Get TFS work item and its links using REST API - rest

I'm using TFS REST API and am trying to retrieve work items & their child items by title (parent's title is the parameter). I can't find a way to retrieve these linked items using TFS REST API.
This is what I've tried. First I query for the work items by title:
URI = http://[tfspath]/_apis/wit/wiql?api-version=1.0
query = SELECT * FROM WorkItem WHERE [System.Title] = 'some title'
The above returns me an object WorkItems which has only the ID/URL of the matching work item. Then, I use the returned ID on the query below (lets say the id is 1234):
URI = http://[tfspath]/_apis/wit/workitems/1234?fields=System.Title&api-version=1.0
This returns the title of the item & other fields I might include on the fields list. However, I cannot find a way to include the child items in the returns. I've tried including System.RelatedLinks but this does not change the returned fields. Example:
URI = http://[tfspath]/_apis/wit/workitems/1234?fields=System.Title,System.RelatedLinkCount,System.RelatedLinks&api-version=1.0
"fields":{"System.RelatedLinkCount":4,"System.Title":"some title"}
Which means there are 4 related links to the work item "some title", but they are not being returned.
What am I missing here? How do I get these related links/child items?

Append &$expand=relations to the querystring to fetch the links collection of a workitem:
$expand enum { all, relations, none } none
Gets work item relationships (work item links, hyperlinks, file attachements, etc.).
To get a work item with all details as well as the links with details, you'll need to use the APIs that are intended for reporting purposes. Due to the possible shear size of the returned document, it will be chunked and you will be given a watermark. You may need to do multiple requests.


How to get only specific value in REST API JSON response?

I'm using REST API to get data from my Learndash courses. I need a list of ID, title, and feature images. I used .. to get the lists of IDs and titles. But when I use _embed I also get IDs from wp:featuredmedia. So I want just source_link from wp:featuredmedia
I tried _fields parameter and also _embedded. Nothing is working
My question is, How to get only the id, title, and featuredmedia link from REST API call?

Using Azure DevOps API to get Work Item Types Field values for a field that has dynamic data based on the value of another field

I'm using the API query
with great success to get all of the allowed values for my fields. The issue is that the options to one of my dropdown menus is populated based on the selected value of another dropdown menu. Is it possible to pass a value to this GET query and then retrieve all of the allowedValues for this dynamically populated menu?
I'm afraid that this is currently impossible to pass a value to this GET query and then retrieve all of the allowedValues for this dynamically populated menu.
Work Item Types Field-Get rest api should only get the allowedValues of a specified field, cannot implement the logic of returning the allowedValues of this field based on the value of another field.
In addition, according to URI Parameters, you also cannot add the value of another field as optional parameters to the url for conditional filtering .
You could add your request for this feature on our UserVoice site , which is our main forum for product suggestions.After suggest raised, you can vote and add your comments for this feedback. The product team would provide the updates if they view it.

RESTful API desgin: retrieve number of items in category

I want to create a REST API with items in categories and list all categories alongside its number of items.
Category {id, name}
Item {id, name, categoryId}
GET /categories/list
GET /categories/<id>
PUT /categories/<id>
GET /items/list[?category=<categoryId>]
GET /items/<id>
To update a category I take what I get from GET /categories/<id>, modify the JSON object and PUT it back.
So far so good.
My question is if there are one ore more best practices to retrieve the item count?
I can think of a few ways to do this:
Fire a GET /items/list?category=<categoryId> for each category, counting the resulting items.
Taking the count from a X-total-count or content range header or a total_count field returned from the endpoint will avoid having to actually load all items.
Add an item_count field to the resulting category JSON objects.
How should this read only field be handled for PUTs? Make the backend ignore it? Manually unset it?
Create a dedicated endpoint /categories/item_counts that returns a list of categories with each number of items.
I like option number 2 (e.g. the wordpress API does it this way) because it does not need extra requests. But I really dislike the idea of having a different object structure for the GET and PUT requests.
REST is really about representation of objects. Category doesn't have a count as it's a single object. Item doesn't have a count either for the same reason. Count is more like RPC where you tell the service to compute something.
GET /items/list[?category=<categoryId>]
is like RPC, passing the category parameter to the list method. Staying in that idiom, you could "chain" the methods to get the total count of items in the specified category:
GET /items/list/count[?category=<categoryId>]
although I'd use path parameters instead:
GET /items/list/<category_id>/count
but list is implied so you could remove it:
GET /items/<category_id>/count
It's straying a bit from "pure" REST but it keeps your actual REST objects clean, as you say, keeping total_count our of your Category objects.
I'm assuming you sometimes need the count but not all the Items otherwise you wouldn't need to ask the API for the count, you'd just count them yourself in the client. That suggests another option:
GET /categories/<id>/count
"total_count": 10
which fits better with the use case of finding out how many Items are in a Category.

