Rails spec test error, no password supplied - postgresql

I have an existing project, with created many years ago. No one at out company has succeeded in running them. I have updated files to fit the latest rails version but when I run bundle exec rspec spec/models/promo_code_spec.rb,
I get
/Users/mmiller/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.6#global/gems/activerecord-4.1.9/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:888:in `initialize': fe_sendauth: no password supplied (PG::ConnectionBad)
I have followed these steps in this post:
fe_sendauth: no password supplied
but still getting the same error.
Any advice on how to resolve this issue?

Change this,
local all all trust
local all all md5
and create a super_user in PostgreSQL with username and password, and add that username and password to your database.yml file

Welp, for my case, as a complete new user of Rails testing of any kind, I got this error when I wanted to use RSpec and forgot to create a test database. Make sure your test db has been assigned its own name in database.yml.
One helpful SO post mentioned this command line to get things initialized:
bundle exec rake db:reset RAILS_ENV=test
Then on to joy...


my postgres is unable to connect ever since heroku did a maintenance update 12 hours ago

anyone facing something similar? sadly I'm on a free plan so I can't open a ticket... does anyone know of a way to restart the service/machine of the DB? maybe that would just solve it...
ok so the issue in my case is that indeed heroku performed some sort of maintenance on the DB, and apparently it's connection params (host/url/user/password) had changed... and since it was embedded throughout all my interfaces (the app, my db tools, admin app I also have) - none were able to connect (they'd timeout).
while trying to figure out, I used the wonderful CLI tools of heroku pg:info and heroku pg:diagnose and even heroku pg:psql and tested to see that my data is still there... eventually I went to the online admin and that's where I saw the connections params had changed. BTW - I have this project for 2 years and this is the first time this had happened...
I was in the same situation. Heroku will email you that your database is scheduled for maintenance. After it's complete, connecting to the database fails because of this error:
error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "IP_ADDRESS", user "DB_USER", database "DB_NAME", no encryption
This is telling us that incorrect credentials were given, meaning the database connection string has changed. I first checked the credentials on the website for the Heroku Postgres Add-on (data.heroku.com), but the connection string was still the same as before; it has not updated or changed at all, therefore this was misleading. Instead, the updated connection string is found inside of the DATABASE_URL config variable, located in the Settings tab of your app on the Heroku dashboard (dashboard.heroku.com), under Config Vars. To avoid manually correcting this problem again, get the connection string from the DATABASE_URL config variable directly, as opposed to hard coding it in your app.
Yes, Im in the same situation. Heroku are a bunch of amateurs. They did some maintenance on the DB, and after it was done, credentials don't work, even those listed in admin/dashboard section of web. Bunch of loosers... #heroku

Error while using createdb command postgresql on windows 10

I am a new user of PostgreSQL, and I am learning it so that I can use it with Django, so I am trying to use the createdb command to create a new database, but even though I am entering the correct password for my account, I am getting this error. I reinstalled everything and checked everything I could think of but I was not able to solve this error. So, if I can get some help regarding this issue it would be nice.
Even using the command psql, and submitting the correct password, gives the same error.
I am using Windows 10.
As far as I checked, I needed to enter the password I used while installing PostgreSQL.
By the way, I am using the latest version of PostgreSQL 14.1
The command I used:
createdb testdatabase
createdb: error: connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5432 failed:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "<username_placeholder>"
So, basically, I figured the solution myself. I am just posting it here because mostly answers are available for Linux and not Windows. So, if a windows user has a similar problem, maybe this answer could help them.
So, the first thing is, if you need to open psql, use the command:
psql -U postgres
and then enter the password you used while installing PostgreSQL. Now, if you wish to do something similar to what I tried, what I mean is to use createdb command in the terminal itself, then you will have to create a new user using the same username as you do for your PC, like in my case, it is aryan.
(For example: C:\Users\aryan\).
I followed instructions from this website.
I personally used pgAdmin 4 to do it, you could also use the SQL commands themselves.
After doing everything, when I used the createdb command directly from the terminal/powershell, it asked my the password which I had used to create the other user( with the same username as my system/pc) using pgAdmin 4. That's it. This helped me out.

