Swift 3 Uploading data to a server with Alamofire - swift

I'm currently using alamofire to request data from a web service.Everything works great but I have a doubt about how to upload data to my server with the method get.
Example of web service --> http://www.google.com/id=2&name=trump&message=fakenews
I tried to use the traditional alamofire.request("weberservice") but It didn't work.
How do I send this information using alamofire?

What you want to do is make a POST request. This sends data to the server.
What you will do is use the request method, but add an additional argument for the HTTP method:
Alamofire.request("<YOUR-URL>", method: .post)
The Alamofire docs here talk about passing the data to the server when you make the POST request. You basically add a 3rd argument with the dictionary:
let parameters: Parameters = ["foo": "bar"]
// All three of these calls are equivalent
Alamofire.request("https://httpbin.org/get", parameters: parameters)
// https://httpbin.org/get?foo=bar
From the Alamofire docs


load and performance test of the AWS API in jmeter using two post methods

I need to test the load and performance test of the API which is hosted in the AWS API gate way. Im using two post methods to get the final result. first post method will pass the below parameters in json format in the API.
by executing this i will get a reference number and status of the execution
Then will pass this reference no in another post method to get the desired result.
Now i want to perform the load test in Jmeter. Any help would be appreciated.
What is your question exactly?
In JMeter you can send a POST request using HTTP Request sampler, the relevant configuration would be something like:
the refno value can be fetched using JSON Extractor configured like:
next in the second HTTP Request use ${refno} reference to the JMeter Variable
You might also need to add a HTTP Header Manager and configure it to send the Content-Type header with the value of application/json
once done you can
Add more users in the Thread Group according to your NFR/SLA/common sense/whatever
Run your test in command-line non-GUI mode
Generate HTML Reporting Dashboard and analyze the results

How can I put header parameter in a Url?

I want to get data from API. So first I want to get Json response from the browser. I Usually do it by specifying a query to pass the API key. But this time the API key is passed using header parameter instead of a query. How can I pass the API into a header parameter?
This is the base Url
This is the header parameter:
You can try to issue this request first using some rest client like postman or insomnia.

Is there a way to set headers for GET requests in KDB?

I'm trying to make get requested with .Q.hg (HTTP get), but I need to edit the request headers to provide API keys. How can I do this?
You can try this function I wrote a few years back for a POC (similar reason - I needed to supply multiple headers). It's based on .Q.hmb which underpins .Q.hp/hg. Please note - it was never extensively tested & there are likely better alternatives out there, but it will perhaps work as a quick solution.
k)req:{[url;method;hd;bd]d:s,s:"\r\n";url:$[10=#url;url;1_$url];p:{$[#y;y;x]}/getenv`$_:\("HTTP";"NO"),\:"_PROXY";u:.Q.hap#url;t:~(~#*p)||/(*":"\:u 2)like/:{(("."=*x)#"*"),x}'","\:p 1;a:$[t;p:.Q.hap#*p;u]1;(4+*r ss d)_r:(`$":",,/($[t;p;u]0 2))($method)," ",$[t;url;u 3]," HTTP/1.1",s,(s/:("Connection: close";"Host: ",u 2),((0<#a)#,$[t;"Proxy-";""],"Authorization: Basic ",.Q.btoa a),($[#hd;(!hd),'": ",/:. hd;()])),($[#bd;(s,"Content-length: ",$#bd),d,bd;d])}
It takes 4 arguments:
Resource URL
HTTP method
Dictionary of headers
Message body as JSON object
Sending a request to a test server..
q).j.k req["https://httpbin.org/get";`GET;("Content-Type";"someOtherHeader")!(.h.ty`json;"blah");""] // no body so pass empty string
args | (`symbol$())!()
headers| `Content-Type`Host`Someotherheader`X-Amzn-Trace-Id!("application/jso..
url | "https://httpbin.org/get"

Is there an option to remove the multipart content set in request in REST API(RestAssured) after getting a response?

In REST API, specifically RestAssured, there is an option to remove the Query params, Headers, Cookies, Form params, Path params which is set in request after getting a response.
Is there an option to remove the multipart content set in request in REST API(RestAssured) after getting a response?
If you're looking a way to reuse the RequestSpecification object, then No, there are no reset method for all of these config.
You can create new RequestSpecification object each time you call the request. Sample here. https://stackoverflow.com/a/69569031/7574461

POSTa Request with rest assured api using XML Payload

I am in need of one requirement.I want to POST a request using Rest Assured API using XML payload,I did not get any where how to set the body using XML. any one please tell me how I can achieve this.
I have one table customers with 5 fileds,name,id,address,email and phone number.My URL to post the request is something like
"http://com.myproject.app:8080/MyApp/SchmaName/customers".Please any one help me out.Thanks in advance
The above should work, here it is again in a slightly different version with your example...
Response response = given().
myXML would be the xml you want to send (5 fields; name,id,address,email and phone number). After that you can pull the result from response.
You can just post in the request body as a String, InputStream, byte[] or a Java object (that will be serialized to XML using JAXB). For example:
String myXML = ..
given().contentType(ContentType.XML).body(myXML).when().post("/x").then(). ..