Using Smartsheet API 2.0 how to get ONLY the 'modifiedAt' property of a specific sheet

I need to get the last modified timestamp property of a sheet using Smartsheet API 2.0 (preferably Python SDK).
Using Sheets.list_sheets I am able to get the 'modifiedAt' property (along with other properties) for all the sheets that I have access to.
Using Sheets.get_sheet(sheet_id) I get all the data (rows, columns) for the specified sheet.
How do I get only the 'modifiedAt' (it's OK if some other small properties are also present) for a specific sheet with a known sheet ID. I don't want the row, column, cell information to be present in the API response.
I wrote to Smartsheet support team and their answer served my purpose.
Thanks for contacting Smartsheet Support. In order to narrow down the
response that you're getting, you can use the exclude parameter: In my
testing, I excluded all rows and columns where columnIds=0 and
rowIds=0. That left me with only the Sheet information, which includes
the modifiedAt for the sheet. You may be able to limit it further, but
the result I got from this was pretty short and sweet.
(Python SDK example)
response = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(MY_SHEET_ID, column_ids='0', row_ids = '0')
Using the above parameters, I was able to exclude all the sheet data and got only the metadata (which included modifiedAt property).
Basically my intention was to run a sync script periodically and store the Smartsheet data into my local db. I wanted the API response to skip the actual Sheet data (rows, columns, cells) if nothing would have changed since the last execution. Another nifty way of achieving this to use the ifVersionAfter parameter.
ifVersionAfter (optional): If version specified is still the current
sheet version, then returns an abbreviated Sheet object with only the
sheet version property. Otherwise, if the sheet has been modified,
returns the complete Sheet object. Intended to allow clients with a
cached copy to make sure they have the latest version.
last_version_fetched = 7724
response = ss_client.Sheets.get_sheet(MY_SHEET_ID, if_version_after=last_version_fetched)
The Get Sheet call will always return the content (row, column, data) from a specific sheet. While there is an 'exclude' query parameter that can filter out some properties, it does not work on the primary sheet data returned from the /sheets/{sheetId} endpoint.
The Sheets.list_sheets call seems like the easier route if you only need the modifiedAt property. I would use that one then iterate over the results until you find the matching id.

Rest API: How should the filter params send to API in case query based on nested resource

I have two entities Properties and Bookings.
I need to know the URL structure in case I'm filtering the properties base on query on bookings.
In my case I need to get the properties which are free (not occupied) at specific date.
Can it be
it seems for me that the last one is the more appropriate but the filter is on the bookings not on the properties which is not obvious.
The Facebook Graph API has a interesting way of doing nested queries by using a strategy of fields filter.
The fields filter it´s a way of filter specific fields or nested fields of a rouserce. They also create a standard way to inform functions for every selected field like: limit or equal.
Your request would be something like this:
GET /api/properties?fields=bookings{bookingDate.notEqual('1-1-2017')}
For more information about Facebook´s GraphAPI: