across cloud providers and Ingress Controllers. In addition, Services Mesh implementations like Istio have introduced VirtualService. The plan is to improve this situation with Ingress v2 as how I understand it.

How to save SQL storage data in running preemtible instance?

I am trying to cut the costs of running the kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform.
I moved my node-pool to preemptible VM instances. I have 1 pod for Postgres and 4 nodes for web apps.
For Postgres, I've created StorageClass to make data persistent.
Surprisingly, maybe not, all storage data was erased after a day.
How to make a specific node in GCP not preemptible?
Or, could you advice what to do in that situation?
I guess I found a solution.
Create a disk on gcloud via:
gcloud compute disks create --size=10GB postgres-disk
gcloud compute disks create --size=[SIZE] [NAME]
Delete any StorageClasses, PV, PVC
Configure deployment file:
apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: StatefulSet
name: postgres
serviceName: postgres
app: postgres
replicas: 1
app: postgres
role: postgres
- name: postgres
image: postgres
# Especially this part should be configured!
- name: postgres-persistent-storage
mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql
- name: postgres-persistent-storage
# This GCE PD must already exist.
pdName: postgres-disk
fsType: ext4
You can make a specific node not preemptible in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster, as mentioned in the official documentation.
The steps to set up a cluster with both preemptible and non-preemptible node pools are:
Create a Cluster: In the GCP Console, go to Kubernetes Engine -> Create Cluster, and configure the cluster as you need.
On that configuration page, under Node pools, click on Add node pool. Enter the number of nodes for the default and the new pool.
To make one of the pools preemptible, click on the Advance edit button under the pool name, check the Enable preemptible nodes (beta) box, and save the changes.
Click on Create.
Then you probably want to schedule specific pods only on non-preemptible nodes. For this, you can use node taints.
You can use managed service from GCP named GKE google kubernetes cluster.
And storage data erased cause of storage class change may not retain policy and PVC.
It's better to use managed service I think.

Kubernetes cannot attach AWS EBS as volume. Probably due to cloud provider issue

I hava a kubernetes cluster up running on AWS. Now when I'm trying to attach a AWS EBS as a volume to a pod, I got a "special device does not exist" problem.
Output: mount: special device /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/ does not exist
I did some research and found that the correct AWS EBS device path should be like this format:
My doubt is that it might because I set up the Kubernetes cluster according to this tutorial and did not set the cloud provider, and therefore the AWS device "does not exit". I wonder if my doubt is correct, and if yes, how to set the cloud provider after the cluster is already up running.
You need to set the cloud provider to properly mount an EBS volume. To do that after the fact set --cloud-provider=aws in the following services:
Restart everything and try mounting again.
An example pod which mounts an EBS volume explicitly may look like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-ebs
- image:
name: test-container
- mountPath: /test-ebs
name: test-volume
- name: test-volume
# This AWS EBS volume must already exist.
volumeID: <volume-id>
fsType: ext4
The Kubernetes version is an important factor here. The EBS mounts was experimental in 1.2.x, I tried it then but without success. In the last releases I never tried it again but be sure to check your IAM roles on the k8s vm's to make sure they have the rights to provision EBS disks.

How to use the cinder plugin in Kubernetes

Using Kubernetes on bare metal and trying to figure out how to mount a external bloc storage volume from an OpenStack cloud provider.
I understand I need to use the Cinder plugin.
I modified an example I found to build a test pod, the volume is simply defined as the following, in the pod definition:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test
name: test
- image: busybox
name: busybox
- "sleep"
- "3600"
- name: persistent-storage
mountPath: /var/lib/storage
- name: persistent-storage
volumeID: bd82f7e2-wece-4c01-a505-4acf60b07f4a
fsType: ext4
I have a volumeID I got from the OpenStack volume API.
I put it there, but I am not sure the volume is actually being mounted:
I am not sure how to check actually, but I would guess that df -h would show a remote volume being mounted on the host and in the container, but I don't see any.
I would think Kubernetes would send me an error if the volume was not mounted, the pod would fail or something... but it runs.
So, the question is: how do I verify the volume is mounted? and as I believe it is not mounted, what should I do to make this cinder plugin work?
The conclusion of my search on this was that the nodes using the block storage also need to be on the same OpenStack cluster.
That is, it is not (easily/standard) possible to mount Cinder block storage into a cluster of nodes that is not on the Open Stack cluster.
Kubernetes: using OpenStack Cinder from one cloud provider while nodes on another