How to get Committed Date in vsts online? - azure-devops

I'm using the Scrum Template and one of the Status is Committed, but there is no field for Committed Date. I have: Created, Closed, Accepted Date..
How can I get it?

There is no field for you to get a work item status changed date. But There has other two ways for you to get the date.
Option 1: by REST API
You can use get a list of work items revision to get a work item revisions by
Then use System.State, System.CreatedDate and System.ChangedDate parameters in output to calculate the lead time between two status.
Option 2: manually calculate by view a work item history
You can view a WIT change history by this way:
Open a work item, and click History.
Then you can view the work item status changed date apparently. And calculate lead time manually.


Azure Devops Dashboards - How to chart the trend of query results over time based on work item history?

I want to be able to generate a stacked bar chart based on the results of a query, for example the number of open bugs and open features. I would like to see the resulting number of open bugs vs features from that query over a time period, for example the last 30 days. Specifically the number of bugs vs features that were open on that particular day, regardless of their current status. Is there a way to do this using an existing out of the box widget? I believe it should be possible to figure out this information using the history. Alternatively, is it possible to simply store the totals from the query somewhere in devops and then chart it? Or would I need to write a script to export the query results via the api and then use something like the power bi widget to chart it?
Sure, you can set up a chart of the query about the bugs and features opened in the last 30 days.
To meet this demand, you can do like as the steps below:
Set up a query with the following filter clauses. Save this query to the Shared Queries folder.
Work Item Type In Bug,Feature
State = [Any]
Created Date >= #StartOfDay('-30d')
On the Charts tab of the new query, create a new chart for the query like as below.
After saving the chart, add this chart to a specified dashboard in the project.
After above steps, navigate to the specified dashboard in the project, you can see the chart on the dashboard.
According to your latest reply, you want to get the Bug and Feature that were open state in the last 30 days. For these work items, we can think they satisfy one of the following conditions:
The work items were closed in the last 30 days, no matter what date they were created.
The work items are still open state currently. They do not have the closed date yet.
So, set up the query like as below should be able to match these work items.
Work Item Type In Bug,Feature
And State = [Any]
And Closed Date >= #StartOfDay('-30d')
Or Closed Date =
Group the last two clauses.
Then create the chart for the query.
Maybe the stacked chart would go some way to answering your problem.
That produces charts with date as the x axis which, I think, is what you're looking for.

Get full date range of linked field in tableau

Gif of problem
I am currently working on a dashboard in tableau, which shows the count of New-User-Signups and Interactions side-by-side given different date windows. The first New-User-Signup happened before the first Interaction, and the last Interaction happened after the last User Signup.
In order to choose a date window, I linked the date fields in both data sources, and made a date filter, which I applied to all worksheets using related data sources.
However, depending on which "date" field I choose, (from the User Signup table or the Interaction table), the "All Dates" option of the date filter only goes from start to end of that data source's date range.
No matter what I try, I exclude some entries in either one graph or the other. How can I make the "All Dates" filter go from the minimum first date between both data sources, to the maximum last date between the two data sources?
I run into this issue a lot with the data that I use. The problem is that the filter will only be able to contain dates that are in the dataset it is created off of, even if you link the data sources. When I run into this issue, I use parameters instead.
You can find instructions here:

VSTS History Queries

I'm looking for a way to query the VSTS history to return me all cards that have a Discussion entry within the last 2 days and have the word "public" in it. Anyone have something for me?
It's easy enough to find the word "public", but I can't figure out how to relate that to the date of that Discussion entry date.
If you mean the work item History Queries, we cannot exactly achieve your requirements as no such a specific date field associated to the field System.History. However we can narrow down the scope, just try below query with the clauses:
Please note that below query will get all work items within the last 2 days which have discussions with the word "public" in it. That means if some work items have discussions which meets the conditions were added 2 days ago and someone changed other fields of the work items within the last 2 days, then these work items will also be included in the query result.
After that, you can open the specific work item and navigate to History tab to see the related discussions.
For the history queries please see History & auditing and Query by date or current iteration for details.

Invalid Date error when entering record on Sharepoint list Datasheet view

I have a list on Sharepoint 2013. I've often use the Edit this list link to make bulk changes to the list in datasheet view with no problem. Last week I had a bunch of new records I needed to add so decided bulk copy and paste from Excel would be best. However, I get the error "Invalid date/time value. A date/time field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again." The field is Date/Time with Date only display. The format I copied in was mm/dd/yyyy, which is how it's displayed (I realize there's a difference between formatting and display). In the past I've used this format to update dates with no problem. I've tried manually changing the date to other formats like yyyy/mm/dd (or with dashes -), and using the date picker and nothing works. I can add a new item using the form and no problem with the date. It's only happening in datasheet view.
I have 70+ records to add and would rather not have to open a new form for each one (I'm only adding info to 7 of the fields, and I first only pasted a couple records to make sure there were no issues). Are there any recent known issues about date fields in datasheet view? It's a pretty straightforward thing, no calculations are being used, I'm not trying to connect to another service, or use outlying dates (dates are all 2017) so I'm perplexed why this is an issue now and not before. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Found the issue. I had another date field I was not using in that view that for some reason the default value had been set to Calculated field with a value of 1/1/1111. No idea how that got there but I removed that and set the default value to None and now the problem is gone. I found it by creating a new view with every date field in the list and systematically copying a date into each field (in bulk edit) and trying to save after each one until it saved. Then I checked the settings for the field that I was able to save with.

SSRS 2008 limiting scope based on expression

I have a fairly simple problem, but I don't think I understand SSRS and scopes well enough to figure this out.
What I have is a case (one entity) that can have multiple appointments (another entity). Appointments have a date and a status. I want to display the next soonest appointment date and its status. To display the date I'm using
=Min(IIf(Fields!appt_start.Value > Globals!ExecutionTime, Fields!appt_start.Value, Nothing))
The idea is that I first pick only those appointments that occur in the future, and then grab the soonest one. It seems to work great.
Now, I need to apply the same filtering logic, but display the appointment status rather than the date. From my understanding, this is where scopes would come in. I could limit my scope to just the appointment I want, and then show its status. But I don't understand how to do that.
One way to go about this particular problem would be to use a filter in combination with the First function. Add a filter to the table to only show dates greater than the current day. Use a table row with no grouping and use expressions like this:
Another option would be to add calculated fields to the dataset to only populate values such as status when the date is greater than the current day. This is useful if you need to show more information later on.
Edit: Yes, you would want to sort the data by date for the First function to work right. You can actually filter at 3 different levels in SSRS. Right-click on your dataset and go to Dataset Properties. Click on Filters. Click Add. Fill in the expression, operator, and value to meet your need. You can also do this in the group properties or the table properties.