How mimic the function map.getORelse to a CSV file - scala

I have a CSV file that represent a map[String,Int], then I am reading the file as follows:
def convI2N (vkey:Int):String={
val in = new Scanner("dictionaryNV.csv")
while (in.hasNext) {
val nodekey =',')
val value ='\n')
if (value == vkey.toString){
the function give the String given the Int. The problem here is that I must browse the whole file, and the file is to big, then the procedure is too slow. Someone tell me that this is O(n) complexity time, and recomend me to pass to O(log n). I suppose that the function map.getOrElse is O(log n).
Someone can help me to find a way to get a best performance of this code?
As additional comment, the dictionaryNV file is sorted by the Int values
maybe I can divide the file by lines, or set of lines. The CSV has like 167000 Tuples [String,Int]
or in another way how you make some kind of binary search through the csv in scala?

If you are calling confI2N function many times then definitely the job will be slow because each time you have to scan the big file. So if the function is called many times then it is recommended to store them in temporary variable as properties or hashmap or collection of tuple2 and change the other code that is eating the memory.
You can try following way which should be faster than scanner way
Assuming that your csv file is comma separated as
Using Source.fromFile can be your solution as
def convI2N (vkey:Int):String={
var n = "not found"
val filtered = Source.fromFile("<your path to dictionaryNV.csv>")
.map(line => line.split(","))
.filter(sline => sline(0).equalsIgnoreCase(vkey.toString))
for(str <- filtered){
n = str(0)


How to explode a struct column with a prefix?

My goal is to explode (ie, take them from inside the struct and expose them as the remaining columns of the dataset) a Spark struct column (already done) but changing the inner field names by prepending an arbitrary string. One of the motivations is that my struct can contain columns that have the same name as columns outside of it - therefore, I need a way to differentiate them easily. Of course, I do not know beforehand what are the columns inside my struct.
Here is what I have so far:
implicit class Implicit(df: DataFrame) {
def explodeStruct(column: String) ="*", column + ".*").drop(column)
This does the job alright - I use this writing:
It returns all the columns from the original dataframe, plus the inner columns of the struct at the end.
As for prepending the prefix, my idea is to take the column and find out what are its inner columns. I browsed the documentation and could not find any method on the Column class that does that. Then, I changed my approach to taking the schema of the DataFrame, then filtering the result by the name of the column, and extracting the column found from the resulting array. The problem is that this element I find has the type StructField - which, again, presents no option to extract its inner field - whereas what I would really like is to get handled a StructType element - which has the .getFields method, that does exactly what I want (that is, showing me the name of the inner columns, so I can iterate over them and use them on my select, prepending the prefix I want to them). I know no way to convert a StructField to a StructType.
My last attempt would be to parse the output of StructField.toString - which contains all the names and types of the inner columns, although that feels really dirty, and I'd rather avoid that lowly approach.
Any elegant solution to this problem?
Well, after reading my own question again, I figured out an elegant solution to the problem - I just needed to select all the columns the way I was doing, and then compare it back to the original dataframe in order to figure out what were the new columns. Here is the final result - I also made this so that the exploded columns would show up in the same place as the original struct one, so not to break the flow of information:
implicit class Implicit(df: DataFrame) {
def explodeStruct(column: String) = {
val prefix = column + "_"
val originalPosition = df.columns.indexOf(column)
val dfWithAllColumns ="*", column + ".*")
val explodedColumns = dfWithAllColumns.columns diff df.columns
val prefixedExplodedColumns = => col(column + "." + c) as prefix + c)
val finalColumnsList =, prefixedExplodedColumns, 1) _*)
Of course, you can customize the prefix, the separator, and etc - but that is simple, anyone could tweak the parameters and such. The usage remains the same.
In case anyone is interested, here is something similar for PySpark:
def explode_struct(df: DataFrame, column: str) -> DataFrame:
original_position = df.columns.index(column)
original_columns = df.columns
new_columns = + ".*").columns
exploded_columns = [F.col(column + "." + c).alias(column + "_" + c) for c in new_columns]
col_list = [F.col(c) for c in df.columns]
col_list[original_position:original_position] = exploded_columns

