Connect to Sharepoint using HTTP connector in Logic App - rest

I'm trying to send a REST call (POST) from a Logic App in Azure to Sharepoint, to create a documentlibrary for a given contact.
This is what the HTTP connector looks like in my Logic App:
What I primarily need help with is the OAuth authentication in order to send this REST call.
What do the following attributes mean in this context, what would be an example for each one, and how would I go about finding my proper values for my situation?
(Also, If anyone has a good suggestion for what Uri/body i should use to accomplish this POST call, that would also be very helpful.)

Indeed, you can call SharePoint Rest API with Azure Logic Apps and AzureAD secured OAuth authentication. What you mainly miss is a certificate.
Create it like described here for instance.
Then you need the following parameters in your HTTP request:
ClientID: GUID of your registered Azure App registration
Credential Type: Certificate
Pfx: Your whole certificate as Base64Encoded string (for simplicity open with Notepad++ and conver to Base64 via Mime Tools)
Password: The Password to your certificate
That way it worked for me. Next step would be for sure to securely treat the parameters such as your Base64 certificate, the password, or even the Guid of your app registration.


.NET 5 Web API Jwt Token from external issuer

Im trying to make an .NET 5 Web Api works with Jwt Bearer token. I want some operations to be secured by using a token that comes from another issuer. The token would be generated by MS Azure AD. The application will read the token from the request header, validate it and extract the user's roles for more validations. The app shoudn't be the issuer of the token.
Is this possible? I tried so many ways to make this works without success. I setup Swagger to use OpenId Connect with Microsoft Azure and then the bearer is used to call the secured operations but always got errors. Now I don't understand how Dotnet Core Authencation and Authorization works.
Thanks in advance!
That will definitely work OK but requires an understanding of the science:
I would first look at the JWT in an online viewer. There is a known issue with the default setup where you get JWT access tokens that cannot be validated. See Step 3 of my blog post for details.
Validating a JWT involves the general steps in this blog post. Once you understand this it will hopefully unblock you.
The Microsoft framework often hides the required logic, which doesn't always help, and the option I prefer is to validate JWTs via a library.
Aim to understand how to use the JwtSecurityTokenHandler class to validate a JWT manually, eg in a console app. Maybe borrow some ideas from this C# code of mine.
Once JWT validation works, the next step is to use the details in the ClaimsPrincipal to determine whether to allow access to data. I would get on top of the JWT validation first though.

How to authenticate to an Azure Function using function auth or Azure AD service principal

I have an Azure function which I'm using to fetch data from Azure AD, but I want to limit who can use the Function as it will be using a HTTP trigger so that I will be able to call the function from a Logic App later down the road.
So as HTTP triggered Azure Functions have a public endpoint, I want to improve security by setting the authorization level to Function, or even more preferable to use an Azure AD service principal (pre-created).
Upon making this change though I can make the call by putting in the function into the URL.
Base URL:
URL with token:
However, my function expects some input to be given.
On an anonymous endpoint you'd extend the base URL like so:
Where parameter is what the code will expect, and the value being passed into the variable in the code.
Now I'm new to this HTTP endpoint stuff and passing in values via a URL. I understand this gets passed in as JSON (probably)
But I don't understand how I can do both the function authorization as well as passing in the parameter.
I've tried:
Does anyone know how this is supposed to work?
On the flipside, I could also set the Platform Features -> Authentication / Authorization to an Azure AD service principal. But then how do I change the URL to authenticate using the client_id and client_secret of that service principal?
I'd actually prefer using this method, because then I could implement lifecycle management on the token and rotate it to keep it even more secure.
I've looked here:
Azure function with Azure AD authentication access using JavaScript
And most other topics I found on stackoverflow didn't even get close.
PS: This PS doesn't need an answer, but I would appreciate any thought.
This thing i am concocting is a workflow combined of a (scheduled)logic app that triggers a Get-Function. Where the Get-Function will somehow need to trigger an Update-Function. And I'm making the Get-Function HTTP triggered so that I will also be able to offer it as an API to make this function usable for automation. (to allow secrets to be rotated via API calls without those people requiring Azure AD permissions)
The update function would then need to rotate secrets on (specific) applications/service principals.
The Azure Function is based on v2 and uses Powershell Core as language.
if you want to use Platform Features -> Authentication / Authorization (Easy Auth) to protect your anonymous http triggered function, you can follow the steps below:
Enabling Authentication / Authorization (Easy Auth), use Azure AD express mode:
Click save. And once the process is done, pls note the client_id of your function ad app, we will use it later.
Creating an Azure AD App
Create a client secret for it, note the client secret value and the new Azure AD app ID:
Make a request to get an access token from your Azure AD so that we can call your http triggered function:
Request URL:
POST<-your tenant id/name->/oauth2/token
Request Header:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Body:
&resource=<-function App ID->
&client_id=<-new Azure AD App ID->
&client_secret=<-client secret of new Azure AD App ID->
Just as below:
As you can see in response, you can get an access token, so use this token in http request header Authorization param to call your http triggered function which enabled easy auth, all request without correct Authorization header will be blocked:
Plz mark me if this is helpful for you.

