Error while using createdb command postgresql on windows 10 - postgresql

I am a new user of PostgreSQL, and I am learning it so that I can use it with Django, so I am trying to use the createdb command to create a new database, but even though I am entering the correct password for my account, I am getting this error. I reinstalled everything and checked everything I could think of but I was not able to solve this error. So, if I can get some help regarding this issue it would be nice.
Even using the command psql, and submitting the correct password, gives the same error.
I am using Windows 10.
As far as I checked, I needed to enter the password I used while installing PostgreSQL.
By the way, I am using the latest version of PostgreSQL 14.1
The command I used:
createdb testdatabase
createdb: error: connection to server at "localhost" (::1), port 5432 failed:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "<username_placeholder>"

So, basically, I figured the solution myself. I am just posting it here because mostly answers are available for Linux and not Windows. So, if a windows user has a similar problem, maybe this answer could help them.
So, the first thing is, if you need to open psql, use the command:
psql -U postgres
and then enter the password you used while installing PostgreSQL. Now, if you wish to do something similar to what I tried, what I mean is to use createdb command in the terminal itself, then you will have to create a new user using the same username as you do for your PC, like in my case, it is aryan.
(For example: C:\Users\aryan\).
I followed instructions from this website.
I personally used pgAdmin 4 to do it, you could also use the SQL commands themselves.
After doing everything, when I used the createdb command directly from the terminal/powershell, it asked my the password which I had used to create the other user( with the same username as my system/pc) using pgAdmin 4. That's it. This helped me out.


PostgreSQL with DBeaver, password?

I am a student. I've created a Rails/React project using PostgreSQL. I downloaded DBeaver so that I can view my database but cannot get DBeaver to connect, and have spent a couple of hours trying to solve this.
I attempt to set up DBeaver for PostgreSQL, click "New Connection," leave all defaults set and click "Finish" when I'm met with the following error:
The server requested password-based authentication, but no password was provided.
I am pretty certain that I never entered a password for this database. I saw it suggested that the default password is "postgres" but I tried that with no success. In terminal when I run "psql --list" I can see my DB's name and I can see that I am the owner.
I am running a Debian distro, if that makes any difference. I installed DBrowser through Synaptic. I'd appreciate any assistance.

Postgres - list databases from Mac terminal

I'm experienced with MySQL, but I've just started to work with Postgres - from the terminal on my Mac, how can I see the list of existing Postgres databases using the psql command?
I checked the documentation and I've seen this issue brought up here -, where the accepted solution is to simply type psql \l, and that makes sense to me... however, when I try this, I get the error
psql: FATAL: database "l" does not exist
but I am logged in to Postgres - if I type psql DATABASE_NAME, no problem, I get into the database... this was an issue for me recently because I couldn't remember the name of the database that I wanted to work on. I went into another table (the name of which I did remember), then used the \l command to see my databases and connected to the DB I needed, but I'd much rather just be able to see a list without having to first connect to a database. How can I do that?
Thanks to #Michał Sznurawa for pointing me in the right direction - from the Mac terminal, using psql -l, rather than psql \l does the trick.

Heroku pg:pull is giving sh: createdb: command not found

When I try to do heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL myappspassword, I get this error:
my-computer:a-folder (master*) · heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL myappspassword
! sh: createdb: command not found
! Unable to create new local database. Ensure your local Postgres is working and try again.
For once Googling doesn't return a result. I'm wondering if it's related to the fact that when I do which psql, there is no result. Maybe I need to do something special with pgAdmin to get this working (e.g. export command line tools)?
Are you on a Mac, by chance, and using Postgres App?
If so, the problem might be that createdb isn't on your path. Try adding it by inserting the following into ~/.bash_profile.
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
Then run source ~/.bash_profile and try again.
There's more info on the Postgres App site:
Your instincts are correct. You need to be able to access the Postgres from your command line. pg:pull is attempting to create a new local database and drop the relevant data from your Heroku database into it. From the docs:
This command will create a new local database named “mylocaldb” and then pull data from database at DATABASE_URL...
Basically, your local machine is trying to run createdb locally but your terminal isn't recognizing it.
I battled this damn error for a few hours. I can't say for certain if this will work for everyone but I found my issue stemmed from running the command via iTerm/ZSH instead of just normal bash. I opened up plain-old vanilla terminal, ran the command, and everything fired off like it should.

