Plesk Mailserver - Multiply accounts for one email - email

Good evening to all,
I currently use Plesk Obsidian 18 | Hoster edition (deb 9) and with it also the intigrated mail server.
Well, it's all very good that I can now create emails, so also send and receive.
But for some personal applications I would like to have multiple accounts for only one email address.
e.g. I have the email address "".
Then I don't want to be authenticated with
" password"
but e.g. with
" password"
" password"
" password"
log in.
But still be able to send and receive e-mails via the e-mail address "". (Whereby the receiving is irrelevant here for now. At least for me).
I have already looked around in Plesk doc, but found nothing where I could have created multiple accounts.
It would also be very nice if this is ultimately doable via the panel and not have to set in any config files. But even that works in a pinch.
I have full access to the server and can therefore also adjust Plesk configdatein.
I hope I have explained this well.


Email succesfully sent but not appear in Sent Items (Microsoft 365)

Hi Good day to everyone here.
My first questions, here we go but i'll try to explain it the best way I could.
I develop auto sending email features using javaxmail in my application for my customer.
Previously when using setting I able to send email and the copies of sent email are display in Sent Items folder.
Recently when there are hiccup with smtp office (time out frequently), the IT department at my customer change the setting to use local server instead for smtp (with ip address 172.162.etc.etc). However since the start using this new setting, the email no longer appear in Sent Items but the email still able to sent out ( I test sending email to myself and able to received it ).
Since Im not really familiar and have very limited knowledge on server side for mail server, is there anything I can suggest to the IT department to check for? I only can login the email account on web ( but when using outlook it required authentication. With web mail i already go thru all settings available and didn't see anything related.
Thanks in advance. Sorry if the question confusing and misleading.
Well, of course - your local SMTP server knows absolutely nothing about your remote Exchange mailbox. It cannot possibly place anything in your Sent Items folder.
You need to send using your Exchange Server - its SMTP server does place sent messages in the Sent Items folder owned by the authenticated user. Keep in mind that MS has recently disabled basic auth in M365. You need to re-enable it for your tenant and the particular mailbox used to send messages.

Send email from server without SMTP enabled

I have written a couple of web sites that contain a "contact us" form.
However, our host recently switched SMTP off. Their excuse is "security issues".
The solution they offer is that they implemented rules whereby all mail generated from the platforms must be sent using the sendmail/phpmail functions and pass through a mail relay which checks the mails and their content and ensures malicious content and activity is completely blocked and they recommend I use "A virtual or dedicated solution".
I have no idea what it is they want me to do to get emailing working again and this is quite urgent as many clients are not getting their emails.
Is there an easy way to go around this in order to get emailing working again?
Many thanks in advance
It generally means that you will have to specify the new mail server they are providing instead of localhost in your code. Further, earlier, you were able to send the mail without authenticating but now on, you must have an account and you must authenticate before you send the mail. (I am not sure though, may be they allow relay to their own servers and you might not need authentication).
Go to the control panel of your hosting account and check for the mail panel. Check out the new smtp server name there and code your site to use this smtp server with credentials. This will let you send mail again.

Can I use my web server as mail server?

I have a dedicated Linux web server where my website is running like
Now I want to start another service for my users and want to give mailing features like Gmail and Yahoo mail.
I want to give facility to my users to create email IDs as they create on Gmail or Yahoo Mail and use it as their email address like or
Is this possible for me to use my dedicated web server as mail server too,
or I need to hire a new specific mail server for this purpose.
Also, if I can use my server as mail server and can give IMAP and POP like features then what are the PROs and CONs in that?
My hosting company says that I have facility to create unlimited email addresses
and I have created a few for mt like and
and I am getting emails on these IDs.
Is that mean, my hosting already have setup a mail server for me (the same I mentioned in my question and want to setup)
Or this is just for me to use and manage my website and I can not share these email addresses with my users by giving an email service.
Yes you can run simultaneously a web and mail server. Follow part 3 of this guide: to set up email. Just make sure that your router is fully capable (supports NAT etc.) - it should be able anyway
However it does appear from your question that your hosting company has set up its own mail server. Which does mean unlimited emails, however the only issue could be the amount of space they are willing to host for you (As in you can only have 2 GB of space on their mail server). Hope this helps.

Sending locally sent email (with sendmail) to Google Apps Mail Server

I have a domain, call it
A while ago I started using Google App's email server. I set up MX and the rest of the stuff records as Google wanted, and all is working well since.
On I have a website, DNS and still running mail server (which basically doesn't do much).
Among other things, on, I have some contact form - basic php page that takes user's input and sends it to predefined email address at It sends it with php's sendmail function.
My issue is - all those email that get sent from localhost to * (by php's function, or possible by some cron jobs reporting some issues) DO NOT go to Google's email servers but instead get picked up by localhost and it's mail server.
So far, I was resolving this issue by setting up a new mail account at Google account, which was basically calling my local mail server by it's IP address, logging into old, abandoned email account and pulling those misplaced emails to the new, account at Google App.
Obviously I'm missing some entry either in local DNS, host file or something..
Does anyone know how do I fix it?
Hey, the same question was asked here:
and the answer to it works for me, don't forget to include the dot after the domain!
If it doesn't work to the test call and see how the mail traces.
best of luck, svullo

Development SMTP Server

I need a cross platform (at least windows and mac) development utility that runs as an SMTP server that acts as an SMTP server but will redirect all mail to a single address that's configurable. It would also be helpful if it wrote the contents out to a file or gui. Long ago I configured Apache James to do this but it wasn't that straight forward to figure out. Hoping there's something really simple out there.
I need the emails to be forwarded (to the single address) so I can see how they are rendered on different clients (gmail, outlook, etc.)
Thanks! -Mike
We used Mailtrap for this. It give you remote smtp server account and direct access to all mails in it. So you just enter given smtp credential in your application and after that all email sent by your system will be visible on mailtrap.
On mailtrap you can have as many smtp account as you want( different account for different application environments, or different application) Also you can manage access to your account ( so only trusted people will se your emails) and you can forward some emails to real email addresses.
It doesn't do the forwarding you are looking for, but for most of my testing I make use of fakemail ( it's simply a script that listens on a port an acts as an smtp server, writing any incoming mail to a directory.
You could use Python's smtpd library and override the process_message function to only send to the desired address -- i.e. replace the "to" field with your desired constant email address.
Here's a page with some examples of using smtpd (with asyncore) to actually send out mail.