JasperReports Server encountered an error while generating this report - no need for email - jasperserver

I have JasperReports Server Community 6.3.0 and some reports scheduled to be executed and delivered by email. When a report fails, the server sends 2 emails:
1) "JasperReports Server encountered an error while generating this report. Please contact your administrator." - only this text in the body. The title is the same as the title of the report email.
2) A "failure notification" as set up in the tab "Notifications" of my scheduler and this one contains my own failure message.
I would like to turn off the email 1) and keep only email 2). Where and how I can do this? I could not find where to do this.
Thanks and regards


Power automate - is there a way to bypass Send email with options?

I am trying to work out a scenario where a mail should get triggered for every ListItem in a SharePoint List.
Sharepoint List as follows
ID   Name   Email
1    JimC     Jim#gmail.com
2    KimJ     Kim#gmail.com
3    SimK     Sim#gmail.com
I have created a Power Automate workflow, which gets triggered based on a recurrence schedule.
When it does get triggered, it checks a SharePoint list, that contains a list of individuals. Flow is suppose to process each individual,
trigger mail using "Send email with options".
wait for response (Approve / Reject / Need some details)
log the response received from the individual
But issue here is if a person doesn't respond, the flow gets stuck & doesn't send mail to next individual. Seems, that's how "Send email with options" behave.
Is there a way, where we can wait for few hours / days for response to arrive? Else process the next individual in the SharePoint list by sending an email using "Send email with options"?
You can set the timeout period and by
Add try scope and add the "send email with options" step inside this scope.
Click 3 dots at the "send email with options" step.
Click Settings
In the Timeout, enter the timeout period in ISO 8601 format e.g. PT3H means that this step will be timeout in 3 hours.
Add the catch scope and set the configure run after.
Select timed out and failed and add any step that you would like to do after timed out inside the catch scope.
Hope this help.

Office 365/Exchange Online Mail rule triggers twice when 2 internal recipients receive mail

I am having an issue where we have a rule set up to catch all mail coming in from a specific address and BCC the email off to 2 external addresses.
The rule is set up like this
If the message...
Is received from 'email#example.com'
Do the following...
Blind carbon copy(Bcc) the message to 'external#domain1.com' and 'external#domain2.com'
The email from email#example.com is sent from a web form and addressed to auser#mydomain.com and asharedmailbox#mydomain.com.
When the mail comes in, it is BCC'd twice to the external addresses and 1 copy only delivered locally in user and sharedmailbox.
This is all reflected in a message trace.
Has anyone come across this and knows how to prevent this?
Someone else in my organisation found out how to work around this.
They added in a condition to the "If the message" operation as below
If the message...
Is sent to 'auser#mydomain.com'
And Is received from 'email#example.com'
Do the following...
Blind carbon copy(Bcc) the message to 'external#domain1.com' and 'external#domain2.com'
And now the rule only processed once.

Lucee: How to programatically check if emails are stuck in the list of failed tasks

About once a month, my Lucee app stops sending emails, and I get thousands of emails listed in the Administrator's Failed Task list. I can select them, click execute, and they are sent out but I want to do this programmatically so I can monitor for failed emails and then send them programmatically. Is there any way to do this?
In Adobe ColdFusion, I used to just check for files in the bad email folder and mover then to the good email folder.
Too long for a comment... See this related question over on Lucee.org - Undeliverable Mail
Unfortunately Lucee does not offer the same functionality as Adobe ColdFusion for re-spooling failed emails. It only offers the function within the admin UI.
In the post I referenced above, ddspringle mentions that you can just simulate what the admin UI is doing in your own code. One of the benefits of open source software is that you can see the code. So he includes a link to the admin code that re-spools the email. The link is here - services.tasks.cfm lines 68-73
I will copy that code block here as well:
And here is a link to the documentation for the cfadmin tag - cfadmin on cfdocs.org
action string Required - The administrative action to perform.
type string Required - The admin context: web or server.
password string Required - The admin password.
Hope that helps.

Jenkins: Emails not being sent from email-ext

I'm trying to send emails from Jenkins using the groovy script. My problem is that emails are going to some distribution lists while they're not going to other DLs. Here is a code snippet:
emailext (
subject: subject,
body: content,
to: 'a.b#x.com, c.d#x.com, #d.e#y.com, #f.g#y.com'
The emails are being sent to the IDs a.b#x.com, c.d#x.com, #d.e#y.com but no one in #f.g#y.com gets the email.
I'm sure there's no spelling mistake or typo in my to list as when i open the email on outlook, i'm able to expand the #f.g#y.com to see all the members.
What am i missing out on?

How to check whether E-Mail was successfully sent in Liferay 6.1.20EE via MailServiceUtil

I'm using Liferay 6.1.20 and my Portlet is using the Liferay Mail Service to send an E-Mail via the in Liferay configured SMTP-Server.
My Question is now: is it possible to check whether the SMTP-Server is available or is it possbile to check whether the E-Mail was successfully sent? If the SMTP-Server is not available I want to give an output to the User. Actually I only see the following line in the server console:
14:06:47,679 WARN [liferay/mail-1][MailEngine:560] Failed to connect to a valid mail server. Please make sure one is properly configured. Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25
I hope someone can give me a solution for that. Thanks!
basically there are two problems which prevent you to discover if any failure occurred when sending e-mails with MailServiceUtil service.
Firstly messages are sent asynchronously over Liferay message bus, so the user gets faster response but you never know if anything failed on the way.
Secondly messages eventually get to MailEngine where all exceptions get caught and are only written to the log.
So, I suggest you to override MailEngine class with ext-plugin (it's in util-java) to handle exceptions differently and then use it directly from your plugin instead of MailServiceUtil which only pushes all to the message bus.
Since Liferay 6.2, if you set mail.throws.exception.on.failure=true in your portal-ext.properties file, the MailEngine class will also throw a com.liferay.util.mail.MailEngineException on errors, instead of just logging.
A really old question, but as I kept arriving here, I am leaving this to anyone that may need (tested on 7.3).
We can test if the mail flow is normal with the following Groovy script:
import com.liferay.mail.kernel.service.MailServiceUtil
import javax.mail.*
import javax.mail.internet.*
import com.liferay.mail.kernel.model.MailMessage;
def from = new InternetAddress("no-reply#example.com")
def to = new InternetAddress ("where#example.com")
def mail = new MailMessage(from, to, "subject", "test message", false)
And, as mentioned in the other answer, the property to view exceptions is still valid.