mongodb query to verify embedded array sequence numbers - mongodb

given a document structure as shown, where the trades array can have thousands of items... how on earth could one do a query that would verify that the sequence always has 'startTradeId' one number higher than the previous items 'endTradeId', all the way through the array? is this even possible?
"name": "STOCK",
"trades": [{
"endTradeId": 41306,
"startTradeId": 41302,
"endTradeId": 41301,
"startTradeId": 41297,
"endTradeId": 41296,
"startTradeId": 41240,

You can use $where operator like below :
db.your_collection.find( { $where : function(){ return "this.trades.startTradeId > this.trades.endTradeId" }});


MongoDB :: Order Search result depend on search condition

I have a data
[{ "name":"BS",
{ "name":"AGS",
{ "name":"QQQ",
{ "name":"BS",
and i need to search records which have name= "BS" OR keyword="key2" with the help of query
db.collection.find({"$OR" : [{"name":"BS"}, {"keyword":"Key2"}]});
These records i need in the sequence
[{ "name":"BS",
{ "name":"BS",
{ "name":"AGS",
but i am getting in following sequences:
[{ "name":"BS",
{ "name":"AGS",
{ "name":"BS",
Please provide some suggestion i am stuck with this problem since 2 days.
The order of results returned by MongoDB is not guaranteed unless you explicitly sort your data using the sort function. For smaller datasets you maybe "lucky" in the sense that the results are always returned in the same order, however, for bigger datasets and in particular when you have sharded Mongo clusters this is very unlikely. As proposed by Yathish you need to explicitly order your results using the sort function. Based on the suggested output, it seems you want to sort by name in descending order so I have set the sorting flag to -1 for the field name.
db.collection.find({"$or" : [{"name":"BS"}, {"keyword":"Key2"}]}).sort({"name" : -1});
If you need a more complex sorting algorithm as specified in your comment, you can convert your results to a Javascript array and create a custom sort function. This sort function will first list documents with a name equal to "BS" and then documents containing the keyword "Key2"{
"$or": [{
"name": "BS"
}, {
"keyword": "Key2"
}).toArray().sort(function(doc1, doc2) {
if ( == "BS" && doc2.keyword == "Key2") {
return -1
} else if ( == "BS" && doc1.keyword == "Key2") {
return 1
} else {
return <

