Pulling a Substring which does not exist in the same position - substring

I am looking to pull a substring from a Oracle database column using PL/SQL.
The column has a large string value which varies in size for different rows. Hence the substring I am referring to will not be in the same position for each row. But the substring is uniquely identifiable. It will be like ",RID!1455,". i.e. It will be preceded by a comma, have RID, followed by a !, followed by a number and then a comma.
I am interested in pulling this number followed by RID. Can you please help me with this. Thank you very much in advance

Consider below query:
Suppose table text1 has column text with string:
Then below query will give you result '3242':
select substr(text, (select (INSTR(text, 'RID!', 1)+4) FROM text1),4) from text1;


Copying contents of columns with Field calculator in Qgis

I have to split the content of a column into 2 differents columns using the QGIS Field Calculator. Basically, my table is something like that:
Basically I have to work with descriptio column omitting characters from 1-12 and then copy next 8 characters (in this case "AgilisSi") into the PresLACAGI column.
The other element to copy is the final number in descriptio column, ranging from 1 to 3 characters. Possibly the best is thing would be a syntax that reproduces in CodiClapa column the number after ": ", including the space in the syntax.
Thanks a lot!
Use the field calculator, check Update existing field and select column from drop down and type in the Expression window for:
PresLACAGI: substr(descriptio,12,8)
CodiClapa: right(descriptio,3)

Netezza substr function- how do i remove set number of chars from the right

i am querying netezza server. i have a string in one of the column and i want to remove the last character in the string. The string is not a fixed length one and the last character is not constant either.
how do i do it?
If your string is s, then you can use substr(s,0,length(s)-1)
Just replace s with whatever you're querying.

PostgreSQL query to find a particular pattern in a text column

I have a text column in my database table which contains values like
Now, I want to select only those rows where this column value contains maximum three occurrences of '/'.
For clarity - expected output should be:
Can anyone help me with such a query?
I think it would be easier to simply remove everything else and count the number of remaining characters:
where length(regexp_replace(the_column, '[^/]', '', 'g')) <= 3
Online example

Postgresql : How can I determine how many characters in a text

a column has type text and its data looks like "{U}{R}" or "{3}{U}{U}{U}".
How can I determine how many "U" contains this column?
I want to select those data who has at least one and at most three {U}.
You can remove the code U and compare the size before/after removing it. This difference is the number of occurrence.
select length('{3}{U}{U}{U}{R}{R}')-length(translate('{3}{U}{U}{U}{R}{R}','U','')) AS U_CNT;
--> 3
or more generaly
select length(colname)-length(translate(colname,'U','')) AS U_CNT;

How do I format a number of arbitrary length?

If I have data that includes a numeric column with values into the miillions (eg 63254830038), and I want to format the number as a US Dollar amount (eg. $63,254,830,038), I know I can use:
SELECT numeric_column, to_char(numeric_column, '$999G999G999G999') from table
to format the values, but to do so reliably I either have to include an unnecessarily long text string ('$999G999G999G999') or know the maximum number of possible digits. Is there a way to say, broadly, "group numbers with a comma" instead of explicitly saying "group the hundreds, group the thousands, Oh! and please group the millions"?
You just need cast integer to money type.
tests=> select cast(63254830038 as money);
Or alternative syntax:
tests=> select 6323254830038::money;
And output (I'm from Poland, so money type take my locales and set correct currency symbol):
63.254.830.038,00 zł
Monetary Types documentation.
You can try something like this (works in sql-server, not sure about postgresql)
select convert(varchar,cast('63254830038' as money),1)
You could do things the hard way using regular expressions: convert the number into a string, reverse it, use regexp_replace to insert commas between pairs of 3 digits, and then reverse it again:
select '$' || reverse(regexp_replace(
E'(\\d\\d\\d)(?=\\d)', '\1,', 'g'))
The first argument to regexp_replace is the expression to match, which contains two parts:
(\\d\\d\\d) means 3 digits, which are captured
(?=\\d) is a positive lookahead constraint of a single digit, meaning the match only counts if there is a digit following it. (That is, this digit is checked to exist, but it does not count as part of the match.)
The second argument is what to replace with: the 3 captured digits, plus a comma.
The third argument 'g' is a flag indicating that it should match and replace as many times as possible.
For more information on regular expressions in PostgreSQL, see the documentation.