registering a rest API with OAuth

I have written a web application which makes REST API calls to a message broker. The message broker contains already written REST APIs to which can be used to get message broker data. The message broker is written in a way in which each REST API call sends the user name and password which is encoded with base64. I need to make a login to my web app and authenticate it with OAuth.Does anyone know how to do this? How to authenticate the REST APIs with OAuth?
Step 1: Add OAuth 2.0 to your web server. This is very standard with lots of libraries available. You did not specify the Identity Provider that you will use (Google, Facebook, Auth0, Okta, etc), but each vendor has documents and libraries for you to use in your desired language.
Step 2: Add an Authorization Header to your API calls. The standard method is to add the HTTP header Authorization: Bearer access_token when making an API call.
Step 3: Add OAuth token verification to your API. When your API receives a request, it extracts the Authorization header and verifies the Bearer token. How this is done depends on the Identity Provider. For example, some vendors provide a Signed JWT (which you verify with the vendors public certificate), others provide an opaque access token (which you verify by calling the vendor's token endpoint). Add internal caching of tokens so that you don't need to verify on every API call.
If you understand OAuth 2.0 the above steps are straightforward to implement. If you don't Oracle has a set of videos which are excellent for getting started understanding OAuth.
Oracle Cloud Primers
If your desired OAuth implementation does not require users logging in and is a server to server service that you control on both ends, then you can use just part of OAuth which is Signed JWT (JWS). You create a Json data structure with your desired content and sign it with a private key. This creates a token that you can use in the above steps. You would then validate the token using your public key. You can use self-generated keypairs generated by OpenSSL or similar products for your signing and verification.

Enable CORS for Azure Rest webapi application

I have simple jQuery page that makes calls to azure restful API to get the status of VMs.
I'm facing a problem that it's complaining about Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and I can't find where to set that for the Web app/API I have.
I'm using client credentials grant to get the token
I have finished my testing and when I tried to do the calls from jQuery/JS I got the CORS problem.
My setup involved:
From Azure portal, I used App registrations to register an app of type "Web app/API", give it a homepage address "this is where it lives", created a key.
POST<tenant id>/oauth2/token
client_id=application id
client_secret=application key
Am I missing any missing anything? my search keeps leading me to Azure hosted apps
Okay, here is how to do it in short:
Add Function App (charge per request)
Open the Newly created function app
In Proxies, select that from the right list
Give it a name, route template will be your new endpoint URL, backend URL is your login endpoint eg:
After that, back to your function app, select the platform feature tab, Select CORS, delete all of them and enter your application URL or simply a *
You can be more specific with these, but this is enough to get the token. And all the other endpoint didn't have CORS problem.
Good luck.
You cannot use a client secret from front-end Javascript.
Your client secret will be public, it's basically your app's password.
Client credentials grant is for back-end applications.
You need to use e.g. the implicit grant flow with ADAL.JS/MSAL.JS to acquire tokens.
Your front-end app also should be registered as Native since it is a public client.
Here is a sample app:
Oh, and the CORS error comes from Azure AD's token endpoint.
You cannot do anything about it.

How to secure a REST API between mobile app and the server

My project include a web application, a mobile app and a REST API module.
The mobile app is made with Ionic 3 for android and uses a REST API located to an address like on a server with https. The API has access to a MySQL database.
For the users who access the API I have to create the login/access to API function/logout since they already have the accounts created in the web application.
The main concern is to implement a secure login. Meaning, if someone tries to access my API without authorization (knows the address, the functions name or the used parameters name) to recive an error message. In order to access the API you must be logged in and to have the right to acces a certain section (I have multiple levels of access).
But how can I detect if an user that access my REST API is logged in and has the proper rights?
The plan:
For the login step
In order to access the REST API I have to login with username/password in app. I check if the credentials are correct (if the user exists then I determine the access level) and return a JWT with the user ID and other parameters if necessary (a token). Store in phones local storage the JWT.
To secure the access to REST API functions
The question is: HOW DO I DO THAT? How do I access secure a function from my REST API?
for every request that I make to the REST API should I send also the token from the Local Storage and verify it on the server side?
how do I perform the validation on the server? Do I store the token on the device and also on the server and compare them for each request?
Thanks a lot!
There are multiple ways to do it, it's all depends on you. Hence i am sharing the method i generally use, but not claiming it is most secure way.
We use encryption, decryption with private key. for example:
Register User Web-Service
ex. we have 4 params 1. username 2. name 3. email 4. password. with my register web service.
We will create SHA256 Hash using data concat with private key. then we will pass the hash key to server and at server side we will generate hash key with same method and compare both.
ex. string with private key = usernamenameemailpasswordprivatekey
sha256 of string = 7814b2d22af647308884acff0be4c675b7f72ba000cf1e8390520100cc930e74
You may have any sequence of your data string and same method will work with your server. Always use SSL certificate with your server for more security.