Postgresql : How can I determine how many characters in a text - postgresql

a column has type text and its data looks like "{U}{R}" or "{3}{U}{U}{U}".
How can I determine how many "U" contains this column?
I want to select those data who has at least one and at most three {U}.

You can remove the code U and compare the size before/after removing it. This difference is the number of occurrence.
select length('{3}{U}{U}{U}{R}{R}')-length(translate('{3}{U}{U}{U}{R}{R}','U','')) AS U_CNT;
--> 3
or more generaly
select length(colname)-length(translate(colname,'U','')) AS U_CNT;


Copying contents of columns with Field calculator in Qgis

I have to split the content of a column into 2 differents columns using the QGIS Field Calculator. Basically, my table is something like that:
Basically I have to work with descriptio column omitting characters from 1-12 and then copy next 8 characters (in this case "AgilisSi") into the PresLACAGI column.
The other element to copy is the final number in descriptio column, ranging from 1 to 3 characters. Possibly the best is thing would be a syntax that reproduces in CodiClapa column the number after ": ", including the space in the syntax.
Thanks a lot!
Use the field calculator, check Update existing field and select column from drop down and type in the Expression window for:
PresLACAGI: substr(descriptio,12,8)
CodiClapa: right(descriptio,3)

PostgreSQL query to find a particular pattern in a text column

I have a text column in my database table which contains values like
Now, I want to select only those rows where this column value contains maximum three occurrences of '/'.
For clarity - expected output should be:
Can anyone help me with such a query?
I think it would be easier to simply remove everything else and count the number of remaining characters:
where length(regexp_replace(the_column, '[^/]', '', 'g')) <= 3
Online example

Adding the totals of two seperate tables in a word document

this question relates to adding the totals of two tables and using that total in the body of the word document.
In my case I have a word document (docx) with two tables. These tables are populated through a word merge process of third party software over which I have no control. For ease of reference I will refer to each table as table1 and table2. Both tables will contain an unknown amount of rows, but the last row, will always contain a total in the last column, which will total the rows above using the formula =SUM(ABOVE).
In the body of the document, I know need to reference the total of each table and because I do not know how many rows there are, I am at a loss. For example, if I knew how many rows there are, I could use the answer given here.
I have tried to using a merge field - with the column names as follows - however I get a !Syntax error ...
Any and all help greatly appreciated.
If you bookmark the two tables (e.g. TblA, TblB), you can use a formula field to tally their totals:
{=SUM(TblA C:C)/2+SUM(TblB C:C)/2}
The reason for the /2 is that, unless you know the last row # beforehand, you need to reference the entire column (including your existing totals row), the sum of which will therefore be twice the total.
To see how to do a wide range of calculations in Word, check out my Microsoft Word Field Maths Tutorial, at:
Fields can be bookmarked in Word, then referenced elsewhere in the document. When bookmarking in a table, be careful to not select the entire cell, only the field! If the entire cell is bookmarked then the cell structures are carried across to the REF and the field content can't be processed numerically.
For three bookmarked fields with the names Fld1, Fld2and Fld3 that should be multiplied the combined field code would look like this:
{ = { REF Fld1 } * { REF Fld2 } * { REF Fld3 } \# "0.00" }
Note that you could also use the PRODUCT function (like SUM, but multiplies, each factor separated using the system's list separator character.)
Notes for readers not familiar with working with Word field codes: the paired wavy braces must be inserted using Ctrl+F9 and cannot simply be typed from the keyboard. Alt+F9 will toggle between field code and field result display. Press F9 to force a field to update.

How can I rename several columns in dataprep?

I have more than 100 columns in dataprep whose names are like:
my column name 1
my column name 2
I would like to rename the name of the columns to be:
I have tried to do a rename, changing " " by "_". However, dataprep only changes the first whitespace! Is there any way to change all the whitespaces?
Another question, when I do a function like rename, it is done just for a column. I can add more columns writing the name of de column. Is there any way to select all columns without writing all the names?
thank you so much!
You can shift-select multiple columns to Transform when the data is in column view mode.
Select the columns to apply to and then choose the transformation.
JSDBroughton answer did the trick for me although it's not so clear how to do it. Change your view to Columns (second icon from the left on the toolbar). Select the first column, then hold Shift and select the last column. You should now have all columns selected. Then right clock and select Rename. A new Recipe step will be added with all your columns already added. Then set the Option to "Find and replace".
In terms removing all the spaces I couldn't find any Cloud Dataprep pattern or Regular Expression which let me replace all my spaces in my columns. Having said that my columns had a maximum of 4 spaces so I simply added the same step multiple times. I used the Regular Expression \s to match spaces and I replaced them underscores.

Restrict number of lines

How can I restrict the number of lines displayed in my report? I display the field emp_desc using this query:
select emp_desc from emp where emp_name in ('roger','harper','john').
The output of this query returns 3 rows, and each row when printed takes 2 lines -
for a total of 6. But I want to display only 5 lines, and ignore the 6th and final line. How can I accomplish this?
Try this on the field who receives the query.
Right click on it > Format Object > Common > and mark the checkbox "Can grow"
you can specify the number of lines if you want too.
Without a screenshot, or at least knowing what your data looks like when it's returned, we can only guess. But it sounds like you want to change the format of every 3rd row to be shorter. This can be accomplished with this pseudocode formula:
'Display a shortened version of your data
'Display your data normally