How to decide the priority of chemical reaction? - chemistry

If there are more than one chemical reaction in a container, how to decide the order among those reaction.
For example, there are three chemicals in one beaker, called A,B and C. The chemical A can react with B, and A can react with C too. Is there any rule to decide the priority of the chemical reaction?

All possible reactions will occur simultaneously. So if we have A+B->D and A+C->E, then we will always get mixture of all five compounds.
It is possible, yet a complex task, to determine the different ratios of the compounds in equilibrium. This depends on the reaction rate and equilibrium constant of each reaction, which in turn depend on the reaction itself as well as the reaction conditions such as temperature or pressure.
If you need more details or have any further questions about this, I recommend asking at chemistry.SE.


System dynamics SEIR infectious curve for 3 waves of Covid

Using system dynamics on anylogic how can you model a simulation that will give an infectious curve of this nature(Below picture) using SEIR.
enter image description here
I have tried to simulate, however my graph goes up and down. It does not oscillate as per the attached picture.
I need to simulate something similar to the graph for my assingment.
There should be three types of events in your model.
First, lets call it "initial spread", is triggered on the start of your simulation.
Second, lets call it "winter season", is triggered annualy in November\December.
Third, lets call it "mass vaccination" - you can decide when to trigger it and for what selection of your agents.
So first two are kind of global events, and the third event is specific to some sub-population (this can make the third wave kind of "toothy" if you trigger it in slightly different moments for different populations).
That is pretty it.
Curios to see how your model will predict the fourth wave - second winter season of your simulation. So keep us updated :)
There are a number of ways to model this. One of the simplest ways is to simply use a time aspect for one of your infection rate parameters so that the infection rate increases or decreases with time.
See the example below.
I took the SIR model from the Cloud
And simply added an event to change the Infectivity rate using an event.
Changing the chart to only show infected people the result now looked something like this.
(See the 3 waves that were created)
You will obviously use a parameters optimization experiment to get the parameter settings as close to reality as possible

Observation Space for race strategy development - Reinforcement learning

I refrained from asking for help until now, but as my thesis' deadline creeps ever closer and I do not know anybody with experience in RL, I'm trying my luck here.
I have not found an academic/online resource which helps me understand the correct representation of the environment as an observation space. I would be very thankful for any links or for giving me a starting point of how to model the specifics of my environment in an observation space.
Short thematic introduction
The goal of my research is to determine the viability of RL for strategy development in motorsports. This is currently achieved by simulating (lots of!) races and calculating the resulting race time (thus end-position) of different strategic decisions (which are the timing of pit stops + amount of laps to refuel for). This demands a manual input of expected inlaps (the lap a pit stop occurs) for all participants, which implicitly limits the possible strategies by human imagination as well as the amount of possible simulations.
Use of RL
A trained RL agent could decide on its own when to perform a pit stop and how much fuel should be added, in order to minizime the race time and react to probabilistic events in the simulation.
The action space is discrete(4) and represents the options to continue, pit and refuel for 2,4,6 laps respectively.
The observation space is of POMDP nature and needs to model the agent's current race position (which I hope is enough?). How would I implement the observation space accordingly?
The training is performed using OpenAI's Gym framework, but a general explanation/link to article/publication would also be appreciated very much!
Your observation could be just an integer which represents round or position the agent is in. This is obviously not a sufficient representation so you need to add more information.
A better observation could be the agents race position x1, the round the agent is in x2 and the current fuel in the tank x3. All three of these can be represented by a real number. Then you can create your observation by concating these to a vector obs = [x1, x2, x3].

