Elements displaying in UI Auotmation, but not MSAA - ui-automation

Forgive me as I'm not an expert in this matter...
We use MSAA and a venodors app to capture user's visited webpages. I have some machines that do not capture the visited web pages. The pages are captured through MSAA (Im using MS's inspect utility to view UI Automation and MSAA).
For the problematic machines, the elements expand/ display under UI automation, but not under the MSAA view. To be short with this, anyone have any idea why MSAA would appear to be 'disabled' on these machines??
Appreciate any help in this.


Zooming only an image in mobile Safari

I'm looking to see if anyone has experience with this. I'm a developer first and a designer second, so this is really not my strongest suit.
I have a project I'm working on where the goal is to get image and text side-by-side in landscape mode on the iPhone. I'd like to be able to zoom in on the image using a pinch like normal, but not zoom in on the text as well while that is happening. I don't know if this is even possible or what kind of hacks it would take to get it working.
If someone thinks this is bad in general from a UI perspective, I am open to suggestions.
I have considered keeping two copies of the image (low and high res) and then swapping them out inside of div with an overflow: scroll; so users can get a zoomed version and then scroll around. It doesn't give you the full effect of zooming, but it might accomplish a similar goal. I don't know if this would work either.
If anyone has suggestions or experience on the subject, please chime in. Thank you!
To do this in mobile safari you would probably have to use javascript. Theres a jQuery plugin here: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/pinch
Might be of some help
If you want to use Mobile Safari, then you will need a touch framework like jTouch to simplify things.
Natively, you should put your image and text inside a UIScrollView, and return the image view in the the viewForZoomingInScrollView: (in the scroll view's delegates) to the image view.
Is that what you want?

Activity indicator while loading images [iphone]

I've a big problem with the iPhone application that I'm developing.
When you run the application you see a image-stream from different users.
Actually, when you start my app or you click the refresh button you see a modal round rectangle with "Refreshing..", when finish the refreshing, you can see all images. But this takes too times, specially for slow connections.
Now checkout this screenshot from different apps:
The applications are Nuji, Picplz and Instagram.
When you run these application you see instantaneously the stream and when you scroll down and the other images get focus, the image start loading and you see an Activity Indicator.
I want something like this, I want an activity indicator while images loading and maybe, for increase application speed, start loading images on focus and stop loading the others.
I hope I explain myself well.
Please if you can help me.
Thank you very much and sorry for my english.
You might look into the Three20 framework on Github https://github.com/facebook/three20. Using that framework you can get that capability for free, using TTImageView.
Updated: Also I thought of another place I've seen this capability. The developers at enormego offer a solution too. http://developers.enormego.com/view/what_if_images_on_the_iphone_were_as_easy_as_html

Display "custom" view (various images, various text). Should I use UIWebView?

First: No, none of the content should be loaded from the web. All content parts are shipped with the main bundle.
I have n images and mass of text (including lists). Instead of building all view parts programmatically in objective-c if was thinking of using an UIWebView and build "only" the HTML dynamically.
Does anything speaks against it?
How does UIWebView work with local content?
Links and resources welcome.
I would not recommend using the WebView for building application UIs. It introduces many elements that may cripple the user experience. Well, it basically depends on the complexity of the UI.
I created an App UI in WebView myself, using JavaScript and all that advanced CSS animations/transforms that WebKit has to offer, but in the end it was not good for the consumer. My goal was to make the app skinnable, but if something goes wrong - for example in JS - the WebView is stuck, except you spend the time into building a WebView wrapper for your app that deals with this.
That said I, i don't know how complex your UI is going to be, but I would say using IB or building the UI in code with cocoa is still more efficient.
Regards, Erik
I've thought about using web views in these situations sometimes, but then decided against it. 99% of the time, it's better to design the screen in Interface Builder. That will be as fast as or faster than creating an HTML page, and will give you all the benefits of elements functioning as expected (text input for example) and the possibility of customizing things programmatically. But of course, in many scenarios a web view might be the way to go (in fact, several standard UI elements have underlying web views).

Using the webView method, "loadRequest", do I need to worry about threading? (iphone sdk question)

Lets suppose I am creating an application for the iphone with a webView down at the bottom of the window (the other part of the screen has a button and the user can interact with it).
I don't want the webView to stop the user from interacting with the other part of the UI when the webView loads a new url. From my limited testing through the iphone simulator, I haven't been able to determine IF it already behaves this way. Most of my web sites load pretty fast.
I seem to be able to load new requests and click the ui button while that happens.
So, again, do I need to worry about threading in this case?
No, you do not. The iPhone threads a great deal of the UI components behavior, or schedules them for you in the main run loop in such a way that you rarely need to be concerned, the UI elements will be available for user interaction.

How to lay out an iPhone page

I want to implement a description page in an iPhone app. It's the final page in a drill-down navigation structure and needs to include a title, description, icon, large image, date and some buttons the user can click on to activate another application. The information comes from an external source and the title, description and image all vary in size.
I've seen various ways of doing this, such as laying out each piece of information inside table cells, and creating views that look like web pages. I've come up against layout problems using a standard UIView and UILabel because of the variable size content.
Looking at other apps, I think Facebook and the App Store have the most attractive layouts and handle variable size content well. I'd like to know what the easiest way of getting an attractive layout is, and also which way will produce the best (as in best looking) results.
a few things first you are in luck because a lot of the facebook UI stuff is available in the three20 project
there are a lot of templates that you can use in there that might solve all your problems, however documentation is a bit light on, and it may take some reverse engineering.
Also, you didn't mention the UIscrollview this might help you get a layout with more information on the page.
To get the best looking apps unfortunately you need to have the eye for detail (or pay someone who does) read through apples Human interface guidelines, as they seem to know what they are doing.