F3 ORM add new record omitting some fields - postgresql

I have a postgres table in which I have some "defaulted" fields like date_created which automatically receives a current_timestamp as default.
or the ID field which gets it's value from a sequence defined in the database.
What would be (if possible) the syntax to tell the ORM module to not include these two fields when generating an INSERT statement ?

You can use a function as 2nd parameter to remove the fields:
$this->copyfrom('POST',function($val) {
return $val
or to only copy allowed fields from the POST array:
$this->copyfrom('POST',function($val) {
return array_intersect_key($val, array_flip(array('name','age')));

Assuming you are using an HTML form to add new records into the tables, follow the steps below;
In the form, omit these 'defaulted' fields, i.e. add only the fields that you want to submit
Create a model with a function similar to below
public function add() {
$this->copyFrom ( 'POST' );
$this->save ();
Create a route that links the form to this function


mybatis - Passing multiple parameters on #One annotation

I am trying to access a table in my Secondary DB whose name I am obtaining from my Primary DB. My difficulty is to pass the "DB-Name" as a parameter into my secondary query, (BTW I am using MyBatis annotation based Mappers).
This is my Mapper
#SelectProvider(type = DealerQueryBuilder.class, method = "retrieveDealerListQuery")
#Result(property="dealerID", column="frm_dealer_master_id"),
#Result(property="dealerTypeID", column="frm_dealer_type_id", one=#One(select="retrieveDealerTypeDAO")),
#Result(property="dealerName", column="frm_dealer_name")
public List<Dealer> retrieveDealerListDAO(#Param("firmDBName") String firmDBName);
#Select("SELECT * from ${firmDBName}.frm_dealer_type where frm_dealer_type_id=#{frm_dealer_type_id}")
#Result(property="dealerTypeID", column="frm_dealer_type_id"),
#Result(property="dealerType", column="frm_dealer_type")
public DealerType retrieveDealerTypeDAO(#Param("firmDBName") String firmDBName, #Param("frm_dealer_type_id") int frm_dealer_type_id);
The firmDBName I have is obtained from my "Primary DB".
If I omit ${firmDBName} in my second query, the query is trying to access my Primary Database and throws out table "PrimaryDB.frm_dealer_type" not found. So it is basically trying to search for a table named "frm_dealer_type" in my Primary DB.
If I try to re-write the #Result like
#Result(property="dealerTypeID", column="firmDBName=firmDBName, frm_dealer_type_id=frm_dealer_type_id", one=#One(select="retrieveDealerTypeDAO")),
It throws an error that Column"firmDBName" does not exist.
Changing ${firmDBName} to #{firmDBName} also did not help.
I did refer to this blog - here
I want a solution to pass my parameter firmDBName from my primary query into secondary query.
The limitation here is that your column must be returned by the first #SELECT.
If you look at the test case here you will see that parent_xxx values returned by the first Select.
Your DealerQueryBuilder must select firmDBName as a return value and your column must map the name of the return column to that.
Your column definition is always wrong, it should be:
{frm_dealer_type_id=frm_dealer_type_id,firmDBName=firmDBName} or whatever it was returned as from your first select.
Again you can refer to the test case I have above as well as the documentation here http://www.mybatis.org/mybatis-3/sqlmap-xml.html#Nested_Select_for_Association

Selecting Postgres UUID's on Laravel

I have a table on Postgres that auto generates UUIDs, when I dd Customer::all(); on Laravel I get an array with "cs_id" => "d0402be5-e1ba-4cb2-a80c-5340b406e2c3" which is fine. When I loop or select one record with the only the cs_id the data it retuns 0,2,5 for the three records currently on the table which is incorrect data.
CREATE TABLE customers
cs_id character varying(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
CONSTRAINT cs_customers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cs_id),
On laravel
$customerData = Customer::where('cs_id','d0402be5-e1ba-4cb2-a80c-5340b406e2c3')->first();
For some reason Eloquent messes up there.
just add a getter and use it whenever you need the cs_id
public function getGuid()
return $this->attributes['cs_id'];
To use uuids auto-generated by the database, define your model as follows:
class Customer extends Model
// rename the id column (optional)
protected $primaryKey = 'cs_id';
// tell Eloquent that your id is not an integer
protected $keyType = 'string';
// do NOT set $incrementing to false
Then you can use all Eloquent's methods as you would with classic ids:
$customerData = Customer::findOrFail('d0402be5-e1ba-4cb2-a80c-5340b406e2c3');
Use Customer::findOrFail('d0402be5-e1ba-4cb2-a80c-5340b406e2c3');
to get the record matching that pk.
I'm assuming on top you have use App\Customer;

