Swift protocol of the map function - swift

I would like to create protocol of types that can be mapped over.
Lets say my goal is to write a operator for map. I realize this will not compile
func <^> <A,B,C>(f: (B) -> C, a: A<B>) -> A<C> {
return a.map(f)
Now I would like to replace A with a protocol such that any object that has the map function can be used with this operator.
This is not allowed but what I would like to say is
protocol Maps {
associatedtype E
func map<T>(f: (E) -> T) -> Self<T>
The closest I can get to something that makes sense is as follows. However it does not work correctly.
protocol Maps {
associatedtype E
func map<T, U: Maps>(f: (E) throws -> T) rethrows -> U where U.E == T
extension Array: Maps {
func map<T, U>(f: (E) throws -> T) rethrows -> U where U : Maps, U.E == T {
return try self.map(transform)
func <^> <A,B,C,D>(f: (B) -> C, a: A) -> D where A: Maps, D: Maps, A.E == B, D.E == C {
return a.map(f)
The main problem here being is that the map function does not return an Array<T> but a Maps protocol where E is T.
Should I just break down and write a <^> operator for every custom struct that can be mapped over? Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thanks


Using Swift Generics to Call a Non-Generic Library

I'm trying to write a generic Swift wrapper for some of the vector operations in the Accelerate vDSP framework and I'm running into a problem calling the functions in a generic way.
My vector struct looks like:
public struct Vector<T> {
let array: [T]
public static func add(_ a: [T], _ b: [T]) -> [T] {
vDSP.add(a, b)
public static func + (_ lhs: Self , _ rhs: Self) -> Self {
Self.add(lhs.array, rhs.array)
The problem is the add function is overloaded to either take Floats and return Floats or take Doubles and return Doubles. Since the type isn't known at compile time I get an error No exact matches in call to static method 'add'
The only way I've found to get around this is to explicitly check the type before the call and cast:
public static func add(_ a: [T], _ b: [T]) -> [T] {
if T.self is Float.Type {
return vDSP.add(a as! [Float], b as! [Float]) as! [T]
} else {
return vDSP.add(a as! [Double], b as! [Double]) as! [T]
or to use constrained methods
public static func add(_ a: T, _ b: [T]) -> [T] where T == Float { vDSP.add(a, b) }
public static func add(_ a: T, _ b: [T]) -> [T] where T == Double { vDSP.add(a, b) }
Both of these lead to uncomfortable code duplication, and what's more if I had more than two types (for example if supported is added for the upcoming Float16 type) I'd need to keep adding more and more cases. The latter approach seems especially bad since the method bodies are identical.
I'd like to be able to do something like vDSP.add<T>(a, b) but it seems Swift doesn't support this. Is there some other way to acheive this and avoid the code duplication?

Can I do swift extensions with inner generics?

I want to make RxSwift and Realm work together, and I tried to build functions to help me.
For example, instead of using the function sorted on Results objects (which give you sorted Results), I want to build a function that do so directly on Observable>.
Thanks to the ObservableType protocol, I managed to do it on non-generic object, but can't find a way to do it on a generic way
Here is my actual code, which works only on specific Object :
public extension ObservableType where E == Results<MyRealmObject> {
public func sorted(key: String, ascending: Bool = true) -> Observable<Results<MyRealmObject>>
return self.map { $0.sorted(key, ascending: ascending) }
If I changed MyRealmObject by T, the compilers tell me that T is undeclared.
I've tried many syntaxes but none are working, and I don't know if it's possible.
I don't have these frameworks, but I'm guessing the types are analogous to the following:
protocol ObservableType {
associatedtype E
class Observable<T> : ObservableType {
typealias E = T
init() {}
enum Results<T> {
case None
case Some(T)
... in which case you could try:
extension ObservableType {
func sorted <T where Self.E == Results<T>> (/* ... */) -> Observable<Results<T>> {
return /* sorted */ Observable()
... which works:
let o = Observable<Results<Int>>()
o.sorted() // Observable<Results<Int>>
... but is not optimal because:
let x = Observable<Int>()
x.sorted() // compile-time error: Generic parameter `T` could not be infered
... which you'd prefer to say Value of type 'Observable<Int>' has no member 'sorted'. And though the error is at least thrown at compile time, I think your own approach is still preferable.
Just an afterthought based on #Denis Laboureyras' comments
Whilst trying out my solution, Denis could not access the value of type E as Results<T> without casting because the extension does not constrain the type of self but only the parameters of the method. All these issues go away in case of a free function (though I appreciate this is not ideal either):
protocol ObservableType {
associatedtype E
func map <X> (_: E -> X) -> Observable<X>
class Observable<T> : ObservableType {
typealias E = T
init() {}
func map <X> (f: E -> X) -> Observable<X> {
return Observable<X>(/* with f(e) */)
class Results<T> {
func sort(/* ... */) -> Results<T> {
return /* sorted */ self
func sort <O: ObservableType, T where O.E == Results<T>> (o: O/* ... */) -> Observable<Results<T>> {
return o.map{ $0.sort() }
let o = Observable<Results<Int>>()
sort(o) // Observable<Results<Int>>