heroku pg:pull password authentication failed

I'm trying to run the heroku pg:pull command, but I can't seem to get the amazingly cryptic authentication process.
The command I'm running:
> heroku pg:pull app_name::RED localdb
I then get a password prompt, which I can't, for the life of me, figure out. After 2 guesses I get password authentication failed for user "Hanan", and that's it.
I tried Heroku's password, my Windows account password, every password I use, but nothing happens. I checked, and "Hanan" is not a role in Postgresql, so trying to change the password through psql doesn't work. I have no problem logging in to Postgresql through other roles, but it's this 'default' log-in process which I can't seem to crack.
Also, since I'm using windows, I'm not sure how to run commands like sudo -u postgres psql, which I see as a possible solution.
Will appreciate any help regarding this issue, I'm really frustrated by now...
Apparently it's possible to set the environment variables PGUSER and PGPASSWORD, as described here.
However, this won't work on windows in the given syntax. To do this on windows run the following:
SET PGUSER=[pg_username]
SET PGPASSWORD=[pg_password]
after entering these two lines Postgres will log you in with the given authentication info, instead of trying to sign in with the windows username
I've run into this problem a lot when running heroku pg:pull. The issue in my case was that the pg:pull command only works if my local PostgreSQL server has a password set.
To set a password, run psql localdb and execute this SQL:
ALTER USER my_user_name with password 'my_new_password';
(You won't necessarily be required to use this password all the time. Run psql localdb and see whether you're prompted; in my case, I can still log in to psql without the password.)
Now run heroku pg:pull --app my_heroku_app POSTGRESQL_COLOR localdb, and enter your new password (twice) when prompted.
I'm using Windows 10, 64-bit, Powershell and had to use the following commands to properly set the local PostgreSQL environment variables:
C:\> $Env:PGUSER="[pg_username]"
C:\> $Env:PGPASSWORD="[pg_password]"
To verify that these are set properly, list all local environment variables with this:
C:\> Get-ChildItem Env:
After doing this, I was able to run heroku pg:pull without being prompted for a password.
The previous answers did not work for me or were not to my liking so I kept searching. Thanks to the answer provided by Rayz on this post How to add a user to PostgreSQL in Windows? I was able to come up with this one liner for windows powershell.
& { $env:PGUSER="username";$env:PGPASSWORD="password"; heroku pg:push local-db DATABASE_URL --app heroku-app}
You apparently have to pass the variables as a list seperated by semicolons, surrounded by braces which are preceeded by an ampersand. Your funtion (heroku pg:pull/ pg:push/...) has to be a member of the list. As of my current testing it works in powershell with pg:push and the order of items within the braces does not matter.
I was too lazy to find out how to change credentials used by heroku. SET PGUSER and SET PASSWORD did not work for me, what i did was this:
Error said invalid credentials for "janbr" so i have created the user in the local db with a lot of priviledges. I used DBeaver for that with postgres credentials i have set up upon instalation of postgres.
Not a very clean solution though.
Using Windows 10, I tried all of the solutions here without any luck.
What ended up working for me was going into System Properties and editing my Environment Variables there. I added these to my System Variables, restarted my terminal and was able to run after that. One thing to note is that I first tried to add user and password to my User Variables but that didn't work.
PGUSER YourPostgresUser
I also ran Get-ChildItem Env: after updating my variables to check that they had been added.

Remove all postgresql users/completely delete

As I attempt to create my initial user account on postgresql, I am prompted for my password, though when I enter the correct one I recieve:
createdb: could not connect to database template1: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "thomasmurphy"
I am installing through brew. My thought is that somewhere along the line I've set a password different from my system one. How do I remove all users so I can reset this pass.
I get my permission denied even if I su to postgres. I have gone through every thread on stackoverflow on this issue, and have tried:
*modifying my pg hba_conf
*updating my gems and developer tools
*running brew doctor
*reinstalling postgres
*all the other command line ideas through the thread
My situation seems to not have cropped up before, which convinces me I've set a password at some point that is now tripping all of my attempts. Adding to this theory is that I have a postgres setup on my work computer, also on mavericks, function perfectly.
Note that unless you changed defaults, homebrew installs Postgres with you as the superuser rather than as the postgres user. The issue might be that you're trying to use postgres "as normal" whereas it doesn't need or event want the usual postgres user references.
You see the list of users on the system using cat /etc/passwd, and you can change an arbitrary password by running chpass as root.