How to concat two columns for search with feathers-sequelize?

I need to search for users by name, their first name and last names are stored in separate columns in a postgresql database. The columns need to be concatenated for search to work properly. Typing the full first and last name of a user should match a result.
What could I pass as a query to the find method of a Feathers service that would allow me to do this?
As in the answer linked you can pass the where clause to the Feathers service by modifying params.query in a before hook:
find(hook) {
const where = Sequelize.where(Sequelize.fn("concat",
Sequelize.col("lastname")), {
like: '%John Do%'
hook.params.query.where = where;

How to insert a vertex with link type property with the orientjs query builder?

I am trying to insert a vertex with orientjs(previously oriento) query builder. My class has a link type property pointing to another class.
I know I can get it to work with a raw query string but I would love to use the query builder.
Here is what I've tried so far :
.set({"prop":"value", "linkProperty":"33:1289287"})
.set({"prop":"value", "linkProperty":"#33:1289287"})
I get the following error :
Error on saving record in cluster #13
Am I setting properties in the right way ?
Could the error be related to somtehing else ?
I have sucessfully ran an insert query in the cluster #13 with a raw query string in the studio...
According to the official documentation it seems that the problem might be at the end of your statement
.set({"prop":"value", "linkProperty":"33:1289287"}).one()
.then(function (data) {
// callback
Check if your code works adding one() to the pipe line
EDITED: I found this method in orientjs.
db.create('VERTEX', 'V')
key: 'value',
foo: 'bar'
.then(function (vertex) {
console.log('created vertex', vertex);
When using Tinkerpop API they recommend using createVertex instead of insert, because createVertex is intended for graphs and insert for Documents... Could you try with the create() method instead?
I am using SQL and it worked.
sql = "INSERT INTO Station set linked = (select from LinkedClass where LinkedProb = 'value'), prop = 'value'"
OrientVertex vertex = new OrientVertex();
vertex = graph.command(new OCommandSQL(sql)).execute();
I don't think that's possible unless you've added a proper field with the right type 'Link' in your schema. (which I rarely do).
Now instead of having the right 'link' type inserted you can do the opposite, store is as a String, and leverage the query functions to use it correctly:
db.insert().into('table').set({prop: '#15:14'}).one();
And it will be converted as String (which is a bit sad) but then you can use that in your queries:
SELECT eval(prop) FROM table;
And it will be 'eval'-ed to a Node RecordID that you can directly use and call functions like expand() on.
For example:
SELECT name FROM (SELECT expand(eval(prop)) FROM table);
Will eval the node stored in the insert(), grab the node, expand it and collect its name property.

Select custom columns from Laravel belongsToMany relation

Im trying to select only specific attributes on the many-to-many relation users, just like in one-to-one. But using select() on belongsToMany() seem to be ignored and i'm still getting all the User attributes.
class Computer extends Eloquent {
public function users() {
return $this->belongsToMany("User")->select("email");
public function admin() {
return $this->hasOne("User")->select("email");
Is there a way of filtering only specified columns from related entity with belongsToMany()?
Yes, you actually can.
Be careful though if you have the same column name for both tables linked by your pivot table. In this case, you need to specify the table name in dot notation, tableName.columnName. For example if both users and computer has a column name id, you need to do :
According to Taylor Otwell it is not currently possible: https://github.com/laravel/laravel/issues/2679
I have tried to use a lists('user.email') at the end of the query but I can't make it work.
Computer::with(["users" => function($query){