Average result of 50 Netlogo Simulation_Agent Based Simulation

I run an infectious disease spread model similar to "VIRUS" model in the model library changing the "infectiousness".
I did 20 runs each for infectiousness values 98% , 95% , 93% and the Maximum infected count was 74.05 , 73 ,78.9 respectively. (peak was at tick 38 for all 3 infectiousness values)
[I took the average of the infected count for each tick and took the maximum of these averages as the "maximum infected".]
I was expecting the maximum infected count to decrease when the infectiousness is reduced, but it didn't. As per what I understood this happens, because I considered the average values of each simulation run. (It is like I am considering a new simulation run with average infected count for each tick ).
I want to say that, I am considering all 20 simulation runs. Is there a way to do that other than the way I used the average?
In the Models Library Virus model with default parameter settings at other values, and those high infectiousness values, what I see when I run the model is a periodic variation in the numbers three classes of person. Look at the plot in the lower left corner, and you'll see this. What is happening, I believe, is this:
When there are many healthy, non-immune people, that means that there are many people who can get infected, so the number of infected people goes up, and the number of healthy people goes down.
Soon after that, the number of sick, infectious people goes down, because they either die or become immune.
Since there are now more immune people, and fewer infectious people, the number of non-immune healthy grows; they are reproducing. (See "How it works" in the Info tab.) But now we have returned to the situation in step 1, ... so the cycle continues.
If your model is sufficiently similar to the Models Library Virus model, I'd bet that this is part of what's happening. If you don't have a plot window like the Virus model, I recommend adding it.
Also, you didn't say how many ticks you are running the model for. If you run it for a short number of ticks, you won't notice the periodic behavior, but that doesn't mean it hasn't begun.
What this all means that increasing infectiousness wouldn't necessarily increase the maximum number infected: a faster rate of infection means that the number of individuals who can infected drops faster. I'm not sure that the maximum number infected over the whole run is an interesting number, with this model and a high infectiousness value. It depends what you are trying to understand.
One of the great things about NetLogo and some other ABM systems is that you can watch the system evolve over time, using various tools such as plots, monitors, etc. as well as just looking at the agents move around or change states over time. This can help you understand what is going on in a way that a single number like an average won't. Then you can use this insight to figure out a more informative way of measuring what is happening.
Another model where you can see a similar kind of periodic pattern is Wolf-Sheep Predation. I recommend looking at that. It may be easier to understand the pattern. (If you are interested in mathematical models of this kind of phenomenon, look up Lotka-Volterra models.)
(Real virus transmission can be more complicated, because a person (or other animal) is a kind of big "island" where viruses can reproduce quickly. If they reproduce too quickly, this can kill the host, and prevent further transmission of the virus. Sometimes a virus that reproduces more slowly can harm more people, because there is time for them to infect others. This blog post by Elliott Sober gives a relatively simple mathematical introduction to some of the issues involved, but his simple mathematical models don't take into account all of the complications involved in real virus transmission.)
EDIT: You added a comment Lawan, saying that you are interested in modeling COVID-19 transmission. This paper, Variation and multilevel selection of SARS‐CoV‐2 by Blackstone, Blackstone, and Berg, suggests that some of the dynamics that I mentioned in the preceding remarks might be characteristic of COVID-19 transmission. That paper is about six months old now, and it offered some speculations based on limited information. There's probably more known now, but this might suggest avenues for further investigation.
If you're interested, you might also consider asking general questions about virus transmission on the Biology Stackexchange site.

Implementing reinforcement learning in NetLogo (Learning in multi-agent models)

