CSSearchableItemAttributeSet: can't define third line content - swift

So, is there a table anywhere explaining how each itemContentType will be rendered on the final search?
For now I only got:
kUTTypeMovie will render the duration on the third line.
kUTTypeMessage will render the contentCreationDate on the top right corner
I wanted to get a custom text on the third line, is it possible?
If not, how to only draw a year there, like this:


How to add automatically expanding horizontal space in libreoffice (similar to say flex justify-content space-around)

I'm trying to achieve this effect:
|First phrase...............................................Second phrase|
Where the | markers above denote the page margins, and ....... represents a 'horizontal space' (which may or may not use space as the character, a 'dot' as above, or any other character), which effectively expands to take as much space as possible between the two pieces of text.
This is pretty common, e.g., when designing a table of contents manually*, or when trying to achieve the kind of "chapter X...........page Y" effect in headers.
I know there's a specific and easy way to introduce this kind of 'expanding horizontal space', because I've done it in the past. But I just can't find it anymore. I just vaguely remember that the relevant menu allowed you to specify what character you wanted to use in this 'expanding space'. Also, it may or may not have involved the use of tabs.
Any ideas?
* Yes I know about the "Table of Contents" menu option, no I'm not trying to design a table of contents, it was just an example :)
I remembered.
Create a tab stop on the horizontal ruler above the page, right click to convert from a 'left' stop to a 'right' stop, and drag that stop all the way to the right margin.
Then, next time you press 'tab', the tab will automatically push any content to the right of your cursor, all the way to the right margin.
If you optionally also specify a fill character in the 'Tabs' tab of the 'Paragraph' formatting menu, the tab space will be filled with that character.

How to set width of text marks in vega-lite / altair (text wrapping and line break) for long text

I am trying to display text over time using altair (vega-lite), which works fine using a layered chart, where one is created using the alt.Chart().mark_text() function to display the text.
The text though is multiple phrases and should be wrapped (with line breaks). How can this be done?
(I do not want to use fixed line breaks, e.g. \n, at distinct positions since the text wrapping should work with zooming too)
Not exactly what you want, but you can specify a character on which to break to a new line. When zooming, the text stays the same size, so it should always fit the view.
For example making a new line for every word:
.mark_text(lineBreak=' ')

MATLAB: page width line vs. publishing width

When I write code in Matlab I make sure it is within the page width line of demarcation. I thought the purpose of this line was because it signified the width of a page, but when I use the publish option on my code, it wraps about 6 characters to the left of the demarcation line, onto the next line, which makes the publishing ugly.
Is there any way to fix this by either changing the line position or the publishing width (preferably the latter)?
Here's what my editor window looks like:
And here's the resulting PDF page from publishing this code:
(notice the wrap-around in line #2)
Yes, I hit the same ugliness and this is the best I could get:
The first comment was put as line by line in the editor, while the second commented chunk was put as a long single line, and I think the publisher decides where to cut which is a neater result, not perfect though.

Bullet list text indent/align after tab

What I'm trying to do is create a bullet list in 'two columns'. So you have the bullet, a word, a tab and some aligned text like in the example below.
You have several alternatives:
Create a two-column table, with invisible lines. Fill the first column with your "bullet" word, and the second column with your "definition" (or whatever you are putting there.
Adjust the formatting for your special list item to include a tab where you want the text to appear and provide a "hanging indent" that lines up overflow text with that tab.
The second option is probably the best for you.

How to align lines in Crystal Reports

Is there a good way to make horizontal lines actually line up in Crystal Reports? I can select text and field objects, right-click, and do various sizing and alignments. But that's not an option with a line. I need header fields underlined (and for whatever reason, our standard says to NOT use underline), and I want them to line up across the report.
It's a pain, but I've found one way to do it.
Both field and line items have a right-click menu option called "Size and Position". It doesn't take just any value, especially with Snap to Grid turned on (and doesn't always take exactly what you choose with it not turned on), but you can carefully make sure each line has the same Y value (for horizonal lines). And, if you want them to align and be the same length as the field headers they are underlining, compare each header field X and Width values, and make each line also match that.
In design mode, you can add horizontal guide lines by clicking in the ruler (the vertical one) fields will get sticky to it.
You can also select several fields, right click "Align > Bottoms" and them move the fields to the guide lines.
You can also format a single field to "lock its position and size", then Align the others to it
Another way is to select all the lines you want to left align, move them to the far left with the left cursor key until they hit the left margin and keep pressing the left key until they all align themselves. Just a trick!
Put a bottom border on the header Text Object.