VSTS History Queries - azure-devops

I'm looking for a way to query the VSTS history to return me all cards that have a Discussion entry within the last 2 days and have the word "public" in it. Anyone have something for me?
It's easy enough to find the word "public", but I can't figure out how to relate that to the date of that Discussion entry date.

If you mean the work item History Queries, we cannot exactly achieve your requirements as no such a specific date field associated to the field System.History. However we can narrow down the scope, just try below query with the clauses:
Please note that below query will get all work items within the last 2 days which have discussions with the word "public" in it. That means if some work items have discussions which meets the conditions were added 2 days ago and someone changed other fields of the work items within the last 2 days, then these work items will also be included in the query result.
After that, you can open the specific work item and navigate to History tab to see the related discussions.
For the history queries please see History & auditing and Query by date or current iteration for details.


Azure Devops Dashboards - How to chart the trend of query results over time based on work item history?

I want to be able to generate a stacked bar chart based on the results of a query, for example the number of open bugs and open features. I would like to see the resulting number of open bugs vs features from that query over a time period, for example the last 30 days. Specifically the number of bugs vs features that were open on that particular day, regardless of their current status. Is there a way to do this using an existing out of the box widget? I believe it should be possible to figure out this information using the history. Alternatively, is it possible to simply store the totals from the query somewhere in devops and then chart it? Or would I need to write a script to export the query results via the api and then use something like the power bi widget to chart it?
Sure, you can set up a chart of the query about the bugs and features opened in the last 30 days.
To meet this demand, you can do like as the steps below:
Set up a query with the following filter clauses. Save this query to the Shared Queries folder.
Work Item Type In Bug,Feature
State = [Any]
Created Date >= #StartOfDay('-30d')
On the Charts tab of the new query, create a new chart for the query like as below.
After saving the chart, add this chart to a specified dashboard in the project.
After above steps, navigate to the specified dashboard in the project, you can see the chart on the dashboard.
According to your latest reply, you want to get the Bug and Feature that were open state in the last 30 days. For these work items, we can think they satisfy one of the following conditions:
The work items were closed in the last 30 days, no matter what date they were created.
The work items are still open state currently. They do not have the closed date yet.
So, set up the query like as below should be able to match these work items.
Work Item Type In Bug,Feature
And State = [Any]
And Closed Date >= #StartOfDay('-30d')
Or Closed Date =
Group the last two clauses.
Then create the chart for the query.
Maybe the stacked chart would go some way to answering your problem.
That produces charts with date as the x axis which, I think, is what you're looking for.

How can I use Crystal Reports record selection to choose from a list AND included a specific field

I am trying to figure out how to write a formula in the record selector that would allow me to select records in a specified list....but ONLY if there is also a specific record.
In My example. I am pulling earnings codes for employees from specific payroll transactions. For each Transaction date...each employee will have up to 10 codes.
I have my record selection set as this to narrow down the codes I want to see:
{UPCHKD.EARNDED} in ["01", "02", "BNSQT", "BVMT", "CASHBO", "FLAT", "HOL", "HOLPAY", "WAPFML"]
The issue is that I only want to see the first 8 codes IF there is also the WAPFML code. I can't figure out how to tell the record Selector to pick records that have BOTH WAPFML and any of those other 8 codes.
{UPCHKD.EARNDED} in ["01", "02","BNSQT", "BVMT", "CASHBO", "FLAT", "HOL", "HOLPAY", "WAPFML"] and
{UPCHKH.TRANSDATE} in {?Beginning Check Date} to {?Ending Check Date}
I hoped to see only checks where the WAPFML code existed. But I'm obviously returning checks that may not have that code. Using Group selection doesn't work as then I don't see the lines for the other codes.
Assuming you are grouping on {Employee_ID}, Add a group selection formula of MAX({UPCHKD.EARNDED}, {Employee_ID} ) = "WAPFML"
This takes advantage of the fact that "WAPFML" happens to be the largest alpha value in the set. If that is not the case, a more robust approach is to add the UPCHKD table a second time (with an alias), join on same Emp_ID to the first alias, and add a record selection condition on the 2nd alias forcing it to be "WAPFML"
OH I GOT IT! I was grouping by Employee and then transaction date. I entered Maximum ({UPCHKD.EARNDED}, {UPCHKH.TRANSDATE}) = "WAPFML" and took maximum of each transaction date and BOOM. Which now makes all the sense in the world. Thanks so much MilletSoftware for helping me!

How to filter data based on a time parameter in Access?

I have a query from another thread which goes through a list of different events and pulls out the most recent event and puts it into a list. The code I'm using is:
SELECT Cleaning1, Max(Date1) AS most_recent
FROM CleaningLog
GROUP BY Cleaning1;
Cleaning1 is the column that has the different cleanings, and Date1 is the column that has the date the cleaning occurred, and CleaningLog is the name of the table. I currently have a macro in Access which is an OpenQuery, query. I am having it open the above query, and then having it view as a data sheet and it's in edit mode.
What I am stuck on, is getting a subsequent macro/query/vba code to take the datasheet the query produces and going through each item and determining if they're over due to be cleaned. I tried having a Make Table query, but the problem is, there is no user friendly way to refresh that table without having to delete it (I am having unskilled workers use this Access sheet).
I am wondering if there's a way to look at the most recent cleaning's date, what the query produces, and filter the dates out that are over due for a cleaning, specified by a parameter. I have been looking at this webpage to start playing with the notation, but I haven't been able to come up with much that is useful.
Another problem that I am encountering is that each cleaning doesn't have the same time frame in which is needs to be cleaned.
Thank you in advance for any help!!
You should just be able to modify the query above to show entries with a max date lower than they should be. Below shows entries that haven't been cleaned in 30 days, for instance.
SELECT Cleaning1, Max(Date1) AS most_recent
FROM CleaningLog
GROUP BY Cleaning1
HAVING Max(Date1) < Now() - 30;

When searching Issues or Pull Requests in Github, can you specify a date relative to "today"?

