Blender Models appear discolored in Unity - unity3d

When I import my Model from Blender to Unity the model appears discolored. For example the torso of the character model is red in Blender in Unity however it appears to be orange.
I tried importing the Model with and without the texture packed into the FBX file, importing the texture file seperatly. However nothing seemed to work.

I found a solution. By scaling the texture up by 8 times (8x8 --> 64x64 px) and not using infinitly small UV points it works.


Issue with importing Blender (v3.3) .fbx files to Unity (v.2017.2) - Imported .fbx object has multiple children

First of, let me say that the upcoming issue is not present in Unity version 2019 and above.
I am having trouble importing my fbx file from Blender to Unity. The issue is, as shown in the images, that the file has no mesh renderer and materials, and it has multiple children each with a submesh of the total object and with mesh renderers.
img 1
img 2
img 3
In Blender I have been sure to export the file without materials, applied modifiers, and even joined all meshes into one. As you can see in the image below the object in question is the spaceship.
img 4
I might be overlooking something basic since I am a noob at Blender, but it's still weird since with the same settings it works fine in newer Unity versions.
Thank you in advance!

Import model from Blender to Unity with single texture

so I spend hours googling and "trial and error"ing, but I still could not figure this out.
I have (half) a chessboard modeled in Blender. I bake all my materials to a single png with UV mapping. It looks like this:
I export the model as an .fbx and the baked texture as a .png. Both are imported to unity.
My goal is to have a single texture/material for the model.
The problem is, that unity still recognizes all squares etc. as separate objects with their own standard UV. When I map the combined texture to the model it is all messed up.
I can see why this happens, but not how to change the mapping so it picks out the right pixels of the texture. Is there something I can do to fix this?
Here is a picture of the model in unity.
Thanks in advance.
I finally found a work around which works perfect. You can merge objects in Blender. The steps I took:
merge all squares and other objects into one. I used this site as a tutorial
create a new uv map for this combined object
bake the textures to the new uv map
export model as .fbx
export texture as .png
import all to unity
create material from texture
apply material to model
Works perfectly fine for me :D

Textures on material import into Unity3D as empty materials

i'm currently doing a project as a hobby using Blender3D and Unity3D. I build an object in Blender that had 2 materials and textures with a Neon effect (Specifically with Emission Shader) but as soon as i import that object in Unity, i lose completely the textures and the object turns out blank. This did not happen with simple textures in Principled BSDF shading in Blender. How come are the Emission textures not importing and how can i solve this? Thanks.
It's a very common situation of mis-matching the meta data, when you import fbx from other software. It's not a blender specific issue, it happens on Maya and Cinema4D sometimes.
And the shaders won't be exactly same between softwares, and we should work on a very clean way. (please don't be lazy for below workflows, if you want to have a proper solution)
The best workflow I worked on 3D and unity for the import part:
export fbx without embedding texture
import to unity, and extract all materials to a new folder "Materials"
copy all used texture to unity, with a new folder "Textures"
remapping all textures, diffuse, normals, emission..etc to the materials manually.

Texture from Blender doesn't appear in Unity 3D

I've searched endlessly for an answer to this question. However, I have created a model in Blender and export it as a .FBX directly into Unity. But the textures I have applied in Blender do not render in Unity (Even in the preview screen). I have UV Unwrapped the model, and created a custom texture pattern to suit. I've inserted the textures into Unity, however this just loads them how Unity feels, not how I'd like it to look.
I've attempted to add it as a .blend file, but Blender crashes, and it fails to convert to an .fbx file in Unity. The model is of a wall, with 3 doorways, and 3 doors. The wall has its own texture, and the doors all have the same texture. (I'd upload images but haven't earnt enough rep).
Is there a simple solution? Or am I over looking the whole process and missing something important out?
after you UV unwrapped your model you save the uv in a file in blender you should apply that file as a texture to your model in unity and you will be done,tell me if you have already done that. Here are useful tutorials.
I had better luck exporting it as a wavefront object. Under transform select Path Mode: Copy and you should get your materials.

I'm having an issue importing textures with a 3d model into Unity

I am performing some research in virtual reality and we were given a 3d model made in Rhino5 with textures and everything (the model is a building). I have tried exporting it as a 3ds and fbx file type, but I am relatively new to both Rhino and Unity. My issue is that when I drag and drop the model into the unity assets of my project, and then drag from the assets to the scene, the model shows up and looks great, however no textures from the model in Rhino are visible.
I'm not sure if I should be exporting from Rhino to a specific format or if I'm exporting those formats incorrectly from Rhino.
I'm using Unity 4 and Rhino5. Thanks for your answers and your time!
The texture is stored in a file separately from your 3D model.
Quick steps:
Import your .obj or other 3D model into your unity3d assets
Import your .1001.png or .mtl or other texture material into your unity3D assets
Drag and drop your 3D model from assets into the unity3d scene
Click to select the object in the scene so it is outlined (mine is in orange)
Drag and drop your texture material from assets directly onto the selected object in the scene to apply the texture material giving the object your desired shading. The object will render the material with a shader. The object now has the qualities of the material and 3D model as one object in the scene.
For example here is a scene of a golf green. I have a 3D .obj file of the green which I select in the scene and then drag and drop my 2D material asset onto, which is a .1001.png file mapping the texture to the 3D surface. See link for image of the scene in my unity3d editor.
Image 1:
Unity3D object in assets. Dragged haddock.obj to get that 3D model.
Image 2: Unity3D materials in assets. Dragged haddock.1001.png onto the orange outlined model to give it that shade.
Normally models doesnt includes the textures, so you will have to import them separately into Unity and add them to the material on your model.
There might be a way to get a extra file when you export to fbx that will specify what shader and texture the materials should have when imported but i cant remember how to do that.