Using Array.map instead of array.map

Here is what I can do in Swift:
extension Int {
func square() -> Int { return self * self }
And then call it like this: 3.square(), that gives me 9. Also, i can do it like so: Int.square(3), and it will give me () -> (Int). So, Int.square(3)() gives 9.
But if I write let array = [1, 2, 3]; Array.map(array) it gives error Cannot convert value of type 'Array<Int>' to expected argument of type '[_]'
Question is, how I can use Array.map in that way?
Ok, I'll try to explain my problem in details. Now, I have function like this:
func map<T, U>(f: T -> U) -> [T] -> [U] {
return { ts in
It works, but only on arrays. There are many types that have map function, and it not very nice to declare global function like that for every type. So, lets say there is type C that have map function C<T> -> (T -> U) -> C<U>
Also, lets say I have function f, that transform A -> B -> C into B -> A -> C.
So, it looks like I can do something like this:
let array = [1, 2, 3]
let square: Int -> Int = {$0 * $0}
map(square)(array) // [1, 4, 9], works fine
f(Array.map)(square)(array) // Error
Question is not about code readability but about how Swift's type system works.
Array.map function is defined as:
public func map<T>(self: [Self.Generator.Element]) -> (#noescape Self.Generator.Element throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
The problem here is that the compiler cannot infer the return type of the transform function or T. So you have to define it the two following ways:
// variable declaration
let mapping: (Int -> Int) throws -> [Int] = Array.map(array)
// or (especially useful for further function calls)
aFunction(Array.map(array) as (Int -> Int) throws -> [Int])
You can also see that the map function is marked as rethrows which gets "translated" to throws if you use the function. (It looks like a bug but closures don't have rethrows which could be the reason for this behavior).
So the function f could look like this in order to use it with Array.map:
// where
// A is the array
// B is the function
// C the type of the returned array
func f<A, B, C>(f2: A -> (B throws -> C)) -> B -> (A throws -> C) {
return { b in
{ a in
try f2(a)(b)
// or with a forced try! so you don't have to use try
func f<A, B, C>(f2: A -> (B throws -> C)) -> B -> A -> C {
return { b in
{ a in
try! f2(a)(b)
// call f (use try if you use the first implementation)
let square: Int -> Int = {$0 * $0}
In the example with square the compiler can infer the type of the expression. In other words:
let f = Int.square(3)
is the same as
let f:() -> Int = Int.square(3)
However, map is a generic function that is parameterized on the closure return type:
public func map<T>(#noescape transform: (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
Consequently, this generates an error because the compiler doesn't know what T is:
let f = Array<Int>.map([1, 2, 3])
However, you can explicitly tell it what T is like this:
let f: ((Int) throws -> Int) throws -> [Int] = Array.map([1, 2, 3])
try! f({$0 * $0})
I think that answers your first question about square and map. I don't completely understand the rest of your question about converting A -> B -> C to B -> A -> C. Maybe you can provide more info on what f would look like.