Efficient iteration of large text file

So I have the following:
val bufferedSource = io.Source.fromFile("""C:\Users\something\workspace\""" + fileName)
val lines = bufferedSource.getLines
I would like to select at random, a start index and an end index and iterate through lines in this range while printing to a new file. Is there a way to access the elements in lines iterator by index?
My first attempt was to copy over the data to a ListBuffer:
var lineArr = ListBuffer[String]()
for (line <- lines) {
lineArr += line
Therafter if I iterate through lineArr in my range, by index, it is really slow.
In what way could I do this efficiently?
Sidenote: If I iterate through lines which contains all elements (which I do not want) it is fast to iterate while writing them to a new file, however I only want a select amount to write.
So instead of iterating through each line I solved this problem by using slicing. I still create a ListBuffer but I slice it on the start and end index:
lineArrTemp = lineArrTemp.slice(start, end)
And thereafter simply iterate through the ListBuffer iterator, it is efficient.
.take(endIndex - startIndex)
Consider also zipWithIndex on the iterator, hence we can sophisticate the line selection based in the index value; for instance select even indexed lines with
io.Source.fromFile("temp.txt").getLines.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (line,i) => if (i % 2 == 0) println(line)
Here we index one line at a time as we iterate over the file once only.

Scala Spark loop goes through without any error, but does not produce an output

I have a file in HDFS containing paths of various other files. Here is the file called file1:
I am using a for loop in Scala Spark as follows to read each line of the above file and process it in another function:
val lines=Source.fromFile("path/to/file1.txt").getLines.toList
val firstLines=sc.hadoopFile(i,classOf[TextInputFormat],classOf[LongWritable],classOf[Text]).flatMap {
case (k, v) => if (k.get == 0) Seq(v.toString) else Seq.empty[String]
when I run the above loop, it runs through without returning any errors and I get the Scala prompt in a new line: scala>
However, when I try to see a few lines of output which should be stored in firstLines, it does not work:
scala> firstLines
<console>:38: error: not found: value firstLines
What is the problem in the above loop that is not producing the output, however running through without any errors?
Additional info
The function hadoopFile accepts a String path name as its first parameter. That is why I am trying to pass each line of file1 (each line is a path name) as a String in the first parameter i. The flatMap functionality is taking the first line of the file that has been passed to hadoopFile and stores that alone and dumps all the other lines. So the desired output (firstLines) should be the first line of all the files that are being passed to hadoopFile through their path names (i).
I tried running the function for just a single file, without a looop, and that produces the output:
val firstLines=sc.hadoopFile("path/of/HDFS/fileA",classOf[TextInputFormat],classOf[LongWritable],classOf[Text]).flatMap {
case (k, v) => if (k.get == 0) Seq(v.toString) else Seq.empty[String]
scala> firstLines.take(3)
res27: Array[String] = Array(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>)
fileA is an XML file, so you can see the resulting first line of that file. So I know the function works fine, it is just a problem with the loop that I am not able to figure out. Please help.
The variable firstLines is defined in the body of the for loop and its scope is therefore limited to this loop. This means you cannot access the variable outside of the loop, and this is why the Scala compiler tells you error: not found: value firstLines.
From your description, I understand you want to collect the first line of every file which are listed in lines.
The every here can translate into different construct in Scala. We can use something like the for loop you wrote or even better adopt a functional approach and use a map function applied on the list of files. In the code below I put inside the map the code you used in your description, which creates an HadoopRDD and applies flatMap with your function to retrieve the first line of a file.
We then obtain a list of RDD[String] of lines. At this stage, note that we have not started to do any actual work. To trigger the evaluation of the RDDs and collect the result, we need an addition call to the collect method for each of the RDD we have in our list.
// Renamed "lines" to "files" as it is more explicit.
val fileNames = Source.fromFile("path/to/file1.txt").getLines.toList
val firstLinesRDDs =,classOf[TextInputFormat],classOf[LongWritable],classOf[Text]).flatMap {
case (k, v) => if (k.get == 0) Seq(v.toString) else Seq.empty[String]
// firstLinesRDDs is a list of RDD[String]. Based on this code, each RDD
// should consist in a single String value. We collect them using RDD#collect:
val firstLines =
However, this approach suffers from a flaw which prevent us to benefit from any advantage Spark can provide.
When we apply the operation in map to filenames, we are not working with an RDD, hence the file names are processed sequentially on the driver (the process which hosts your Spark session) and not part of a parallelizable Spark job. This is equivalent to doing what you wrote in your second block of code, one file name at a time.
To address the problem, what can we do? A good thing to keep in mind when working with Spark is to try to push the declaration of the RDDs as early as possible in our code. Why? Because this allows Spark to parallelize and optimize the work we want to do. Your example could be a textbook illustration of this concept, though an additional complexity here is added by the requirement to manipulate files.
In our present case, we can benefit from the fact that hadoopFile accepts comma-separated files in input. Therefore, instead of sequentially creating RDDs for every file, we create one RDD for all of them:
val firstLinesRDD = sc.hadoopFile(fileNames.mkString(","), classOf[TextInputFormat],classOf[LongWritable],classOf[Text]).flatMap {
case (k, v) => if (k.get == 0) Seq(v.toString) else Seq.empty[String]
And we retrieve our first lines with a single collect:
val firstLines = firstLinesRDD.collect