Rename a sub-document field within an Array

Considering the document below how can I rename 'techId1' to 'techId'. I've tried different ways and can't get it to work.
"_id" : ObjectId("55840f49e0b"),
"__v" : 0,
"accessCard" : "123456789",
"checkouts" : [
"user" : ObjectId("5571e7619f"),
"_id" : ObjectId("55840f49e0bf"),
"date" : ISODate("2015-06-19T12:45:52.339Z"),
"techId1" : ObjectId("553d9cbcaf")
"user" : ObjectId("5571e7619f15"),
"_id" : ObjectId("55880e8ee0bf"),
"date" : ISODate("2015-06-22T13:01:51.672Z"),
"techId1" : ObjectId("55b7db39989")
"created" : ISODate("2015-06-19T12:47:05.422Z"),
"date" : ISODate("2015-06-19T12:45:52.339Z"),
"location" : ObjectId("55743c8ddbda"),
"model" : "model1",
"order" : ObjectId("55840f49e0bf"),
"rid" : "987654321",
"serialNumber" : "AHSJSHSKSK",
"user" : ObjectId("5571e7619f1"),
"techId" : ObjectId("55b7db399")
In mongo console I tried which gives me ok but nothing is actually updated.
collection.update({"checkouts._id":ObjectId("55840f49e0b")},{ $rename: { "techId1": "techId" } });
I also tried this which gives me an error. "cannot use the part (checkouts of checkouts.techId1) to traverse the element"
collection.update({"checkouts._id":ObjectId("55856609e0b")},{ $rename: { "checkouts.techId1": "checkouts.techId" } })
In mongoose I have tried the following.
collection.findByIdAndUpdate(id, { $rename: { "checkouts.techId1": "checkouts.techId" } }, function (err, data) {});
collection.update({'checkouts._id': n1._id}, { $rename: { "checkouts.$.techId1": "checkouts.$.techId" } }, function (err, data) {});
Thanks in advance.
You were close at the end, but there are a few things missing. You cannot $rename when using the positional operator, instead you need to $set the new name and $unset the old one. But there is another restriction here as they will both belong to "checkouts" as a parent path in that you cannot do both at the same time.
The other core line in your question is "traverse the element" and that is the one thing you cannot do in updating "all" of the array elements at once. Well, not safely and without possibly overwriting new data coming in anyway.
What you need to do is "iterate" each document and similarly iterate each array member in order to "safely" update. You cannot really iterate just the document and "save" the whole array back with alterations. Certainly not in the case where anything else is actively using the data.
I personally would run this sort of operation in the MongoDB shell if you can, as it is a "one off" ( hopefully ) thing and this saves the overhead of writing other API code. Also we're using the Bulk Operations API here to make this as efficient as possible. With mongoose it takes a bit more digging to implement, but still can be done. But here is the shell listing:
var bulk = db.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp(),
count = 0;
db.collection.find({ "checkouts.techId1": { "$exists": true } }).forEach(function(doc) {
doc.checkouts.forEach(function(checkout) {
if ( checkout.hasOwnProperty("techId1") ) {
bulk.find({ "_id": doc._id, "checkouts._id": checkout._id }).updateOne({
"$set": { "checkouts.$.techId": checkout.techId1 }
bulk.find({ "_id": doc._id, "checkouts._id": checkout._id }).updateOne({
"$unset": { "checkouts.$.techId1": 1 }
count += 2;
if ( count % 500 == 0 ) {
bulk = db.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
if ( count % 500 !== 0 )
Since the $set and $unset operations are happening in pairs, we are keeping the total batch size to 1000 operations per execution just to keep memory usage on the client down.
The loop simply looks for documents where the field to be renamed "exists" and then iterates each array element of each document and commits the two changes. As Bulk Operations, these are not sent to the server until the .execute() is called, where also a single response is returned for each call. This saves a lot of traffic.
If you insist on coding with mongoose. Be aware that a .collection acessor is required to get to the Bulk API methods from the core driver, like this:
var bulk = Model.collection.inititializeOrderedBulkOp();
And the only thing that sends to the server is the .execute() method, so this is your only execution callback:
bulk.exectute(function(err,response) {
// code body and async iterator callback here
And use async flow control instead of .forEach() such as async.each.
Also, if you do that, then be aware that as a raw driver method not governed by mongoose, you do not get the same database connection awareness as you do with mongoose methods. Unless you know for sure the database connection is already established, it is safter to put this code within an event callback for the server connection:
mongoose.connection.on("connect",function(err) {
// body of code
But otherwise those are the only real ( apart from call syntax ) alterations you really need.
This worked for me, I created this query to perform this procedure and I share it, (although I know it is not the most optimized way):
First, make an aggregate that (1) $match the documents that have the checkouts array field with techId1 as one of the keys of each sub-document. (2) $unwind the checkouts field (that deconstructs the array field from the input documents to output a document for each element), (3) adds the techId field (with $addFields), (4) $unset the old techId1 field, (5) $group the documents by _id to have again the checkout sub-documents grouped by its _id, and (6) write the result of these aggregation in a temporal collection (with $out).
const collection = 'yourCollection'
$match: {
'checkouts.techId1': { '$exists': true }
$unwind: {
path: '$checkouts'
$addFields: {
'checkouts.techId': '$checkouts.techId1'
$project: {
'checkouts.techId1': 0
$group: {
'_id': '$_id',
'checkouts': { $push: { 'techId': '$checkouts.techId' } }
$out: 'temporal'
Then, you can make another aggregate from this temporal collection to $merge the documents with the modified checkouts field to your original collection.
$merge: {
into: collection,
on: "_id",
whenNotMatched: "insert"

How can I create an index in on an array field in MongoDB?

I have a MongoDB collection with data in the format of:
"jockey":"MyFirstName MyLastName",
"jockey":"YourFirstName YourLastName",
Executing the following query returns exactly what I need:
db.race_results.find({ "$and": [ { "horses":
{ "$elemMatch": { "$and": [
{ "": "MyFirstName MyLastName" },
{ "opponent.jockey": "MyHorseName"}
] } }
However, this query takes 0.5 seconds to execute with my collection (there are a lot of records).
I am trying to find out how to create an index on the field of the data. I have read the docs about multikey indexes (here), but I'm not sure if this is exactly what I need or not. What I need (I think) is an index on the array element of horses, but only the name and jockey fields. Is this possible?
Is there a way to create an index to make my specific query (the one above) any faster?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I am fairly new to MongoDB, but learning fast!
The index to create is:
db.race_results.ensureIndex({"":1, "horses.opponent.jockey":1})
After creating this index, the query in your case should return number of scanned objects that is equal to the number of matched objects:
db.race_results.find( { horses: { $elemMatch: { "": "MyHorseName", "opponent.jockey": "MyFirstName MyLastName" } } }

How to count document elements inside a mongo collection with php?

