Why is generic type information lost in generic functions with a Comparable constraint? - swift

When creating a normal generic function without constraints it works as intended, i.e:
func select<T,U>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
The type flows through into the closure argument where it lets me access it as the strong type, i.e:
var b1:Bool = select("ABC") { $0.hasPrefix("A") }
var b2:Bool = select(10) { $0 > 0 }
It continues to work when I add an Equatable constraint:
func selectEquatable<T : Equatable, U : Equatable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
var b3:Bool = selectEquatable("ABC") { $0.hasPrefix("A") }
But for some reason fails when using a Comparable constraint:
func selectComparable<T : Comparable, U : Comparable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
var b4:Bool = selectComparable("ABC") { $0.hasPrefix("A") }
Fails with the build error:
Could not find member 'hasPrefix'
But it does allow returning itself where the type flows through as a String
var b5:String = selectComparable("ABC") { $0 }
Looking at the API docs shows that String is Comparable:
extension String : Comparable {
and it even allows implicit casting from a String to a Comparable:
var str:Comparable = ""
So why can't I access it as a strong-typed String inside my Closure?
var b4:Bool = selectComparable("ABC") { $0.hasPrefix("A") } //build error

It's not the String. Your closure { $0.hasPrefix("A") } has the return type Bool, which is assigned to U. Bool is Equatable, but not Comparable.
You probably want the closure to return Bool, but selectComparable to return U.
Here's evidence that returning a String (which is Comparable) instead of a Bool (not Comparable) will compile:
func selectComparable<T: Comparable, U: Comparable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
var b4 = selectComparable("ABC") { (str: String) -> String in str }

Your selectComparable declaration is incorrect.
func selectComparable<T: Comparable, U: Comparable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
U: Comparable cannot hold for type Bool, it is not Comparable, only Equatable
This will work fine
func selectComparable<T: Comparable, U>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)
as will
func select<T:Comparable,U: Equatable>(x:T, f:(T) -> U) -> U {
return f(x)


Heterogeneous array that conforms to protocol with associated type in Swift

I have a protocol AProtocol with an associated type AType and a function aFunc. I want to extend Array such that it conforms to the protocol by using the result of its elements aFunc function. Clearly this is only possible if elements of the array conform to Aprotocol and have the same associated type so I have set this toy example:
protocol AProtocol {
associatedtype AType
func aFunc(parameter:AType) -> Bool
extension Array : AProtocol where Element : AProtocol, Element.AType == Int {
func aFunc(parameter: Int) -> Bool {
return self.reduce(true, { r,e in r || e.aFunc(parameter: parameter) })
extension String : AProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: Int) -> Bool {
return true
extension Int : AProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: Int) -> Bool {
return false
This works fine for arrays which contain only one type:
let array1 = [1,2,4]
array1.aFunc(parameter: 3)
However for heterogeneous arrays, I get the error Heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[Any]'; add explicit type annotation if this is intentional and then Value of type '[Any]' has no member 'aFunc' if annotate it as follows:
let array2 = [1,2,"Hi"] as [Any]
array2.aFunc(parameter: 3)
Is it possible to extend Array as I wish such that heterogeneous arrays are allowed so long as they conform to AProtocol and have the same AType?
See if this fits your needs.
Remove the associated type
protocol BProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool
extension String : BProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool {
return true
extension Int : BProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool {
return false
extension Array : BProtocol where Element == BProtocol {
func aFunc(parameter: BProtocol) -> Bool {
return self.reduce(true, { r,e in r || e.aFunc(parameter: parameter) })
let a1 : [BProtocol] = [1, 2, 3, "Hi"]
let boolean = a1.aFunc(parameter: 1)

How do I write the not/negate higher order function in swift?

