Lotus Notes SMTP 554 error - email

I am a Lotus Notes admin, trying to fix a strange issue.
Some of the employees are getting SMTP error message while trying to execute #MailSend formula. It is strange because the same is working perfectly for the rest of the users (including me).
I created toolbar action in Lotus Notes (for different users), and wrote #MailSend formula there. Please see the error screen below:
The exactly same formula worked for most of the users, but failed for 4-5 users. Here few things to note is:
1) Destination mail system is exchange, not Lotus Domino.
2) Those users are able to send mails through outlook properly.
3) No mail file is there for any user on Lotus Domino server
4) The error message is showing 'exchange' email id of the user (i.e. test#abc.com)
Please guide me, how can I fix this issue?

For Lotus Notes clients, make sure that File, Preferences, Mail, Internet, 'Use IBM Notes as my default e-mail program' is not checked.
Also make sure current location document doesn't have any mail file/server info there.
Check local address book, names.nsf, Connections and Accounts to see if the user added any POP or SMTP accounts during installation. Delete any that aren't part of your configuration.

It's possible the message is coming from the Exchange server since the email displayed is their Exchange address. Have the Exchange Admin check to make sure they aren't part of a reject group.
Note: this should have been a comment on the OP but I don't have enough karma here yet to add comments. So please be kind.


Email succesfully sent but not appear in Sent Items (Microsoft 365)

Hi Good day to everyone here.
My first questions, here we go but i'll try to explain it the best way I could.
I develop auto sending email features using javaxmail in my application for my customer.
Previously when using setting smtp.office365.com I able to send email and the copies of sent email are display in Sent Items folder.
Recently when there are hiccup with smtp office (time out frequently), the IT department at my customer change the setting to use local server instead for smtp (with ip address 172.162.etc.etc). However since the start using this new setting, the email no longer appear in Sent Items but the email still able to sent out ( I test sending email to myself and able to received it ).
Since Im not really familiar and have very limited knowledge on server side for mail server, is there anything I can suggest to the IT department to check for? I only can login the email account on web (https://outlook.office.com/mail/) but when using outlook it required authentication. With web mail i already go thru all settings available and didn't see anything related.
Thanks in advance. Sorry if the question confusing and misleading.
Well, of course - your local SMTP server knows absolutely nothing about your remote Exchange mailbox. It cannot possibly place anything in your Sent Items folder.
You need to send using your Exchange Server - its SMTP server does place sent messages in the Sent Items folder owned by the authenticated user. Keep in mind that MS has recently disabled basic auth in M365. You need to re-enable it for your tenant and the particular mailbox used to send messages.

Plesk Mailserver - Multiply accounts for one email

Good evening to all,
I currently use Plesk Obsidian 18 | Hoster edition (deb 9) and with it also the intigrated mail server.
Well, it's all very good that I can now create emails, so also send and receive.
But for some personal applications I would like to have multiple accounts for only one email address.
e.g. I have the email address "no-reply#example.com".
Then I don't want to be authenticated with
"no-reply#example.com:my password"
but e.g. with
"service1.no-reply#exampe.com:my password"
"service2.no-reply#exampe.com:my password"
"service3.no-reply#exampe.com:my password"
log in.
But still be able to send and receive e-mails via the e-mail address "no-reply#example.com". (Whereby the receiving is irrelevant here for now. At least for me).
I have already looked around in Plesk doc, but found nothing where I could have created multiple accounts.
It would also be very nice if this is ultimately doable via the panel and not have to set in any config files. But even that works in a pinch.
I have full access to the server and can therefore also adjust Plesk configdatein.
I hope I have explained this well.

Make new gmail email not be grabbed by pop3

This seems like a fairly obvious thing but I can't figure out how to do it and am hoping one of your geniuses can help me out!
We have a Gmail email account and then a ticket system that checks that account and sends an auto-reply to the sender saying that the email was received. This is checked via POP3 but can also be done via IMAP if necessary.
What I want is this: For certain messages, I'd like to file them immediately in Gmail and have them go to a special folder and have them NOT be checked by the ticket system. That's all.
I tried creating a filter in Gmail to move them, skip the inbox, mark as read, all of that. They still get picked up by the ticket system.
I thought POP3 only checked the INBOX on any server, so I expected that if I skipped the inbox then it would not be accessible. This doesn't seem to be the case.
Please let me know if there are any tricks I can do.
Thank you so much!
The problem that you are running into is that when connecting to GMail via POP3, you are actually accessing the "All Mails" folder and not the Inbox, so filtering the messages does not remove them from the list presented to your client via POP3.
Switching to IMAP should solve this problem, however, since you'd be able to open whatever folder you wanted.

Website is not sending emails to email add on MS Exhange

Having problems with setting up my website to use MS Exchange to send emails. I dont want to use the hosts email system.
The MS Exhange has been set up, with email addresses created.
My webpages are using Persits.MailSender which the host supports.
Do i need to change MX records? A records?
Sorry, im not clued up with network side of things, any help would be appreciated
When i email direct, the email address on the exchange picks up the emails. BUT if i email through the website, it goes to the annoying webmail the host is provinding, and not to the exchange
I find this strange, the same email address receiving emails at different places!
Im using ASP, and I have a website set up, which has been sending emails for the last 12 months, the host has messed up (again) somewhere, but doesnt know what is wrong (as usual)
There are no errors, the email always gets sent.... but to the wrong place.
I would look into actually trapping and knowing your errors. That way you can see precisely why it fails and have something to work with. As it stands, your question isn't really answerable. No language nor framework is provided. We don't know if the mail server is confirmed to be working or accessible outside your netowrk; we don't know how your are referencing it or if you are passing user credentials; we don't know what error you're getting...
At this point, you're not debugging, you're just sort of swinging in the dark. Find the point of failure and then research that data point to get a solution. Debug, catch errors, log, step through your code. All good ideas.
Ok i figured it out, I deleted the mail domain on the host as that was the first place the website looks to send an email. Once the mail domain was deleted the emails were sent to the external hosted mailserver MS Exchange email address. Yay!

Wordpress: Contact Form 7 accepts one email address but not another

I've been using Contact Form 7 in Wordpress without too many problems. In a current installation, I can send mail to webmaster#domain.com but get an error when trying to send mail to user1#domain.com. I've checked this Stack Overflow ticket:
Wordpress - Contact Form 7 Not Sending to Certain Email
But enabling the SMTP mail plugin doesn't modify the behavior of the bug, and the mail server is not external (like the ticket in question). Any idea what the issue might be? Thanks!
EDIT: user#domain.com is a valid email address and also succeeds when running it against open source online email checkers.
Kind of a hack, but I had this happen to me when I tried to have the emails sent outside of the domain to a gmail account. I ended up adding CC: youremail#gmail.com to the Additional Headers and it worked well afterwards.