I have the following structure of a mongo document:
"_id": ObjectId("4fba2558a0787e53320027eb"),
"replies": {
"0": {
"email": ObjectId("4fb89a181b3129fe2d000000"),
"sentDate": "2012-05-21T11: 22: 01.418Z"
"1": {
"email": ObjectId("4fb89a181b3129fe2d000000"),
"sentDate": "2012-05-21T11: 22: 01.418Z"
"2" ....
How do I count all the replies from all the documents in the collection?
Thank you!
In the following answer, I'm working with a simple data set with five replies across the collection:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4fba6b0c7c32e336fc6fd7d2"), "replies" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4fba6b157c32e336fc6fd7d3"), "replies" : [ 1, 2 ] }
Since we're not simply counting documents, db.collection.count() won't help us here. We'll need to resort to MapReduce to scan each document and aggregate the reply array lengths. Consider the following:
function() { emit('totalReplies', { count: this.replies.length }); },
function(key, values) {
var result = { count: 0 };
values.forEach(function(value) {
result.count += value.count;
return result;
{ out: { inline: 1 }}
The map function (first argument) runs across the entire collection and emits the number of replies in each document under a constant key. Mongo will then consider all emitted values and run the reduce function (second argument) a number of times to consolidate (literally reduce) the result. Hopefully the code here is straightforward. If you're new to map/reduce, one caveat is that the reduce method must be capable of processing its own output. This is explained in detail in the MapReduce docs linked above.
Note: if your collection is quite large, you may have to use another output mode (e.g. collection output); however, inline works well for small data sets.
Lastly, if you're using MongoDB 2.1+, we can take advantage of the Aggregation Framework to avoid writing JS functions and make this even easier:
{ $project: { replies: 1 }},
{ $unwind: "$replies" },
{ $group: {
_id: "result",
totalReplies: { $sum: 1 }
Three things are happening here. First, we tell Mongo that we're interested in the replies field. Secondly, we want to unwind the array so that we can iterate over all elements across the fields in our projection. Lastly, we'll tally up results under a "result" bucket (any constant will do), adding 1 to the totalReplies result for each iteration. Executing this query will yield the following result:
"result" : [{
"_id" : "result",
"totalReplies" : 5
"ok" : 1
Although I wrote the above answers with respect to the Mongo client, you should have no trouble translating them to PHP. You'll need to use MongoDB::command() to run either MapReduce or aggregation queries, as the PHP driver currently has no helper methods for either. There's currently a MapReduce example in the PHP docs, and you can reference this Google group post for executing an aggregation query through the same method.
I haven't checked your code, might work as well. I've did the following and it just works:
$replies = $db->command(
"distinct" => "foo",
"key" => "replies"
$all = count($replies['values']);
I've did it again using the group command of the PHP Mongo Driver. It's similar to a MapReduce command.
$keys = array("replies.type" => 1); //keys for group by
$initial = array("count" => 0); //initial value of the counter
$reduce = "function (obj, prev) { prev.count += obj.replies.length; }";
$condition = array('replies' => array('$exists' => true), 'replies.type' => 'follow');
$g = $db->foo->group($keys, $initial, $reduce, $condition);
echo $g['count'];
Thanks jmikola for giving links to Mongo.
JSON should be
"_id": ObjectId("4fba2558a0787e53320027eb"),
0: {
"email": ObjectId("4fb89a181b3129fe2d000000"),
"sentDate": "2012-05-21T11: 22: 01.418Z"
1: {
"email": ObjectId("4fb89a181b3129fe2d000000"),
"sentDate": "2012-05-21T11: 22: 01.418Z"
2: {....}

In mongoDb, how do you remove an array element by its index?

