Selecting Postgres UUID's on Laravel - postgresql

I have a table on Postgres that auto generates UUIDs, when I dd Customer::all(); on Laravel I get an array with "cs_id" => "d0402be5-e1ba-4cb2-a80c-5340b406e2c3" which is fine. When I loop or select one record with the only the cs_id the data it retuns 0,2,5 for the three records currently on the table which is incorrect data.
CREATE TABLE customers
cs_id character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
CONSTRAINT cs_customers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cs_id),
On laravel
$customerData = Customer::where('cs_id','d0402be5-e1ba-4cb2-a80c-5340b406e2c3')->first();

For some reason Eloquent messes up there.
just add a getter and use it whenever you need the cs_id
public function getGuid()
return $this->attributes['cs_id'];

To use uuids auto-generated by the database, define your model as follows:
class Customer extends Model
// rename the id column (optional)
protected $primaryKey = 'cs_id';
// tell Eloquent that your id is not an integer
protected $keyType = 'string';
// do NOT set $incrementing to false
Then you can use all Eloquent's methods as you would with classic ids:
$customerData = Customer::findOrFail('d0402be5-e1ba-4cb2-a80c-5340b406e2c3');

Use Customer::findOrFail('d0402be5-e1ba-4cb2-a80c-5340b406e2c3');
to get the record matching that pk.
I'm assuming on top you have use App\Customer;


EF Core - Change column type from varchar to uuid in PostgreSQL 13: column cannot be cast automatically to type uuid

public class MyEntity
public string Id { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Property(e => e.Id)
This was the previous developer's code which resulted in GUID values for the column. But in C# I had to deal with strings, so I decided to change the model.
public class MyEntity
public Guid Id { get; set; }
And I removed the ValueGeneratedOnAdd() code from Fluent API config.
I get the column "Id" cannot be cast automatically to type uuid error.
I think the key in this message is the automatically word.
Now my question is that since the values on that column are already GUID/UUID, is there any way to tell Postgres to change the varchar type to uuid and cast the current string value to UUID and put it in the column? I'm guessing there should be a SQL script that can do this without any data loss.
Use USING _columnname::uuid. Here is an illustration.
-- Prepare a test case:
create table delme (x varchar);
insert into delme (x) values
-- Here is the conversion that you need:
In your particular case:
ALTER TABLE "MyEntity" ALTER COLUMN "Id" TYPE uuid USING "Id"::uuid;
Btw, is your application the sole owner of the database model? If not then changing an existing table is a bad idea.

F3 ORM add new record omitting some fields

I have a postgres table in which I have some "defaulted" fields like date_created which automatically receives a current_timestamp as default.
or the ID field which gets it's value from a sequence defined in the database.
What would be (if possible) the syntax to tell the ORM module to not include these two fields when generating an INSERT statement ?
You can use a function as 2nd parameter to remove the fields:
$this->copyfrom('POST',function($val) {
return $val
or to only copy allowed fields from the POST array:
$this->copyfrom('POST',function($val) {
return array_intersect_key($val, array_flip(array('name','age')));
Assuming you are using an HTML form to add new records into the tables, follow the steps below;
In the form, omit these 'defaulted' fields, i.e. add only the fields that you want to submit
Create a model with a function similar to below
public function add() {
$this->copyFrom ( 'POST' );
$this->save ();
Create a route that links the form to this function

Golang: gorm use Find(&model) for non gorm migrate table

There is table customer_account (postgres) which one was migrate from YII2.
CREATE TABLE public.test_table (
id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('test_table_id_seq'::regclass),
data JSONB
In go project i try to get value from this table.
type TableGo struct {
Id int
Data string `gorm:"type:jsonb"`
table := TableGo{}
db.Where("id = ?", 75).Find(&table)
But there is (pq: relation "table_gos" does not exist)
How i can link structure which table without db.AutoMigrate(&TableGo{})?
I think table name in your migration script is wrong. Because it is not in GORM convention. If you want to use that name,you can use following method in your model for custom table name.
func (m *Model) TableName() string {
return "custom_table_name"
Found the solution:
func(TableGo) TableName() string {
return "account_status"

Querying Laravel Relationship

I am trying to get one query work since morning and not able to get it working I have two tables photographers and reviews please have a look at structure and then I will ask the question at the bottom :
Reviews table :
id int(10) unsigned -> primary key
review text
user_id int(10) unsigned foreign key to users table
user_name varchar(64)
photographer_id int(10) unsigned foreign key to photographers table
Photographers table :
id int(10) unsigned -> primary key
name text
brand text
description text
photo text
logo text
featured varchar(255)
Photographers model :
class Photographer extends Model
public function reviews()
return $this->hasMany('\App\Review');
Reviews Model :
class Review extends Model
public function photographers()
return $this->belongsTo('\App\Photographer');
My logic to query the records
$response = Photographer::with(['reviews' => function($q)
$q->selectRaw('max(id) as id, review, user_id, user_name, photographer_id');
->where('featured', '=', 'Yes')
The question is : I want to fetch all the photographers who have at least one review in the review table, also I want to fetch only one review which is the most latest, I may have more than one review for a photographer but I want only one.
I would add another relationship method to your Photogrpaher class:
public function latestReview()
return $this->hasOne('App\Review')->latest();
Then you can call:
The latest() method on the query builder is a shortcut for orderBy('created_at', 'desc'). You can override the column it uses by passing an argument - ->latest('updated_at')
The with method loads in the latest review.
The has method only queries photographers that have at least one item of the specified relationship
Have a look at Has Queries in Eloquent. If you want to customise the has query further, the whereHas method would be very useful
If you're interested
You can add query methods to the result of a relationship method. The relationship objects have a query builder object that they pass any methods that do not exist on themselves to, so you can use the relationships as a query builder for that relationship.
The advantage of adding query scopes / parameters within a relationship method on an Eloquent ORM model is that they are :
cacheable (see dynamic properties)
What you need is best accomplished by a scoped query on your reviews relation.
Add this to your Review model:
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Review extends Model {
public function scopeLatest(Builder $query) {
// note: you can use the timestamp date for the last edited review,
// or use "id" instead. Both should work, but have different uses.
return $query->orderBy("updated_at", "desc")->first();
Then just query as such:
$photographers = Photographer::has("reviews");
foreach ($photographers as $photographer) {

I dont want to insert the PK val.But - Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Employees' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF

I am using the Entity Framework to update my database.
The Employee table has an employeeId primary key field.
When I instantiate an employee object, the employeeId defaults to zero.
I want to insert the employee object into the database, ignoring the primary key value of zero.
Yet I get this exception;
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Employees' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
What should I be doing to stop this?
public void Add()
using (SHPContainerEntities db = new SHPContainerEntities())
// Set default values
this.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
// Start date now
this.SHP_UserRoleId = db.SHP_UserRoles.Where(x => x.RoleName == "Employee").Single().UserRoleId;
// Default user role is "Employee". This can be changed later.
this.DepartmentId = 1;
// This is a temporary fix.
I fixed the problem.
I updated the database and I forgot to update my edmx file to reflect that change.