I am a Javascripter and I love using the not/negate function:
function not (predicateFunc) {
return function () {
return !predicateFunc.apply(this, arguments);
I am trying to do the same thing with swift:
func not <A> (_ f: #escaping (_ A: Any) -> Bool) -> (A) -> Bool {
return { a in !f(a) }
But I am getting errors like
generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred
Cannot convert value of type '(_) -> Bool' to expected argument type '(Any) -> Bool'
The outcome I am looking for is when I have a function like this:
func isEmpty<T: Collection>(collection: T) -> Bool {
return collection.count == 0
I can just create a notEmpty function like this:
let notEmpty = not(isEmpty)
And then use it like
notEmpty([3,4,5]) // true
What am I doing wrong?
Using Any is a code smell. You can just extend Collection directly:
extension Collection {
var notEmpty: Bool {
return !isEmpty
[1, 3, 5].notEmpty // true
Your functional definition of not can work like this:
func not <A> (_ f: #escaping (_ a: A) -> Bool) -> (A) -> Bool {
return { a in !f(a) }
But to call it you would need something like this:
let arrayNotEmpty = not { (array: [Int]) in array.isEmpty }
arrayNotEmpty([1, 3, 5]) // true
You have two errors:
You're using A as both the type parameter and as the argument name.
You're using Any as the argument type instead of using the type parameter (A) as the argument type.
Try this:
func not<A>(predicate: #escaping (A) -> Bool) -> (A) -> Bool {
return { !predicate($0) }
Note that in this version, I'm not using argument names for the predicate argument. You don't need an argument name in the declaration ((A) -> Bool) and I'm using the anonymous argument name ($0) in the body.
Okay, so you want to write this:
func isEmpty<T: Collection>(collection: T) -> Bool {
return collection.count == 0
func not<A>(_ predicate: #escaping (A) -> Bool) -> (A) -> Bool {
return { !predicate($0) }
let notEmpty = not(isEmpty)
And you get this error:
let notEmpty = not(isEmpty)
^ Generic parameter 'A' could not be inferred
The problem is that this code tries to create a generic closure, but Swift doesn't support generic closures.
That is to say, what would the type of nonEmpty be? It would be something like:
<A: Collection>(A) -> Bool
and Swift doesn't support that.

Contextual type inference for Type in Swift 2.2+

I want to use first order citizen Type in Swift to decide which function to call.
func sf(v: [Float]) -> Float{
func df(v: [Double]) -> Double {
func f<T: RealType>(seq ls: [T]) -> T {
if T.self == Float.self {
return sf(ls) // 1. where sf: Float -> Void
} else if T.self == Double.self {
return df(ls) // 2. where df : Double -> Void
The type inference system couldn't notice that under one branch T == Float and Double in the other ?
Is here a missing feature, complex feature or bug ?
typealias RealType = protocol<FloatingPointType, Hashable, Equatable, Comparable, FloatLiteralConvertible, SignedNumberType>
for my prototype but will become a protocol
You are trying to combine static resolution given by generic with runtime decisions, and this is not possible.
You can simply overload f for both Float and Double to obtain what you need:
func f(seq ls: [Float]) -> Float {
return sf(ls) // 1. where sf: Float -> Void
func f(seq ls: [Double]) -> Double {
return df(ls) // 2. where df : Double -> Void
However, if you want RealType to be a generic placeholder that you can use over other types than Float or, Double, then you can do something like this:
protocol RealType {
static func processArray(v: [Self]) -> Self
extension Float: RealType {
static func processArray(v: [Float]) -> Float {
return sf(v)
extension Double: RealType {
static func processArray(v: [Double]) -> Double {
return df(v)
func sf(v: [Float]) -> Float{
return 0
func df(v: [Double]) -> Double {
return 0
func f<T: RealType>(seq ls: [T]) -> T {
return T.processArray(ls)
This will give you both type safety, which is one of Swift's main advantages, and scalability as whenever you need to add support for f over another type, you need to only declare that type as conforming to RealType, and implement the processArray method.