In the following example, assume the document is in the db.people collection.
How to remove the 3rd element of the interests array by it's index?
"_id" : ObjectId("4d1cb5de451600000000497a"),
"name" : "dannie",
"interests" : [
This is my current solution:
var interests = db.people.findOne({"name":"dannie"}).interests;
db.people.update({"name":"dannie"}, {"$set" : {"interests" : interests}});
Is there a more direct way?
There is no straight way of pulling/removing by array index. In fact, this is an open issue , you may vote for it.
The workaround is using $unset and then $pull:
db.lists.update({}, {$unset : {"interests.3" : 1 }})
db.lists.update({}, {$pull : {"interests" : null}})
Update: as mentioned in some of the comments this approach is not atomic and can cause some race conditions if other clients read and/or write between the two operations. If we need the operation to be atomic, we could:
Read the document from the database
Update the document and remove the item in the array
Replace the document in the database. To ensure the document has not changed since we read it, we can use the update if current pattern described in the mongo docs
You can use $pull modifier of update operation for removing a particular element in an array. In case you provided a query will look like this:
db.people.update({"name":"dannie"}, {'$pull': {"interests": "guitar"}})
Also, you may consider using $pullAll for removing all occurrences. More about this on the official documentation page -
This doesn't use index as a criteria for removing an element, but still might help in cases similar to yours. IMO, using indexes for addressing elements inside an array is not very reliable since mongodb isn't consistent on an elements order as fas as I know.
in Mongodb 4.2 you can do this:
db.example.update({}, [
{$set: {field: {
$concatArrays: [
{$slice: ["$field", P]},
{$slice: ["$field", {$add: [1, P]}, {$size: "$field"}]}
P is the index of element you want to remove from array.
If you want to remove from P till end:
db.example.update({}, [
{ $set: { field: { $slice: ["$field", 1] } } },
Starting in Mongo 4.4, the $function aggregation operator allows applying a custom javascript function to implement behaviour not supported by the MongoDB Query Language.
For instance, in order to update an array by removing an element at a given index:
// { "name": "dannie", "interests": ["guitar", "programming", "gadgets", "reading"] }
{ "name": "dannie" },
[{ $set:
{ "interests":
{ $function: {
body: function(interests) { interests.splice(2, 1); return interests; },
args: ["$interests"],
lang: "js"
// { "name": "dannie", "interests": ["guitar", "programming", "reading"] }
$function takes 3 parameters:
body, which is the function to apply, whose parameter is the array to modify. The function here simply consists in using splice to remove 1 element at index 2.
args, which contains the fields from the record that the body function takes as parameter. In our case "$interests".
lang, which is the language in which the body function is written. Only js is currently available.
Rather than using the unset (as in the accepted answer), I solve this by setting the field to a unique value (i.e. not NULL) and then immediately pulling that value. A little safer from an asynch perspective. Here is the code:
var update = {};
var key = "ToBePulled_"+ new Date().toString();
update['feedback.'+index] = key;
Venues.update(venueId, {$set: update});
return Venues.update(venueId, {$pull: {feedback: key}});
Hopefully mongo will address this, perhaps by extending the $position modifier to support $pull as well as $push.
I would recommend using a GUID (I tend to use ObjectID) field, or an auto-incrementing field for each sub-document in the array.
With this GUID it is easy to issue a $pull and be sure that the correct one will be pulled. Same goes for other array operations.
For people who are searching an answer using mongoose with nodejs. This is how I do it.
exports.deletePregunta = function (req, res) {
let codTest = req.params.tCodigo;
let indexPregunta = req.body.pregunta; // the index that come from frontend
let inPregunta = `tPreguntas.0.pregunta.${indexPregunta}`; // my field in my db
let inOpciones = `tPreguntas.0.opciones.${indexPregunta}`; // my other field in my db
let inTipo = `tPreguntas.0.tipo.${indexPregunta}`; // my other field in my db
Test.findOneAndUpdate({ tCodigo: codTest },
'$unset': {
[inPregunta]: 1, // put the field with []
[inOpciones]: 1,
[inTipo]: 1
Test.findOneAndUpdate({ tCodigo: codTest }, {
'$pull': {
'tPreguntas.0.pregunta': null,
'tPreguntas.0.opciones': null,
'tPreguntas.0.tipo': null
}).then(testModificado => {
if (!testModificado) {
res.status(404).send({ accion: 'deletePregunta', message: 'No se ha podido borrar esa pregunta ' });
} else {
res.status(200).send({ accion: 'deletePregunta', message: 'Pregunta borrada correctamente' });
})}).catch(err => { res.status(500).send({ accion: 'deletePregunta', message: 'error en la base de datos ' + err }); });
I can rewrite this answer if it dont understand very well, but I think is okay.
Hope this help you, I lost a lot of time facing this issue.
It is little bit late but some may find it useful who are using robo3t-
{ $pull:
interests: "guitar" // you can change value to
{ multi: true }
If you have values something like -
property: [
"key" : "key1",
"value" : "value 1"
"key" : "key2",
"value" : "value 2"
"key" : "key3",
"value" : "value 3"
and you want to delete a record where the key is key3 then you can use something -
{ $pull:
property: { key: "key3"} // you can change value to
{ multi: true }
The same goes for the nested property.
this can be done using $pop operator,
db.getCollection('collection_name').updateOne( {}, {$pop: {"path_to_array_object":1}})