Spark - Create a DataFrame from a list of Rows generated in a loop

I have a loop which generates rows in each iteration. My goal is to create a dataframe, with a given schema, that contents just those rows. I have in mind a set of steps to follow, but I am not able to add a new Row to a List[Row] in each loop iteration
I am trying the following approach:
var listOfRows = List[Row]()
val dfToExtractValues: DataFrame = ???
dfToExtractValues.foreach { x =>
//Not really important how to generate here the variables
//So to simplify all the rows will have the same values
var col1 = "firstCol"
var col2 = "secondCol"
var col3 = "thirdCol"
val newRow = RowFactory.create(col1,col2,col3)
//This step I am not able to do
//listOfRows += newRow -> Just for strings
//listOfRows.add(newRow) -> This add doesnt exist, it is a addString
//listOfRows.aggregate(1)(newRow) -> This is not how aggreage works...
val rdd = sc.makeRDD[RDD](listOfRows)
val dfWithNewRows = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, myOriginalDF.schema)
Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong, or what could I change in my approach to generate a dataframe from the rows I'm generating?
Maybe there is a better way to collect the Rows instead of List[Row]. But then I need to convert that other type of collection into a dataframe.
Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong
First of all it looks like you skipped over Understanding Closures in the Programming Guide. Any attempt to modify variables passed with closure is futile. All you can do is modify a copy and changes won't be reflected globally.
Variable doesn't make object mutable:
var listOfRows = List[Row]()
creates a variable. Assigned List is as immutable as it was. If it wasn't in the Spark context you could create a new List and reassign:
listOfRows = newRow :: listOfRows
Note that we perpend not append - you don't want to append to the list in a loop.
Variables with immutable objects are useful, when you want to share data (it is common pattern in Akka for example), but don't have many applications in Spark.
Keep things distributed:
Finally never fetch data to the driver just to distribute it again. You should also avoid unnecessary conversions between RDDs and DataFrames. It is best to use DataFrame operators all the way:
but if you need something more complex map:
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder => ...)(RowEncoder(schema))

Map word ngrams to counts in scala

I'm trying to create a map which goes through all the ngrams in a document and counts how often they appear. Ngrams are sets of n consecutive words in a sentence (so in the last sentence, (Ngrams, are) is a 2-gram, (are, sets) is the next 2-gram, and so on). I already have code that creates a document from a file and parses it into sentences. I also have a function to count the ngrams in a sentence, ngramsInSentence, which returns Seq[Ngram].
I'm getting stuck syntactically on how to create my counts map. I am iterating through all the ngrams in the document in the for loop, but don't know how to map the ngrams to the count of how often they occur. I'm fairly new to Scala and the syntax is evading me, although I'm clear conceptually on what I need!
def getNGramCounts(document: Document, n: Int): Counts = {
for (sentence <- document.sentences; ngram <- nGramsInSentence(sentence,n))
//I need code here to map ngram -> count how many times ngram appears in document
The type Counts above, as well as Ngram, are defined as:
type Counts = Map[NGram, Double]
type NGram = Seq[String]
Does anyone know the syntax to map the ngrams from the for loop to a count of how often they occur? Please let me know if you'd like more details on the problem.
If I'm correctly interpreting your code, this is a fairly common task.
def getNGramCounts(document: Document, n: Int): Counts = {
val allNGrams: Seq[NGram] = for {
sentence <- document.sentences
ngram <- nGramsInSentence(sentence, n)
} yield ngram
The allNGrams variable collects a list of all the NGrams appearing in the document.
You should eventually turn to Streams if the document is big and you can't hold the whole sequence in memory.
The following groupBycreates a Map[NGram, List[NGram]] which groups your values by its identity (the argument to the method defines the criteria for "aggregate identification") and groups the corresponding values in a list.
You then only need to map the values (the List[NGram]) to its size to get how many recurring values there were of each NGram.
I took for granted that:
NGram has the expected correct implementation of equals + hashcode
document.sentences returns a Seq[...]. If not you should expect allNGrams to be of the corresponding collection type.
UPDATED based on the comments
I wrongly assumed that the groupBy(_) would shortcut the input value. Use the identity function instead.
I converted the count to a Double
Appreciate the help - I have the correct code now using the suggestions above. The following returns the desired result:
def getNGramCounts(document: Document, n: Int): Counts = {
val allNGrams: Seq[NGram] = (for(sentence <- document.sentences;
ngram <- ngramsInSentence(sentence,n))
yield ngram)
allNGrams.groupBy(l => l).map(t => (t._1, t._2.length.toDouble))