Photoshop 3D export for Unity - unity3d

I used PS's "New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer" to make a 3D circle. The circle came out as expected.
I tried to export it, and then import it into Unity but Unity doesn't seem to pickup the texture.
Can any of the formats work with Unity? I tried both Collada and Wavefront and Textures is checked.
I'm using Photoshop CC 2017

I don't see the 'Wavefront' option, but I was able to export to the Collada format properly by right-clicking in Photoshop on the Sphere in the 3D layer view and selected Export Mesh...
The Original Formats option didn't work for bringing textures across, though. When I selected PNG, it worked as expected.


Blender Models appear discolored in Unity

When I import my Model from Blender to Unity the model appears discolored. For example the torso of the character model is red in Blender in Unity however it appears to be orange.
I tried importing the Model with and without the texture packed into the FBX file, importing the texture file seperatly. However nothing seemed to work.
I found a solution. By scaling the texture up by 8 times (8x8 --> 64x64 px) and not using infinitly small UV points it works.

Why does My (FBX) Mesh have holes when exported from blender to Unity?

I'm learning to sculpt my characters now and when I export the FBX file from Blender to Unity the Mesh has a giant hole in the face. How can I prevent/Fix this? It works just fine in mixamo.
enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here
Some of your faces have inverted normals. Unity interprets them as backfaces and the default material shaders cull them (don't render them).
The solution is very simple. Select all your models verticies in blender edit mode press alt+n and select recalculate outside. After that you should be able to export it and display everything correctly in Unity.

Importing blender textured objects into unity

I am able to get this particular textured model from a 360 camera in blender. Blender Image
However, how do i get this .obj model into unity? I am only able to get the shaded version of it, not the textured version. Unity Image
When you export the .obj you should have a .mtl which contains the material data and texture mapping. Make sure when importing into unity (and exporting from blender) the file is generated and read.
Check your blender material properties and the individual texture properties. you should try to combine all materials into a single material so that its easier to reconfigure the textures in unity.
Once imported into unity, check the material settings and check if you need to reference the texture files again, most often when importing exporting .obj, the texture path gets lost so you must re-reference it in the target software. Sometimes it is also necessary to re-assign the materials themselves.
Also check your rendering options in unity, you may just be seeing it untextured in the unity viewport. (on the top left corner it says shaded, try changing it to textured or some other option)
You may as well try to use other mutually supported file types, like .3DS which do not use a separate material file, or check for blender add-ons that can export with all necessary settings for Unity.
Finally, your model is way too complex, it is raw data from a 3D scanner or ripper, I suggest you remake it so that you have manual control over each face and texture. (or at least for practice of doing the export-import operation).
More details like pictures of your material settings of both blender and unity would help in assisting you further.

Import blender textures on Unity 3D are always black

I have the next simple Blender Texture:
This is a simple png file, imported to blender add added in the Image Texture component (at the left of the first image), with a transparent background.
I exported this texture in two format, the first one in .blend and the second one in .fbx format.
But, when I export this textures to blender (both formats) are a black rectangle and the spheres hasn't any texture, are totally gray.
What I'm doing wrong at the moment to import the textures?
You are supposed to bake the material into texture.
I use Maya so I don't know the steps in Blender. You can google Bake Materials in Blender.When you bake the maps, you will get a Texture that is supported in Unity.
Usually, you create a simple flat plane, attach the material to the plane, position the camera in front of it, then bake it. For what you are doing, you only need the color map. You don't need normal maps and others.
Here are important links to learn that.

I'm having an issue importing textures with a 3d model into Unity

I am performing some research in virtual reality and we were given a 3d model made in Rhino5 with textures and everything (the model is a building). I have tried exporting it as a 3ds and fbx file type, but I am relatively new to both Rhino and Unity. My issue is that when I drag and drop the model into the unity assets of my project, and then drag from the assets to the scene, the model shows up and looks great, however no textures from the model in Rhino are visible.
I'm not sure if I should be exporting from Rhino to a specific format or if I'm exporting those formats incorrectly from Rhino.
I'm using Unity 4 and Rhino5. Thanks for your answers and your time!
The texture is stored in a file separately from your 3D model.
Quick steps:
Import your .obj or other 3D model into your unity3d assets
Import your .1001.png or .mtl or other texture material into your unity3D assets
Drag and drop your 3D model from assets into the unity3d scene
Click to select the object in the scene so it is outlined (mine is in orange)
Drag and drop your texture material from assets directly onto the selected object in the scene to apply the texture material giving the object your desired shading. The object will render the material with a shader. The object now has the qualities of the material and 3D model as one object in the scene.
For example here is a scene of a golf green. I have a 3D .obj file of the green which I select in the scene and then drag and drop my 2D material asset onto, which is a .1001.png file mapping the texture to the 3D surface. See link for image of the scene in my unity3d editor.
Image 1:
Unity3D object in assets. Dragged haddock.obj to get that 3D model.
Image 2: Unity3D materials in assets. Dragged haddock.1001.png onto the orange outlined model to give it that shade.
Normally models doesnt includes the textures, so you will have to import them separately into Unity and add them to the material on your model.
There might be a way to get a extra file when you export to fbx that will specify what shader and texture the materials should have when imported but i cant remember how to do that.