I am thinking to implement a learning strategy for different types of agents in my model. To be honest, I still do not know what kind of questions should I ask first or where to start.
I have two types of agents which I want them to learn by experience, they have a pool of actions which each has different reward based on specific situations that might happen.
I am new to reinforcement Learning methods, therefore any suggestions on what kind of questions should I ask myself is welcomed :)
Here is how I am going forward to formulate my problem:
Agents have a lifetime and they keep track of a few things that matter for them and these indicators are different for different agents, for example, one agent wants to increase A another wants B more than A.
States are points in an agent's lifetime which they
Have more than one option (I do not have a clear definition for
States as they might happen a few times or not happen at all because
Agents move around and they might never face a situation)
The reward is the an increase or decrease in an indicator that agents can get from an action in a specific State, and agent do not know what would be the gain if he chose another action.
The gain is not constant, the states are not well defined and there is no formal transition of one state into another,
For example agent can decide to share with one of the co-located agent (Action 1) or with all of the agents at the same location(Action 2) If certain conditions hold true Action A will be more rewarding for that agent, while in other conditions Action 2 will have higher reward; my problem is I did not see any example with unknown rewards since sharing in this scenario also depends on the other agent's characteristics (which affects the conditions of reward system) and in different states it will be different.
In my model there is no relationship between the action and the following state,and that makes me wonder if its ok to think about RL in this situation at all.
What I am looking to optimize here is the ability for my agents to reason about current situation in a better way and not only respond to their need which is triggered by their internal states. They have a few personalities which can define their long term goal and can affect their decision making in different situations, but I want them to remember what action in a situation helped them to increase their preferred long term goal.
In my model there is no relationship between the action and the following state,and that makes me wonder if its ok to think about RL in this situation at all.
This seems strange. What do actions do if not change state? Note that agents don't have to necessarily know how their actions will change their state. Similarly, actions could change the state imperfectly (a robots treads could skid out so it doesn't actually move when it tries to). In fact, some algorithms are specifically designed for this uncertainty.
In any case, even if the agents are moving around the state space without having any control, it can still learn the rewards for the different states. Indeed, many RL algorithms involve moving around the state space semi-randomly to figure out what the rewards are.
I do not have a clear definition for States as they might happen a few times or not happen at all because Agents move around and they might never face a situation
You might consider expanding what goes into what you consider to be a "state". For instance, the position seems like it should definitely go into the variables identifying a state. Not all states need to have rewards (although good RL algorithms typically infer a measure of goodness of neutral states).
I would recommend clearly defining the variables that determine an agent's state. For instance, the state space could be current-patch X internal-variable-value X other-agents-present. In the simplest case, the agent can observe all of the variables that make up their state. However, there are algorithms that don't require this. An agent should always be in a state, even if the state has no reward value.
Now, concerning unknown reward. That's actually totally okay. Reward can be a random variable. In that case, a simple way to apply standard RL algorithms would be to use the expected value of the variable when making decisions. If the distribution is unknown, then the algorithm could just use the mean of the rewards observed so far.
Alternatively, you could include the variables that determine the reward in the definition of the state. That way, if the reward changes, then it is literally in a different state. For example, suppose a robot is on top of a building. It needs to get to the top of the building in front of it. If it just moves forward, it falls to ground. Thus, that state has a very low reward. However, if it first places a plank that goes from one building to the other, and then moves forward, the reward changes. To represent this, we could include plank-in-place as a variable so that putting the board in place actually changes the robot's current state and the state that would result from moving forward. Thus, the reward itself has not changed; it's just in a different state.
Hopefully this helps!
UPDATE 2/7/2018: A recent upvote reminded me of the existence of this question. In the years since it was asked, I've actually dived into RL in NetLogo to a much greater extent. In particular, I've made a python extension for NetLogo, primarily to make it easier to integrate machine learning algorithms in with model. One of the demos of the extension trains a collection of agents using deep Q-learning as the model runs.

Controlling events in a hybrid Modelica model

I am confused by the hybrid modelling paradigm in Modelica. On one hand, events are useful, on the other hand, they are to be avoided. Let me explain my case:
I have a large model consisting of multiple buildings in a neighborhood that is simulated over 1 year. Initially, the model ran very slow. Adding noEvent() around as many if-conditions as possible drastically improved the speed.
As the development continued, the control of the model got more complicated, and I have again many events, sometimes at very short intervals. To give an idea:
Number of (model) time events : 28170
Number of (U) time events : 0
Number of state events : 22572
Number of step events : 0
These events blow up the output (for correct post-processing I need the variables at events) and slows the simulation. And moreover, I have the feeling that some of the noEvent(if...) lead to unexpected behavior.
I wonder if it would be a solution to force my events at certain time steps and prohibit them in between these time steps? Ideally, I would like to trigger these 'forced events' based on certain conditions. For example: during the day they should be every 15 minutes, at high solar radiation at every minute, during nights I don't want events at all.
Is this a good idea to do? I guess this will be faster as many of the state events will become time events? How can this be done with Modelica 3.2 (in Dymola)?
Thanks on beforehand for all answers.
A few comments.
First, if you have a simulation with lots of events (relative to the total duration of the simulation), the first thing I would encourage you to do is use a lower order integrator. The point here is that higher-order integrators normally allow you to take longer time steps. But if those steps are constantly truncated by events, they just end up being really expensive.
Second, you could try fixed-step integrators. Depending on the tool, they may implement this kind of "pool events and fire them all at once" kind of approach in the context of fixed-time step integrators. But the specification doesn't really say anything on how tools should deal with events that occur between fixed time steps.
Third, another way to approach this would be to "pool" your events yourself. The simplest way I could imagine doing this would be to take all the statements that currently generate events and wrap them in a "when sample(...,...) then" statement. This way, you could make sure that the events were only triggered at specific intervals. This would be more portable then the fixed time step approach. I think this is what you were actually proposing in your question but it is important to point out that it should not be based on time steps (the model has no concept of a time step) but rather on a model specified sampling interval (which will, in practice, be completely independent of time steps).
As you point out, using "sample(...,...)" will turn these into time events and, yes, this should be faster.