Extending the SequenceType in Swift

I wondered why map() and filter() in SequenceType return both an Array.
Actually, I don't think that's necessary. Returning a sequence again feels much more sensible to me.
However, I got stuck when trying to add sequential versions. Here's my attempt with map:
extension SequenceType {
func seqMap<T, S: SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == T>(
transform: Self.Generator.Element -> T) -> S
var sourceGen = generate()
let tGen: AnyGenerator<T> = anyGenerator {
if let el = sourceGen.next() {
return transform(el)
} else {
return nil
return AnySequence { tGen }
XCode tells me at the last return statement the following error:
cannot invoke initializer for type 'AnySequence<T>' with an argument list of type '(() -> AnyGenerator<T>)'
note: overloads for 'AnySequence<T>' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (S), (() -> G)
Actually, my tGen is of type () -> G, so why does XCode think it is ambiguous?
The problem becomes more apparent if you split the return statement:
let tSeq = AnySequence { tGen }
return tSeq // error: cannot convert return expression of type 'AnySequence<T>' to return type 'S'
The compiler would infer the placeholder type S from the context
of a method call, and that could be any sequence
type with element type T, and not necessarily an AnySequence.
Here is a simple example demonstrating the same problem:
protocol MyProtocol { }
struct MyType { }
extension MyType : MyProtocol { }
func foo<P : Protocol>() -> P {
return MyType() // error: cannot convert return expression of type 'MyType' to return type 'P'
To solve the problem, change the return type to AnySequence<T>
and drop the generic type S:
extension SequenceType {
func seqMap<T>(transform: Self.Generator.Element -> T) -> AnySequence<T>
var sourceGen = generate()
let tGen: AnyGenerator<T> = anyGenerator {
if let el = sourceGen.next() {
return transform(el)
} else {
return nil
return AnySequence { tGen }
which can be written more compactly as
extension SequenceType {
func seqMap<T>(transform: Self.Generator.Element -> T) -> AnySequence<T>
var sourceGen = generate()
return AnySequence(anyGenerator {
using the map() method of the Optional type.
But note that SequenceType already has a lazy method which returns
a LazySequenceType:
/// A sequence containing the same elements as a `Base` sequence, but
/// on which some operations such as `map` and `filter` are
/// implemented lazily.
/// - See also: `LazySequenceType`
public struct LazySequence<Base : SequenceType>
and you can use
someSequence.lazy.map { ... }
to get a (lazily evaluated) sequence of the mapped values.

How to create a function that returns a generic protocol type?

In the following code, I have a generic protocol Var and it have a private implementation class LambdaVar. Now I want to have a function that return an instance of the LambdaVar without expose it publicly.
But I can't find a way to define a function that return a generic protocol type.
public protocol Var {
typealias ValueType
var value : ValueType { get }
struct LambdaVar<T> : Var {
let _get : Void -> T
init(_ f : Void -> T)
_get = f
var value : T {
get {
return _get()
public func transform<T : Var, U>(v : T, f : T.ValueType -> U) -> Var<U> {
return LambdaVar<U>() { f(v.value) } // ^^^^^^ what to put here?
Playground execution failed: <EXPR>:26:67: error: cannot specialize non-generic type 'Var'
public func transform<T : Var, U>(v : T, f : T.ValueType -> U) -> Var<U> {
<EXPR>:26:67: error: protocol 'Var' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
public func transform<T : Var, U>(v : T, f : T.ValueType -> U) -> Var<U> {
You should create simple wrapper type of Var like SequenceOf<T>:
struct VarOf<T>:Var {
let f:Void->T
init<V:Var where V.ValueType == T>(_ v:V) {
f = { v.value }
var value:T {
return f()
func transform<T : Var, U>(v : T, f : T.ValueType -> U) -> VarOf<U> {
return VarOf(LambdaVar<U>({ f(v.value) }))
let intVar = VarOf(LambdaVar({ 12 }))
let floatVar = transform(intVar, { Float($0) })
floatVar.value // -> 12.0