Can not login to Postgres DB as new user

I have installed Foreman via foreman-installer (that pack included Postgres DB 9.5). Now i want to create new user + new database for Zabbix, however it seems that i am doing something wrong. The image shows what commands i typed. The new user is created succesfully but i can't login as it to database. Could someone help me and explain where is the problem?
EDIT: I've added option that was suggested in another thread (WITH LOGIN) but it didn't help me:
I believe the answer is here.
In summary, "peer authentication" means postgres checked the username of the UNIX user (which is not zabbix), and ignored your -U option. Instead, you want to use "password authentication", which you can configure in your pg_hba.conf file. Check the link for instructions how to do that.

heroku pg:pull password authentication failed

I'm trying to run the heroku pg:pull command, but I can't seem to get the amazingly cryptic authentication process.
The command I'm running:
> heroku pg:pull app_name::RED localdb
I then get a password prompt, which I can't, for the life of me, figure out. After 2 guesses I get password authentication failed for user "Hanan", and that's it.
I tried Heroku's password, my Windows account password, every password I use, but nothing happens. I checked, and "Hanan" is not a role in Postgresql, so trying to change the password through psql doesn't work. I have no problem logging in to Postgresql through other roles, but it's this 'default' log-in process which I can't seem to crack.
Also, since I'm using windows, I'm not sure how to run commands like sudo -u postgres psql, which I see as a possible solution.
Will appreciate any help regarding this issue, I'm really frustrated by now...
Apparently it's possible to set the environment variables PGUSER and PGPASSWORD, as described here.
However, this won't work on windows in the given syntax. To do this on windows run the following:
SET PGUSER=[pg_username]
SET PGPASSWORD=[pg_password]
after entering these two lines Postgres will log you in with the given authentication info, instead of trying to sign in with the windows username
I've run into this problem a lot when running heroku pg:pull. The issue in my case was that the pg:pull command only works if my local PostgreSQL server has a password set.
To set a password, run psql localdb and execute this SQL:
ALTER USER my_user_name with password 'my_new_password';
(You won't necessarily be required to use this password all the time. Run psql localdb and see whether you're prompted; in my case, I can still log in to psql without the password.)
Now run heroku pg:pull --app my_heroku_app POSTGRESQL_COLOR localdb, and enter your new password (twice) when prompted.
I'm using Windows 10, 64-bit, Powershell and had to use the following commands to properly set the local PostgreSQL environment variables:
C:\> $Env:PGUSER="[pg_username]"
C:\> $Env:PGPASSWORD="[pg_password]"
To verify that these are set properly, list all local environment variables with this:
C:\> Get-ChildItem Env:
After doing this, I was able to run heroku pg:pull without being prompted for a password.
The previous answers did not work for me or were not to my liking so I kept searching. Thanks to the answer provided by Rayz on this post How to add a user to PostgreSQL in Windows? I was able to come up with this one liner for windows powershell.
& { $env:PGUSER="username";$env:PGPASSWORD="password"; heroku pg:push local-db DATABASE_URL --app heroku-app}
You apparently have to pass the variables as a list seperated by semicolons, surrounded by braces which are preceeded by an ampersand. Your funtion (heroku pg:pull/ pg:push/...) has to be a member of the list. As of my current testing it works in powershell with pg:push and the order of items within the braces does not matter.
I was too lazy to find out how to change credentials used by heroku. SET PGUSER and SET PASSWORD did not work for me, what i did was this:
Error said invalid credentials for "janbr" so i have created the user in the local db with a lot of priviledges. I used DBeaver for that with postgres credentials i have set up upon instalation of postgres.
Not a very clean solution though.
Using Windows 10, I tried all of the solutions here without any luck.
What ended up working for me was going into System Properties and editing my Environment Variables there. I added these to my System Variables, restarted my terminal and was able to run after that. One thing to note is that I first tried to add user and password to my User Variables but that didn't work.
PGUSER YourPostgresUser
I also ran Get-ChildItem Env: after updating my variables to check that they had been added.

Problems with postgres database in redmine after change in password

First, I'm a total newbie and I guess that's why this error occurred in the first place.
A colleague of mine stopped working and so I had to take over administrative stuff as the redmine we use and making backups.
So I wanted to schedule these backups automatically. Somewhere on the way I changed /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf for user postgres (that's the one for the redmine database.
from local all postgress peer to local all postgress trust so I could run a shell program in crontab. This worked but then redmine doesn't work anymore. I get this:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres" FATAL:
password authentication failed for user "postgres" (PG::Error)
On this the error site for redmine. I changed everything back and restarted everything, but it did't work.
Then I used an older backup to restore but still.
So, now I have no idea whats wrong. Maybe someone can help me.
I think it is because I've changed the password of the postgres user in ubuntu. I did not know at the moment that they are connected. I always got a password promt but I didn't know it (my colleague at least didn't tell me one) I've tried to change it in the data base as well with
ALTER USER Postgres WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword';
Would it be enough to reinstall the database and use an old backup?