Curry Function in Swift

I want to make a function that return a curry function like below
func addTwoNumbers(a: Int)(b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b
addTwoNumbers(4)(b: 6) // Result: 10
var add4 = addTwoNumbers(4)
add4(b: 10) // returns 14
What is the return type of such function and how can I generate a function like this using a function that take Variadic parameters.
func generateCurry(.../*Variadic parameters*/) -> .../*curry function type*/ {
return ...//curry function
I want a generic solution and not take only Int as arguments in the parmeter of the generateCurry function
let curried = curry(func(a, b, c) {
print(a + b + c)
curried(1)(2)(3) //prints 6
You can achieve this pretty easily with closures:
/// Takes a binary function and returns a curried version
func curry<A,B,C>(f: (A, B) -> C) -> A -> B -> C {
return { a in { b in f(a, b) } }
curry(+)(5)(6) // => 11
let add: Int -> Int -> Int = curry(+)
add(5)(6) // => 11
It would be really nice to be able to do the same thing for functions that take 3, 4 or more arguments, but without duplicating the implementation. The signature of such a function might start something like:
/// Take a function accepting N arguments and return a curried version
func curry<T>(args: T...) -> /* ? */
What would the return type be? It would change based on the input to the function. This definitely isn't possible in Swift at the moment, and I don't think it would be possible at all without some kind of macro system. But even with macros I don't think the compiler would be satisfied unless it knew the length of the list at compile-time.
Having said that, it's really straight-forward to manually overload the currying function with a version that accepts 3, 4, 5 or more parameters:
func curry<A,B,C,D>(f: (A, B, C) -> D) -> A -> B -> C -> D {
return { a in { b in { c in f(a,b,c) } } }
func curry<A,B,C,D,E>(f: (A, B, C, D) -> E) -> A -> B -> C -> D -> E {
return { a in { b in { c in { d in f(a,b,c,d) } } } }
// etc.
I'm not sure this is actually going to be possible in the same way it is inside of languages like Python.
The core problem I see to having a single generic solution is the strong typing of the closures/funcs you want to accept.
You could fairly easily create a curry function that worked on a specific or common function signature, but as far as a general purpose curry I don't see a way for it to work. The issue is more than about the types of the arguments (as mentioned in comments) but also with the number of them.
I've written up a simple example of how you could implement a curry function. It works, but I don't see a sane way to have a truly generic one like you can in more loosely typed languages.
func add(a1: Int, a2: Int) -> Int {
return a1 + a2
func curry(argument: Int, block: (Int, Int) -> Int) -> Int -> Int{
func curried(arg: Int) -> Int {
return block(argument, arg)
return curried
curry(5, add)(6)
In case you want to quickly get the curry function for any number of parameters, it's possible to generate it as shown in this gist.
The code is in Swift 2.2 and generates code for Swift 2.2 (at the moment). It uses simple template-based approach (a possible alternative is constructing an AST followed by code-generation):
func genCurry(n: Int, indent: Indent = .fourSpaces, accessLevel: AccessLevel = .Default, verbose: Bool = false) -> String {
// ...
// The bulky park is skipped for clarity.
return accessLevel.asPrefix + "func curry<\(genericParams)>(f: \(fSig)) -> \(curriedSig(n)) {\n"
+ indent.single + "return \(closure)\n"
+ "}\n"
I recently found that currying was removed back in Swift3. I created my own version which is repetitive but does the job.
precedencegroup CurryPrecedence {
associativity: left
higherThan: MultiplicationPrecedence
infix operator <<== :CurryPrecedence
//1 param
func <<==<A,Z>(_ f: #escaping (A) -> (Z), _ p:A) -> () -> (Z) {
{ f(p) }
//2 param
func <<==<A,B,Z>(_ f: #escaping (A, B) -> (Z), _ p:B) -> (A) -> (Z) {
{ (A) in f(A,p) }
//3 param
func <<==<A,B,C,Z>(_ f: #escaping (A, B, C) -> (Z), _ p:C) -> (A, B) -> (Z) {
{ (A, B) in f(A,B,p) }
//4 param
func <<==<A,B,C,D,Z>(_ f: #escaping (A, B, C, D) -> (Z), _ p:D) -> (A, B, C) -> (Z) {
{ (A, B, C) in f(A,B,C,p) }
To use it:
let ten = (addTwoNumbers <<== 6 <<== 4)()
let ten = (addTwoNumbers <<== 6)(4)

Why is generic type information lost in generic functions with a Comparable constraint?

When creating a normal generic function without constraints it works as intended, i.e:
func select<T,U>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
The type flows through into the closure argument where it lets me access it as the strong type, i.e:
var b1:Bool = select("ABC") { $0.hasPrefix("A") }
var b2:Bool = select(10) { $0 > 0 }
It continues to work when I add an Equatable constraint:
func selectEquatable<T : Equatable, U : Equatable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
var b3:Bool = selectEquatable("ABC") { $0.hasPrefix("A") }
But for some reason fails when using a Comparable constraint:
func selectComparable<T : Comparable, U : Comparable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
var b4:Bool = selectComparable("ABC") { $0.hasPrefix("A") }
Fails with the build error:
Could not find member 'hasPrefix'
But it does allow returning itself where the type flows through as a String
var b5:String = selectComparable("ABC") { $0 }
Looking at the API docs shows that String is Comparable:
extension String : Comparable {
and it even allows implicit casting from a String to a Comparable:
var str:Comparable = ""
So why can't I access it as a strong-typed String inside my Closure?
var b4:Bool = selectComparable("ABC") { $0.hasPrefix("A") } //build error
It's not the String. Your closure { $0.hasPrefix("A") } has the return type Bool, which is assigned to U. Bool is Equatable, but not Comparable.
You probably want the closure to return Bool, but selectComparable to return U.
Here's evidence that returning a String (which is Comparable) instead of a Bool (not Comparable) will compile:
func selectComparable<T: Comparable, U: Comparable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
var b4 = selectComparable("ABC") { (str: String) -> String in str }
Your selectComparable declaration is incorrect.
func selectComparable<T: Comparable, U: Comparable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
U: Comparable cannot hold for type Bool, it is not Comparable, only Equatable
This will work fine
func selectComparable<T: Comparable, U>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
as will
func select<T:Comparable,U: Equatable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)