Is there a way to search Pull Requests (and likewise Issues) on Github where you specify a date range relative to today?
My team meets weekly with another team, and we like to present them a list of Github pull requests we've merged within the past week.
We can do a search for any items merged since a particular date with the filter:
is:pr is:closed merged:>=2016-03-31
But this needs to be updated every week, which is less than ideal. (As you can see, it's already out of date :)
However I see no mention of relative dates in their support article on searching issues:
Nor is there mention of relative dates in the search syntax article:
The search API may have been updated since this original question, but you can limit date ranges by duplicating the exclude params.
-created:<=2018-01-01 -created:>=2018-03-31 {other params...}
If you only want anything newer than 2018, then you can leave out the first part, e.g.:
-created:>=2018 {other params...}
I am not aware of a way to do this and as you mention their search documentation does not cover it.
However, the GitHub API does provide a created_at and an updated_at property for issues it returns, so depending on how useful it would be you might consider setting up a simple script to get all the issues related to specific repos and then filtering the response(s) you get back based on those properties.
I made a JS snippet that you can use in the URL section of a Chrome bookmark (haven't tested other browsers) that will dynamically set the created_at greater than filter to the date 14 days before the current date:
javascript:void(numDays = 14, d = new Date(),d.setDate(d.getDate() - numDays),day = ('0' + d.getDate()).slice(-2),month = ('0' + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2),year = d.getFullYear(),targetWin = window.open(`https://github.com/github/codeql/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+created%3A>${year}-${month}-${day}`, %27_self%27))
Make sure you update the url to match the repo you are querying on (it's currently set to the https://github.com/github/codeql repo)
You can adjust the numDays variable to the relative difference you want

SUMIFS with multiple criteria, one of which is a single day

I'm trying to get a formula that will break down the amount of times a user enters a contest each day.
I'm pretty new to this whole thing, basically putting it together using google to figure out the code I need to use/modify. Explaining why something works would be greatly appreciated so I can use it elsewhere!
Here's a dummy of the form I'm banging my head against.
I would like the form to be reusable, so on the Sorted form I have a date key that automatically fills out the week when you choose the first day. Because of this, I would like each formula to refer to this date key, instead of manually typing the google equivalent of 'February 1st, 2015' into the formula.
I've tried to use the SUMIFS formula, and I've run in to a few errors.
Apparently both pages have to be the same amount of rows, otherwise I get an 'Array arguments to SUMIFS are of different size'. I didn't want my 'sorted' sheet to be 1761 rows long, since all of the duplicate names will have been condensed and I wanted it prettier. Nuts to that! Guess I can hide the rows? Is there any other solution?
It looks like this works:
=SUMIFS(Entered!E3:E1000, Sorted!E3:E1000, Sorted!$E3, Entered!A3:A1000, date(Sorted!$C7))
Where entered!E: is the number of entries, sortedE: is the list of usernames, and E3 is the specific one I'm looking for. Then EnteredA3 is the list of dates and time, and Sorted!C7 is the specific date I'm looking for. I don't get any results!
If I click on my C7 and sorted!A, the little calender pops up, which means they are dates (I think?). One includes the hours:minutes:seconds and the other doesn't, which I think is my problem. I would like to have sorted!C7 be the entire day, and filter out all of those entries.
This is taking information entered via a google form which I won't have control of, so I can't really change the H:M:S additions to the date column.
Thinking ahead to day 2 and onwards, will the same formula work when sorted!C10 is C$7$+1? Is it not a date anymore?
I would also like to add up the amount of daily entries, in sorted!S7 and below. I've tried wrapping both the column of dates and the date from my day key in the date() thing, but it doesn't seem to work either.
It gives me a '1', and I have no idea where that comes from.
I haven't been able to find much about the google SUMIFS function, mostly how to replicate it from before it was a thing.
And for even MORE complexity:
I was wondering if it is possible to have UNIQUE find the IDs in entered!C, and return all the associated usernames. That pesky angelo changed their username to 'pants' midway through the contest, and I'd like to be able to see both names and add up both 'angelo' and 'pants' entries in the same line in my formulas.
I feel like I'll need a few hidden columns that have the UNIQUE ID number and the associated usernames that I pull into my Sorted!Username column, but I don't know how to search the IDs to find the different usernames.
I tried to google that, but I have no idea what I'm googling.
Whewph! That is a lot of questions, thanks for any help!
Too long for my taste, but you might try:
in Sorted!F3 and copied down to suit.
Oh my goodness, you are a hero!
My final code wound up being:
=IF(ISBLANK(Sorted!$E3)=TRUE, "", sumifs('Entered'!$E:$E,'Entered'!$A:$A,">="&$C$7,'Entered'!$A:$A,"<"&$C$7+1,'Entered'!$B:$B,$E3))
I changed the start and end points by making $C$7 into $C$7+1, and the ending one into +2. (In case anyone else is looking at this answer.)
I'm super pleased that it worked!
Using this I managed to add up each of the daily entries, just by adding up the columns they were in.
I gave up on the UNIQUE idea, if someone changes their username during the contest, then they can add up the two rows themselves.
Thanks again! I'd upvote you, but I can't yet.